IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 - #2

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Maybe since she left her phone and shoes at the bar, she was planning on coming right back. Could she have left with someone to go check on somebody else or to retrieve something and had every intention of coming right back? Was she coaxed away from the bar under false pretenses?

It has been established that she left with CR, went to her apartment building, and then to his. It certainly does not appear she was coaxed from the bar under false pretenses.
How common is it for female students to walk alone during the night?

From what I have read on comments on various articles....very common. One girl had commented that she doesn't drink and was out late studying a few times and walked several blocks home. She said she has encountered stumbling drunk girls, many alone, several times before. So it does not seem to be all that uncommon, unfortunately.

Another question hopefully the locals could answer. I saw another comment where someone said a JAIL is right next to Smallwood. Is this true??

Also, re: LS losing things. It has been reported that she was wearing black spandex pockets. I bet she had taken her shoes off because of the beach theme party and didn't have any pockets for her phone so she set it down and forgot about it as she was allegedly tipsy. Same thing with the keys. I wonder if CR was carrying them for her in his pocket and maybe they had fallen out while he's staggering home, or she just dropped them without noticing while trying to get CR home?

If they left the bar intoxicated at 2:30am, I have a hard time believing she was still highly intoxicated yet at 4:30am...assuming they hadn't drank more at CR's. Nearly 2 hours later you would think she was sobering up some.
JW is in a fraternity. JR, MB and CR are NOT in that fraternity. I know that LS had only met JR/MB a couple of weeks previously at the Indy 500, but I'm under the impression that she had known JR longer. JW and JR are not friends on facebook, but they have lots of mutual friends, making me believe that they at least knew who each other were.

Also, just being blunt here...cocaine is used more often in this town than any authority figures or parents realize. People assume it's just pot and alcohol. If I were so drunk that I left my phone and shoes at a bar at 2:30am I would not still be standing at 4:30am unless I had snorted some coke.

Can JR be found on FB? I've searched and he hasn't come up.
Have you ever happened upon any unsavory appearing characters during these walks?

I've never characterized anyone I've encountered on these walks unsavory. There are homeless people that hang out downtown, but in my opinion they wouldn't do anything to hurt me because when they're downtown they're in well-lit, crowded areas.

In RE to cipius: He's in an off-campus Jewish fraternity with no house referred to as APES. Long story short: they were kicked off campus for one reason another when they were known as AEPi. This past year AEPi was started again and will have a house on campus, but none of the existing members of the off-campus fraternity were allowed into the new AEPi and they can no longer refer to themselves as AEPi brothers, so they go by APES.

I agree that the bf seems pretty suspicious despite his facebook posts proclaiming his love for LS and his filing of the missing person's report. He quite obviously knew what LS was up to that night and still claimed to not have looked for her until morning? Yeah right.
I know that they are not allowing him to be involved in the search for her...
Maybe since she left her phone and shoes at the bar, she was planning on coming right back. Could she have left with someone to go check on somebody else or to retrieve something and had every intention of coming right back? Was she coaxed away from the bar under false pretenses?

The bar was closing when she left.
I've never characterized anyone I've encountered on these walks unsavory. There are homeless people that hang out downtown, but in my opinion they wouldn't do anything to hurt me because when they're downtown they're in well-lit, crowded areas.

In RE to cipius: He's in an off-campus Jewish fraternity with no house referred to as APES. Long story short: they were kicked off campus for one reason another when they were known as AEPi. This past year AEPi was started again and will have a house on campus, but none of the existing members of the off-campus fraternity were allowed into the new AEPi and they can no longer refer to themselves as AEPi brothers, so they go by APES.

I agree that the bf seems pretty suspicious despite his facebook posts proclaiming his love for LS and his filing of the missing person's report. He quite obviously knew what LS was up to that night and still claimed to not have looked for her until morning? Yeah right.
I know that they are not allowing him to be involved in the search for her...

I presume it wouldn't be crowded though at 4 am in the morning.
Maybe it would be the most active part of town at that hour, but still, how active would that be? Would there be high car traffic, or would cars stand out?
I presume it wouldn't be crowded though at 4 am in the morning.

Very true, by 4am they've headed back towards the railroad tracks where they sleep. A lot of them stay on the tracks very close to where she was allegedly last seen, but I've never seen them out and about in this area. From my experience they're pretty harmless, they just like to jokingly heckle the rich college kids. there a jail next to Smallwood?
Very true, by 4am they've headed back towards the railroad tracks where they sleep. A lot of them stay on the tracks very close to where she was allegedly last seen, but I've never seen them out and about in this area. From my experience they're pretty harmless, they just like to jokingly heckle the rich college kids.

Even tough she lost most of her belongings, she apparently had on some earrings, maybe rings and bracelet. What does this heckling involve, exactly?
Lauren Spierer's roommate shares details of night before her disappearance|topnews|text|Frontpage

From this article:

"From what he (Jesse) told me, he was watching the basketball game at his house and was then supposed to come over to hang out with Lauren," Tamir said.

But Spierer left her phone at the bar.

"She could no longer get in contact with (Wolff), so he never came out," Tamir said. "He ended up just sleeping at his house."

So he was at home watching a game then supposed to come over. Lauren ends up going by herself to meet CR and friends at 12:30am. I'm certain the basketball game was over before 12:30am, so why hadn't he come over? This still doesn't add up for me. He knows his GF is out with 3 guys and is just okay with that? I find that hard to believe.

If he did have something to do with her disappearance, he would have had from 4:30am until 2pm to do whatever. I hope he has provided an alibi.
If the boyfriend had an iron clad alibi, why would police insist he is a POI?
However, maybe he expected for her to text him in order for him to come over, and she never did.
Even tough she lost most of her belongings, she apparently had on some earrings, maybe rings and bracelet. What does this heckling involve, exactly?

Search teams were specifically told to look for jewelry today.
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