FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #31

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Can anybody tell me what kind of pups these are? They have the same markings of the pups I saw in my vision. The white & brown face always reminds me of boxers. The report says they're "about 8 weeks old". Somer went missing 8 weeks & 3 days ago. The Vet is about 10 miles up Blanding Blvd from 1080 Gano. Strange that they would print this story, don't vet's get pets dumped on them all the time?


By the way, they were found in a garbage can...
Imagine how my MIL feels she got TigersD1 for a REAL license plate...needless to say i got her one of those digital scrolling plate holders so she can doctor it up over the holidays...

who'd have thunk it? lol certainly NOT my MIL. haha. (good thing i talked her out of the tattoo!!)
sorry waaay O/T

LMAO - are you serious???? Too funny!!!! TigersD1 with a digital scrollng plate holder
Can anybody tell me what kind of pups these are? They have the same markings of the pups I saw in my vision. The white & brown face always reminds me of boxers. The report says they're "about 8 weeks old". Somer went missing 8 weeks & 3 days ago. The Vet is about 10 miles up Blanding Blvd from 1080 Gano. Strange that they would print this story, don't vet's get pets dumped on them all the time?


My neighbor had boxers, and these don't look like hers. Almost St. Bernard-like to me. But I'm no dog expert.
Is it just me or does AB seem to have had a problem with the kids that HAD playing outside by themselves? Or maybe a problem with the parents?

I think she sure does....can't tell who she has a problem with more tho IMO i think she could have issues with kids, maybe walking/taking other peoples kids to/from school....maybe sick of the parents that don't.

Maybe she's just sick of looking out for them. (both kids & parents KIWM?)
Infinity I think those pups you posted are pittys....

likely cross breeds.

I'd take 'em all, every one of 'em!

ETA: i just called they are boxer mix!!! and they already all have homes! yeah!!!
I called and got message that they were at their annual Christmas party ... LOL ... must have had the wrong place! (ETA: Yep, I did have the wrong place!)

Mixed with what?

Boxers (full blooded)

Infinity, do you remember anything more about the dogs in your vision?
Infinity's post


I guess your visions aren't working today! I said I would be back didn't I? I am trying to juggle working and taking classes which does not leave a whole lot of time for posting so please bear with me. I did speak with Somer again, keep in mind you can't interrogate someone who has passed, you can ask questions but if they don't want to answer they go on to something else and you just have to go with the flow.

In answer to all the pictures you have had me look at, the answer is no, I don't believe it's him. We are looking for a big kid-boy/man kind of person. i am compelled to say that if he DID play football he would have been the quarterback. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to say that, but I've learned not to question.

She was lured to his home to look at puppies, they are in his garage with something that looks like a babygate around them with the mother who's name I believe is Frito. She looks like a boxer and I am told the father is Sampson.

Once inside the garage he tried to get sexual with her and she got VERY loud. Afraid she would attract the neighbors attention he then choked her, backed his car up to the garage, wrapped her in a plaid beach blanket and placed her in his trunk. He later hid something, the blanket I think, in the attic at the bottom of a box of sports supplies.

She said something about the garbage bin behind the "mall". I don't know if that's where he put her or her belongings. She also said the word "canal" but did not elaborate further on that.

I asked her to show me something that would prove to her mother that it was really her and she opened her hand and in her palm was a very small turtle. I don't know if they had turtles, or if she wanted a turtle but that is what was shown.

I did ask for a name, first I thought she said Keith which I discounted because that is the name of my best friends deceased husband who likes to come and mess with me when I meditate, so I asked again and she said Kevin. So it's either Keith (as in AKT) or Kevin. I could not get a last name.

I read the story of AKT and while I do not believe it's him I do believe this young man was trying to be a copycat and got in over his head.

Once again thanks fir your time.
Hey Noway - thanks for bringing infinity's post forward... you know something that just jumped out at me?? The remark about the dumpster behind the mall.. I think the Hooters on Wells Road is near the Orange Park Mall... on second thought not that close. I was trying to connect some imaginary dots to the rumor about Hooters debris being around her body. Nevermind...
I called and got message that they were at their annual Christmas party ... LOL ... must have had the wrong place! (ETA: Yep, I did have the wrong place!)

Mixed with what?

Boxers (full blooded)

Infinity, do you remember anything more about the dogs in your dream?
No, I just looked over the gate to make sure there really were puppies in there and I noticed a bunch of little squigglies with the face markings and the mother who I'm about 99% sure was a boxer. Maybe she got loose while in heat?:waitasec: Wonder what the other part is??
Wouldn't it have made more sense (if this was the killer dumping the dogs) to have disposed of them?

I mean if he/she killed a little girl, would they have a problem killing dogs?
No, I just looked over the gate to make sure there really were puppies in there and I noticed a bunch of little squigglies with the face markings and the mother who I'm about 99% sure was a boxer. Maybe she got loose while in heat?:waitasec: Wonder what the other part is??

look like a beagle mix to me
I will just repost to bring it all over to this one

want to throw out a new theory
DT last interview said ST lagged behind and AT thought she would catch up with Somer at the 2nd crossing guard.
We think AT and Somer got into a small spat and Somer went running off so this had to be before the vacant house.
She was seen by CS daughter at the corner of Grove and Gano then lost in the group of kids and the 3rd cross guard didn't see her at all. The police report does say last secure at 3:10

Then thats pretty much the last we hear of her
Did she take a short cut and beat them all home?
If she made it home first and SP was napping on the couch or didn't here her come in she could have hid in her room or grabbed her scooter and left going up farther on horton. She could also have just dropped her back pack in the backyard thinking no one was home and grabbed her scooter and keep going up horton.
By the time she comes back to the house was everyone gone out looking for her?
While people are looking in the woods she could have rode back to the park looking for them and then stopped at the gano house and told them great job. DT comes around by now and finds somer and is pissed that everyone is out looking for her


"The last time I remember seeing Somer she was riding her scooter"

On Monday, Oct. 26, 2009, exactly a week after Somer's disappearance, police set up road blocks and re-interviewed people in the area.

They were hoping for a lead and they got one.

A child had seen Somer on the sidewalk in front of a vacant home where there was a house fire a few months ago


I am responding to this last line in Ccane's post.

I had to sing at the memorial service of a (10 year old?) boy. Here's the story.

Mom was coming back from the store; he was in the back seat giving her major grief. By the time she pulled into the driveway she had had it, she looks over her shoulder as she's pulling in and says something to the effect of "I wish you'd never been born" (don't recall the real words)...

He opens the back door, jumps out of the slowly moving vehicle, lands on his HEAD. Killed instantly. Mom halts the car, runs over, kneels and gives CPR until her knees were raw. Too late.

I don't remember getting through the song except by the grace of God, but it always remained with me how easy it could be to get angry and lose it, say something you really did NOT mean, and end in irreversible tragedy.

We know about shaken baby syndrome and crimes of violence, during which, depending on the individual circumstances, can result in Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity.

As you know, I do not feel DT killed her child. I do feel, however, that Somer was a "problem" to a lot of people who, perhaps, are feeling a little less stress now that she is not in the picture. Anyway...
A poster asked if there were still police near the Thompson home. I got a message from a friend who lives nearby and drove by the home today. She says that some things have been taken from the cemetery and placed on a small memorial by the home.

She said she did not see any police today; however, their presence is still there at night.

Hope this helps.
I am responding to this last line in Ccane's post.

And I think DT picked her up

There is no way they are looking for a sex crime
and DT was by her own words near the last location of where somer was spotted by the child witness that came a week later

If this where a sex crime then why this comment?

"In the Oct. 26 arrest, the man — whose crimes in Florida were in Hillsborough County — was charged with attempting to entice a child. Beseler said the man is not a suspect in the Somer case.

They dont even have all the DNA back and yet this guy is not a supect either
And I think DT picked her up

There is no way they are looking for a sex crime
and DT was by her own words near the last location of where somer was spotted by the child witness that came a week later

If this where a sex crime then why this comment?

"In the Oct. 26 arrest, the man — whose crimes in Florida were in Hillsborough County — was charged with attempting to entice a child. Beseler said the man is not a suspect in the Somer case.

They dont even have all the DNA back and yet this guy is not a supect either

Point made ccane! OK THAT is sharpe!
It would stand to reason then it's NOT A SEX CRIME!
I don't think they have DNA back on all the people whose DNA they took. But there are RSOs (and others) who have DNA on file for one reason or another. So those people could be eliminated as suspects. Maybe this guy had DNA on file? And that is why he is not a suspect?

JMO but I think they do have the DNA from Somer (no way is something rushed and a priority going to take 8 weeks with FBI and NCIS involved. They have their own labs.) Maybe there is something about the perp (disease) that this guy doesn't have.

Re: The dogs

Human, I have a beagle, and with my neighbors boxers in mind, I don't think the result would be this big. These pups look big to me (for 8 weeks).
I am responding to this last line in Ccane's post.

And I think DT picked her up

There is no way they are looking for a sex crime
and DT was by her own words near the last location of where somer was spotted by the child witness that came a week later

If this where a sex crime then why this comment?

"In the Oct. 26 arrest, the man — whose crimes in Florida were in Hillsborough County — was charged with attempting to entice a child. Beseler said the man is not a suspect in the Somer case.

They dont even have all the DNA back and yet this guy is not a supect either

Interesting! Eliminated him right away instantly with nothing that we know of to back it up. So do you think LE knows who did it and are just making an airtight case?
If I had anything to do with killing a 7 year old, I would be careful where I dumped my construction debris ...

JMO but I think the two are unrelated.

I checked and he lives 30 minutes from Gano and I don't think it would be him. This killer lives in Orange Park. I just know it.
An inordinate number of sex crimes in the Clay Sheriff's Daily Bulletin today including a 25 year old woman who was arrested near Blanding and Kingsley for lewd/lascivious/handling/fondling/assault on a female child under 16.
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