FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #25

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MommaD, I'm glad you thought they were looking for something specific.

I remember watching the video in which the reporter said it was another day of intense searching and those people looked anything but intense. IMO
I have to wonder the same thing. And I keep wondering if the reason they didn' notify LE is because they knew it was one or more of their own (or perhaps former workers) who was partying at the house.

There is that RSO that was absconded and in jail now IIRC that had lots of trespassing charges.. he lived close by there and prob knew house was vacant. Grrr I cant remember his initials. Workers could have thought he was homeless and just didnt want to turn him in. Its not their house. Plus some construction workers, day laborers dont want to talk to LE period.
Thanks for that MommaD - that is very encouraging.

If anyone has the video link, I'd love to watch it again. I'll try to find it.

I agree.. thanks so much for that MommaD-Made my heart lift a little.. feelin like it wants to soar.:blowkiss:
I know we all questioned the outside labs being used and I thought this was worth sharing:
"They have a stocked equipment van and a high-tech command center vehicle. They also have a pipeline into the FBI’s state-of-the-art laboratory in Quantico, Va., where some of the evidence collected in Somer’s case is being analyzed."

Hey - sad - luv your new avatar!!!

I often find the marbles I've lost have rolled under the couch.
Look at 2:41 & somewhere between 3:39 -3:49 of the video... notice the ultra violet lights? What about the blinking blue light around the 3:39 - 3:49 part. What do you think that was used for?

Probably looking for blood?
Look at 2:41 & somewhere between 3:39 -3:49 of the video... notice the ultra violet lights? What about the blinking blue light around the 3:39 - 3:49 part. What do you think that was used for?

I remember seeing a different video of this (at night) & the reporter pointed out those lights inside and said it was used to find bodily fluids.
Interesting story and good comments concerning rumors the police started.
This has probably been posted already.


Yes, it's been posted, but IMO bears revisiting, because the Sheriff's explanation clashes with when the burglars were arrested, according to the Clay County daily incident report website.

Quote from article:
"The day Somer disappeared, a deputy who was among those who responded to the missing girl’s home was called away to an unrelated armed robbery. He arrived at the second scene and caught four suspects, Beseler said. When the officer wrote the report, he forgot to change the address on the call, resulting in armed robbery arrests mistakenly tied to the Thompson home."

The burglars were arrested a couple of days later (IIRC), not the night Somer went missing.
Look at 2:41 & somewhere between 3:39 -3:49 of the video... notice the ultra violet lights? What about the blinking blue light around the 3:39 - 3:49 part. What do you think that was used for?

The ultra violet light could be used if they were using luminol, I'm not sure about the blinking blue light

ETA: The blinking blue light looks like a reflection in the window from an emergency vehicle.
Thanks MommaD. I've seen the video but didn't notice they were looking for/pulling out certain *like* items. That gives me even greater hope.
I am confident they have evidence. Let's hope it shouts out the perp's name.

Was there anything like glass or something that could have contained glass, like the frame of a window? If Somer was covered with construction material it may have come from that dumpster and the glass been shattered during the trash hauling process.
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4501871&postcount=703"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 24[/ame]

From http://www.firstcoastnews.com/video/...on/49316661001 posted above:

I think this is from Friday 10/23?

Most of work outside; a dozen agents sift through dumpster.

They planned to extend their search on Somer's entire route home.
Did any ever figure out what that sign is in front of vinsons home on that video?

Did you mean Amason's or something else? A's is the company the contract was with for emptying the dumpster?? Don't think links were right.

And it's not Vinson's home ... except that the company owned by them is working on it.

ETA: Whoever was asking about what kind of equipment they had in there, in that video there is a shot of a bulldozer (?) or something like that.
Thanks for the video links - I've watched them in full screen mode and have also paused the frames with LE digging in the dumpster, but I can't identify anything specific.

The neighbor guy who said he looked for Somer said he shone a flashlight in the window of the Gano house and didn't see anything unusual. He also said he has walked by that house in the past & has never seen anyone there other than the workers.

Makes me wonder (again) why Vinson said they'd get there in the a.m. & find empty beer cans & such...
Was there anything like glass or something that could have contained glass, like the frame of a window? If Somer was covered with construction material it may have come from that dumpster and the glass been shattered during the trash hauling process.

I am sorry .. had gopher duties and had to run.. but I looked at the video from channel 4 and it stops at 6:48 or so. the whole 13minutes doesn't play. Something is up they don't want us to see again. I feel anyway. So many of the video's have been chopped.. now that bugs me all those minutes are gone.

I will look for video after I do a couple things.
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