Halyna Hutchins Shot With Prop Gun - Alec Baldwin indicted & Hannah Gutierrez-Reed charged, 2021 #7

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Will Baldwin get the same judge?

Isn't Baldwin acting the same as HGR?

Sorry for the family but not sorry for his part in it? Also, Reed was worried about her modeling career and Baldwin complains that the Rust shooting is hurting his acting career.

This whole thing doesn't bode well for Baldwin.... 2 Cents

*Warning* Get out your hankies.....

In an interview with CNN Baldwin said since the incident he has lost five jobs.

"I got fired from another job yesterday," Baldwin told CNN. "There I was all set to go to a movie, jump on a plane ... I've been talking with these guys for months and they told me yesterday we don't want to do the film with you because of this."

He added that the stress he has experienced has "taken years off my life" and credits his wife, Hilaria, as the reason he hasn't walked away from the industry altogether.

JMO, this is relevant, too. He acknowledges things will get better for him once this is cleared up. But he emphasizes that he's not the victim, Halyna and her family are.

While Speaking on The Chris Cuomo Project for an interview that aired Tuesday, Baldwin insisted that Hutchins' death is the "real tragedy," not his own reputation.

"I'm not the victim here. Things, for me, are gonna get better. Things, for me, are gonna get cleared up. I'm a thousand percent confident about that," he added.
He went on to say that "nothing's going to bring this woman back. She died," and noted Hutchins had "a little boy," son Andros.

"Everything we've said doesn't matter — me, my positioning, the press," Baldwin continued. "The real tragedy here is what happened to this woman."
Will Baldwin get the same judge?

Isn't Baldwin acting the same as HGR?

Sorry for the family but not sorry for his part in it? Also, Reed was worried about her modeling career and Baldwin complains that the Rust shooting is hurting his acting career.

This whole thing doesn't bode well for Baldwin.... 2 Cents

*Warning* Get out your hankies.....

In an interview with CNN Baldwin said since the incident he has lost five jobs.

"I got fired from another job yesterday," Baldwin told CNN. "There I was all set to go to a movie, jump on a plane ... I've been talking with these guys for months and they told me yesterday we don't want to do the film with you because of this."

He added that the stress he has experienced has "taken years off my life" and credits his wife, Hilaria, as the reason he hasn't walked away from the industry altogether.
I’m not exactly Baldwin’s biggest fan but I’m still confused about his culpability. Shouldn’t he have been able to trust that the armorer had done her job correctly? Or is the issue that he was ultimately responsible for the actions of the crew and therefore bears responsibility?
Will Baldwin get the same judge?

Isn't Baldwin acting the same as HGR?

Sorry for the family but not sorry for his part in it? Also, Reed was worried about her modeling career and Baldwin complains that the Rust shooting is hurting his acting career.

This whole thing doesn't bode well for Baldwin.... 2 Cents

*Warning* Get out your hankies.....

In an interview with CNN Baldwin said since the incident he has lost five jobs.

"I got fired from another job yesterday," Baldwin told CNN. "There I was all set to go to a movie, jump on a plane ... I've been talking with these guys for months and they told me yesterday we don't want to do the film with you because of this."

He added that the stress he has experienced has "taken years off my life" and credits his wife, Hilaria, as the reason he hasn't walked away from the industry altogether.
AC "hasn't walked away from the industry altogether" because it is that industry that puts the food on his table and the clothes on his and his family's backs.
AC "hasn't walked away from the industry altogether" because it is that industry that puts the food on his table and the clothes on his and his family's backs.

I think that was a hypothetical situation he described - that if it hadn't been for his wife and family, he would have walked away, sold everything, bought a house in the middle of nowhere and lived his life. But he stayed with it. He said, regardless of what happens in his career, Halyna is the victim in this situation, not him. Nothing in his life can compare to the loss of hers and the loss to her family.
I’m not exactly Baldwin’s biggest fan but I’m still confused about his culpability. Shouldn’t he have been able to trust that the armorer had done her job correctly? Or is the issue that he was ultimately responsible for the actions of the crew and therefore bears responsibility?
It's obvious at this point that the fault lies with HG in not checking the dummies before loading them. If people want to blame AB because he was one of 10 producers and was on the set, again, that's a civil suit, not a criminal charge. He has already settled the civil suit with Halyna's husband and son. JMO/IANAL
I’m not exactly Baldwin’s biggest fan but I’m still confused about his culpability. Shouldn’t he have been able to trust that the armorer had done her job correctly? Or is the issue that he was ultimately responsible for the actions of the crew and therefore bears responsibility?
I agree. I don't like Baldwin at all but, IMO as a Soldier who was wounded twice by pyro (once accidental once negligently), gunsmith and gun nut, he shouldn't be held responsible for what he did, as an actor, in that particular instance. The whole point of armorers and safety regs on set is to allow untrained idiots to handle guns in a controlled environment without hurting anyone.
Now his actions when it comes to creating an unsafe environment on set as lead actor and producer? That's where I believe he should be investigated and charged if appropriate.
No surprise here. There is a lot I could say here, but it probably wouldn't be appropriate. I know this much, that gal never had her mouth washed out with Fels Naptha soap.

That sure makes you more humble, appreciative, contrite, and aware of the consequences of your actions and behavior. Too bad.
But there's no jury, so where's the harm?
Judges can be swayed emotionally. It's just a pet peeve of mine. Not really important in this case. I'm more irritated by the deliberate use of the word violent in the sentencing hearing. But I'm also pleased that she got the full 18 months.
BUT, I think there may be an opening to get sentenced reduced on appeal because of the music video and calling her actions violent. Both seem, IMO, unnecessary and might be a problem on appeal.
Having a sentence reduced on appeal is extremely unlikely imo. Judges have a lot of discretion when it comes to sentencing. There is no "error" when it comes to sentencing unless the judge violates sentencing guidelines and here 18 months is the max and she gave her that. She will do 85% of the 18 months. Saying that you don't have to shake the dummies and being completely remoreless makes you a dangerous person - definitely qualifies as a 'serious violent offender.' She basically admitted in her jail calls that she didn't have to do her duty to ensure safety on set. That's an aggravating factor and the judge is allowed to consider that in the penalty phase. She didn't pull the trigger herself but she did everything to ensure the outcome. JMO
Guess the makeup selection in jail isn’t up to par……what is that redness on her mouth sides ?

Didn't she used to have snakebite piercings? I'd imagine she had to take them out for jail, so maybe that's what the marks are?.

That's if I'm even remembering correctly as it's been a while since I checked on this case.
Baldwin will have the same judge.
The judge seemed very angry IMO. Do you guys think she has the same level of anger for AB? Or will she go easy on him because she thinks it's mostly HGR's fault.
I think the judge's high level of anger against Hannah was caused by Hannah's total lack of remorse, and her concern only for self. AB will need to display sincere humility and remorse in front of this judge in order for her to go easier on him. He's an actor; he can achieve that. imo.
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