Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest* #3

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We’ve established that she actually did report her missing at 4:43 pm. The police took 3 hours to show up. & that the police station closes at 5pm, so walking into the station and shaking down the police to make a report right <modsnip> now wasn’t necessarily a readily available option.
The missing persons report was NOT called into the Kissimmee Police Department. It WAS called into and handled by the Orange County Sherriff’s Office. It says so right on the report.
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Don’t have the entire report on hand right now was just making this point;
View attachment 488685
Reported missing at 4:43

View attachment 488686
Police did not respond until 7:48

**Can find the full report in this video
This was the report I was trying to find. Here, it looks like SS was at the school at 19:48, when the deputy first took the details of the missing person report. SS gave a statement at that time. And it says they were "searching" the neighborhood. What does it mean to be missing disabled?
Re : time of death. LE were absolutely certain she had passed before the morning school run was supposed to occur and she was deceased, body staged in his car. They didn't flinch on this point. I think it's not unreasonable to suspect that there were photos/videos on his phone or in combination with a security camera in the home or apartment complex. Even with cadaver dogs, I can't recall any other case where LE was certain the victim was deceased before the body was found.
This sick must have intentionally (or accidentally I suppose ) recorded the murder. This poor girl, my heart just breaks for her.
BBM for focus.

LE did not say that the body was staged in the car. They said they knew she was dead from seeing her/the body in the car. They have not given any additional details on the state of the body in the car.
Per her aunt, Maddie was laid to rest yesterday.
The memorial video at the link was absolutely gut wrenching to see! It is clear she was VERY loved by her dad and other family members. Unbelievable that there was someone so incredibly evil in her life. : ( Heart. Broken. For this little girl and her loved ones.
Did we ever find out whether Maddie was prescribed drugs for the occasions she went to doctors? Children who experience abuse do engage in suicide ideation. If Maddie showed signs of withdrawal, depression, vocal threats of running away, etc. it's possible she may have tried to commit suicide. It's just speculation relating to Maddie's death, but child suicide is a real and frightening reality for so many parents. Some of the reasons for child suicide are bullying, sexual abuse, physical abuse, depression and anxiety. Poor Maddie suffered several of those flags.

I read an article that said nearly 5000 youths in 2019 died from overdoses in the US. Many of the overdoses were with drugs used to treat anxiety and ADHD.


I don't know if Maddie was still alive whether she would point the finger toward SS because abused kids try really hard to avoid the very thing that's tearing their life apart. And she did have a crush on someone, remember? That's what her mom said. She went through Maddie's phone and deemed it innocent. Was that just a figment of her mom's imagination or a convenient embellishment to slip into the narrative?

So whatever the method of Maddie's death, the person responsible at this point in time is Stephan Stern. He'd been sexually assaulting for years. Adding to her humility and shame by filming it. If he had a partner in crime to hide his crime we'll find out soon enough.

Poor kid. Just can't imagine what she was feeling on her birthday surrounded by presents and well wishes and the monster was right there like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
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Didn't the mother say there was video of Madeline being dropped off and then standing around in a parking lot?
She said that it was said by her sister (?) that Maddie was seen on video hanging out at the church and then getting up at 9 and walking off. She said she had not seen the video and it was third/fourth hand information. The aims and origins of these claims that there is a video we can only guess atm.
That video. Heart-stopping... scenes of her life...

So wrong for it to be cut short. She deserved a full life....

She's dead because he came through their door.

So unfair.

It's heartbreaking . Ill never understand how someone can abuse and murder a child. Rest in peace Maddie. Prayers for her family and friends
There does seem to be a big difference between the interviews given by people who are genuinely distraught about a missing person and the ones done by those who know that person is dead and 99.9% of the time a vast majority of Websleuthers can immediately spot the difference and instinctively notice when something does not feel right.

IA. There’s one press conference in particular where Maya Millete’s sister can barely speak through her sobbing and rage, her pain is so raw it just makes you want to run to her and hold her as tight as you can so she doesn’t shatter into pieces.

Watching JS I feel annoyance and exasperation, esp in the second interview.

Not trying to sound judgey but as a new-ish mom with a toddler daughter I’ve tried putting myself in her shoes. I know I would be red-faced, my eyes would be swollen, my skin would be splotchy…I would be stammering as I tend to do when I’m extremely upset. I wouldn’t be positing where LE wouldn’t find her, I would be begging the local community to get outside if they are able bodied and search behind every tree, under any rock…call in any tip no matter how small. And I would be talking to the press from wherever she was last seen bc I wouldn’t be eating or sleeping, just combing the neighborhoods until I couldn’t stand upright.

You look at families like Crystal Rodger’s, and it just doesn’t make any sense for both adults in this case to seem so…unperturbed and dry eyed. I would think that in the case of a child, your only child you would be even more desperate and frantic.

Can’t remember who it was but I believe there was a woman who was pregnant and murdered, her baby kidnapped…her husband gave an interview or two and he had a super flat affect, he got totally annihilated by the public and it turned out that he wasn’t involved at all. So if I’m just being harsh I’ll eat crow easily, I’m just making observations as a true crime junkie and hyper vigilant BL reader.
There does seem to be a big difference between the interviews given by people who are genuinely distraught about a missing person and the ones done by those who know that person is dead and 99.9% of the time a vast majority of Websleuthers can immediately spot the difference and instinctively notice when something does not feel right.
Follow enough cases and you get the ability to see through lies. MOO, SS was extremely fake in his interviews. He had done unspeakable things and sat there trying to come across as like a real parent... yuck he's disgusting. Then, there's the inconsistencies told when a child is still missing. That is the time to tell the absolute truth and give the exact details. Don't make stuff up. Well, assuming you really want help finding your missing child.

It's so uncomfortable listening to fabricated stories or watching someone put on a fake distraught scene. The minute I get that feeling something is hinky I know there is more to the story. The worst part is that usually that means the missing person is no longer alive. I'm sure many here know what I mean. That is a sad truth that we've seen too much of it.
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