FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #5

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Beyond Belief,
I positively know, without a shadow of doubt, that you are doing your very best to be helpful. You want this crime solved and Jennifer to be found just like anyone else here. Please take my sincere and well meaning advice and be very cautious about manipulating the photos. My husband is a professional photographer and so I do know what I am talking about. Perhaps in your messages you could add the information of what process you have used to manipulate the photos.
paint show pro. very limited changes only in color and shadow. nothing exciting or sophisticated. i too was married to a professional photographer for a time. work with an old black and white photo and you will see you can even reveal old patterns on clothing, nothing hard about it at all.
Well, the perp did not take her for her vehicle. How was he able to get into her car and get control of her without anyone seeing? Could Jennifer have gone to the local SPCA looking at dogs and talked to this guy? Perhaps, he knew what type of dog she preferred. Could he have called her and told her that they had been called to pick up that breed from a home? (He could have called using a pay phone.) That would be a way to get her away from home and to a secluded area...Just speculating, of course...
it might be how she was approached. I was thinking at first a cop impersonator. but now. "have you seen a stray puppy?" I could be conned like that.

nan--check a few posts up....;)

amazing that this place is so close by. it definitely needs to be checked out.
I appreciate your efforts, too, BB. However, the way you described what you are doing to manipulate the photo could draw a wrong conclusion from a simple shadow or even a stain...couldn't it? I find the location very odd for a logo. I have never seen one up by the neck and higher than the shoulder on a tee. Not a logical placement, imo. I believe this shirt is plain white and we need to stay away from adding things which could be misleading. If there were any logo on the front or on the shoulder...it would be seen plainly on the photos...perhaps even from a distance on the shirt while he is walking in the clearer video. It would look like a dark area on the crisp white. I wondered what was done to the photo that looked like some kind of badge (green/yellow) on the shoulder...because it isn't there. I turned the photo inside out with manipulating it and found nothing.

We would hate to give a false lead here.

Cat, could you just call the SPCA and ask if they have a shirt with a logo up on top of the shoulder and near the neck towards the back? It would be a simple way to figure this out. Thanks!
I appreciate your efforts, too, BB. However, the way you described what you are doing to manipulate the photo could draw a wrong conclusion from a simple shadow or even a stain...couldn't it? I find the location very odd for a logo. I have never seen one up by the neck and higher than the shoulder on a tee. Not a logical placement, imo. I believe this shirt is plain white and we need to stay away from adding things which could be misleading. If there were any logo on the front or on the shoulder...it would be seen plainly on the photos...perhaps even from a distance on the shirt while he is walking in the clearer video. It would look like a dark area on the crisp white. I wondered what was done to the photo that looked like some kind of badge (green/yellow) on the shoulder...because it isn't there. I turned the photo inside out with manipulating it and found nothing.

We would hate to give a false lead here.

Cat, could you just call the SPCA and ask if they have a shirt with a logo up on top of the shoulder and near the neck towards the back? It would be a simple way to figure this out. Thanks!

I totally agree with you. However, I figure that brainstorming on this forum is a good thing and promotes all sorts of discussion that may lead to something. I have always thought that the person in the photo is a military person.

I know that there have been other abductions before, but I just can't figure out why he would risk being in Jennifer's car the next day. If I committed a crime, I definitely would not be going anywhere near her vehicle the next day nor would I be parking it so close to her complex.

If I were inclined to commit such a horrific crime, I would have separated myself from anything that could tie me to the crime as soon as possible. Yet, this suspect did not.
Re: the t-shirt of POI

I actually was cautious at the beginning regarding bb's work.

However, after seeing the work done on darkening, it convinced me that the POI is carrying an "envelope". I should note, that our eyes do play tricks on us, and I am "cautious" about the envelope, but open minded.

Regarding the T-shirt logo. Have to admit, I don't see it.

Doesnt' mean it isn't there.

Let's just assume it "could be " there and take it as a "potential lead"

Why not someone local drop a flier by the SPCA on Conroy, and ask if anyone recognizes the POI, and leave a flier on a bulletin board.

Let's say the POI is wearing a SPCA shirt, it doesn't necessarily mean the POI is an employee of SPCA

He could have simply purchased the shirt, it was part of a charity event, etc.

So, let's not argue about whether it's "there" or not, let's say it could be, and simply drop off fliers, and ask the employees there about the pOI

It's just my neutral take on this. I think BB has done some good work.

Any effort to find JK should be applauded, but, let's not make any conclusions, and we need more thinking outside the "box"


...However, after seeing the work done on darkening, it convinced me that the POI is carrying an "envelope". I should note, that our eyes do play tricks on us, and I am "cautious" about the envelope, but open minded.

Regarding the T-shirt logo. Have to admit, I don't see it....

It is so strange that I just could not see the "envelope." Yet, I saw the "SPCA" and the "sunburst" immediately!!

I agree that we should welcome all efforts and all lines of thinking. It could just lead to identifying the suspect!!

I agree about the danger of driving JK's car.

I can only think of a few scenario's where such an action would make sense.

The first includes JK being overpowered at around 8am, while in her car. The POI could have simply taken her somewhere, committed a crime, cleaned up the car, and himself, and it just happened to take 4 hours. He then assumes JK's car will be "hot" soon, dumps the car at HOTG, walks to Mosaic to either pick us his car or return to work or home.

The other theory is simple. He lives at Mosaic. Wants to throw off LE, and make it appear either JK "took off", was in accident, or was taken at the "crime infested" complex down the road. This also makes sense.

The other theory is simple. The poi does not have adequate transportation, and needed to get "rid" or evidence, so, he was forced to use Jk's car. this theory also holds water.

If the POI knew JK, then he would know her schedule and know it would take a while before she was noticed missing.

I find the timing of JK's car being dumped "suspicious", but it could simply be a "coincidence".

How did Jennifer's brother and his friends get into the complex if there is a guard? If security is lax, then another person could have gotten into the complex and knocked on Jennifer's door. His car could have been there at the complex and that would have necessitated him driving within walking distance to get to his car.

I personally think that the suspect drove her car back to the scene (or almost the scene) because his transportation was there. I don't think that he did it as part of a plan to move her car there to stage the crime.

I think your theory there is probably the most likely.

From what I've read and heard, it doesnt' appear that security at Mosaic was "airtight" before Jk vanished.

ONE thing that I believe is a huge clue in this case, is how "confident" the POI was after leaving Jk's car, the route he took to Mosaic, and how he "avoided" the main gate, and hopped a wall.

This guy had been to Mosaic on more than one occasion in my mind. Just way too much intelligence on the layout of Mosaic for a one-time visitor.

AS for moving JK's car to "stage" her disappearance. Why not? If he simply could not get back into Mosaic, or was afraid of the front gate, why not just drop her car at the mall? It would have been a much shorter walk.

But, I agree, only using the car to stage her disappearance is unlikely, but, if he did, it sure did work.

If I had committed (I am assuming) rape and murder, I would be physically sick and a nervous wreck. I would be going home to hide out and watch the news to see if they mention anything.

I am beginning to think that the guy might be a resident of the Mosiac and in a position to know when Jennifer comes and goes.
I did the same thing as Beyond Belief and posted it with the other blowups I did over the last three days, forgoing sleep to do it. However, I performed the same correction operations on all pictures, there is not one special manipulation made to the first still concerning the t-shirt.

It is the first picture when you click on a link to the work I did. I won't post the link again, it's on page one of this thread from late last night when I finished. I'm pretty sure anyone who was interested would have already looked anyway.

I'm not a professional photographer, or even an amateur one, not an artist, and not particularly skilled compared to skilled graphics people. But I've done a lot in graphics through the years. I wrote the scanner drivers for Z-Soft's PC Paintbrush back in the mid 80's for starters.

I just went to Jennifer Kesse's website again and looked at the picture. Obviously you can't read the logo from that picture. But when corrected with gamma correction, lightness, and contrast, careful portions of each, and magnified hundreds of times larger, the design from that dark blob on the front of the shirt can be made out, including streamers underneath.

The dark blob is clearly visible in Kesse's website. Is that thought by some to be a shadow or something, or what? Anyway the design is readily apparent in the blown up picture I did last night.

I did a very brief search for tshirt designs to see what kind of nomenclature is used for these things. Nothing anyone has posted is even close in my opinion. What it looks like is one of those circles with a design and lettering inside, and a streamer banner underneath, such as perhaps the logo of an organization, and a chapter name or location or such in the streamer text below going across below it, across the stomach. In fact there are two streamers across, or the streamer doubles back or something.

I will be a bit brutally honest here. I think the police were looking for a gangbanger type, with baggy clothes and headgear of that type.

I think it changes everything they have ever thought when it actually looks to be a person wearing a cycling helmet and a jersey with perhaps even a local logo on it. How does a person like that end up parking Jennifer's car down the road from her condo after she disappears?

I don't know, but therein lies a missing link to Jennifer.


Good job. Thanks for staying up all night.

I did review the blow up. Excellent work.

The more I see the evidence in this case, the more certain I am about one thing.

This guy is white, young, and looks nothing like the photo.

Looking at Rd's blowup. It does appear his head is "oddly" shaped. I've thought that from day one.

It could be from a hat backwards, etc.

But, if you look at RD's latest work, it is very evident to me that it appears to be some type of helmet. Sorry, that is what I see. Bicycle, skateboard, who knows?

In addition, and more importantly, you can see where the "headgear" ends, and the hair starts.

It appears the POI has one of those "young kids" cut. When it it longer in the back, and is a "unique" taper.

It I had to guess, I think his hair is light colored, maybe blonde or "dirty blonde". Definitely lighter than whatever is on his head.

I did see the t-shirt, and I do see what appears to be a "circle" on the front.

I think we should take all of our theories, as that, just possible "theories".

IF I had to guess, I say this POI is young, about 25 or so, athletic, in excellent shape, longer hair than most, but neat, and I think he has light hair.

If I were the Kesse's or Rob, I would look at RD's recent blow-up, and stare at it, and think, do we know anyone who has this type of "taper" in the back?

I hate to go there. But, in every investigation, you start with the most obvious. I want to know the names, age, and a picture of every young man that went to Jk's condo over the weekend. Just how many people were at that party?

Just my opinion,

Hmmm. Interesting posts regarding photos. I wish someone else would try working with them.
there are three cases from last January=NONE solved
Dori Myers
Sandra Prince

Two with video's. What good are the video's if these cases can't be solved. There's the guy right in front of everyone. They can restore old photograph, put color in GoneWith the Wind, but they can't lock in on these perps?! The work is not being done, period. You can let your imagination run away with photos, and it can, but by golly if more than one person works on photos and similiar things are being seen, then just maybe you'll see some progress.
I haven't see anyone in an all white t shirt in ages.
I agree with all of that, left. I am taking another look at other pictures to see if I can determine if those are plant branches/leaves in the picture. They are more to his side than I would expect a normal logo, but I don't know modern tshirt design and what kind of design they have now.

The circular pattern is solar plexus high and at least on the side only covers the midsection. The two wavy streamers below look to be to angled to be natural, such as a branch or a bag strap.

If we can determine some possible explanation for these patterns on something he's carrying, then the shirt would be all white. But the midsection oval pattern shows clearly it's not a solid oval, and it looks to be a common oval with extensions to the right and left type design. Motorcycles come to mind, but I'm not up on logos. If I see something similar I'll post it.

If it is a physical thing between him and the fence, it's right up to the sign on the gate. I will take another look at Greta's pictures of that gate.

Whilst I think of you can check out FedEx drop boxes at this link.

I remember discussing these over a year ago and I certainly remember talking about the one around the corner at Devry and the one at the mall.

People can try typing in Conroy or use the other search button and enter her zip code.
The sites will come up in the search results.
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