GA - Suspicion over heat death of Cooper, 22 mo., Cobb County, June 2014, #8

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I hope not. Based on his size... I don't think his man bits will be anything worth seeing...

I had to leave right after the hearing so I missed out on all the post-hearing discussions. Have we heard whether LH knew about JRH's sexual deviant side?

She knew that he had had one affair, according to court today. Now, did she know more than that? Not sure but I would bet yes.

In 32 years of working in critical care, I have NEVER, not once, had a mother not request to see their child, whether they were hours old to adulthood. NEVER.

There is a sound that mothers make when they learn of their child's death. It is a deep gutteral wail. The sound is so distinct that I could tell when a mother was given the news and I was on the other side of the ER. If you have heard it, you know what I mean. Instantly recognizable. Such profound pain it brings you to tears.

Am I correct in thinking that the detective said that LH showed little to no emotion and no tears upon hearing the news of CH death?

And wanted to see her husband, the husband that she KNEW had left him in the car... Before ever being told...

Yeah... Right.

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I thought that was his right ear. This picture is of his left ear.

here's a pic of his right ear- looks fine to me; rip Cooper...:(

Remember before the hearing today there was a bit of discussion about the possibility that the defense *might* waive the hearing because they wouldn't want damaging information tainting a potential jury pool?

So now I have to ask myself - WHAT happened to that theory? Did the defense get blind-sided - did they not have any idea all of this was going to come out in court? Apparently Harris didn't warn anyone - why would he want the courtroom packed with mostly his church members and 30 members of his family? To sit for 3 hours and hear all of that?

My guess is he lied to his attorney and did not tell his family not to come. He probably thought they would not find all of his secrets or record his talks with Leanna while in the interrogation room......

BBM -- I'm telling you people like him (narcissist/psychopath/sociopath) compartmentalize everything down to the scin-till-ith (yes I've decided that's a word) degree. He didn't think anyone wouldn't believe him; didn't think anyone would question it was an accident so he didn't properly plan/prepare/delete computer files... he argued over charges and gave a "tell" in the process because he was trying to argue lack of "malice".... he thought he'd skate out of there today a free man, never occurred to him that all his shenanigans might come into play.

He's not as smart as he thought he was and he lacks insight, foresight, and a bunch of other qualities I'd like to characterize as "human traits."

Those calls from jail to wife are gonna be REALLY interesting!
I can't wait!
In 32 years of working in critical care, I have NEVER, not once, had a mother not request to see their child, whether they were hours old to adulthood. NEVER.

There is a sound that mothers make when they learn of their child's death. It is a deep gutteral wail. The sound is so distinct that I could tell when a mother was given the news and I was on the other side of the ER. If you have heard it, you know what I mean. Instantly recognizable. Such profound pain it brings you to tears.

Am I correct in thinking that the detective said that LH showed little to no emotion and no tears upon hearing the news of CH death?

I have heard the sound and it is haunting. Also, the mourning process never really ends. My husband and his first wife lost their daughter when she was 12 days old. She was born at 26 weeks and was just too little. That was 24 years ago. Her birthday, the anniversary of her death, every single milestone our children hit is a reminder of Brittany. She is a part of our family. She is our children's sister, and she has never been forgotten and the pain for my husband is still very real.
Sorry, the "accidentally" shown photo was from the Jodi Arias case. I was wondering if Harris' picture that he sent to his sexting buddies would be "accidentally" shown in court as well during his trial.

GOTCHA! Had my mind on this case and was bummed thinking I missed something salacious :blushing:
I am beginning to think that Justin Ross Harris may have some similarities with Casey Anthony, Diane Downs, and Josh Powell. They killed their own children because they saw them as a burden to their "care free" life they so obsess about.
I'm behind *SO* many pages - sorry if this has been discussed but when did he take this infamous photo of his penis? At work? (if so where?) - so did he have it "stored" on his computer at work? Stored in his phone?

Yuck, yuck, yuck!!!


I was thinking he may have a moment of pride one day and snapped a photo or two and keeps it has ''stock photo'' stored on his cell (dare I say ""hard drive') or thumb drive (that's probably it) that he can send it without performance issues that way
Nothing really novel here-this is what makes it worse for me. Passed over for a promotion (go figure), double life, life insurance policies, wanted to be child free lather rinse repeat.

This lame wanna be player ended his son's life for this. Biodad is no hero, nothing special, uber creepy. And bio mom-well I think they are looking for direct evidence. He made it easy for LE. He has direct evidence every where. Not her so far, though. All the heat is on bio dad right now. He doesnt seem the type to be willing to take the complete fall, but that is just my impression.

It is very hard for me to believe the state would offer him much even if (when) he does flip on biomom.

Still holding out hope for the tox screen to show Cooper was OD'd on something first....:(
This comedy defence lawyer.

I cannot believe he compared the situation to forgetting leftovers. Which, in the example he used, someone went on to REMEMBER.

Lol, yea, he's not the brightest lawyer.
I'm thinking the "performance issues" were made up by Harris. What better way to NOT get Leanna pregnant?

Nothing really novel here-this is what makes it worse for me. Passed over for a promotion (go figure), double life, life insurance policies, wanted to be child free lather rinse repeat.

This lame wanna be player ended his son's life for this. Biodad is no hero, nothing special, uber creepy. And bio mom-well I think they are looking for direct evidence. He made it easy for LE. He has direct evidence every where. Not her so far, though. All the heat is on bio dad right now. He doesnt seem the type to be willing to take the complete fall, but that is just my impression.

It is very hard for me to believe the state would offer him much even if (when) he does flip on biomom.

Still holding out hope for the tox screen to show Cooper was OD'd on something first....:(

I concur.
I agree! My 14 year-old and 16 year-old, one a boy one a girl, both shed tears for Cooper. They both have more than enough empathy to understand the horror of this crime and mourn a little boy they never met.

What wonderful kids you have. They obviously have a wonderful mom who shows kindness and compassion and have learned well. Kudos to you.
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