FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #30

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I'm sure LE has the cell phone records and if there were red flags with the times then these people would be suspects. But LE has none.

Well, we don't know they have none. In fact, they probably have plenty. They are just keeping quiet about it, for whatever reason. My guess is they need the hard evidence or a break from a witness to arrest who they already suspect based on phone records and anything else they have gathered.

Remember that everyone remains a suspect.
Noway, we are going by what was told to the LE on the MPR. The only proof here is the time that the report was filed.

There are no records of when DT left work. Cell phones would prove when those other calls took place. People have discussed which receptionist office she worked at (I don't recall a resolution there) and how long it took, etc. It's silly for me to be even talking about this. I am concerned about all of the small but significant varying reports about who said what time things happened. On the video I watched, LE said mom searched 2 and 1/2 hours. Pretty bizarre to stand on national t.v. and give specific information like that if it is incorrect. She did not indicate that was wrong...

However, I have a hard time imagining her and/or her son, in anger, killing the child because she had run off one too many times. I can see DT giving her hell, but that's about all. I do think on some level she either knows or suspects who did it and either can't face the truth or is covering because the alternative would be just too too hard to deal with.

Its all on the police report page 5 and page 6. When she got the text and the times. If that helps you...
Why would DT be scouring the park for so long unless she knew that Somer routinely ran off into the park when she took off? Maybe big brother was familiar with Somer's routine, also. Did Somer have a favorite hiding place in the park? LE, go back and find out. Talk to people who saw her doing this and noted where she went. This should give some significant clues as to at what point she got nabbed.

Mahla said places and friends Somer visits have been checked.
How long ago did the Sheriff say that?

God help me but I sure hope they have progressed since then. If they haven't ruled out some people with 4,000 tips and forensics, I don't that I (as resident) would have much confidence in the CCSO.

But I'm holding onto the rumor from Diena's lawyer that they are watching someone.

Before you guys go to bed watched this video dedicated to Somer..

Sorry if this question has been raised before but i never considered it until now...What if the child Somer might have hit with her backpack was her sister, who then chased her????....(as per the other video report)

Seems like a plausible scenario to me. There's so much conflicting info on this issue, I don't think there's any way to know for sure.
I know I am nuts because after work I went and wrapped presents for an agency for 3 - 1/2 hours (looked at my watch, lol) and came home to check in with you all...I have to be up at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow and Fri., and 300 presents to wrap this weekend. I must be on here to try to solve something, lol. What can I say except you all give me a sense of hope after long days that there are people who care and people who want to make a difference. Even if you never get credit. I hope for your sake that you will receive the satisfaction of Justice for little Somer, preferably as a result of something you knew before LE did!!!!! Good Night and God Bless!
I meant to post this earlier and forgot.

It's an explanation of the chart for Somer in the Forensic Astrology thread (related to her birthday being incorrect).

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4319576&postcount=14"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - SOMER THOMPSON,7 yr old missing 10/19/09 Orange Park, FL[/ame]
*****NOTE the chart for SOMER THOMPSON is an 'EVENT CHART' covering the circumstances of Little Somer's disappearance, that day, that hour she went missing.(Oct 19th,2009 @2:45pm)*****
It is NOT a Natal chart based on her birthdate.

The original request to do a Forensic chart for her had indicated an incorrect date of birth but I went back into that post and rectified it including the addition of her Missing poster.

We are aware her DOB is 4/05/2002.
The other park on kingsley, I cant remember the name is closed and being completely renovated, its all torn up. I took a video, but ugh.. my computer is so slow. and my videos are tarabull too. IIRC, someone told us this in a post right after somer died. Im gonna leve them downloading when I go to bed and see what happens in the morning.

Noway can i get the map cam was referring to? My slow puter wont go back or it boots me again and again.
Clarke Park is closed?

Just wondered because of the comment that got us looking there. A woman said she was in Clark (no e) Park and officer asked her if she'd seen Somer. She knew nothing about a missing child until then ... etc. etc.

What map do I have? The one in my signature?

(lol and then I delete the signature in this post!)

This one?

I don't know when I'll be online tomorrow but will try to check and make sure you get the map you need. Goodnight all.
Its all on the police report page 5 and page 6. When she got the text and the times. If that helps you...

IIRC, almost all of page 4 of the MPR (when the narrative part of the report was filled out) has either been redacted or mysteriously left blank, and then picks up again on page 5.

Why is there almost an entire blank page (page 4) in the narrative?


ETA: Either LE has extra paper to waste on absolutely nothing - or information has been whited out for reasons only LE knows.
Clarke Park was closed for renovations November 16.

I thought I saw something about the house in the park being worked on earlier than that, but I'll have to dig to see if I can find that info.
Tara, I swear he walks behind the tree and is blond (light hair anyway or maybe hat? LOL) in yellow shirt and when he comes out from tree he is dark haired wearing orange shirt.

I'm watching again.

I don't think he came out of the house so much as cut across the yard?

Will make arrangements to get new contacts ASAP. ;)
trigger.....now i'm gonna have puffy eyes tomorrow!

ETA: who's walking from DT's house in the background at about the 4 minute mark?

I lost my sigal and had to sign back on...grrrrr

I haven't watched it in a while. I'll have to wach it agai later. Now I have to catch up to you guys...
Tara, I swear he walks behind the tree and is blond (light hair anyway or maybe hat? LOL) in yellow shirt and when he comes out from tree he is dark haired wearing orange shirt.

I'm watching again.

I don't think he came out of the house so much as cut across the yard?

Will make arrangements to get new contacts ASAP. ;)

watching again too!!!

he just seems like he's in the wrong place....everyone ELSE is out front or so it seems.
Noway.. it was the map cam told me to look at.. it might of been of the crossing guard at grove park, thats what we were talking about
IIRC, almost all of page 4 of the MPR (when the narrative part of the report was filled out) has either been redacted or mysteriously left blank, and then picks up again on page 5.

Why is there almost an entire blank page (page 4) in the narrative?


Hmmmm. I have to go look. The deposition, the narrative. The story of what happen.
IIRC, almost all of page 4 of the MPR (when the narrative part of the report was filled out) has either been redacted or mysteriously left blank, and then picks up again on page 5.

Why is there almost an entire blank page (page 4) in the narrative?


It looks like there is text on the left margin, so I had thought it was redacted. Maybe a bad copy? Maybe something to protect family and privacy? IDK either. :)
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