Candidates have a one-track mind

Barry Saunders, Staff Writer
"Here I come to save the daaaaaay."That theme song from the old Mighty Mouse cartoon series could be the campaign theme songs for Lewis Cheek and now Steve Monks, two men contemplating a run for Durham County District Attorney.

Are these two gentlemen donning crime-fighting capes and sallying forth to become the county's top cop because they want to make the streets safe for little old ladies?

Nope. As far as I can tell, their main motivation is to make the streets safe for the three Duke lacrosse players accused of sexually assaulting an exotic dancer.

If they eschew Mighty Mouse, they could borrow galvanizing slogans from previous political campaigns: "Ask not what your county can do for you, ask what your county can do for those three, fine, upstanding young lads who are being persecuted by mean ol' Mike Nifong."

Or "We have nothing to fear but Nifong, himself."

Fortunately for us all, the results of their holy quest to get 6,300 signatures to qualify for the ballot have been underwhelming. That's probably because most Durham residents know that trials are won in court, not on MSNBC, where Duke graduate and defender Dan Abrams would almost have you believe the stripper raped the three lacrosse players.

It's easy to take exception with some aspects of Nifong's handling of the case. The dude was too ubiquitous and pretty near loquacious in the early days following the incident.

That he has rectified that strategy and is now keeping mum does tend to make his case look weak, especially with the defense attorneys and Duke's lapdogs in the national press portraying Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty and David Evans as victims of a politically motivated, inept prosecutor.

At the same time, the defense attorneys and the national media are figuratively doing to the alleged victim what she says the lacrosse players did to her.

The good thing about our type of democracy is that anybody in his or her right mind -- and some who aren't -- can run for office. We welcome and thank candidates who run for office out of a sense of public service.

Both Cheek, a Durham County commissioner, and Monks, an attorney, though, seem to be single-issue candidates who simply want to make the case go away -- justice be damned.

One of Monks' campaign managers, Republican activist Charlotte Woods, admitted that her involvement was motivated largely by Nifong's handling of the lacrosse rape case.

Woods, in a published interview, said, "Durham citizens are concerned about Mike Nifong's judgment going forward."

Which citizens are those, sweet Charlotte? I've not seen much support for dropping the case.

In a press conference announcing his candidacy, Monks called Nifong's handling of the case a "train wreck."

The only verified train wrecks so far are a couple of fledgling, one-track campaigns.
Both candidates are soliciting for signatures. Cheek via mail and volunteers out in the public. Monk out canvasing. I am not sure how this will end, but can say that a lot of Durham is digusted with the DA and LE. I don't think Barry Saunders article reflects the general consensus. JMOO
caffeinatd said:
Both candidates are soliciting for signatures. Cheek via mail and volunteers out in the public. Monk out canvasing. I am not sure how this will end, but can say that a lot of Durham is digusted with the DA and LE. I don't think Barry Saunders article reflects the general consensus. JMOO
Cheek is doing it via email? Well, I think that is a stupid way to do it. He needs to get his butt out there and canvas. Not only that, Durham is mostly Democrats and since he would be running Independent, he needs to shake some hands and make sure people know he's a Democrat. The one thing that Cheek has going for him is he has been in politics in Durham, his name is well known. He worked with Habitat for Humanity, he donated his own money for a reward towards finding and prosecuting the people responsibile for the Cross burnings, he was also involved with Partners against crime, and has been on many seats doing many good deeds in Durham. However, how much the "average joe" knows about Mr. Cheek is the question.

I posted Barry Saunders' article because I wanted to make sure I was fair to both sides and I don't know if it is a fair representation. I am pretty sure he's backing District Attorney Michael Nifong.

Michael Nifong won against Freda Black and that's a bit of a big deal. She was very well known and she is one of those people the "average joe" loved. Him winning over Freda Black says a lot about who votes in Durham.

I just want the Murderer behind bars, I'm not into politics but keeping this information going is important because whoever is the District Attorney NEEDS TO START WORKING THIS CASE and make it a TOP PRIORITY.

Janet's murder was not a victimless crime. She was not having an affair, she was not somewhere she wasn't suppose to be, she wasn't into drugs, she wasnt' involved in illegal activity, though we know her husband was.

I in no way believe it was a break-in. This was a cold, calculated, methodical, premeditated viscious disgusting murder and should therefore be a top priority for Law Enforcement and the District Attorney's Office.

The politics right now in Durham is absolutely messed up and I think the District Attorney elections and politics is the thing holding things up in Durham.
caffeinatd said:
Both candidates are soliciting for signatures. Cheek via mail and volunteers out in the public. Monk out canvasing. I am not sure how this will end, but can say that a lot of Durham is digusted with the DA and LE. I don't think Barry Saunders article reflects the general consensus. JMOO
Via mail, not email, and he is out in the public too. Both of them have people in the malls, ballfields, etc. Registered voters can sign for both if they want.
caffeinatd said:
Via mail, not email, and he is out in the public too. Both of them have people in the malls, ballfields, etc. Registered voters can sign for both if they want.
DOH!!! I thought it said email....where's my glasses!!!!

Well I wish Cheek all the best of luck and it really seems like he is a great guy and he has DONE ALOT for the City of Durham and I think Durham would be lucky to have him as the DA. Since I don't live there I can't vote, but I am glad he's out there shaking hands and I hope if he wins, he will bring a resolution to this case and get the murderer behind bars.
Petition Deadline Looms For Durham District Attorney Hopefuls

POSTED: 6:01 pm EDT June 24, 2006
UPDATED: 6:57 pm EDT June 24, 2006
DURHAM, N.C. -- Durham County's Republican chairman spent the weekend running door-to-door, literally, on a quick campaign."(The) key discussion point will only be giving Durham a choice," Steve Monks told a group of supporters helping him on Saturday as he raced against a fast-approaching deadline to get in the race for district attorney. <li>
Duke Lacrosse: Stories, Videos, Documents & More This was the first and only weekend Monks had to deliver his message. He must collect the signatures of 6,303 registered Durham voters to have his name placed on the November ballot.Last Monday, a small group of supporters launched his petition drive. The petition is due at noon on Friday."People say, 'Why'd you start so late?' That's a good question," Monk said on Saturday. "I wish I'd started two months ago, but the house just got on fire recently."Monks wants to challenge Democrat Mike Nifong for the county's position as lead prosecutor. Right now, Nifong -- who has come under criticism for his handling of a rape investigation involving three Duke University athletes -- is unopposed in the race.Early in the investigation, in which an exotic dancer alleges three lacrosse players raped her, Monks supported Nifong, he said. But then, Monks said, Nifong made comments in the media that he should not have."I think there's some question in people's minds about whether justice can be accomplished in that courthouse over there," Monks told WRAL last week while standing outside the Durham County Courthouse.Even though he has no experience as a prosecutor and has never run for elected office, Monks said he thought it was important that someone challenge Nifong.Monks is not alone. Durham County Commissioner Lewis Cheek has also authorized a petition drive. If both can collect the required amount of signatures, their names would be listed as unaffiliated candidates on the ballot.Unlike Monks, Cheek, who is a private attorney, has said he is still undecided about whether he would run. Although he was not out collecting signatures over the weekend, a group of his supporters was.At this point, neither Cheek nor Monks is a "write-in" candidate; and Monks said he does not plan to run as one.Nifong, who beat out challengers Freda Black and Keith Bishop in May's Democratic primary election, has refused to speculate or comment on candidates whose names are not yet on the ballot.Currently, he is unopposed in the general election because no Republican candidates ran in the May primary.
I had reps of both knocking at my door. I had already signed though. I am not sure if they will get the signatures they need, but it seems likely. I just prefer to be able to vote for DA, I could not vote in the primary b/c of my party affiliation, and did not realize that until too late to change with the BOE. I just think that everyone should have a say, whether they want to vote for Mr. Nifong, or one of his opposers. freedom of vote I think....jmoo
caffeinatd said:
I had reps of both knocking at my door. I had already signed though. I am not sure if they will get the signatures they need, but it seems likely. I just prefer to be able to vote for DA, I could not vote in the primary b/c of my party affiliation, and did not realize that until too late to change with the BOE. I just think that everyone should have a say, whether they want to vote for Mr. Nifong, or one of his opposers. freedom of vote I think....jmoo
Glad they are out canvasing and knocking on doors. It should prove to be quite interesting.

So on June 14th Cheek was on The Abrams Report:


Transcripts below:

Coming up, a Durham, North Carolina official considers getting into the race at the last minute to take on D.A. Mike Nifong because of the way he‘s handled the Duke lacrosse rape case. He joins us next. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

FILAN: Coming up, a Durham official is thinking about getting into the race at the last minute to unseat D.A. Mike Nifong because of the way he‘s handled the Duke lacrosse rape case. He joins us next.


FILAN: Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong may have to start worrying about his so far unopposed November election, because Lewis Cheek, the county commissioner is considering running against him. Nifong won the three-way Democratic primary last month. No Republicans filed against him to run. But that could soon change. Lewis Cheek joins me now. Hi, Lewis.


FILAN: So are you going to run and if so, how do you do it? Do you get on the ballot? Do you go as a write-in? How does it work?

CHEEK: Well it could work either way. I‘m in the process of making my mind up about whether I‘ll run or not. I was contacted by a couple of different groups of Durham citizens who are very concerned about this area, last week and I was asked to consider entering the race and running in November.

FILAN: Is this all because of the way Nifong has handled the Duke lacrosse rape case?

CHEEK: Well, I think the concerns with those people actually started that way, it was the way he handled aspects of the rape case, but it really goes beyond the rape case itself. It deals with how should a district attorney handle discussing any kind of case, which may be in his office.

FILAN: How would you do it differently?

CHEEK: Well, I‘ve always believed, I‘ve been practicing law for 30 years, and I‘ve always believed that the correct way to handle discussing a case with someone in the midst of an investigation is to simply say that we believe that the matter is a very serious one, that we‘ll be doing a very complete investigation, gathering all the information we can, and then making the best decision we can make about what should happen.

FILAN: So reading between the lines...


FILAN: ... it sounds like you‘re saying he blew it because he said way too much. I want you to take a listen to something else that D.A. Mike Nifong said.


MIKE NIFONG, DURHAM, NC DISTRICT ATTORNEY: The reason that I took this case is because this case says something about Durham that I‘m not going to let be said. I am not going to allow Durham‘s view in the mind of the world to be a bunch of lacrosse players from Duke raping a black girl in Durham.


FILAN: Well, let me tell you something. I‘ve been a prosecutor for many, many years and you don‘t bring a case, you don‘t prosecute, you don‘t try a case because of anything like that. You do it based on evidence. That sounded political to me. Is that part of what people‘s problem against Nifong is and that why they might want you to run?

CHEEK: Well, I think there‘s been all kinds of speculation about why some statements may have been made, and why some things that could have been said weren‘t said. I‘m not really interested in speculating about those kinds of things though. What I‘m interested in is being sure that in my mind, as best I would be able to do it, that the right kinds of things get said and the wrong kinds of things don‘t get said.

I don‘t believe in determining guilt or innocence in the media at a time when the evidence is not all in, you don‘t know what the real situation is, there‘s a whole lot more to do. And I think you need to wait until you‘ve gotten all that information and all that evidence before you begin to make judgments. And even then...

FILAN: I think you‘re absolutely right. But let me ask you this. OK, so maybe he mishandled the media, maybe he didn‘t say enough, maybe he said too much, but you know what, we are way past that now. Because what we‘ve heard and we‘ve heard it from the defense, motions filed in court, it sounds like this guy may be a runaway train who actually indicted innocent boys.

CHEEK: Well, I don‘t really have any comment on that. I‘ve made it clear to people I‘ve talked to over the past week or so that I‘m not here to criticize Mike Nifong. I‘ve known Mike Nifong for a long time. I consider him to be a good lawyer and a good prosecutor, and it‘s not my goal to say that he is a bad person or a bad lawyer.

The whole purpose in this for me is to try to make sure that the way situations get handled is the proper way to do it. I‘m not looking at personalities. I‘m looking at the office of district attorney in Durham County, which is where I live, which is a place I‘m proud of...

FILAN: Right.

CHEEK: ... and which is a place that I represent.

FILAN: Well, Lewis, all I can say is the prosecutor has an awesome responsibility, a lot of power, and their job more than anything is to do the right thing, and what I‘m reading between the lines and I know you don‘t want to say it, but by you thinking of stepping in, it sounds like perhaps you or people urging you to run don‘t think he‘s doing the right thing. We‘ve got to end it there. Lewis Cheek, thanks so much for coming on our program.

CHEEK: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) was glad to be on here.

FILAN: Coming up, D.A. Nifong may be facing an opponent in November, and if that‘s not enough, now a Duke law professor wants him off the case completely. So the question is, should a special prosecutor take over the case? We debate that up next.
SUpposedly, lewis is going to officially announce his candiacy tomorow...let the games begin I guess...
Durham Commissioner Leaning Toward Run For DA's Office


POSTED: 12:07 pm EDT June 26, 2006
UPDATED: 12:45 pm EDT June 26, 2006
DURHAM, N.C. -- Lewis Cheek may be setting up for a run to be Durham County's next district attorney.The Durham County commissioner is one of two people who may try to unseat current district attorney Mike Nifong. In a news conference Monday, Cheek said he believes the Duke lacrosse rape case is tarnishing the city."I don't like seeing my home being portrayed as some little ignorant, backwater place dominated by socioeconomic and racial battles," he said.Cheek said if elected, he would appoint a special prosecutor to handle the lacrosse case. He needs more than 6,000 signatures by Friday to get his name on the November ballot.Defense attorney Steve Monks is also considering a run for the office. He went door-to-door this weekend to collect signatures.
I think Caffeinatd hit the nail on the head when she said let the games begin.....notice the bottom where Monk takes a pot shot against Cheek when he mentions that he doesn't have the $20,000.00 to send out "nice mailing like Mr. Cheek did." This political stuff gets on my nerves.

Lewis: Lacrosse case made Durham laughing stock
Jun 26, 2006 : 7:51 pm ET

DURHAM -- County Commissioner Lewis Cheek, who has until Friday to convince thousands of voters he should be on the ballot for district attorney in November, said at a news conference Monday the Duke lacrosse rape case has turned Durham into a laughing stock.

"This circus didn't need to happen," Cheek said. "It shouldn't have happened, and that's what I'm thinking about."

Cheek didn't confirm he'll run for the county's top prosecutor's position. But he blasted current District Attorney Mike Nifong's public handling of the case in which three Duke University lacrosse players have been charged with raping a dancer during a team party in March at a house rented by one of the team co-captains.

"As DA, you don't prejudge, and, in my judgment, you don't engage in public discourse," he said.

If he runs for DA and wins, Cheek said, he'd ask the state attorney general's office to appoint a special prosecutor to handle the lacrosse case, "someone who can come in and be totally objective and appear to be totally objective."

Still, Cheek claimed the lacrosse case isn't why he's trying to get on the ballot.

"This isn't about Duke lacrosse," he said. "It's about dealing with crime in a fair, even-handed way in this city."

The former city councilman appears to be waiting to see how many signatures his supporters can gather before confirming he'll run.

"That number could be a consideration for me as to what I do," Cheek said.

Jackie Brown, the former Nifong campaign aide who is now supporting Cheek's candidacy, said more than 2,000 of the 25,000 petition forms Cheek's supporters mailed out last week were returned Monday. Each petition has spaces for up to 20 individual signatures. It was not clear how many signatures the 2,000 forms contained.

Cheek's supporters, as well as those of local Republican Party Chairman Steve Monks, are scurrying to meet a deadline of noon this Friday to submit the signatures of 6,303 registered voters to get their names on the ballot. If they don't make it, either man can run as an authorized write-in candidate if they can gather just 100 signatures by August.

Nifong defeated two Democratic challengers in the May primary election and no Republicans filed. He has remained silent on the possibility of having challengers in November and could not be reached for comment. Cheek, who admits his 27 years as an attorney don't include much experience with criminal law, said he was approached about running for DA three weeks ago and agreed to a petition campaign because of the looming deadline.

Monks, who was working a trial Monday, said he has 15 or so volunteers gathering signatures on his behalf.

"If this doesn't get it done, there's no way it could have been done, absent of having $20,000 to send out a nice mailing like Mr. Cheek did," Monks said.
it looks like Mr. Cheek has gotten enough to be on the ballot, while I do not really care who is DA, I do care that crime is increasing in Durham, 2 shootings in 1 hr this week, I want someone who has the guts to stand up for the community, direct LE to solve the crimes that have been put on the backburner, and MOSTLY, look at the evidence in Janets murder, and find away to get a sound indictment and make an arrest go to trial and get a conviction. Be it Cheek, Nifong or Monks...they need to just do it...

FWIW: I think IF Mr. Nifong sat down with LE and looked at the evidence in this case, he could agree with all of us that an indictment could and would be handed down by the GJ, and that it would go to trial and he could get a conviction, hopefully the DP. I just can't believe there is not enough evidence to convict.
Hmm, I am from the Raleigh/Durham area. As far back as I can remember Durham has always had a high crime rate. It's nothing new. I had a friend that livedin Chapel Hill during college. She wanted to buy a house, but she did not want to pay the high prices in Chapel Hill. She moved into an apt while looking. Her new apt was literally 2 mins from the Chapel Hill/Durham border and it was a little less expensive. Really nice neighborhood nice big houses nearby. They had 2 incidents with a gun, someones car was stolen at gun point and someone was shot at in the parking lot all within her first 6 months living there. She moved back over into Chapel Hill just 2 mins back down the road and has been there for 6 years and not one incident with a gun at her apt complex or in the neighborhood where she bought her house. At least 2 other people I know had very similar experiences. Bought a home in Durham close to Chapel Hill, sold it and moved about a year later because of crime. In both cases you could stand on their front porch in Durham and throw a rock onto the front porch of a house that was in Chapel Hill that's how close they were. One moved only about 4 blocks over, but in Chapel Hill and no crime problems.

And don't even get me started about the crime around NCSSM (North Carolina School of Science and Math) in Durham. Lots of smart high school kids there and the crime in the area is staggaring. If the parents knew what crime was like just down the block I bet half of them would not send their kids.

DURHAM -- Bond for one of three players charged in the Duke lacrosse rape case was substantially reduced today by a judge's order.

Superior Court Judge Ronald Stephens cut the bond for Collin Finnerty, 19, of Garden City, N.Y. to $100,000 from $400,000, the second player charged in the case to have his bond reduced. Last week, Stephens reduced the bond by the same amount for Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Fells, N.J. Bond has not been reduced for the third player charged in the case, David Evans, 23, of Bethesda, Md., a team co-captain who recently graduated from Duke

It makes you wonder what is going to happen next?
I live in Durham, close to where Janet was murdered. I agree crime has alwayds been high in Durham, I lived in Fuquay before moving here, we don't really have much crime in my area...mostly kids blowing up mailboxes....but I still think that unless someone takes over and reigns in gangs/drugs/weapons the crime will keep rising. I wish the DA would focus on something besides Duke and look at the Janet case, the 4 that were executed in dec., etc.
I agree with you Caffinated, but it's like the Titanic, it will take a long time to turn it around and replacing one person won't fix it. Just my :twocents: :twocents: worth.
curious1 said:
I agree with you Caffinated, but it's like the Titanic, it will take a long time to turn it around and replacing one person won't fix it. Just my :twocents: :twocents: worth.
I was out in Raleigh not too long ago and drove through Durham. It didn't seem too bad to me, but I don't live there. There is crime whereever you go.

I have done an extension search on the crimes in Durham. The issues I have noticed with shootings, and murders have to do with gangs and drugs and alcohol, which totally rules out this murder. Also, the break-ins do not include murders, and there was no sign of a break-in and that theory would be shot down in an instant if any defense tried to bring that up.

Janet was not a victim of chance. This was cold, calculated and premeditated murder.
Because it was not a B&E, not gang related and very obviously an inside job so to say, I don't know why it hasn't been solved. Is LE waiting for the DA to bless it? Do they not have enough proof for a conviction? It just seems like it is once again on the back burner, and needs to be brought to the front burner by someone. I really thought after the vigil, that things would kick up, it has been over 2 months, and still nothing...I cannot imagine how this weighs on Janet's family...
caffeinatd said:
Because it was not a B&E, not gang related and very obviously an inside job so to say, I don't know why it hasn't been solved. Is LE waiting for the DA to bless it? Do they not have enough proof for a conviction? It just seems like it is once again on the back burner, and needs to be brought to the front burner by someone. I really thought after the vigil, that things would kick up, it has been over 2 months, and still nothing...I cannot imagine how this weighs on Janet's family...
I feel exactly the same way. I'm starting to think they are waiting for DA's blessing and the DA to get the campaigning out of the way, it's all I can think of. Everything points to one person and one person only committing this crime.

We all know how hard this has been on Raven. I mean, he gets to go on trips and have fun and scam off the government, and file bankruptcy and date and do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. His suffering is so evident.

I just hope when they do get this murderer, it's a slam dunk, no issues for appeal and he gets every single book thrown at him.

I cannot even imagine how hard it has to be on the family of Janet and my thoughts and prayers are always with them.
Prospective DA Candidate Falls Short In Petition Drive

POSTED: 8:44 am EDT June 30, 2006
UPDATED: 9:12 pm EDT June 30, 2006

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DURHAM, N.C. -- Only one of the two men who wanted to challenge Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong in November submitted the required number of signatures to earn a spot on the ballot.Jackie Brown, the campaign manager for Durham County Commissioner Lewis Cheek, submitted 10,000 signatures, well above the 6,300 signatures needed to place Cheek's name on the ballot. But Cheek still hasn't decided whether he will actually enter the race."We're just very thankful to the voters in Durham that they asked for a choice in November," Brown said.Meanwhile, Durham County Republican Party Chairman Steve Monks personally submitted about 5,000 in support of his candidacy.

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