FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #1

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boy i sure was getting this all wrong. we're not seeing the back of his head, he's looking over his shoulder. this guy is preparing to break in this gate.

Another one to ponder.

Look at the square box on left of gate. The lock. Look under the lock. A white object showed up round like a keyring. I just wonder if facing the camera likes this if the key ring would reflect that large. Remember this is lightened with brush strokes so you have to ignore the brush marks.

I do not see anything. A face? Can you draw a circle around it or something? I am not seeing anything besides a leg and shoe, and possible a box or package? I dont even see anything resembling shoulders or a head! I must be blind! :confused:
lostfaith said:
I do not see anything. A face? Can you draw a circle around it or something? I am not seeing anything besides a leg and shoe, and possible a box or package? I dont even see anything resembling shoulders or a head! I must be blind! :confused:

The only thing that I can clearly see is the leg and shoe. I see something that could be a face but it isn't clear enough and I wouldn't swear to what I'm seeing. I'll be amazed if anyone can identify a person through this picture unless the FBI or someone can really clean it up.
Bobbisangel said:
The only thing that I can clearly see is the leg and shoe. I see something that could be a face but it isn't clear enough and I wouldn't swear to what I'm seeing. I'll be amazed if anyone can identify a person through this picture unless the FBI or someone can really clean it up.
I can't make it out either. FBI might be able to fix it.
I want to see more on that car.

Because of glare, I set it as a negative. It looks like one of those sunshades with a man's face with heavy highbrows and moustache. Its in the window up side down so I flipped it in the insert.

The camera seems to loose it images toward the front of the car.


This is the second photo done in negative, car window highlighted not flipped.

Ok what in the world are you guys seeing that i'm not seeing here? I see a figure of a person walking by a gate that is all I can make out of it. Maybe I have blurred vision but I can't see much but bluriness. On another note it's pretty obvious what the outcome of this is going to be. Unless by chance its another one of those 'runaway bride' type of stories but I highly doubt it. I think someone had been watching her and with her previous comments about not feeling safe there that just tells me that she knew something wasnt right.

Beyond Belief said:
I want to see more on that car.

Because of glare, I set it as a negative. It looks like one of those sunshades with a man's face with heavy highbrows and moustache. Its in the window up side down so I flipped it in the insert.

The camera seems to loose it images toward the front of the car.

Do you see someone in the car? It's official I need to find the nearest Eye Masters!!! :doh:

Beyond Belief said:
Just looking at the car.
If you go to the website you will see the picture of the guy walking by the gate a little more clearly. It appears he is just walking by. I read a little in the guestbook and there is a person who lives in the area who says that the attire is very common amongst resturant workers in that area and that there is 'shady' buisness going on with those types in the area. That could be just grasping at straws but I guess at this point anything is possible.
Yes thats true. I went back and read and it didnt say resturant worker it said kitchen worker sorry... Does anyone think that hat could be one of those black beanie style knit hats rolled up? It kind of looks like that to me. It's too bad the camera didnt capture him right in the middle of that gate. But with that sign on the gate I doubt it would of mattered we might of got a better view of that hat/haircut thing though.

Beyond Belief said:
It seems to be common for places like electonics places, etc.
I just keep thinking about that car. I wonder if they talked to the owner?

This is suppose to be twelve noon. I stood within six feet of my car and could see my reflection perfectly. I have been looking for this guys shadow but couldn't see it. I hope they look at the car for reflections.
Mygirlsadie said:
Yes thats true. I went back and read and it didnt say resturant worker it said kitchen worker sorry... Does anyone think that hat could be one of those black beanie style knit hats rolled up? It kind of looks like that to me. It's too bad the camera didnt capture him right in the middle of that gate. But with that sign on the gate I doubt it would of mattered we might of got a better view of that hat/haircut thing though.

To me it looks like a black beret. Is that how you spell it? You know, like the Green Berets. Or, what about those wedge haircuts, where it is shaved up the back and sides and ends in a wedge of hair. But I am leaning more towards a beret. I wonder why they are zeroing in on this image. It was in the afternoon, I would assume lots of people walked by. Why is this one important?
Tonight on Nancy Jennifer's boyfriend was told that there was a rumor that Jennifer had been afraid of someone at the complex...was that true? He said that she was only 24 yr and it is the first time that she had lived by herself so she was just a little uneasy about being alone. It seems that it is just a rumor that she was afraid of someone there. Another member of her family said the same thing recently.

Jennifer's parents said that nothing was out of order at her condo. Her makeup was out....her night clothes were on the floor in the bathroom and there were a couple outfits laying out that she must have tried on that morning while getting ready for work. So they feel that she got ready for work and left her condo and something happened after she closed her door.

Her boyfriend said that he talked to Jennifer at 10:00 the night before and she was in bed. She was tired as she had just gotten back from a vacation.
He also said that they always talked in the morning before going to work. He didn't get a call that morning so he left her a voice mail. Later he left another voice mail. She never returned his calls. He said he didn't really worry about it though because he had an early meeting and he figured she was busy just getting back to work after the vacation.

I think it had to be someone who either lives at her complex....or a worker...or someone that was leaving one of the condos that morning. Maybe someone who had been visiting someone or a lover or boyfriend who was just leaving after spending the night.

I think that because when whoever took her car to the place where it was found the person headed right back to her condo complex. They knew enough about the complex to know where to go in without going through the main gate. The dog followed the person's scent right up to her condo or to the steps anyway. If it wasn't someone from there or with connections there why would the person go right back over there? That wouldn't make sense.
Hadn't her car been missing for 2-3 days? Anyone without connections to the complex wouldn't have any reason to go back over there. You would think that they would stay as far away as possible. Jennifer's parents said that nothing was missing from the condo.
Is this possible?
POI parks car walks to Jennifers condo.
Drives Jennifers car back to his car.
Would dog catch the scent if its in the car and also on the path even though the order was not from car to condo, but from his car to condo, but back in her car.
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