GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #69

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See video starting at 1:50 mark for Mama Troconis....what does 'mother like her' mean? Is this in reference to JF? If so, its on par with the reference to JF as a "Toothbrush" for the forensic discussion that was demanded by Jon Schoenhorn which imo was probably one of his top "*advertiser censored* hat" moves of the MT trial. MOO
What’s the take on the judge setting a $100.00 bond on this charge? That’s nothing! Is the judge looking at this charge as nothing? What am I missing here?
Does she *have* a hundred dollars?

She's not going anywhere.
Actually I think she would need the amt from prior bond $280,000-$500,000 as we never heard exactly how much the bond would cost PLUS the $100!

The $100 is simply the cherry on top of the $6 million bond requirement. But, $100 doesn't seem right either given the serious nature of what MT did on worldwide national stream and she essentially gave the middle finger to the CT Judiciary as well given that the discredited report was sealed.

Hearing simply appears to be a sham and going through the motion with nothing of substance happening on the issue of how MT got the report and how it ended up on her computer.

Thanks so much! Have been curious about this topic for a long time. Judge Heller when she called him out in court for lying on the record also mentioned his anger issues and called his lying pathological and his behaviour erratic. I also wondered about coke as he and MT both looked quite strung out and coming down off of something in their arrest photos imo. Moo
Took a good look at the picture after work. Almost certain that he was on TRT in the picture, but not super high bodybuilding doses. You can tell because he doesn’t look unnaturally huge, but the leanness, fullness, and roundness of the muscles tend to decline with age and the lowering of testosterone. He is holding onto “the look” that should decline with age. That’s the sign of someone on TRT. Regardless, the dude should not have been putting exogenous T into his body with his mental issues. It’s a cascade effect where if you put exogenous T in your body, other hormones are affected as your HPTA shuts down. Specifically, hormones that would affect your mood elevate or decline from the natural levels if you don’t know what you are doing (he probably didn’t) such as progesterone, DHT, estrogen, serotonin, dopamine, etc.

Modern drug and toxicology tests don’t test for T so we would not have that information from his autopsy.

I assume he was taking TRT and adderall. I have a prescription for adderall for ADHD, and adderall calms me down and relaxes me because I have ADHD. Fotis looked like someone with no ADHD at all who took adderall, which is why he was all hyped up. It would speed him up and not slow him down.

Fotis seems like someone who would pop adderall and not snort lines of blow every 30 minutes. Adderall lasts for 3-4 hours if it’s instant, 6-8 hours XR in my experience. Way more efficient for Fotis than railing blow that lasts only 30 mins to an hour.

Fotis most likely knew the bad apple doctors who would write him prescriptions for anything, similar to the bad apple lawyers like Kent and the other guy whose name I don’t remember.

Putting my biochemistry degree to good use here.
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Clipped quote from momma T-
“ … I want you guys to know she's a devoted mother, a sensible individual and she would never harm any other human being - much less a mother like her.”

Words matter.
JF was NEVER a “mother like HER”
“Devoted”? She doesn’t see her child six months out of the year.
She did not attend her child’s event at her school because she was too involved with her boyfriend’s plan to murder his wife.
“Sensible”? She carried on an affair with a married man with five children (FD) and subjected her own daughter to moving from her home and living at FD’s home. She used and manipulated her child by involving her into deceiving FD’s five children during a bitter divorce and custody battle. She chose to help and get involved with her boyfriend’s plan to murder his wife. And she’s been arrested and is going to prison for a long time, leaving her daughter without a mother. She was neither sensible or devoted, she was careless, irresponsible, selfish, and manipulative.
I'm laughing as I'm typing this as I'm not sure why I'm bothering on this topic to tell you the truth. My guess is that unless the Judge puts his foot down (not a good bet in CT fwiw) that there might be 1-2 more continuances, maybe some pretrial motions, perhaps some in chambers meetings and 1-2 more in Court appearances. Just a guess. Judge did seem a bit insistent today on getting this case wrapped up so perhaps it will be handled by plea or expedited to the extent possible in CT? I'm not sure what the defence might even be? The video clearly showed the document and the document was verified by the Investigator. I do truly think the public should be made aware of HOW MT got the report and if it was obtained from her attorney's as is my suspicion. I also do not understand why Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson (or Felsen or something like that) did not appear to be investigated by the State as they had at least one hard copy and god knows how many digital copies that did not appear to be secured?

Not sure who at the State's Atty office is supposed to be on the issue of the investigation but it looks like its been punted to the junior states atty who was operating the AV in the Courtroom. There seems to be no push to get the report back from Jon Schoenhorn or Audrey Felsen/Felson or whatever which I find beyond unbelievable even realising that its CT and the judiciary never fails to disappoint ever!
Omg, not that any of this is funny, Afitzy, but your commentary is always so expressive and engaging! :D
Took a good look at the picture after work. Almost certain that he was on TRT in the picture, but not super high bodybuilding doses. You can tell because he doesn’t look unnaturally huge, but the leanness, fullness, and roundness of the muscles tend to decline with age and the lowering of testosterone. He is holding onto “the look” that should decline with age. That’s the sign of someone on TRT. Regardless, the dude should not have been putting exogenous T into his body with his mental issues. It’s a cascade effect where if you put exogenous T in your body, other hormones are affected as your HPTA shuts down. Specifically, hormones that would affect your mood elevate or decline from the natural levels if you don’t know what you are doing (he probably didn’t) such as progesterone, DHT, estrogen, serotonin, dopamine, etc.

Modern drug and toxicology tests don’t test for T so we would not have that information from his autopsy.

I assume he was taking TRT and adderall. I have a prescription for adderall for ADHD, and adderall calms me down and relaxes me because I have ADHD. Fotis looked like someone with no ADHD at all who took adderall, which is why he was all hyped up. It would speed him up and not slow him down.

Fotis seems like someone who would pop adderall and not snort lines of blow every 30 minutes. Adderall lasts for 3-4 hours if it’s instant, 6-8 hours XR in my experience. Way more efficient for Fotis than railing blow that lasts only 30 mins to an hour.

Fotis most likely knew the bad apple doctors who would write him prescriptions for anything, similar to the bad apple lawyers like Kent and the other guy whose name I don’t remember.

Putting my biochemistry degree to good use here.
Thanks so much for this as it connects the dots on a number of open questions. Gotta love painful STEM programs so kudos on that one as it’s a tricky one!

The arrest photos where FD and MT looked so strung out make sense with adderall in a way coke doesnt. They had photos with coke ages ago on social media that have now been scrubbed and so that is what led me down the coke route as it’s a classic party drug in their crowd imo. But the adderall theory makes more sense for the crime period as you point out. They needed the longer term boost to do the crime and a ton of unexpected clean up and then they crashed. I can also see FD having experience with adderall for studying too. But I do wonder if either or both of them are ADD/ADHD. The commentary from others talking about both of them being easily distracted, easily bored, unfocused at times and hyper focused at other times has me wondering…..
Omg, not that any of this is funny, Afitzy, but your commentary is always so expressive and engaging! :D
@MollyDDD, at this point after watching this CT judiciary circus I am both disgusted and beyond exhausted.

It’s a circus tent in Stamford courthouse and there are so many damn clowns that there aren’t enough seats and the line of them is going out the door!

The attorney for MT today didn’t look like the same one she had show up before to be heard by judge Randolph before he recused himself.

I honestly would have preferred Judge white as he would have dispatched this contempt nonsense in short order but instead we see the circus continue with Judge Rodriguez.

Just get the popcorn my friend because it’s going to take awhile. I actually just invested in a new air popper as my old one burned out after the MT trial! Little bit of parm on top and it’s perfect for trial watching!

What’s the take on the judge setting a $100.00 bond on this charge? That’s nothing! Is the judge looking at this charge as nothing? What am I missing here?
I’m calling this $100 bond a “judicial yawn”…or perhaps the “judicial middle finger”..couldn’t be bothered to do more and simply was annoyed at having been roped into the MT circus tent! Poor Judge Rodriguez drew the short straw on the MT contempt as they are out of Judges that haven’t been involved with the MT and Horn shitshow in Stamford as it’s a small place. Nobody left! Moo
Since it was her arraignment - did she plead not guilty? I have not read that anywhere... TIA! :)
@Niner, No plea it appears. Not sure why they hauled her in just to continue as it could have been done by zoom. I’m going from CT website that says “awaiting plea”. Reporting is so bad that they didn’t comment on no plea today. But there was a mention in HC article I think about possible deal so perhaps that is what will happen? Idk. Here is link to ct website to see the awaiting plea nonsense.

I’m calling this $100 bond a “judicial yawn”…or perhaps the “judicial middle finger”..couldn’t be bothered to do more and simply was annoyed at having been roped into the MT circus tent! Poor Judge Rodriguez drew the short straw on the MT contempt as they are out of Judges that haven’t been involved with the MT and Horn shitshow in Stamford as it’s a small place. Nobody left! Moo

Actually it is Judge Alex Hernandez presiding - Si? :)

@Niner, No plea it appears. Not sure why they hauled her in just to continue as it could have been done by zoom. I’m going from CT website that says “awaiting plea”. Reporting is so bad that they didn’t comment on no plea today. But there was a mention in HC article I think about possible deal so perhaps that is what will happen? Idk. Here is link to ct website to see the awaiting plea nonsense.

Unfortunately - I can not access the CT court site - it just keeps swirling around & then says no connection... that is why I have to ask people here that have access. And thanks for the no plea at the hearing.
Actually it is Judge Alex Hernandez presiding - Si? :)

Unfortunately - I can not access the CT court site - it just keeps swirling around & then says no connection... that is why I have to ask people here that have access. And thanks for the no plea at the hearing.
Try switching browsers…sometimes I have to use Firefox to access it. It’s a very quirky site and the updates also happen slowly sometimes too. If I got the judge wrong I am sorry, keep making the same mistake. Apologies. Si!
Actually it is Judge Alex Hernandez presiding - Si? :)

Unfortunately - I can not access the CT court site - it just keeps swirling around & then says no connection... that is why I have to ask people here that have access. And thanks for the no plea at the hearing.
Your experience with the CT website is like most of the poor citizens in this sad state seeking justice or assistance! We just swirl around and find out there is zero connection! Classic CT!
What’s the take on the judge setting a $100.00 bond on this charge? That’s nothing! Is the judge looking at this charge as nothing? What am I missing here?
I can’t easily find any info to back up my thoughts but I *think* setting a bond for the contempt case lets her “time” start counting towards her sentence for the contempt.
BUT with her impending sentence for conspiracy, etc coming up at first that just seems stupid. Until you look at it from the non-reality based Troconis crew.
They are intending to try and get an appeal bond. So in their mind she’s serving her sentence right now for contempt. At the end of May when she is sentenced for conspiracy, etc she’ll have served at least 2 months time, which probably satisfies her sentence. Then the plan is to swoop in and secure an appeal bond.
Whether that’s possible or not I’m just not sure. It’s my understanding that it is not a normal occurrence for an appeal bond to be issued at all. MOO
Actually I think she would need the amt from prior bond $280,000-$500,000 as we never heard exactly how much the bond would cost PLUS the $100!

The $100 is simply the cherry on top of the $6 million bond requirement. But, $100 doesn't seem right either given the serious nature of what MT did on worldwide national stream and she essentially gave the middle finger to the CT Judiciary as well given that the discredited report was sealed.

Hearing simply appears to be a sham and going through the motion with nothing of substance happening on the issue of how MT got the report and how it ended up on her computer.

Personally, I think it's reasonable for that charge in isolation, and it should be considered in isolation.

The point is, is it enough to be certain she will appear to face the contempt charges?

I imagine if she does not appear, it will be for reasons other than avoiding facing contempt of court charges.

If the court thinks Troconis might flee (not an unreasonable thought, IMO) because of the conspiracy murder and related convictions, they should increase/revoke that bond.

The contempt is separate.

OTOH, the contemptuous actions make it nearly impossible for Michelle to make the argument her sister sobs into mikes- that the fate of Jennifer has nothing to do with Michelle.

Hearing simply appears to be a sham and going through the motion with nothing of substance happening on the issue of how MT got the report and how it ended up on her computer.
Yes Did the state get the metadata from the report? What did it show as to how and when it arrived on her computer? Were those findings included in the discovery given to the defense? What about JS and AF, her trial attorneys? They're not representing her in the contempt matter for a reason--they too should be investigated to determine if they were involved in the contempt matter. Is the State's Attorney's office investigating them? Was it referred to the Chief Disciplinary Counsel? Or to the Statewide Grievance Committee--which committee would refer it to a Bar Panel for investigation?
Are there journalists looking into these questions? May the public have some transparency?
Yes Did the state get the metadata from the report? What did it show as to how and when it arrived on her computer? Were those findings included in the discovery given to the defense? What about JS and AF, her trial attorneys? They're not representing her in the contempt matter for a reason--they too should be investigated to determine if they were involved in the contempt matter. Is the State's Attorney's office investigating them? Was it referred to the Chief Disciplinary Counsel? Or to the Statewide Grievance Committee--which committee would refer it to a Bar Panel for investigation?
Are there journalists looking into these questions? May the public have some transparency?
@pernickety, such a great GRAND LIST of unanswered and unanswerable questions! Not sure whether FOIA would work? IDK.

I will offer good odds we never hear answers to any of them and per usual it makes me angry and sad. Being angry/sad is unfortunately my perpetual state with the CT Judiciary as just like Hartford they never fail to disappoint on things that matter. But, the going mantra in Hartford on these matters seems to be that folks generally work harder not to work and not to do anything than anything else. Sad state of affairs and its why folks are leaving the State in record numbers to places where government kinda/sorta/maybe functions. I have setup a countdown calendar for the day that I too can be in that lucky group of folks able to leave the sorry State of CT!

Sadly the Press haven't been asking many questions and the State hasn't been speaking so we don't know.

The Office of Victims Advocates (these people: Connecticut Office of the Victim Advocate) seem to have their "GONE FISHIN' sign up in Hartford and no lights on in the their office or working voicemail (nobody ever answers the phone and they don't return calls ime) at Stamford as they have done ZERO to protected deceased VICTIM JD or her children as it relates to the discredited Herman report.

I personally have given up on the CT OVA as they don't return phone calls or respond to letters on the matter but I would encourage people to try. I'm not sure who within the Hartford rats nest of bureaucracy the OVA reports to but perhaps its AG Tong who in my experience spends most of his time hiding under his desk in Hartford but perhaps others might be more successful in getting he or his office to do SOMETHING as it relates to the discredited Herman report to make sure that it doesn't end up on the internet which sadly seems inevitable at this point.

We also don't know if the States Atty has secured the hard copy given to Jon Schoenhorn and Audrey Felson/Felsin etc. and whether they confirmed that they did not digitise the report.

We also don't know if the MT expired Venezuelan passport has been returned by Jon Schoenhorn who held it for over 4 years contrary to a prior Court Order or if CSP has picked it up. I guess if as an attorney you believe its within CT Practice Guidelines to hold onto case evidence that has your clients DNA on it for over a year then perhaps the issue of returning a passport is simply small potatoes? IDK but I believe the State needs to resolve the passport pronto in the event that there is any release post sentencing for appeal. FWIW I hope there is no release pending appeal as I think the Judge has broad discretion but I have to admit I am still confused on this issue.

So many loose ends and so little time but very much am greatly disappointed in the State not following up on questions and loose ends and IDK why attorney's like Schoenhorn and Felsen/Felson get a 'free pass' on the issue of the discredited report as well? WHY? MT would not have had the report herself unless she had gotten a perhaps digitised version from FD or perhaps a copy from FD? BUT, MT could also have gotten it from Schoenhorn or Felson/Felsen imo.

At some point I hope we see civil litigation on the matter of the discredited report along with the ongoing issue of social media and public commentary about the Victim and Victims children by MT and Troconis Crew. We also don't know whether book or media rights were given by MT to Jon Schoenhorn or Audrey Felson/Felsen in lieu or in addition to payment and the idea of any/all of these people benefitting from the murder of JF by their client simply is wrong and sickens me and imo should be stopped by any means possible. I also would like to see Civil Litigation shut down the ongoing commentary of the Troconis crew if possible as it relates to the Victim and Victims family. The creepy artist who is supported by the Troconis crew and who hides behind the 1st Amendment is now showing the physical images of the jury in his work and imo its vile and threatening. Judge Randolph promised to protect the privacy of the Jury and yet this vile activity on social media is happening with no action from the CT Judiciary.

MOO (and super mad!)
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