FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #12

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Excellent point about leaving the t shirt and underwear on the floor, but taking the time to drape the towel over the washer/or dryer ? And then close the laundry area door ? I always hang towels over the shower rod, never have draped them like that, but jmo.
BBM - That's exactly what I do. Especially when rushing to get to work on time. When I get home--if it's still not dry enough to suit me--I might toss it over the washer and close the door to get it out of sight.

Below I'll attach a floor plan which I'm pretty sure is for Jenn's condo. I find it interesting to note where her washer and dryer were located.


I recall that when Mr. Kesse discussed the knock on her door, he said that JK did NOT get up out of bed to answer it. * Sorry * I meant to quote the post before this one, in which it was stated that Mrs Kesse said that JK got up and looked through the peep hole in her door.
Yes, I agree. The one sentence that I'm going to quote and link below is the only statement I can find of Mr. Kesse mentioning this.

It was Joyce, Jennifer's mom, who responded with a typed message to a discussion on Mr. Kesse's brief statement. I saw it myself and absolutely believe it was from Mrs. Kesse. It was very brief and simply stated that Jenn had gotten up and looked through the peep hole in her door to confirm who the person knocking was.

I understand we have to take that part as "rumor," though.

At about 9 minutes in:
Mr. Kesse: Now there was a knock on her door that Monday night and she believed it was her neighbor upstairs. It was a guy. She didn’t answer it.

If anyone has more information on this, I would beg for you to post it for us. Especially if you can link it from a reliable source. I think it's so important to the timeline.
Rosalinda, interesting about your take on the POI!

Also, I'm hoping that you're joking about "I'd have had every male in Jennifer's circle dressed same as POI and made them walk the exact same route and analysed all the recordings made by that camera". What right would the police, or anyone else, have to do that to "every male in Jennifer's life"? Unless there is some actual evidence that would indicate one of those males, specifically, had anything to do with her disappearance, that would be infringing upon their rights. Neither being a male, nor happening to know JK, are indications of a crime. Sorry if I've misinterpreted you -just wanted to clarify.

Only half-joking, Friday! To me, it wouldn't be that much different to asking people to take part in an identity parade. And statistically, the culprit in a female missing person case is highly likely to be a male of her acquaintance or a deeper current or ex-relationship. They should always be investigated very rigorously. And it would have been interesting to see who would have declined (absolutely their right of course) and who said ok. As it is with taking or refusing polygraphs, it is a bit of an indicator, nothing more than that. They could always have faked a funny walk if they were worried (joking). After all the police did get Rob to stand and watch the the trunk of Jennifer's car being opened to gauge his reaction if her body was in there.

I think at the very least putting a few men of different shapes and sizes past the same camera filming from the same angle might have been useful as giving an idea of the shape and size of person you were looking for. What if there had been someone who point to point matched up in height, length of limb to elbow, length of leg to foot etc, etc. Valuable info to go forward with, maybe?

I just think sometimes we expect police to solve crimes with their hands tied behind their backs, suspects won't speak to them, they can't get a search warrant for somewhere, at times the system seems designed to protect people of interest rather than working for the victims and their families.
Not so much in this case perhaps, as initially, in the all-important early stages of the investigation, the police did a good job of messing things up all by themselves. We just don't have enough information as to whether the parker of the car is also the perpetrator of the crime against Jennifer or is he one of a pair or more? But I do believe he was well aware that some crime had been committed as the car was wiped down of prints probably by him, so he is no innocent and of course he hasn't come forward.

On a separate note, I'm glad to see Mr and Mrs Kesse are still together, so many couples split up under the strain of a missing child, no matter that they are a grown-up child it's still as devastating. Especially when this investigation has to be one of the most frustrating and baffling I've ever followed and I am just an outsider.
Sorry in advance for the long post. Mostly thinking "on paper" here, I guess.
I know how you feel. Mine get so long I'm embarrassed to post them sometimes.

Food: Some mail in the trash can, but no food-eating evidence -wrappers or dishes (except a cup) about the kitchen. Fridge nearly empty. Dishes in washer clean and seem to have been left by brother. There, apparently, weren't any food wrappers, etc. in her vehicle when found. Where does this leave us?

She first got to her condo after the trip on Monday evening after work. She goes missing on Wednesday morning. That leaves four meals that would usually have been eaten at the condo missing, right?
She goes missing on Tuesday morning, January 24, 2006. And I'll only say perhaps to that, because she may very well have gone missing on Monday evening, January 23, 2006--shortly after she used her landline to call her boyfriend at 9:57 pm.

By Wednesday morning, January 25, 2006, everyone was looking for her.

Jennifer's vehicle was found on Thursday morning, January 26, 2006, at the HOG complex, about a mile down the same street from Jenn's condo complex.

So, maybe two meals--one evening meal and one breakfast. Depending on what time she was actually abducted.

However, many women don't eat breakfast. I'm not sure if JK was one of those, maybe I've missed that info. Many, many, women don't, though. So, at least two dinners -one on Monday night and one on Tuesday night. Perhaps we're over-thinking this: Why would anything be amiss on Monday night? There aren't any indications as to such, but there are no food wrappers/dishes from Monday night, so why would there be on Tuesday?

I think this is an indication that she was likely picked something up on the way home, and ditched the sack/wrappings, at the same place she bought it. Sat in the parking lot of a Whole Foods, Chinese take-out, etc., ate, threw out the wrappers, finished driving home.

What is the problem with this? I don't see it in Truth's timeline above, but I seem to recall somewhere that we have an idea, on at least one night, of what time she actually made it to her condo, so can see if this is a possibility. (And what else is there?) I'll look into that.
It's certainly been discussed but I don't believe it has ever been confirmed whether Jenn was a breakfast eater or if that was a meal she often skipped.

I hope you discovered that she made it home around 6:30 pm. That's only based on a driving time from Google Maps, but we know she passed through her regular toll booth on her way home at 6:15 pm.

You're making an excellent point, here. I don't believe it's been 100% confirmed what time she truly arrived at her condo that Monday night. No receipts have been found indicating she stopped for anything, though. And Mrs. Kesse does suggest that "they" feel Jenn grabbed something from her refrigerator.

We haven't, of course, been privileged to anything on her bank statements or credit cards. So, it's hard to say, really.

Meanwhile, on the Laundry Front: I don't necessarily think the Jennifer kept a messy apartment; however, the "car slob" comment was used by Mr. Kesse, I believe, as important information regarding items in/state of her car. The fact that he considered it worthy of mention makes me think of her apartment: Would a "car slob", even while generally keeping a neat apartment, be fairly likely to leave a few things on the floor of the bathroom whilst trying to "get out the door" in the morning? Even if she dreaded returning to a mildewed towel, she might be one to do a quick sweep of things on her return in the evening vs. taking the extra half-minute to pick up the underwear.

There are some people who won't leave a dirty dish in the sink, and some people who keep very neat homes generally, but getting out the door in the morning for a woman is complicated! Pick an outfit, then comes the matching: You know --shoes match/complement the bag, nail color complements lip color, which should coordinate with the clothing. Hair has to be "done", make-up applied. After the moisturizer, obviously. Eyebrows, after a few days, like on a trip, need to be plucked. Legs shaved. Earrings chosen and put in. Which watch to wear today? Bag taken on the trip isn't one to take to work, and certainly doesn't match the Tuesday outfit, so contents need to be transferred. Heels are awful to drive in, so put on the tennis shoes and throw the chosen heels into the briefcase/work satchel. One more step. Yes folks, it's complicated! Underwear, t-shirt, whatever is on the floor, will have to wait.

So, where does that leave us? Well, I can believe from this picture that she got up, showered, draped the towel over the washing machine in the laundry room so it would actually get dry (my experience from living in Orlando is that they often just. never. dry) and went out the door like any other morning. Then, someone grabbed her as she went out and put her in the empty apartment across the hall, or grabbed her at her car, forced her in, picked up any evidence, etc.

Or, her abductor was in her apartment and staged the "shower setting". I really find this a long shot: It's certainly possible that someone would go to such lengths as to strew underwear on the floor, etc. but, again, a really, really long shot.

Another possibility: Whatever happened, did so in the evening before. She took a shower in the evening, for whatever reason, and there's really no way to know the reason -could be she simply did so after a long day at work, or did so because she was going out. Not likely, though, since she'd had a long couple of days, and everyone seems to be of the impression that she wasn't the type to go out late in the evening on a work-night. If she did indeed go out, I'd think it would most likely be for something like the cell phone errand, although, I still can't quite wrap my mind around that -safely ensconced at home after work, talking on phone at almost 10 at night, then deciding to go to FedEx? I don't think so.

So, could she have showered in the evening and the towel is still damp at mid-day the next day? As I mentioned above, I can see it. (No, we don't know the thickness of the towels, but in my experience, the trend, going back for many years now, is "the thicker the towel, the better". They're so thick and heavy these days, I feel like you need "man-sized hands" to even use them. Anything but the cheapest of the cheap towels will be quite heavy and thick.)

We still have the items on the floor. Somehow I think the items on the floor fit better with a morning, before work, shower.

What are the other possibilities?
Bold by me--I agree with this. Lately though, I find myself letting go of the shower idea altogether. I contribute the towel dampness and the water behind the shampoo bottles to Logan's last shower at his sister's condo. Then I'm free to consider Jenn grabbing a quick change of clothing--jeans and a long-sleeved casual top--to run out to her car for something she suddenly remembered she wanted--maybe intending to put the t-shirt and undies back on in a few minutes.

The possibilities seem endless to me.
Only half-joking, Friday! To me, it wouldn't be that much different to asking people to take part in an identity parade. And statistically, the culprit in a female missing person case is highly likely to be a male of her acquaintance or a deeper current or ex-relationship. They should always be investigated very rigorously. And it would have been interesting to see who would have declined (absolutely their right of course) and who said ok. As it is with taking or refusing polygraphs, it is a bit of an indicator, nothing more than that. They could always have faked a funny walk if they were worried (joking). After all the police did get Rob to stand and watch the the trunk of Jennifer's car being opened to gauge his reaction if her body was in there.

I think at the very least putting a few men of different shapes and sizes past the same camera filming from the same angle might have been useful as giving an idea of the shape and size of person you were looking for. What if there had been someone who point to point matched up in height, length of limb to elbow, length of leg to foot etc, etc. Valuable info to go forward with, maybe?

I just think sometimes we expect police to solve crimes with their hands tied behind their backs, suspects won't speak to them, they can't get a search warrant for somewhere, at times the system seems designed to protect people of interest rather than working for the victims and their families.
Not so much in this case perhaps, as initially, in the all-important early stages of the investigation, the police did a good job of messing things up all by themselves. We just don't have enough information as to whether the parker of the car is also the perpetrator of the crime against Jennifer or is he one of a pair or more? But I do believe he was well aware that some crime had been committed as the car was wiped down of prints probably by him, so he is no innocent and of course he hasn't come forward.

On a separate note, I'm glad to see Mr and Mrs Kesse are still together, so many couples split up under the strain of a missing child, no matter that they are a grown-up child it's still as devastating. Especially when this investigation has to be one of the most frustrating and baffling I've ever followed and I am just an outsider.
You make some excellent points here.

Regarding the bold by me--I just wanted to add that LE also interviewed Rob several times, had him take at least two polygraphs (I really think more), and took his DNA twice. All this in addition to confirming his alibi--some of which was done with the use cell phone pings.

He fully co-operated without any hesitation. He could have lawyered up, but he did not.

And he is a very smart man who would certainly have realized that law enforcement frequently arrest the wrong person and a lot of innocent people go to prison for crimes they did not commit.

He's right up there with John Walsh and Marc Klaas, in my opinion.
Okay. So, I think I have at least isolated where I see the outline of a badge shape patch on the shoulder of the POI in image 1, as discovered by rd_jfc.

I don't dare try to look at seeing it in image 3 yet. I doubt if I'll really be able to make anything out if two are overlaying each other. I might take a look after I rest my eyes.

Anyway, I'll add my observations. (lol)

I did the following to try to highlight the strange step-distance I've been nattering on about. I don't find there is anything that appears normal about it. For me, it goes to the point that he may have just added something heavy to his back/hip area that he is trying to adjust; or, he knows about the camera and he is deliberately stepping in such a manner that his face will be hidden.

Okay. So, I think I have at least isolated where I see the outline of a badge shape patch on the shoulder of the POI in image 1, as discovered by rd_jfc.

I don't dare try to look at seeing it in image 3 yet. I doubt if I'll really be able to make anything out if two are overlaying each other. I might take a look after I rest my eyes.

Anyway, I'll add my observations. (lol)

With nothing but respect and admiration for all of the hard work .Just me asking questions .POI image Where the shape is outlined by truth, Is it possible that is not his shirt ? It looks plastic and seems connected to the tubing under it . Maybe pushing something instead of pulling it along ??
With nothing but respect and admiration for all of the hard work .Just me asking questions .POI image Where the shape is outlined by truth, Is it possible that is not his shirt ? It looks plastic and seems connected to the tubing under it . Maybe pushing something instead of pulling it along ??
I'm so pleased you looked at it and commented. It's all good to have different ideas.

We'll have to wait for our expert to arrive to see what he thinks.
I believe it.was Tuesday morning that Jennifer disappeared.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Thanks to those who've pointed out my incorrect time frame. I've followed this off and on for several years, but somehow, still messed up the day she went missing! Yikes. Anyway, I think what always messes me up is that she had one day of work after the vacation, then went missing the next day. I don't know why, but it does.

Clarification: (As in, people couldn't find her the next day -who knows what happened when, at this point?)

Thanks again!
Okay. So, I think I have at least isolated where I see the outline of a badge shape patch on the shoulder of the POI in image 1, as discovered by rd_jfc.

I don't dare try to look at seeing it in image 3 yet. I doubt if I'll really be able to make anything out if two are overlaying each other. I might take a look after I rest my eyes.

Anyway, I'll add my observations. (lol)


Yes, I can see that shape, even with my eyes! Looks like some sort of shield, can anyone think of a logo with a shield shape. First thing it reminded me of was Shell (oil) logo but their's is more of a fan shaped SHELL (duh!).

Apologies I seem to have cricket on the brain, but when I see a shield shape I associate that shape mostly with sporting things, the shields that you have on the walls at school or in a sporting club.

Or some sort of logo to suggest protection like a security company or locksmith.
Is JK shown on video leaving work ? I know her supervisor said that she left around 6pm ? And she is seen going through a toll at 6 15 pm. Is it possible she left work a little earlier, and had a bite to eat with a co worker ? Their treat ? Because otherwise it seems like a long time to go without eating anything . jmo
Okay. So, I think I have at least isolated where I see the outline of a badge shape patch on the shoulder of the POI in image 1, as discovered by rd_jfc.

I don't dare try to look at seeing it in image 3 yet. I doubt if I'll really be able to make anything out if two are overlaying each other. I might take a look after I rest my eyes.

Anyway, I'll add my observations. (lol)


well, several comments, Truth. This is most excellent. I found this back in the day, I showed the picture, I extracted and showed light and dark, I showed a badge below it, and 11 years later probably no one saw it, understood it, or cared.

You find it, ring it with red arrows, show the badge next to it, and attempt to show where in image it came from, and it is instantly understandable. Would maybe more than a couple of people have got this back in 2007 if I had more of your presentation skills? Don't answer that, I don't want to deal with a No answer. We'll see if it makes a difference now. Can't ask for anything clearer.

Well, speaking of that :), where you have the police badge shape pointed out with red arrows, is from image 3. I apologize for the confusion, and lord knows it's probably pretty indicative of the confusion any number of people have had for those that rolled down and gave as much scrutiny as you did.

The nature of the page is that I have highlights from image 1, then highlights of image 2, and then I show actual image 3 because I didn't think anyone would find it useful at top with image 1 and 2, and then highlights of image 3. Where you found this to do your work, which I can't say enough good things about, was below image 3 and is included in a number of various outtakes from image 3.

Now going on from this, your circle where this came from would be from image 3 below the bar below the face. I started to say that this was not visible, and it wasn't back in the day, but I just took a look at the OPD supplied image 3 on my Blowups page and sure enough the face and the badge shape are clearly visible with naked eye. I have several computers in my apartment here, a couple large business computers, various laptops and desktops, but my day to day computer is a 10 year old XP with a normal LCD monitor and graphics at time, which I use at 1600 x 900, less than capacity.

And looking now, I see everything with it I spent months the year before I bought this finding with work on images, for example that darkened image you posted above with badge shape was done woth painstaking effort, I see it all perfectly now with naked eye, in all 3 images. In any event, image 3 can be circled for this area and the badge shape seen below the face quite clearly.

So let's say you replaced the image 1 up there with image 3 circled. What to do with image 1? That image 1 red bracketed shoulder you have in a prior post has the badge shaped shoulder patch almost completely filling your brackets. It is a little cockeyed to the left. It is a lighter layer if you will. There is a darker layer intersecting it and running to front of shirt. I have only found with a great deal of effort to match up somewhat with a Harley Davidson logo (the rounded cross shape with a bar across middle). The very solid logo like shape could be part of shoulder, I don't know, but the large police badge shape is very clear. Look at top of your bracket area and cocked a little to left and top of police badge shape is very clear, like what we see here in image 3.

So image 1 and in particular your bracketed shoulder work is what you want to look at, you are completely successful with image 3. And my thanks to you for the work, Truth.

Yes, I can see that shape, even with my eyes! Looks like some sort of shield, can anyone think of a logo with a shield shape. First thing it reminded me of was Shell (oil) logo but their's is more of a fan shaped SHELL (duh!).

Apologies I seem to have cricket on the brain, but when I see a shield shape I associate that shape mostly with sporting things, the shields that you have on the walls at school or in a sporting club.

Or some sort of logo to suggest protection like a security company or locksmith.

If found in only one image, and especially at that distance, many things are possible, although a lage police badge shape is not something that you just find somewhere. It's the shape of a police badge for a reason.

However, we have this also distinctly on shoulder in image 1. And you will see that is below his face in image 3, which would be his shoulder with his face turned back to look at car he parked. So there's no guessing really. We have a POI with police badge shaped shoulder patch (at least on his right shoulder) and a thigh strapped holster shape on his right hip. This was basis for me saying this was an armed law enforcement type all these years after finding all this in 2007. but a lot of good work done recently by Truth Prevails has made this much more understandable to people, even though she didn't have anything particular in mind for people to understand. Which is the best part. Present the data. Go where the data leads you.

I didn't present the data nearly well enough.
I did the following to try to highlight the strange step-distance I've been nattering on about. I don't find there is anything that appears normal about it. For me, it goes to the point that he may have just added something heavy to his back/hip area that he is trying to adjust; or, he knows about the camera and he is deliberately stepping in such a manner that his face will be hidden.


Again, great work for understanding, Truth. I am at a loss as to what is not understandable here. I know you spent time trying this in front of a mirror, and I lament missing that, but look at his left foot, back and pushing off. Try that and see where your right foot is. It is up ahead of you catching your weight as you fall foward. I don't know where else you would think right leg would be and why image above doesn't look normal to you as far as right leg.
well, several comments, Truth. This is most excellent. I found this back in the day, I showed the picture, I extracted and showed light and dark, I showed a badge below it, and 11 years later probably no one saw it, understood it, or cared.

You find it, ring it with red arrows, show the badge next to it, and attempt to show where in image it came from, and it is instantly understandable. Would maybe more than a couple of people have got this back in 2007 if I had more of your presentation skills? Don't answer that, I don't want to deal with a No answer. We'll see if it makes a difference now. Can't ask for anything clearer.

Well, speaking of that :), where you have the police badge shape pointed out with red arrows, is from image 3. I apologize for the confusion, and lord knows it's probably pretty indicative of the confusion any number of people have had for those that rolled down and gave as much scrutiny as you did.

The nature of the page is that I have highlights from image 1, then highlights of image 2, and then I show actual image 3 because I didn't think anyone would find it useful at top with image 1 and 2, and then highlights of image 3. Where you found this to do your work, which I can't say enough good things about, was below image 3 and is included in a number of various outtakes from image 3.

Now going on from this, your circle where this came from would be from image 3 below the bar below the face. I started to say that this was not visible, and it wasn't back in the day, but I just took a look at the OPD supplied image 3 on my Blowups page and sure enough the face and the badge shape are clearly visible with naked eye. I have several computers in my apartment here, a couple large business computers, various laptops and desktops, but my day to day computer is a 10 year old XP with a normal LCD monitor and graphics at time, which I use at 1600 x 900, less than capacity.

And looking now, I see everything with it I spent months the year before I bought this finding with work on images, for example that darkened image you posted above with badge shape was done woth painstaking effort, I see it all perfectly now with naked eye, in all 3 images. In any event, image 3 can be circled for this area and the badge shape seen below the face quite clearly.

So let's say you replaced the image 1 up there with image 3 circled. What to do with image 1? That image 1 red bracketed shoulder you have in a prior post has the badge shaped shoulder patch almost completely filling your brackets. It is a little cockeyed to the left. It is a lighter layer if you will. There is a darker layer intersecting it and running to front of shirt. I have only found with a great deal of effort to match up somewhat with a Harley Davidson logo (the rounded cross shape with a bar across middle). The very solid logo like shape could be part of shoulder, I don't know, but the large police badge shape is very clear. Look at top of your bracket area and cocked a little to left and top of police badge shape is very clear, like what we see here in image 3.

So image 1 and in particular your bracketed shoulder work is what you want to look at, you are completely successful with image 3. And my thanks to you for the work, Truth.

Oh, rd. Thank you for this. I kept switching between Image 1 and Image 2 trying to decide which image it was from. I was really uneasy about it. And now I know why. It was Image 3.

Wow, I'm really surprised, and can hardly wait to take another look.

Dang, I have to run right now. But my first free minute--that's what I'll be doing.
well, several comments, Truth. This is most excellent. I found this back in the day, I showed the picture, I extracted and showed light and dark, I showed a badge below it, and 11 years later probably no one saw it, understood it, or cared.
I was in a big rush this morning, but I would like to address some of your points here.

And they won't now--nothing has changed.

You find it, ring it with red arrows, show the badge next to it, and attempt to show where in image it came from, and it is instantly understandable. Would maybe more than a couple of people have got this back in 2007 if I had more of your presentation skills? Don't answer that, I don't want to deal with a No answer. We'll see if it makes a difference now. Can't ask for anything clearer.
I'll say this--I only wanted to understand what I was seeing and have your input as to whether I was seeing it correctly. I couldn't think of any other way to get you to see what I saw without using my silly little text boxes. I've actually used them before in other cases I've followed so I'm comfortable and familiar with them

Well, speaking of that :), where you have the police badge shape pointed out with red arrows, is from image 3. I apologize for the confusion, and lord knows it's probably pretty indicative of the confusion any number of people have had for those that rolled down and gave as much scrutiny as you did.
You don't need to apologize because it is my problem that I couldn't understand better, or quicker, what you meant. I sincerely thank you for your patience.

The nature of the page is that I have highlights from image 1, then highlights of image 2, and then I show actual image 3 because I didn't think anyone would find it useful at top with image 1 and 2, and then highlights of image 3. Where you found this to do your work, which I can't say enough good things about, was below image 3 and is included in a number of various outtakes from image 3.
I was so excited this morning to think I actually saw something on Image 3--other than the face of the POI which I have been able to see for some time. I couldn't wait to get home and see if this was really so. It was, I corrected my image and I'll add the new one with one other.

Now going on from this, your circle where this came from would be from image 3 below the bar below the face. I started to say that this was not visible, and it wasn't back in the day, but I just took a look at the OPD supplied image 3 on my Blowups page and sure enough the face and the badge shape are clearly visible with naked eye. I have several computers in my apartment here, a couple large business computers, various laptops and desktops, but my day to day computer is a 10 year old XP with a normal LCD monitor and graphics at time, which I use at 1600 x 900, less than capacity.

And looking now, I see everything with it I spent months the year before I bought this finding with work on images, for example that darkened image you posted above with badge shape was done woth painstaking effort, I see it all perfectly now with naked eye, in all 3 images. In any event, image 3 can be circled for this area and the badge shape seen below the face quite clearly.
I wouldn't say I see it clearly with my naked eye, but I do believe I can see it. The POI in Image 3 is very tiny, though. I appreciate your blow-ups.

So let's say you replaced the image 1 up there with image 3 circled. What to do with image 1? That image 1 red bracketed shoulder you have in a prior post has the badge shaped shoulder patch almost completely filling your brackets. It is a little cockeyed to the left. It is a lighter layer if you will. There is a darker layer intersecting it and running to front of shirt. I have only found with a great deal of effort to match up somewhat with a Harley Davidson logo (the rounded cross shape with a bar across middle). The very solid logo like shape could be part of shoulder, I don't know, but the large police badge shape is very clear. Look at top of your bracket area and cocked a little to left and top of police badge shape is very clear, like what we see here in image 3.

So image 1 and in particular your bracketed shoulder work is what you want to look at, you are completely successful with image 3. And my thanks to you for the work, Truth.

I've actually got the picture with the brackets opened but I'm not seeing it yet. It's been a long day and I need better room lighting.
I'm going to post Image 3. In my opinion, this image has been discarded by almost everyone--or maybe everyone--except rd-jfc.



Okay. Now, my correction of what I posted yesterday. (I'm going to delete that one from my source and hopefully it will stop showing here on the forum).



Now, the most amazing thing about that forgotten image is that it shows the POI's face. I find all my little pointy text boxes and arrows and red circles detract from it; so, I'll link rd_jfc's original: http://www.justiceforchandra.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3033

(It also seems to reinforce the thoughts that maybe the POI has long sleeves on).

This is some of the most amazing work I have ever seen. To take such a tiny, poor quality image and blow it up--somehow allowing it to keep its integrity-- would be impossible for someone of ordinary skills.

Take a bow, rd, because you deserve it.

My mother would often tell me that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. You have lead us, but if we would rather see a skate board tucked under the arm of skinny teenager who never bothered to turn around--that's a stumbling block of our own making.

I saw the photos Truth and RD have been analyzing in the thread and can't help but think of the murder of Sasha Samsudean by a security guard in her apartment complex named Stephen Duxbury. I'm not sure if he took the stand at his own trial, but if anything on the record discusses his employment background it may shed light on the possible security companies uniforms/logos that resemble the POI's clothing features that RD and Truth have made visible here. Do apartment and condo complexes in Orlando typically utilize third party security guard companies to source their security staff, or do they hire and manage the individual guards directly themselves? We know it's possible that the clothing in the footage is actually dark and not as light as it appears. And that different security companies use different types of uniforms to identify themselves. Duxbury's uniform was a short-sleeved button up collared shirt, akin to law enforcement with patches on the shoulder and front pocket. In the footage from the apartment complex the night of the murder, you can see that he is also wearing a black long-sleeved shirt underneath his uniform, dark slacks and very informal sneakers that have a white stripe at the bottom. I know that there are lots of people here that have been down this road before, but I figured it was worth mentioning one more time.
hi NapQueen, we discussed just a page or two back. I looked at his background and he was a security guard in New Hampshire from 2004-2008. I would really like to see a confirmation that he was up there that week that Jennifer disappeared, but the resort hotel has changed ownership and is closed for repairs, two impediments to getting that question answered.
I'm going to post Image 3. In my opinion, this image has been discarded by almost everyone--or maybe everyone--except rd-jfc.



Okay. Now, my correction of what I posted yesterday. (I'm going to delete that one from my source and hopefully it will stop showing here on the forum).



Now, the most amazing thing about that forgotten image is that it shows the POI's face. I find all my little pointy text boxes and arrows and red circles detract from it; so, I'll link rd_jfc's original: http://www.justiceforchandra.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=3033

(It also seems to reinforce the thoughts that maybe the POI has long sleeves on).

This is some of the most amazing work I have ever seen. To take such a tiny, poor quality image and blow it up--somehow allowing it to keep its integrity-- would be impossible for someone of ordinary skills.

Take a bow, rd, because you deserve it.

My mother would often tell me that you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. You have lead us, but if we would rather see a skate board tucked under the arm of skinny teenager who never bothered to turn around--that's a stumbling block of our own making.


Bloody hell ! Good work to you both ! I have honestly struggled to see anything , but since the mention of a object at the POI’s lower back and the red marking of objects of interest, its slowly becoming clearer.
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