George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General discussion #3

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Someone please check the age of the child that was left at home and post a link. I believe it was reported he was 7.. JMO

He is now 15, so 13 or 14 at the time, depending on when his birthday was:

The first witness to take the stand was 15-year-old Chad Joseph, the son of Martin's father's girlfriend. Joseph testified that he and Martin were playing video games before Martin left the home to go to the store.
Have you seen the video of him at the police station. IMO in his head... He is LE ... He thought if that complex as his domain and his responsibility to police. He thought the real LE weren't doing a good enough job... "They kept getting away." He was determined to catch the bad guy.

I don't think he set out to murder anyone. I think he tried to detain the boy ... The boy tried to get away... And Zimmerman was having none of that. Just the fact they argued tells me Zimmerman wouldn't let it go and wait for police.


So be it, but I've seen no evidence of that. No one yelling 'stop', based on distances they didn't run very far, etc.
The state really seems to have no case here. These witnesses have been abysmal. This trial should not be happening imo.
Or maybe not. I have a feeling her testimony will be just as confusing as previous witnesses.

JMO, but if everything I read is true, you will not like her testimony and it will be confusing.
5' 11" and 158 lbs. is not big by most people's standards (at least all that I know personally). IMO he was no longer playing football because he wasn't big enough.

Based on the video of him, he looks very big to me. And 5'11" is far taller than average. His own mother said he was much taller still. And 158 lbs is with the ideal weight for his height. Especially since he was 17 and, as I said, quite lean as are most healthy males that age. I won't speculate on why he was no longer playing football, but I doubt it had to do with his weight. He was plenty big enough for hs football, especially for positions other than the defensive line. imo
Except that didn't happen. Since TM was found with his hands underneath him.

That's the point. LOL!!

And I find it hard to believe that a police officer wouldn't check for a pulse before handcuffing someone that has been shot.

I would think, though maybe I am wrong, that life saving measures would trump getting them in cuffs. If they are still moving around, then cuffs might be more important since the officer could still be hurt. But if they aren't moving, checking for a pulse would seem much more important.

And if there is no pulse, no need for cuffs. That makes no sense to me.
IMO, I would be more concerned about making sure the guy that was just beating my head into the concrete wouldn't be able to do such anymore. Not necessarily checking his pulse.
GZ did not know TM was dead at that time. You will often see LE cuff people who have been shot and appear to be dead, but it is a precaution in case they are not in fact dead. I believe that is why GZ took the actions he says he did after the shot. MOO

It sounds like, after shooting Trayvon, GZ stood up and walked away. I haven't heard anything about him checking to see if he had a pulse, etc.

Does anyone know the timeline between the time of the shot and the arrival of the EMT/LE?

From Surdyka's 911 call, it seemed like an eternity. IMO
And yet he did not go home. He could have kept walking and been home. If he really was afraid he could have run home and that would have been that.

I think that it shows that he was as curious about GZ as GZ was about him and instead of running home, He waited and hid somewhere for him. It was pitch dark. He could have hid and never come out and GZ would not have found him. I think that so far where they are shows that he came out at GZ from somewhere.

But we know (based on phone data) he wasn't hiding in the darkness like a ninja waiting to pounce, he was talking to his girl -- something that at his age I certainly would have considered more important than any drizzle of rain.

IMO and all that.
IMO, I would be more concerned about making sure the guy that was just beating my head into the concrete wouldn't be able to do such anymore. Not necessarily checking his pulse.

Since that's not what I said happened, I don't know how to respond to that.
Guys please be careful. Lets make sure we are posting out JMO or IMO for the mod.

Lets keep this going. We can do it!!

Except that didn't happen. Since TM was found with his hands underneath him.

That's the point. LOL!!

And I find it hard to believe that a police officer wouldn't check for a pulse before handcuffing someone that has been shot.

I would think, though maybe I am wrong, that life saving measures would trump getting them in cuffs. If they are still moving around, then cuffs might be more important since the officer could still be hurt. But if they aren't moving, checking for a pulse would seem much more important.

And if there is no pulse, no need for cuffs. That makes no sense to me.

He was not found with his hands underneath him. Look at photo #2 at the link. It was taken before anyone moved him per testimony of the responding officer yesterday.,0,6090406.photogallery
But we know he wasn't hiding in the darkness like a ninja waiting to pounce, he was talking to his girl -- something that at his age I certainly would have considered more important than any drizzle of rain.

It was not drizzling it was pouring as per witness on stand today. So much so she had to close her windows.

We only have hearsay from GF. And she has been caught in lies. So I am not sure what she says has much weight yet. We will see when she testifies.
Very pleased that the court will allow 6 of GZ's 46 911 calls to be allowed as evidence. A pattern that is very telling. Looks like he found a way to end the Boy Who Cried Wolf syndrome ?

Trying to use my Husband's little notebk puter.
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