France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2

Lelandais' testimony, continued

17:07: He did not participate in the search for Maëlys because he knew what had happened

- The president: "You see Maëlys' mother when you come back to the village hall. What do you think?"

- Lelandais: "I told her that no, I had not seen the girl. I would have liked it if she had seen the child.

- The president: "You are going to leave before the gendarmes arrive. Do we agree that you are not looking for Maëlys because you know what happened?

- Lelandais: "Yes.

- The president: "The T-shirt, is it stained with blood because you are going to carry Maëlys several times?"

- Lelandais: "I don't pay attention in fact. After the dummy (during the re-enactment), it is not the same. It does not move.

17:15: "I never put a stone on this child", assures Lelandais

- The president: "How do you explain that you are going to take the body down in the night without light?"

- Lelandais: "After a while the eye adapts. The further I went down the small road, the less light my car's headlights gave me, but my eyes adapted. My psychologists told me that it was an effect of hyper vigilance and it was my vision that became alert.

The president spoke of hiding the body under a stone and in a secluded place.

- Lelandais: "I never put a stone on this child. I groped my way through the forest and deposited the body.

- The president: "After the death of Arthur Noyer, you knew what would happen, how the body would decompose?"

- Lelandais: "No, no, I did this search on my phone but I didn't have a precise answer. I didn't know.

The president insists on researching the "decomposition of a human body".

- Lelandais: "I did the search, I didn't go to any site. If you don't want to believe me, don't believe me."

17:30: Lelandais explains why he lied a first time about where he deposited Maëlys' body

- The president: "On 14 February 2018 you agree to take everyone to the place where you took Maëlys' body. Why did you first indicate a place that does not correspond to the real one?"

- Lelandais: It was something stupid of me to say I laid her down on the ground there, not to say I had laid her down next to a railway. Why I said the shed, I don't know. What I wanted was for them to find the place where I had dropped Maelys off the last time but I lied, (about the first drop-off place), yes."

17:33: "Shame, remorse, guilt, I will always have them, all my life"

The president continues to question Lelandais on his multiple lies.

- Lelandais: "I'm sorry, I dragged everyone into my lies. Shame, remorse, guilt, I would always have them, all my life."

17:37: Lelandais and the photos of Maëlys recorded on his phone

- The president: "On what you will do after the facts. We know that on the 27th you consulted pornographic sites. We will find on your phone photos of Maëlys that were recorded the day after the child's disappearance. Facebook thumbnails. Why?"

- Lelandais: "I did not save any photos. Is it the viewing that causes it to be recorded automatically?"

17:40: The president asks Lelandais about the days following the night of the tragedy

- The president: "On Sunday 27th you go to the Mc Do (...) On 31 August you have two sexual encounters with a woman. On the 2nd, when you come out of police custody, some friends come to see you. And then there is the episode of the telephone that you break on 2 September and that your friend throws into the Lac du Bourget. What can you tell us about all this? It gives the impression that you are resuming a semblance of normal life?

- Lelandais: "That's what I'm trying to convey, yes, what I'm trying to do.

17:52: Lelandais says he was not himself at the time

- The president: "The more time passes, the less you are afraid (of being caught)?"

- Lelandais: "No, no, I am not well. I am not myself.

- The president: "The death of the corporal is buried in your head?

- Lelandais: "No, it's there all the time. Every day.

- The president: "Maëlys was all alone, in your car, without her parents? I'm talking about the vulnerability of Maëlys, compared to Arthur Noyer.

- Lelandais: "Arthur Noyer was a strong guy, a military man. We heard that he was preparing to go to Mali.

- The president: "Why did you change your story about where you left Maëlys the first time?

- Lelandais: "I know it sounds silly but I didn't want to say that I had left the child there."

17:58: Lelandais in a state of confusion after Maëlys' death

- The president: "One last question about what happens when you go to look for Maëlys' body. What did you do when you left the village hall? We know that you will take a shorter time to go and look for the body than the first time you left it. What can you say?"

- Lelandais: "I thought about what I was going to do. I didn't know.

- The president: "Your tape says you went up a staircase?"

- Lelandais: "I don't remember.

- The president: "Why the next day at 7am you delete the photos and videos of the wedding?"

- Lelandais: "I don't know. Is it to make room in my phone? I don't know.

- The president: "What was your state after Maëlys' death?"

- Lelandais: "I was not well either (in relation to Arthur Noyer).

- The president: "Yet everything you do seems organised, prepared?

- Lelandais: "I am in a state of confusion. I don't know how to explain. It's very complicated.

18:04: The hearing is suspended

It will resume at 18:20 with questions from the court, the civil parties, the public prosecutor and the defence.


That will be all for now.
@ZaZara - I hope you don't mind that I'm posting this article - before you are finished with the court case...

Feb. 18, 2022

GRENOBLE, France (AP) — After three weeks of court testimony that has riveted France, a former soldier was found guilty on Friday of killing an 8-year-old girl after luring her from a wedding celebration in a French Alpine town as guests partied into the night.

Nordhal Lelandais was sentenced to life in prison with 22 years guaranteed behind bars. He also was found guilty of molesting two cousins, aged 4 and 6 - one of them two weeks before Maëlys’ death in August 2017.
Lelandais will not appeal the decision, his lawyer Alain Jakubowicz said, adding that he had told his client the girl’s family shouldn't have to suffer further.

Friday, February 18th:
*Trial continues (Day 16) (all cases) (@ 9am CET) - France - Maëlys De Araujo (9) (Aug. 27, 2017, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, Isère; found Feb. 14, 2018) - *Nordahl Lelandais (34/now 38) arrested (Sept. 3, 2017) & indicted with murder & kidnapping & forcible confinement of a minor younger than 15; being held in jail. Maleys' DNA found in his car.
*Charged (July 3, 2017) & indicted (Feb. 27, 2020) with sexual assault of a minor under 15 yrs re sexual assault on his young cousin (14) during a visit for her father’s funeral, a month before Maëlys’ abduction; she was 6 years old at the time.
*Indicted (Dec. 7, 2018) for sexual assault on a minor & recording of child *advertiser censored* images. According to concurring sources, this indictment concerns the sexual touching of a little girl who was 4 years old at the time of the incident. Abusing his goddaughter, the daughter of a close friend. The video was taken in 2017 before the one where he was seen with his 6-year-old cousin. (NL admitted in particular that he had "for some time" been attracted to children & had pedophilic tendencies. "I didn't really make the difference between a woman and a child," he told the investigating judges).
Trial began on Jan. 31, 2022 thru Feb. 18, 2022.
Court info from Jan. 23, 2018 to Feb. 7, 2020 & trial day 1-9 (Jan. 31, 2022 to Feb. 9, 2022) reference post #367 here:
France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2

Feb. 7, 2022: Trial Day 7: additional info: Cousin of the girl's mother. Jennifer Cleyet-Marrel, Maëlys' mother, was called back to the stand. A 34-year-old man, present at the aperitif.
for more info see post #372 here:
France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2
Feb. 8, 2022: Tuesday, Trial Day 8: additional info: A childhood friend of the groom & the accused. Another former childhood friend. And another friend of NL. Sister of previous witness. Another friend of NL.
for more info see post #373 here:
France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2
Feb. 10, 2022: Thursday, Trial Day 10: A toxicology expert. A second expert re hair found on Maëlys' body. Expert in genetics.
for more info see post #376 here:
France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2
A forensic doctor. An expert in charge of interpreting the blood stains at the crime scenes.
for more info see post #377 here:
France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2
Trial continues on Feb. 11, 2022.
Feb. 11, 2022: Friday, Trial Day 11: The former prosecutor of Grenoble, Jean-Yves Coquillat. A former friend of NL. A gendarme in charge of the investigation into the disappearance of Arthur Noyer.
for more info see post #378 here:
France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2
Nordahl Lelandais.
for more info see posts #379 & 380 here:
France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2
Nordahl Lelandais continued.
for more info see post #381 here:
France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2
Trial continues on Feb. 14, 2022.
Feb. 14, 2022: Monday, Trial Day 12: Trial continues on Feb. 15, 2022.
Feb. 15, 2022: Tuesday, Trial Day 13: Trial continues on Feb. 16, 2022.
Feb. 16, 2022: Wednesday, Trial Day 14: Trial continues on Feb. 17, 2022.
Feb. 17, 2022: Thursday, Trial Day 15: Trial continues on Feb. 18, 2022.
Feb. 18, 2022: Friday, Trial Day 16: Lelandais was found guilty on Friday of killing an 8-year-old girl after luring her from a wedding celebration in a French Alpine town as guests partied into the night. Lelandais was sentenced to life in prison with 22 years guaranteed behind bars. He also was found guilty of molesting two cousins, aged 4 & 6 - one of them two weeks before Maëlys’ death in August 2017.

*Indicted (Dec. 20, 2017) for murder of Arthur Noyer (24) (April 11-12, 2017, Chambéry (Savoie); skull found Sept. 2017, id’d in Dec., 2017 & the rest of his bones found Jan. 2018). Found guilty of murder & sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
@ZaZara - I hope you don't mind that I'm posting this article - before you are finished with the court case...

Feb. 18, 2022

GRENOBLE, France (AP) — After three weeks of court testimony that has riveted France, a former soldier was found guilty on Friday of killing an 8-year-old girl after luring her from a wedding celebration in a French Alpine town as guests partied into the night.

Nordhal Lelandais was sentenced to life in prison with 22 years guaranteed behind bars. He also was found guilty of molesting two cousins, aged 4 and 6 - one of them two weeks before Maëlys’ death in August 2017.
Lelandais will not appeal the decision, his lawyer Alain Jakubowicz said, adding that he had told his client the girl’s family shouldn't have to suffer further.

I considered posting it, but with a spoiler alert. I decided against it, knowing that someone might post it anyway. But for me this is not about the outcome, not about who won.
There was never much doubt about how this would end, but the steps that lead to this outcome are more important IMO, plus all the questions that remain.
I considered posting it, but with a spoiler alert. I decided against it, knowing that someone might post it anyway. But for me this is not about the outcome, not about who won.
There was never much doubt about how this would end, but the steps that lead to this outcome are more important IMO, plus all the questions that remain.

I got a few Alerts on him being found guilty & sentenced. So I don't think you need to post the last couple of days from last week - only if you want to - I guess! :)
I am still very tired, and slowly catching up. I won't be doing the rest of the trial but I may post about the other cases that have been mentioned in relation (or not) to N. Lelandais.
I am still very tired, and slowly catching up. I won't be doing the rest of the trial but I may post about the other cases that have been mentioned in relation (or not) to N. Lelandais.

So I take it LE is still investigating the "other" cases.

Rest up! :)
Nordahl Lelandais surpris en plein ébat sexuel lors d'un parloir en prison

Nordahl Lelandais caught having sex during a prison visit

The man is incarcerated in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (Isère), for the murder of little Maëlys.
He has since established a relationship by correspondence with a woman.
The facts took place this Thursday, and the prisoner faces disciplinary action.

Nordahl Lelandais is once again in the news. This Thursday, April 28, prison officers of the prison of Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, in the Isère, would have surprised the prisoner in full sexual act with a new visitor during a classic visit. This happened, while the relationship would have been established after the last criminal conviction of the former dog handler.

According to our colleagues from Le Dauphiné Libéré, who report the facts, the female partner of Nordahl Lelandais is from Paris. This was the first visit granted by the courts to the two individuals, who have been in contact for less than four months. "She has maintained a sustained correspondence with the person concerned before applying for a permit: this was granted by the management of the establishment in view of the favourable opinion resulting from the prefectural investigation," the prison management explained to the local press.

Several prison officers then intervened only a few moments after the start of the encounter. Indeed, according to the Dauphiné Libéré, the permit issued by the Isère prison was "classic" and not "conjugal". The latter can only be obtained when an official link exists between the prisoner and the visitor (or the female visitor, in this case). As a result, the facts were qualified as "sexual exhibition" by the prison management.

During his transfer to the cell, the prisoner even threatened the prison guards. The young woman was kicked out of the prison by the prison management. In all likelihood, she will be prosecuted in an adversarial procedure, probably before a criminal court. Nordahl Lelandais, for his part, risks up to two weeks in a disciplinary ward, better known as "solitary confinement".


This episode is very telling.
Nordahl Lelandais : une lettre anonyme le lie à une autre affaire, une enquête est ouverte

Nordahl Lelandais: an anonymous letter links him to another case, an investigation has been opened

An investigation has been opened after Nordahl Lelandais was implicated in an anonymous letter. He could be connected to the death of a man near Grenoble in 2012.

"The Grenoble prosecutor's office has opened an investigation into an anonymous letter implicating N. Lelandais," according to Grenoble public prosecutor Eric Vaillant in a statement, confirming information from Marianne and BFMTV.

While Nordahl Lelandais was in the middle of a trial before the court of assizes for the murder of little Maëlys last February, an anonymous letter was sent to the association Assistance and Search of Missing Persons (ARPD). The letter recounts how the anonymous author and Lelandais - who were friends at the time and walked their dogs together in the region - "had a problem" with a man they met on their way to Saint-Hilaire-du-Touvet in the Chartreuse mountains.

In the typed letter, it is said that "a strange guy was in the middle of the road on a bend towards a home for the disabled and Nono (Nordahl Lelandais' nickname) stopped and got out of the car, insulting him, and the guy took off running into the forest and Nono let go of the three dogs which went after the guy. They came back a long time later and we didn't see the guy again"

The ARPD president then made the connection with the disappearance of a 43-year-old autistic man, called Loïc G. by BFMTV, who lived in a nearby home for the disabled and whose body was found at the foot of a cliff.

The association then quickly notified the police, it said, saying it did not know why the author of the letter had approached the association at the time rather than the police. "Perhaps the person was not well and needed to say tell the story," she says.

This is why the prosecutor's office then handed the investigation over to the gendarmerie in Grenoble to find out whether or not Nordahl Lelandais, who has already been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Maëlys, is involved in this other disappearance.


From 2012:

Nordahl Lelandais : une lettre anonyme le lie à une autre affaire, une enquête est ouverte

Loïc Guérin, the autistic man who disappeared 3 weeks ago, has been found dead

Loïc Guérin, a 43-year-old autistic man, was found dead at the foot of a rocky ridge. His clothes, which bore his name, were used to identify him.
The body was in fact found on Saturday 13 October in the afternoon in a steep wooded area of Sainte-Marie-du-Mont. Loïc Guérin had disappeared from his home for disabled adults, "La ferme de Belle Chambre", on 22 September.

For more than four days, significant human and material resources had been deployed to find him, but the police and volunteers had not succeeded in locating him.

On Saturday, hunting dogs "marked" the body at the foot of a rocky cliff. The body was airlifted by the Civil Security helicopter with men from the CRS Alpes on board and the gendarmes from the mountain group on the ground to carry out the operations.

It is likely that Loïc Guérin slipped on a forest path and fell more than fifty metres into the void, as confirmed by the autopsy performed on Monday 15 October.


Found this picture (follow link). Makes you want to weep.

SAINTE-MARIE-DU-MONT (ISÈRE). Un quadragénaire souffrant d'autisme porté disparu
@ZaZara - Hey!
Do you think I should add this new "murder" to my list? Do you think the LE will still be trying to connect the missing people (on the list I made) any further?
@ZaZara - Hey!
Do you think I should add this new "murder" to my list? Do you think the LE will still be trying to connect the missing people (on the list I made) any further?

I wouldn't add this one to the list, it is a new case and developments may be rapid. At least, that is what I hope. French LE will try to locate the author of the letter ASAP, that is what I read in the French press.

I wonder about the impact of this case, if and when it becomes one. We have seen two trials where a sexual motive was suspected, in combination with the use of cocaine. A predator on the lookout.
If there is any truth in that letter, the attack on a tiny man, who was visibly mentally handicapped, just because NL got angry, would be of a whole different order.
Echirolles : une fresque inaugurée en hommage à Malik Boutvillain, dix ans après sa disparition

Echirolles: a mural inaugurated in tribute to Malik Boutvillain, ten years after his disappearance

Ten years ago, Malik Boutvillain, aged 32, from Echirolles, disappeared while jogging. Since then, his family has been working tirelessly to solve his disappearance. On Wednesday, a mural representing the eyes of Malik was inaugurated in his neighbourhood.

At the entrance to the neighbourhood where he grew up, his huge eyes recall the gaping wound left by his absence. It was on 6 May 2012 in Echirolles (Isère). Malik Boutvillain, 32, was going for a jog when he disappeared without a trace. The beginning of a long fightfor his family to find out the truth.

"I want to mark the tenth anniversary of Malik's disappearance. I want people to talk about him and, above all, not to forget him," Dalila Boutvillain, the missing man's sister, said in front of the huge mural inaugurated on Thursday 5 May.

She has been fighting for ten years to ensure that the case is not forgotten, and she hopes that the file will join the "cold case" judicial centre created in Nanterre at the end of February. At least 240 cases of serial or unsolved crimes are already being studied by the magistrates of this national jurisdiction.

"Even if they don't deal with it right away, because I know there are plenty of others before, it doesn't matter. At least it won't be forgotten under a pile of files in Grenoble," she hopes.

An artist from the Grenoble street art festival, Killah-one, created the painting. From Grenoble-Alpes métropole to the city of Echirolles, the project was immediately unanimously approved. Through Malik, the impossible grief of many families of missing persons is expressed. Some 10,000 similar cases are recorded each year in France.

"It seemed natural to us to be at their side, to make this mural a moment of recollection, of support for the family. We have to make sure that the memory of Malik does not fade, that the fight for justice by this family can succeed," says the mayor (PC) of Echirolles, Renzo Sulli.

With the creation of this work, the family hopes to call out a justice system that is often criticised for not being very receptive to these cases of unexplained disappearances. The case of Malik Boutvillain is a case in point. On the evening of her brother's disappearance, Dalila went to the police who told her to wait 48 hours. It was a holiday, no one was available to take her statement, so the family had to wait and started their own investigation.

The case was closed without action two years later before being reopened in 2018 in the light of the Nordahl Lelandais case. The disappearance of Malik Boutvillain was re-examined by the investigators of the Ariane cell in order to establish a possible link with the former soldier. This lead was finally ruled out without the family being informed.

"When a judge closes a case without receiving the family to explain his reasons, it is inhumane," according to Bernard Boulloud, the Boutvillain family's lawyer. "Justice has forgotten, in these cases, to put the human element in the system."

The family fears that the investigation into the disappearance of Malik Boutvillain will be dismissed. If this were the case, the file could never be dealt with by the judicial unit dedicated to "cold cases". "If the case is dismissed, we will appeal," Mr Boulloud said. "As long as the file is not there," Dalila Boutvillain promises, "I will not give up.


Nordahl Lelandais has been ruled out in the disappearance of Malik Boutvillain. IMO this is the first time this rule-out has been made public.
Affaire Lelandais : ce que l'on sait sur son éventuelle nouvelle victime

The 12:30 news - Nordahl Lelandais: what we know about his possible new victim
Nordahl Lelandais is suspected of killing a forty-something man from a home for autistic people.

Has Nordahl Lelandais made another victim? After receiving an anonymous letter, the public prosecutor of Grenoble wants to know for sure, so an investigation has been opened. This letter was sent last February, in the middle of the trial on the murder of Maelys, to the ARPD, the association Assistance and Research of Missing Persons.

The person who typed it explains that he was friends with Nordahl Lelandais between 2012 and 2017 and wants to relate a specific incident. In 2012, while the author of the letter was driving with Lelandais, they saw a man with a strange attitude in the middle of the road. Nordahl Lelandais gets angry, gets out of the car, insults him and lets the dogs loose. The man runs off at full speed.

The letter does not give any more details, but upon searching, the ARPD will make the connection with a disappearance in this area. "We realised that at that time there had been a disappearance of a resident of a care home nearby, and a few months later his body had been found at the foot of a cliff nearby," Bernard Valezy, vice-president of the ARPD confided. "We therefore decided that we should not keep this letter as it was, and it was handed over to the judicial authorities.

The 43-year-old man was living in a home for autistic people. At the time, the investigation concluded that it was an accident. The prosecutor's office has decided to reopen the investigation to determine whether or not Nordahl Lelandais may have been involved in the death.

@ZaZara - Hey!
Do you think I should add this new "murder" to my list? Do you think the LE will still be trying to connect the missing people (on the list I made) any further?

I took a look at the list. September 2012 seems a busy month and no exclusions for NL in these cases:

September 7/ 8, Ahmed Hamadou disappears from Fort de Tamie, Savoie. Remains found.
September 16, Lucie Roux disappears from her home in Bassens, Chambéry, Savoie. Still missing.
September 22, Loïc Guérin disappears from his home in Sainte-Marie-du-Mont, Isère. Remains found.
September 24, Stéphane Chemin disappears from Bourg-d' Oisans, Isère. Still missing.

If the Ariane cell managed to trace NL's whereabouts in September 2012, they possibly have enough data to rapidly include / exclude him in the disappearance of Loïc Guérin. Fingers crossed!

List by Niner:
France - Maëlys De Araujo, 9, found deceased, Pont-de-Beauvoisin, 27 Aug 2017 #2
EXCLU - L'homme qui a reçu la lettre dénonçant un nouveau crime de Nordahl Lelandais parle dans "Crimes et faits divers" sur NRJ12: "Les faits nous paraissent crédibles" - VIDEO

Today, at 1:35 pm, Jean-Marc Morandini presented a new edition of "Crimes et faits divers, la quotidienne" live on NRJ12. In an exclusive interview, the journalist received Bernard Valezy, the regional president of the Assistance et Recherche de Personnes disparues (ARPD). Last February, he received a typed letter denouncing a new crime by Nordahl Lelandais.

"It was an anonymous letter that arrived at the headquarters of our association in February 2022. This letter informed us of a fact of Nordahl Lelandais. This person was with him at a time certainly in 2012. While they were going to train their dogs, they came across an individual on the road who was walking with difficulty," Bernard Valezy began.

He added: "Nordahl Lelandais got out of the vehicle and insulted him. The individual is said to have taken fright and left in a hurry. Nordahl Lelandais is said to have unleashed his three dogs on the individual. The dogs returned later without the individual reappearing.

"Regularly, the association receives letters of denunciation. We don't use them systematically. We checked to see if there were any cases of disappearance at that time. We came across the disappearance in 2012 of an autistic man. Fifteen days later, he was found dead. We passed on the information to the public prosecutor's office," Bernard Valezy continued.

"As far as the facts are concerned, it seems credible to us because something is reported without giving the name of the victim and we we able to make a link. So it is potentially possible. This letter was addressed at the time of Maëlys' trial (...) We wondered why the letter was addressed to our association. We don't have an answer to this question," he concluded.


In the video, Bernard Valezy tells that the death of this man reminded them of Thomas Rauschkolb, whose father believes that he was chased by dogs. Thomas Rauschkolb fell to his death.
He also says that the news about the Maëlys trial may have inspired people to tell what they know. I got the impression, but I may be wrong, that this is not only because of the news itself, but also because NL is now behind bars.
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Marie Claire is not quite the source I'd be 100% happy with, but I found 2 interesting snippets:

Nordahl Lelandais accusé d'un nouveau meurtre, une enquête ouverte

In 2019, the national cell Ariane, set up to reopen the "cold cases" that could be linked to the movements of the former dog handler, had retained only 40 files out of the 900 it was assigned. To date, no leads have been found.


A person close to Nordahl Lelandais, contacted by Marianne, believes he knows "two people who correspond" to the profile described in the letter, including a former girlfriend, owner of a Malinois like the suspect.


No leads is different from exclusion of course. The Ariane cell managed to exclude NL in various cases. Like on day X, someone disappeared in Y and NL was at work in Z. What happened with cases like for instance day X, location Y and no info about NL's whereabouts remains unclear.
Loire. La mère d’Adrien Fiorello, disparu en 2010, est décédée

The mother of Adrien Fiorello has died

Marie-France Fiorello passed away without any answers about the disappearance of her son Adrien.

She moved heaven and earth, going so far as to hire a detective to find her son. A son she has never seen again since the morning of 6 October 2010, when the young man left his home in Firminy to go to a law school in Saint-Etienne.

In January 2018, the case on the disappearance of Adrien had been re-launched because of a disturbing link: his mobile phone had connected for the last time, at the train station in Chambéry, the city where Nordahl Lelandais lived at the time.

But the trial of the former dog handler did not lead to the lifting of the mystery of Adrien's disappearance.


RIP Marie-France Fiorello. She died after a long illness. She was only 67.

France Bleu spoke with her before the start of the Noyer trial in 2021:

It's really stressful, for the past three years, to follow this case with the awareness that your child may have fallen into his hands. It's terrible. He's a predator who doesn't speak, who keeps silent, who buries himself in his silence. For the families, it's terrible.
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Une nouvelle affaire Lelandais ? Une lettre anonyme relance son implication possible dans une disparition

Seven Cold Cases have been opened, a hundred or so are being analysed in Nanterre, several of which concern repeat offenders, such as Michel Fourniret or... Nordahl Lelandais

A hundred cases under analysis, seven already entrusted to an investigating judge: in Nanterre, the new court division dedicated to unsolved criminal cases detailed Wednesday its "gradual rise", two months after its creation.

Among these are the three cases of serial killer Michel Fourniret, already investigated in Paris by the investigating judge Sabine Khéris, now first vice-president of the Nanterre division and notably known for having succeeded in making Michel Fourniret confess his role in the disappearance in 2003 of Estelle Mouzin.

The unit is also looking into the case of the young Hemma Davy-Greedharry, kidnapped in Malakoff (Hauts-de-Seine) in 1987, and the disappearance of Loïc Guérin, an autistic man aged 43, found dead at the foot of a cliff in October 2012.

It all started with an anonymous letter to the head of an association for relatives of the missing, France-Info reports. Inside, a sentence attracted the attention of the addressee and later of the investigators. "For the first time, we received a letter making a link between the activity of Nordahl Lelandais and his dogs, and the disappearance of a person," Bernard Valezy explains.

The author recounts how he andhis friend Nordahl Lelandais had met a "strange man" during a walk in the forest of the Chartreuse. The future murderer of Maëlys and Arthur Noyer had insulted the man before releasing his dogs on him. This was in September 2012. A few days later, Loïc Guérin was found dead and the investigation concluded that it was an accident. Obviously, other disturbing elements make it necessary to entrust the Guérin case to an investigating judge.

Because the judges must re-examine all the files "with their own eyes", according to the president of the Nanterre court Catherine Pautrat at a press conference. They will rely on innovative investigative techniques such as the "mental map", "a physical projection of the criminal case on a time scale". The head of the unit, Sabine Khéris, has already worked with the American FBI, which uses "techniques" that make it possible to locate possible corpses "under the ground", the president also explained.


I am trying to get my head around why all of a sudden this is back in the news after two weeks - when the news of the anonymous letter first broke.

The ARPD handed that letter over to the Public Prosecutor of Grenoble. Now the news is apparently that the new Cold Case Unit in Nanterre (successor of the Ariane cell, with a much broader scope) has taken up the case of the death of Loïc Guerín.

According to France Info, the judicial unit devoted to cold cases, old criminal cases that have not been solved, has opened "seven judicial investigations, sometimes following the trail of repeat offenders" including that of Nordahl Lelandais.

Cold cases: "Il l'insulte, lâche les chiens et le pourchasse... Je n'ai plus revu cet homme"... Nordahl Lelandais accusé d'un nouveau crime?
Ces disparitions survenues autour des Alpes et exhumées après l'affaire Lelandais

Disappearances in the Alps region brought to light after the Lelandais case

As " Marianne " reveals the existence of new suspicions on Nordahl Lelandais, in the context of a mysterious death, other files re-examined in the light of the Maëlys affair remain unresolved.

An anonymous letter accused Nordahl Lelandais of chasing a man with his dogs in 2012 "near a home for disabled workers". The judiciary has entrusted the investigation to the gendarmes of the research section of Grenoble. Checks are underway concerning the death of a 43-year-old autistic man in the Chartreuse mountain range.

Besides this case, other cases of disappearances or mysterious deaths have been unearthed by victims' families or investigators since the Lelandais affair began in August 2017.

April 2002, Jean-François Delas, 26 years of age

He was admitted to "Les Morillons" hospital in Thonon-les-Bains after a delirious crisis. This music festival fan ran away three days later in his pyjamas, without his papers, money or mobile phone. MISSING

July 2007, Gabriel Guimet, 28 years of age

He was suffering from a psychiatric illness and went hiking in the Reposoir area in Haute-Savoie, without his medication, without means of payment and without his identity papers. MISSING

June 2009, Rachid Rammeche, 34 years of age

Diagnosed with a psychiatric illness, he disappeared after a stay at Bassens hospital in Chambéry. He was reportedly seen and identified shortly afterwards in Strasbourg and may have been fined in Belgium. MISSING

October 2009, Ahmet Kocaksoy, aged 22

He left his home in Beaurepaire (Isère) without papers or money. MISSING

September 2016, Éric Foray, 44

He was living with his partner in Chatuzange-le-Goubet in the Drôme when he left in the middle of the day to go shopping at the nearby shopping centre in his 4X4 and never came back. The last image of him was taken by the video surveillance of a bakery where he bought his bread, he appears to be smiling. MISSING

September 2010, Nicolas Suppo, 30 years of age

This worker disappeared during his lunch break in Échirolles (Isère). His phone stopped transmitting in the middle of the day that day. MISSING

October 2010, Adrien Fiorello, 22

This solitary young man left for university in Saint-Etienne, where he was registered, and never came back. Strangely enough, his phone pings for the last time in Chambéry, near the railway station. MISSING

August 2011, Nelly Balmain, 29 years of age

The young woman disappeared in the Drôme in Saint-Jean-en-Royans, while riding her scooter. MISSING

September 2011, Jean-Christophe Morin, 22 years of age

This young man, who lived in his van, disappeared during a techno festival in the remote site of Fort Tamié. Witnesses saw him in a panic before he vanished. MISSING

April 2012, Kévin Fauvel, 27 years of age

He was a member of a reclusive community, that of Jansiac, and disappeared after hitch hiking to Chambéry. MISSING

May 2012, Malik Boutvillain, 32 years of age

This vulnerable young man leaves his family home in Échirolles (Isère) without his papers. Despite his family's relentless fight, it is still not known what happened to him. MISSING

June 2012, Hugo Raffi, 28 years of age

He leaves his parents' home in Albertville (Savoie). He has no papers and is wearing flip-flops. MISSING

September 2012, Ahmed Hamadou, 45 years of age

Like Jean-Christophe Morin the year before, he too disappeared at the techno festival at Fort Tamié. His skull was discovered in the area in October 2020.

September 2012, Lucie Roux, 43 years of age

She was suffering from psychiatric disorders and left her therapeutic flat at Bassens hospital in Chambéry to go to a DIY shop. Her family's lawyer denounces a botched investigation. MISSING

September 2012, Stéphane Chemin, 33 years of age

He was suffering from schizophrenia and disappeared in Bourg-d'Oisans, where he had gone to live with his parents, at a time when he was in the middle of a crisis. MISSING

January 2014, Florent Bonnet, 37 years of age

He leaves his motorbike, helmet and bag in a car park near the Siaix tunnel in Bourg-Saint-Maurice. Suicide, accident or murder? MISSING

August 2014, Théo Breheret, 19

His wrecked car was found near Praz-de-Lys but his body lay at the foot of a rocky cliff 1 kilometre further on.

July 2015, Nordine Seghiri, 49 years of age

He runs away from the hospital in Chambéry where he is being treated, probably by hitchhiking. His bones will be found on a wasteland in La Ravoire, a few hundred metres from the cultural centre in Saint-Baldoph where Nordahl Lelandais admits to having killed Corporal Arthur Noyer.

December 2015, Thomas Rauschkolb, aged 18

He disappeared after leaving a discotheque in Grésy-sur-Aix, frequented by Lelandais. The young man was found dead at the foot of a cliff. The family's lawyer, Bernard Boulloud, has finally obtained an autopsy of the young man's body and is awaiting further investigations.

April 2016, Ilhan Sahingoz, age 39

He phones his girlfriend and tells her that he has just found new friends in Albertville. MISSING

September 2016, Georgette Bonnet, aged 79

She leaves her car in a car park in the forest at La Chapelle-du-Bard where a music festival has recently taken place. MISSING


'MISSING' was added by me to the relevant cases.

IMO this list is best left the way that it is. We have Niner's list of cases investigated by the Ariane cell. This is a different list with a few new names. We don't know if the Ariane cell investigated those cases. So let's not mix this regional list with the national one from Ariane.

I haven't found any updates about the death of Loïc Guérin yet. I almost hope it won't be true, because it would be too horrible. The implications would be far-reaching, and the investigations will be complicated.
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@ZaZara - I will look at the list & add to the people I have with your notes. And at the bottom of this list I will put the other new names that you added.

Ack - I must have deleted my list on my computer - don't know "why" I would have done that.

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