Found Deceased FL - Madeline Soto, 13, Missing Child Alert, 13500 blk Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, 26 Feb 2024 *arrest*

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Things I noticed from the full interview:
He just kept saying how "sweet" Maddie is, called her sweetheart, which gave me a nasty visual of him calling her that during the types of acts he recorded on his phone. My stomach literally hurt during this.
His voice, I could not get over how much it felt like his entire voice was being changed to "sound" upset. Even though I'd never heard/seen him speak before. In my experience a truly upset person has breaks and changes in their tones when speaking about upsetting things. I very much felt like he purposely tried to soften his voice to sound more upset, it was bizarre.
I also saw no sign of actual tears.
His comment about how her mother was holding up better than him, ewwww just this man just skeeves me out completely.
She has said "we" in both this and the other interview. In this one I do get more of a vibe that she's using "we" to mean them as parents and not literally the two of them dropped her off. But in the other interview it definitely sounded like she meant "we" as in she was there. IDK

Also one mystery solved: she says in this interview that she had to work so she couldn't go to Maddie's birthday party.

When he said they just want their "baby girl" back I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

Someone else asked if anyone else was at the “bday party” unthread. I was trying to reply to that but on cell phone it’s a bit tricky and I must have misclicked. Anyhow, there is a photo online of Madeline behind a bday cake that seems to be for her 13th. There are two people visible in the reflection of the window (screen right) and one person standing on screen right who I thought *could* be the monster himself. I was not able to clean it up enough in photoshop to be sure it was him - could be anyone really (well, anyone who seems to have a beard and possible a baseball cap on). MOO. No idea if the photo was from the 22nd (actual bday) or the gathering for her on Sunday. I assumed the photo in question was taken around 6pm ish given the light visible (dusk) in the window.
She has said "we" in both this and the other interview. In this one I do get more of a vibe that she's using "we" to mean them as parents and not literally the two of them dropped her off. But in the other interview it definitely sounded like she meant "we" as in she was there. IDK

Also one mystery solved: she says in this interview that she had to work so she couldn't go to Maddie's birthday party.

When he said they just want their "baby girl" back I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

I'd like to know where that birthday party was held and when it ended. And after the party ended where SS and Maddie went. Did they go home to Maddie's house? Did he take her somewhere else?
Rewatching the video now with captions. Her mom is talking about Madeline having ADHD, being very forgetful. I wonder. Or was the poor kid just carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders from living in a SA situation with her mom's boyfriend? If I were in Madeline's shoes, I would want to forget large swaths of my life. I could see her being stressed & preoccupied a lot of the time, leading to her seeming forgetful. MOO.
This area on the live video has crime tape - the one at the abandoned house that was in an earlier post - did not. INteresting.
After my daily walk, I came back to the horrid heading.
I was hoping MS ran away, due to the treatment by this creep.

Guess, he had further ideas, to try to hide his evil actions.
Hope the creep 'gets life'.
After my daily walk, I came back to the horrid heading.
I was hoping MS ran away, due to the treatment by this creep.

Guess, he had further ideas, to try to hide his evil actions.
Hope the creep 'gets life'.
He was awfully proud of his actions (photos and video on his cell phone) until it got real and he wouldn’t own up to hiding her body. Coward. That little girl was braver and stronger than he was if she lived as his SA victim or as a hostage in his likely DV situation with her mother. (moo).

Someone else asked if anyone else was at the “bday party” unthread. I was trying to reply to that but on cell phone it’s a bit tricky and I must have misclicked. Anyhow, there is a photo online of Madeline behind a bday cake that seems to be for her 13th. There are two people visible in the reflection of the window (screen right) and one person standing on screen right who I thought *could* be the monster himself. I was not able to clean it up enough in photoshop to be sure it was him - could be anyone really (well, anyone who seems to have a beard and possible a baseball cap on). MOO. No idea if the photo was from the 22nd (actual bday) or the gathering for her on Sunday. I assumed the photo in question was taken around 6pm ish given the light visible (dusk) in the window.
I was just looking at the birthday pic, and you can see reflections in the metallic balloon above Maddie's head. Looks to be four or five people, maybe? I don't know how to sharpen photos up, but maybe you can take a shot at it? Also, if Maddie's mom wasn't at the party, I don't see SS letting Maddie go alone.
I was just looking at the birthday pic, and you can see reflections in the metallic balloon above Maddie's head. Looks to be four or five people, maybe? I don't know how to sharpen photos up, but maybe you can take a shot at it? Also, if Maddie's mom wasn't at the party, I don't see SS letting Maddie go alone.
I will certainly try again tomorrow but even if I managed it successfully, I wouldn’t post the outcome here or anywhere publically. I think that would be very unfair to the family and anyone who could be identified as a result in that photo.

About the party though: who arranged it? Who was invited and who attended? What food and refreshments were served? By whom?

I’d like to know so much more than what we have been told and I’d like to know it from LE or prosecutors.
I think someone who saw him changing the tire called in the tip and I'm hoping that there's something in the flat that links that car to that location. I'm going to believe that the forces of good flattened that tire and some alert LE person watching the videos, noticed that the tire had been changed which helps put a noose around his neck.
I bolded, 'the forces of good...' : just great Walela.
Forces, Karma worked their magic, to find this little girl.
Now let us see Justice being carried out.
Some basic questions I have:

What were the living arrangements?
Exactly how long had mom and boyfriend been together?
Where did the boyfriend come from to pick up Madeline that morning?
What time did he arrive that morning?
Why didn't mom see her that morning?
No, she didn't give any kind of time frames.
Thank you, I suppose all the details will be made clear eventually. I'm just curious how much time SS had access to Madeline that night before or even after Mom got home. Here is what Mom said about Sunday night - begins at roughtly 5:47
  • Mom - if anything on Sunday, she celebrated her 13th birthday with my entire family. She had the best day, she was so happy, showed us all her gifts - umm - she's just a happy girl and she showed it.
  • On Sunday night when she went to bed, she was so happy - you know, she had the best day.
  • You know there was no moment in that evening, when she got home from the party, that she had her phone or laptop. She went straight to getting ready and went to bed.
  • So I know she didn't have any conversations with anyone, she didn't make plans with anyone. I didn't see any of that.
So it sounds like Mom was home in time for Maddie to show her the gifts she received, before she headed off to bed Sunday night. I wonder what the layout of their apartment/home is? Are all the bedrooms on one floor?

In the vast majority of cases I completely agree with you, and with that analysis. In this particular case: I invite you to watch the video of her speaking with the media, the one posted immediately before this post, where the boyfriend is in the latter half. Watch her facial expressions while her kids make noise off camera. Come back here after and share your impressions? In 99% of cases I’d agree with you. In this particular case I invite a more nuanced discussion of circumstances.

To me it looks as though she goes from worried parent to affectionately annoyed, carefree parent of a child who's making a racket at an inopportune time. Instantly, like a mask drops to reveal the reality underneath. Or vice versa. IDK

In both interviews, she seems to be looking up and to the left a lot instead of at the interviewer. I don't think this means anything, but it did jump out at me because it seemed unusual in comparison to the probably thousands of other local news interviews I've seen in my life.
Wow! The ability of these <modsnip - namecalling> to manipulate and spill tears at the drop of a hat will never cease to amaze me. The reporter asks about conversation on the way to the drop off spot and he asserts she was asleep. Unreal.
Yes it's doubtful that she'd be asleep at that time of the morning.
Here's a thought : He made this up so as to cover if she was seen (sorry to type this !) with her eyes closed or slumped over.
And there's really no better term to describe S.S. as.
A monster in human form, esp. to Madeleine and any other young victim of his !
Any punishment or sentence really seems like it's never enough to deter predators.
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