Germany Germany - Dirk Schiller, 3, Harz, 10 March 1979

Hi Sangerhauser, I appreciate you are posting here!

I suspect your posts were removed because you did not link the documentation and pictures to an approved source? Only msm (main stream media) or official announcements from LE (law enforcement) are allowed here on WS.

Also your statements that he didn't die and the government covered it up need to be linked to an official source. Or, you have to make it clear that this is your opinion, not fact.

To preserve the integrity of the factual information contained herein, Websleuths does not participate in rumor mongering. When claiming something as a “fact,” you must prove it. Be able to provide links to information from approved third party sources; for instance, mainstream media (MSM), law enforcement (LE), and admin-verified case insiders.

Please read our forum rules for more detailed guidelines. :)
Interview with Roberto Yáñez Betancourt y Honecker

Die Zeit Magazin 03 March 2011

ZEIT Magazin: There is a woman in Germany who believes that you are her son. She says the Stasi kidnapped you.

Yáñez: I know, she wrote to me. Her own son disappeared in 1979, and she's been looking for him ever since. I understand that she had problems, that she is desperate, but I am not him, it can't be me.
The photo she sent me and on which she thinks I'm her son is from 1976, and it shows me and my parents.

ZEIT Magazin: She says you looked a lot like her husband when he was as old as you are today, and you don't look like a Chilean at all.

Yáñez: Could be, but the genes sometimes go crazy. I know that there have been forced adoptions in the GDR, but that my grandfather would have ordered the kidnapping of a child via the Stasi, I consider to be completely baseless and unrealistic. Completely absurd. I have no doubt about my identity.


Hope this helps.
None of the newspaper articles nor the official documents on Dirk's disappearance make reference to Dirk being involved in a car aaccident. However, there is a TV movie based on Dirk's case which fictionalizes the disappearance and ends with Dirk being involved in and dying in a car accident.
The blogs that Sangerhauser presented were blogs with rumors that Dirk was taken to hospital after being hit by a drunk Stasi agent and that this was covered up. This has never been mentioned in any newspaper article, nor in the blog that Dirk's mother wrote and that she took down because of the death threats and harrassment she suffered. I would imagine if there was any substance to these rumors and if the supposed Stasi files on this really existed, then she would have known and written about it on her blog. There is no corroboration of any sort that Dirk was hit by a drunk driver, survived, was taken to hospital and transferred elsewhere to vanish.
Hi all! This is my first post here, I have been reading these forums for a long time but now I finally had to register... I believe Dirk has been found/identified, could someone who speaks German please confirm that? There is a post on the fb page from November 7, 2019... I don't speak a word of German but from what I gather from the automatic translation of the post and comments, it sounds like he's been identified. Would be very grateful if someone could translate it please. Find Dirk Schiller. heidi stein
Hi all! This is my first post here, I have been reading these forums for a long time but now I finally had to register... I believe Dirk has been found/identified, could someone who speaks German please confirm that? There is a post on the fb page from November 7, 2019... I don't speak a word of German but from what I gather from the automatic translation of the post and comments, it sounds like he's been identified. Would be very grateful if someone could translate it please. Find Dirk Schiller. heidi stein

Do you mean this entry from November 7, 2019?

"Eine von uns veranlasste DNA hat ergeben, dass Dirk der Mann aus Sangerhausen ist, den wir durch eine Freundin gefunden haben."


A DNA test we arranged revealed that Dirk is the man from Sangerhausen whom we found through a female friend


However, a report from dated October 6, 2018, also more than a year before, states the following:

Südharz: DNA-Probe bringt Gewissheit: Dirk Schiller lebt nicht in Sangerhausen

The result of the police investigation is likely to disappoint Heidi Liegmann-Stein, the mother of Dirk Schiller, who disappeared near the Heimkehle in 1079. The 42-year-old man from Sangerhausen, whom she believes to be the missing person, is definitely not her son.

This is the outcome of investigations by the police department of Saxony-Anhalt-South in Halle. As police spokesman Ralf Karlstedt said, it can be ruled out with certainty that the Sangerhäuser is the child of Stein.

According to MZ information, the man from the district town of Mansfeld-Südharz had voluntarily given a DNA sample at Stein's repeated insistence. A comparison with Stein's DNA, which has been available to the police since March, has now shown that the two are not related.

Liegmann-Stein, on the other hand, is convinced that he was kidnapped by the Stasi. Following clues, she came across a young man at the end of last year who could be Dirk, who has been missing for decades. The Sangerhäuser had been adopted, his adoptive father was a major in the Stasi. And he is said to have driven a blue Moskwitsch with a Leipzig number in 1979. Stein had noticed the same car shortly before the boy's disappearance in the parking lot at the cave.

The police, however, had already considered it extremely unlikely months ago that the Sangerhäuser was Dirk. According to their investigations the boy had been adopted by a family from Sangerhausen months before Dirk disappeared. Therefore he could not be the missing person, the authorities said.


Hope this helps.
Hope this helps.
Do you think she's lying or what do you mean, because I'm just confused. In 2018 it was ruled out that it could be him, but in 2019 she's saying that it is him? Why would she say that?
Thank you for the translations btw, appreciated!
Was DIRK SCHILLER a.k.a. "Heidi," ever verified as the missing child's mother? The site appears balky tonight or I would have read further in from the beginning to see if I could find information, though I see that, in the space many are noted as verified -- under the user name -- there is only the notation "New Member." I did note that that member had not posted in over seven years -- since Nov 15, 2012, according to information found by clicking on the name.
I don't think she has been verified. I personally believe it's her though - but you're right, I can't know for sure. I, too, noticed she hasn't been around for years. But there hasn't been much traffic in this thread in general for years. Maybe she didn't find it helpful. I doubt she's reading this anymore in any case. If she believes she has found her son and the person who she believes is her son is in Germany, there's probably not much reason for her to post here. I really do hope she would read this though because it would be nice to hear what is going on (and have her get herself verified.)

Regardless of whether the OP of this thread really is Heidi or not, it definitely is Heidi who runs the fb page where she claims the DNA was a match. She's commenting there with her own fb profile. I don't know what to think - the police have confirmed that the DNA was not a match and now she's saying that it was a match... why? It doesn't make sense to me.
I don't think she has been verified. I personally believe it's her though - but you're right, I can't know for sure. I, too, noticed she hasn't been around for years. But there hasn't been much traffic in this thread in general for years. Maybe she didn't find it helpful. I doubt she's reading this anymore in any case. If she believes she has found her son and the person who she believes is her son is in Germany, there's probably not much reason for her to post here. I really do hope she would read this though because it would be nice to hear what is going on (and have her get herself verified.)

Regardless of whether the OP of this thread really is Heidi or not, it definitely is Heidi who runs the fb page where she claims the DNA was a match. She's commenting there with her own fb profile. I don't know what to think - the police have confirmed that the DNA was not a match and now she's saying that it was a match... why? It doesn't make sense to me.
If the DNA was a match MSM would have reported it as such. Why is her perception different? A loss of this magnitude is not easy to bear. Not everyone can carry the weight of the world.
Just saw there's another fb page which I don't think has been linked in this thread yet (not sure, some of the older ones that have been posted have been deactivated though). She posts the same thing in there, saying a DNA test has confirmed it's him. Some of the comments were interesting. Maybe you are right, maybe it's just her way of dealing with the loss, that's kinda how it looks like. (But I would still love to hear from her again)
Heimkehle - Dirk ist verschwunden
Ok so the reason I was so confused at first was, if the police have already announced the DNA test was not a match, why would she suddenly, a whole year later, claim that it was? But I think she is not talking about the same test results, I think she's claiming she has conducted a DNA test of her own and this time the results showed it was a match. In the article that ZaZara already translated parts of, there is also a bit where it says that Heidi doubts the police's test results and wants to have her own DNA test done, or something to that effect. Südharz: DNA-Probe bringt Gewissheit: Dirk Schiller lebt nicht in Sangerhausen
("Heidi Liegmann-Stein, sagte der MZ, sie zweifle das Ergebnis der Polizei an und wolle es bei einer eigenen DNA-Untersuchung überprüfen lassen.")

So when she, a year later, posts and says that the DNA is a match, I think she's implying that she has had another DNA test done, and some of her fb comments seem to imply this as well, IMO. But that does not seem any more likely, does it? What are the chances that the first test was wrong? Close to zero unless someone tampered with the original test, and that's pretty hard to believe, too.
Let me put it like this:

If Dirk Schiller had been found after 39 years, the news would be all around Germany.

Also, if German LE makes use of dubious DNA tests, lawyers would be standing in line with claims of their clients. It would be a scandal of unseen magnitude.
Oh I was not suggesting that the German police have tampered with the DNA test, just pondering if that is what Heidi either believes or claims. She did express her mistrust towards the LE's test results and said she wanted to conduct her own DNA test. Then a year later she says that the DNA test was a match. That + some of her fb comments seem to imply that she's claiming the DNA test done by police was wrong and she has had another one done which shows a different result. I'm just interested to know how she would explain the first DNA test being wrong as there really is practically no chance for that. Plus, if she really did have new results she could prove it but she hasn't.
Oh I was not suggesting that the German police have tampered with the DNA test, just pondering if that is what Heidi either believes or claims. She did express her mistrust towards the LE's test results and said she wanted to conduct her own DNA test. Then a year later she says that the DNA test was a match. That + some of her fb comments seem to imply that she's claiming the DNA test done by police was wrong and she has had another one done which shows a different result. I'm just interested to know how she would explain the first DNA test being wrong as there really is practically no chance for that. Plus, if she really did have new results she could prove it but she hasn't.

I'm not suggesting that these are your ideas, but they are logical consequences of Heidi's statement. She backs up nothing. She offers no proof. IMHO she wants this man to be her son at any price, just as she was convinced that Roberto Yáñez was The One a few years ago.

It must be horrible for parents to spend their lives searching for their missing child. They say you never give up hope, how hard can that be on a person? Always hoping? Yet in Heid's case, I get the impression that she is crossing a line, has crossed that line long ago. And pays a very high price for it.

I wonder what made her give up on Roberto Yáñez. If facts convinced her, why didn't the facts convince her in this case?

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