FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #15

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You are correct and that person could have been helping SP. This could have been more than one person. I originally thought it could have been a woman who lured her like her babysitter or the mom of one of her friends even the one who drive her to school. I still haven't ruled anyone out as an accomplice. This had to be someone she knew.

The only way I see this as more than one offender is if the offenders were already together when they came across Somer - if it was impulsive. So for instance, I could see a couple of guys working construction as a possibility but I can't see a calculated plan where two guys get together and pre-meditate it. I would think that this type of crime is a definite loner activity.

And I can't think of any reasons the mother would help someone in a premeditated plan to rape and murder her daughter. What does she get out of that? If the mother was involved somehow, I would think it would be something spontaneous, like helping cover for her other children or for someone else in the home.
Is the boyfriend completely ruled out? Someone who knew the neighborhood and was also looking for Somer could have found her lollygagging around that burnt house and fatally knocked her around then hid her in a trash can before going to the home. I suppose any scratches would have shown up though in a person that intimately known to the family and surely LE also asked to see everyone's arms. I still don't see how Somer was able to scratch an adult male, or any experienced SO on the arms or head though.
I think its a huge coincidence too. All of his flakey new age stuff reduces his credibility further for me. But... In the end I just can't make the timeline work.

I think there has to be some reason they blacked out part of the mom's interview and why the mother seemed to almost answer the question about whether she suspected anyone of taking her daughter, AND some reason she was so (whas seems to be uncharacteristically) worried about what time Somer got home that night. If she thought there was someone risky in the vicinity that day, it would explain her asking someone to look out for the kids after school (and it would explain why someone from the SO registry is on the initial police report).

I still think it's odd the way they blacked out a potion of the interview instead of just snipping it out. It seems as if they want someone to be aware that they know something. JMO.
Just wanted to mention that Cathdawg, Tfhroning, NSC, ItalianAngel and others brought this WRD III guy up before. I'm a believer now that I've been reading more about his crimes. I think this is a good possible. Here's his Florida criminal page: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ActiveOffenders/Detail.asp?Bookmark=1&From=list&SessionID=573413639

He went from jail to a faith based residential program called Crosspoint. He left there and was in Volusia county for a couple of months. This guy was last renting a room at a house in Pine Hills where I gather that other men also rent rooms (I think the rooms are rented to people who are in recovery from substance abuse). BTW When he attacked and raped his ex girlfriend, he also threatened her children. Here is an article detailing his history more fully: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news...-malave-murder-suspect-103009,0,5966284.story
Just wanted to mention that Cathdawg, Tfhroning, NSC, ItalianAngel and others brought this WRD III guy up before. I'm a believer now that I've been reading more about his crimes. I think this is a good possible. Here's his Florida criminal page: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/ActiveOffenders/Detail.asp?Bookmark=1&From=list&SessionID=573413639

Does he resemble CWG to anyone and that's the mistake? He does kind of to me, but I'm dizzy from looking at all of these people?
Well ... if they didn't have time for lunch, they probably didn't have time for anything else. Assuming a one-hour lunch hour. :)

I was a single mom for 11 years +. Having to work and having sick child(ren) means that they go to school if at all possible. If they can't make it all day, then they call and arrangements are made.
Somer said she didn't feel good that morning-I've always figured that D, knowing she had this lunchtime tete-a-tete set up, for whatever reason-discussion, even-especially didn't want Somer in the house at that time.
And on that note, I would love to know if something had happened to Somer the day BEFORE, to make her not want to go to school! If she was already stressed, that could have been the catalyst for her spat during the day.
Was she anticipating something she wasn't looking forward to?
Does he resemble CWG to anyone and that's the mistake? He does kind of to me, but I'm dizzy from looking at all of these people?

I think the issue was that there are several people on the SO registry with the same first and last name. He was thought to possibly be one of the guys on the registry (a WLD I believe). As it turns out, this guy is not a registered sex offender - so he wasn't any of the guys we looked at on the registry.

The more I read about him, the more I think he's a viable possible suspect. I hope that LE takes a look at him in this case.
I haven't been able to keep up much with this case. So can someone tell me who SP is. Thanks
I think the issue was that there are several people on the SO registry with the same first and last name. He was thought to possibly be one of the guys on the registry (a WLD I believe). As it turns out, this guy is not a registered sex offender - so he wasn't any of the guys we looked at on the registry.

The more I read about him, the more I think he's a viable possible suspect. I hope that LE takes a look at him in this case.

It appears that in the Shannon case (kidnapped baby) WS sleuths alerted LE to the kidnapper as having done a similar crime. Could you send LE the info, please?
I haven't been able to keep up much with this case. So can someone tell me who SP is. Thanks

Sean Patton, a good friend of Diena's (the mom's) who had lunch at the house that day with Diena, and was asked to stay and watch the kids. Diena returned to work (although not sure of time). Two of Somer's siblings came home at 3:10, and Somer, who'd run off ahead of them, was not there. SP asked the 10 yo sister (AT) to go look for Somer; when she returned 15 minutes later, he asked her to go look again really good before he called their mom. Not sure where ST, the twin brother was at this time. At 4, Diena texted SP asking how the kids were, and SP responded that Somer had not come home. Diena said she would leave work and come home. She called her boyfriend, Charles Perry Currier and asked that he come home and help. Perry, as I believe he goes by, arrived home at 5 and picked up the twin brother. Diena picked up her older son, AC (different bio dad) at the park (OPAA) and then flagged down police officer, A. Coan.

You can read the missing person report -- the real one and my summary by clicking on the link in my signature. There is also a map of her route with notes about who saw her where. And a few other links to things people have been asking for.
I wonder if Diena saw something while she was home at lunch, and it meant nothing to her then, but upon finding that Somer had not come home, what she'd seen worried her and that's what is blacked out of the video.

Pinamia, it also could be that someone was in that neighborhood that day only who had nothing to do with SP.
About the hair. Mom said she put the hair up in a ponytail with a red bow in the press release. But one of the early news stories said, "A forensic unit from the Clay County Sheriff's office in Florida has been dispatched to the home, where witnesses say the little girl whose hair was in pigtails and was sporting a Hannah Montana backpack was last seen."

Now I get that this may have just been early bad info. But then on the amw website (under the subtopic, "media") it says, "Somer wore her hair in pigtails with pink ribbons the day she disappeared."

Seems like a weird discrepancy to me. I also still think its weird that regardless of how many backpacks or bookbags she has, nobody can, to this day, tell us which one is missing.
I wonder if after she "goofed off" at the tanks and the Gano house, she thought she'd better get home fast and took a short cut up through OPAA.

I know someone had already brought up the possibility that she took a short cut. If she went up Grove Park, would there be any way to get to her house (thinking like a kid and not worrying about cutting through yards.)

One reason that makes me think she took a shortcut (besides being mad, sick, and maybe wanting to tell mom (or SP) her side of the story before sister) is that the uncle of the girl who (supposedly) got into the argument with Somer said that the girls walked together to school from time to time.

The girl lives at #### Arbor Circle. If they were to meet or say bye at the corner of Grove Park Drive, they would only walk about two blocks together. Knowing little girls, they could've in the past taken detours to spend more time together. That shortcut being through the woods from Debarry to Arbor (or Vis.)

It would be great to know these details from LE, and I'm sure they have them.

I wonder if one person's red is another person's pink.

Her jumpsuit, IIRC, was cranberry.
One reason that makes me think she took a shortcut (besides being mad, sick, and maybe wanting to tell mom (or SP) her side of the story before sister) is that the uncle of the girl who (supposedly) got into the argument with Somer said that the girls walked together to school from time to time.

The girl lives at #### Arbor Circle. If they were to meet or say bye at the corner of Grove Park Drive, they would only walk about two blocks together. Knowing little girls, they could've in the past taken detours to spend more time together. That shortcut being through the woods from Debarry to Arbor (or Vis.)

It would be great to know these details from LE, and I'm sure they have them.


Thank you!

I was just looking at the map in my signature and thinking about where the two left each other.

If the girl went to her house and Somer continued on, and the girl knew there was no road, she might say that she would ask her where she went ... or words to that effect.

Arbor Circle doesn't go through to DeBarry, but I wonder if there is a way to get through there. (hole in a fence ... gap in a fence ... etc.)
Hi Lipin, reading all these posts is quite an undertaking. Personally I like the rehashing. Thats the way mysteries are solved. It doesnt take much to miss a key piece of information so resleuth as much as possible if your not satisfied with the outcome you have.:)

This is true Beyond Belief...

So nice to see everyone sleuthing away... gettem sleuthers...

It sounds like M, the girl, and Somer got in fight before she is with siblings? And then when AT confronts her about the argument, she runs off?

Here is where M lives. I wonder if there is a way to DeBarry from here (shortcut)? Trying to get into street view. But got this from the DeBarry side.

But can get a pic of the "sheds" that were discussed ... and this side.

ETA: Finally I'm able to find the picture that was discussed long ago and the blank area! My hooray moment ... thanks to whoever posted this 12 threads ago!
I have read all of the backthreads. It's a good suggestion, and it is the first thing I did - I had actually joined here due to another case. I do forget details on threads sometimes, I'm sure. Going back to re-check, we did mention this guys's name after Malave was killed, but I think we were talking about an SO who shares the same name, thinking it was this guy. This guy wasn't on the SO list (although he probably should have been - he had rape history that wasn't prosecuted). This guy's initials are WRD. To me he seems to have been spiralling out of control (emotionally labile, taking a lot of risks while offending, seems to have mental health issues).

In this recent crime he took his victim back to his home to rape and murder her, and then bought her back geographically to the place of the abduction. That could very well be patterned behavior, it would be nice to have more info on the assault of his ex gf. He didn't care that the police might be around or watching. He drove her back into the area in the front seat of his car. So he would have been capable of doing the same with Somer.

It is not uncommon for a rapist of women or teen girls to sexually assault a (particularly female) child. Only about 10% of those who offend sexually against children are solely fixated on prepubescent victims. Those in that 10% are the ones classified as pedophiles. Pedophiles are more concerned about their victims being prebubescent than they are about them being a particular gender. However, the vast majority of children who are sexually assaulted are attacked by sexual offenders who are also attracted to adults.

This guy, WRD, was thought to have been in the area at the time Somer was abducted. In fact, LE in Orange County found him doing a sweep but didn't know who he was because his fingerprints weren't coming up on the statewide check and he gave them a false dob. They saw several men with his first and last initials in the system, but none of them matched him.

This guy has anger issues. He recently bought a car. He was attempting to abscond to Georgia (he is on probation and has had a warrant out since earlier this year) when he committed his last crime. He drove the body back to the abduction area with a black trashbag covering the victim. I'm trying to find a reason why this couldn't be the guy and I don't see anything that rules him out. I wish I knew where he was staying before the Pine Hills address and what car he was driving before he bought the Toyota. It would also be good to know what all he's been doing employment wise.

Edit to add link to NC criminal history: http://webapps6.doc.state.nc.us/opi...turl=pagelistoffendersearchresults&listpage=1

He was declared insane during his last criminal case (the one with the girlfriend in Florida). He had 11 infractions in what I believe was eight months of incarceration in NC. He assaulted a worker inside the Dept of Corrections - don't know which gender (that would be good to know - whether it was a male or female guard).

Hopetohelp this is a very good theory.. but just some questions and comments..

Do you think this WRD could be linked to Somer somehow? say he tried to get a loan at a certain loan business or knew the guy at the loan business??

I see some drug charges on him... Do you think he could of been selling ???

could of visited someone that day ??? A sale gone bad during lunch?

From his charges it seems he is a hot head and doesn't plan out things .. just spur of moment stuff..

Maybe sorta friendly with certain ppl to get info as to children etcc... ??

I don't see this WRD with patience to sit and watch his prey.. I could be wrong very much so but I see him as to flighty...

Maybe he borrowed cars... Is there anyway you could place him in Somer's area in your theory???

Thank you!

I was just looking at the map in my signature and thinking about where the two left each other.

If the girl went to her house and Somer continued on, and the girl knew there was no road, she might say that she would ask her where she went ... or words to that effect.

Arbor Circle doesn't go through to DeBarry, but I wonder if there is a way to get through there. (hole in a fence ... gap in a fence ... etc.)

No way through, and the houses are fenced in up until the two long apartment buildings (or whatever they are.)

As I said once, I walked back and forth to school growing up, and I know that if one wants a shortcut, one finds one... and, (like you say) any hole in a fence, unfenced property, etc... would do.
Since I'm just finding the blank area that is no longer available, can anyone tell me whether it was established that from Arbor you could cut through by the "sheds" and past the fence?

New link.

Am I looking the right way? I have no sense of direction when I'm in street view. Is this not a gate?

btw, I believe this is directly through the yard of the friend she had a spat with. Not 100% on that.
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