Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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Long chat w Beth k- HLN will cover the trial live all day as long as Jodi is on he stand

Hi Katie,
Watched you last night on Dr. Drew, which was tough considering he doesn't know much. were awesome and very beautiful. I know you have tremendous insight into the legal system but I pray you are wrong about some of the jurors letting JA off. I hope she is convicted to the fullest extent of the law. She has no remorse.

Yay about HLN covering her whole testimony. I just want to hear the jury say Guilty of murder one.
Btw I'm Kathy- the prettier one is Katie ;). Just keepin it real

And now I am confused. Honest. Was your hair down or up with hopp earrings? I am sorry but I have never seen you before. Lol.
Either way, y'all are both beautiful.
Well, it's pretty much a sure thing that either JM or the jury is going to ask where the gun and the knife are! Can't wait to hear what she says about THAT.

But I'm sure it'll be a whopper, the MOAL. (Mother of all lies.) <eyeroll>:what:

Let's put on our thinking caps, and imagine what she might say, eh?

"I just can't remember what I did with the gun. I know I had it with me, but I was just so scared I can't remember what I did with it. I was seriously afraid for my life, and I was just glad I got out of the house alive."

"I had the knife in my hand, and then I looked down and it was just gone. I must have blacked out for a minute. I don't honestly know where the knife is at this moment in time. I can't even remember what it looked like."

"Obviously, I had a knife and a gun. But right now <sniff, blot nose with kleenex>, I absolutely don't know where they are, or what I did with them. <sob> This whole experience has been so hard on me. My mind has been frazzled for over 4 years trying to make sense of it all. If only Travis had not called me to come by that night.....he might still be alive."

"I remember getting in the (white, nondescript rental) car, and then everything is a blur. I don't remember anything except driving, and driving, and driving-- and the next thing I know, I'm at my friend's house, and......the floor mats are missing....and, you know, there will be extra charges on the rental contract for that...."

It'll be a nice touch if she comes in pigtails or braids tomorrow, eh? Maybe a plaid skirt, white blouse, knee socks, and saddle shoes? :what:

Those are some good ones! ... Here are some that I can see her using:

-- I didn't premeditate, never brought any weapons. The knife and gun were Travis's. He used these as our sex toys/props. I didn't take "Travis's" gun and knife when I left. If the detectives didn't find these things in the washing machine (where I put them, with the camera), the jury should question EVERYthing the prosecution has claimed.

-- Or... It's all a blur. I don't recall ANYTHING after Travis HIT ME. I think I was unconscious for a moment... When I came out of my hypnotic state, I was in my rental car, driving through the desert. I saw blood on my clothes and on the floor mats. I was scared & confused and threw all this -- along with the gun and knife -- in the dessert. I really only started remembering what happened once I was in interrogation. That's why I wanted to see those death pics!
Our Katiecoo was on the right. Katie is not her real name but we are supposed to only call her by her WS name here.

The person on the left...her name really is Katie.

LOL it is confusing. it now. Thanks for the help!
Of all the days for my computer to decide that it no longer liked the internet and would refuse to load pages, it had to happen yesterday! :banghead:

Though some kind soul uploaded the testimony to youtube, and I was able to watch it last night after the virus check.

What really struck me, was all thos similarities she described in her relationships with... I think their names were Bobby and Victor?
Both were head over heels for her, both were (iirc, not sure about Victor) really jealous, both wanted to 'stay together forever' and marry, and start a family and what have you not. And when she broke up with Bobby, he attempted suicide, and wasn't there something about Victor being in some sort of clinic after she broke up with him?

I get that the defence are trying to paint the picture of a woman who has a tendency to get up in controlled and possibly abusive relationships without getting out of them on her own (the physical abuse with Bobby, that 911 call, that she wasn't allowed to talk to old friends for reason of jealousy and so on). I get that they're going to try and spin it to make TA out to be just another man like that in her life, the one that made the poor, abused girl snap and act out in self defence, but the way she tells it is just so...artificial. So constructed.

Am I the only one to whom that testimony sounds like "me, me, me, look at me, I'm so awesome men are trying to kill themselves for me". Just thinking about it gives me the goosebumps, and I hope the jury keeps an open mind.

And Jodi's mother also gave me the goosebumps. I don't know if the abuse was real or not (though I do find it weird that the only time Jodi sounded like she was about to go into tears was when she talked about that wooden spoon her mother had, but then was able to recount all the abuse without so much as a hitch in her breath. I know that all abuse victims deal differently with what happened to them, and react differently when talking about it, but it just sounded so false to my ears).
But the entire time Jodi was up there talking about the beatings and the welts they left, Jodi's mother was sitting there with no discenible reaction at all. At times, she even smiled and chatted with her sister. It just struck me as so very weird while her daughter was sitting up there talking about the abuse she received at the hands of her parents.

I can't wait for the prosecution to cross her. I'm curious to see which 'emotional responses' Jodi is going to deem appropriate for JM's questions. You can practically see the gears turning in her head as she speaks and makes things up, that should get interesting on cross.
Thank you! I'm sure I can't possibly wade through posts from today so if anyone wrote me something they wanted a reply to please send it to me privately.

They asked us to come back again this Wed. I was already planning on attending the pm session that day so it will be perfect. He called us "Drew's Jury" lol

I had to disagree w/ my girl Katie though...I could NOT let it be left with the thought the jury could believe her BS. No no no...had to step on that notion. I had a better view than her anyway!

Katiecoollady, thank you for saying you do not think the jury will believe JA. I thought you were the other Katie. I was so happy you were there. Keep up the great work! I don't know how to send a PM. Can someone tell me how?
I thought one of the most interesting things she said (other than the suicide remark) was how she claimed Bobby threatened to kill her family.This seems to be a theme she enjoys working with.

I thought soooo! I think JM could wipe the floor with her after that comment. Geez, I think the Pinellas 12 could see through her!

Oh wait, I take that back. Lol...
...and wouldn't be the last repeat offender.

If she is not executed, she will find a way to kill again.

Travis Alexander may have been a sexual virgin -- until he met Jodi Arias.

Jodi Arias may have been a 'murder virgin' -- until she met Travis Alexander.

Serial killers always start with the first victim.

There are manslaughter and aggravated manslaughter perpetrators who may kill but once.

And then there are the truly evil, totally depraved, meticulous schemers who live to murder.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Jodi Arias.

EXACTLY! remember what LE found in her latest rental car just before they came to take her away? REPEAT WEAPONS! OF CHOICE. :eek:hwow:
Katiecoollady, thank you for saying you do not think the jury will believe JA. I thought you were the other Katie. I was so happy you were there. Keep up the great work! I don't know how to send a PM. Can someone tell me how?

Just click on the user's name and it then click on "send a private message"
I just knew it. :) Thanks for letting me know. :)

I wore slacks and a sweater. When I saw her I thought "heck, I'm wearing jeans next time". LOL!

Katiecoo...I know you guys are speaking of some female in the courtroom. Who is it?
I just posted this on Dr. Drew's page after watching his show. ;)

Hi Dr. Drew! Thanks for having me on your show tonite. Just to clarify my comment about Jodi's abuse story. First of all, I don't believe it to be true so I don't place much value on it. Secondly, my point was not that what her parents may have done as she describes would be OK in any situation, but connecting the dots from THAT to stabbing someone 29 times, slashing their throat and shooting them in the face is a far reach. I do not think she will be spared life with this testimony. And to Dr. Walsh, with respect, I am not just your Joe General viewing public. My sister was brutally murdered, I've sat through and participated in two death penalty trials and countless years of appeals. I also suffered physical abuse in my childhood very similar to what jodi describes. So I do have some credibility in my lay opinion. Be seein you guys later. :) PS. Bill is great.

Awesome! Spot on! But uh, JA was never abused. She abuses others.
That probably because he was completely broke when she dumped him. She soaked him for $3000 breast implants, numerous months of rent at $750/month, and half the utilities for those months.

One correction...JM brought out in cross of Darryl that house note was actually $2800! Her half would have been $1400 month.
Well, I should disclose that I am a death penalty opponent -- but I keep trying to put that aside and put myself in the jurors' shoes and determine whether death penalty is appropriate. I might change my mind several times before this is over :)

Hi minor4th. I am right there with you. That said, the CA's and JA's in this world need to be sent a message.
So behind here, time difference there a link to DrD?

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Yes I used a belt and paddle on my children when necessary, as did my parents with me and my five siblings. Only on the butt. My children are now 44 and 42, I could take them anywhere in public when they were little, they were well behaved, they have never been in trouble with the law, they both have children, they are responsible loving parents, their children make good grades as they did. They are loving, caring, never abused or stalked anyone. My siblings all turned out good too. The oldest is 78 years old and still active and works!

These sniveling, liberal parents who cannot correct their children except to give them "a time out" and defend them of every thing they do wrong and teach them that nothing is their fault.....I feel sorry for those children.

I believe Jodi lied through her teeth. And if her mother falls on the sword and witnesses for Jodi, I will believe it is a lie. She certainly didn't teach her responsibility, did she? Another Casey Anthony.

I am of the belief that children come into this world with a predisposition to behave in certain ways. So while I DO believe in spanking or whipping as you might call it, and while many other parents do NOT believe that way, i also believe there are many people who do wrong because it was born in them to do so. Environment cannot be that big a factor. We make decisions every single day based on our moral compass. Jodi Arias doesn't have one.

BBM. I get what you're saying. Jodi very likely lacked effective discipline growing up.

And not to derail the thread on the topic of spanking and liberal-ness, but physical discipline is not really a legal or effective option for most law abiding parents now. I am not that old, but yes, we had corporal punishment and paddling in my public school in the Midwest into the early 80's. It is just a modern day truth that we have to acknowledge that times are very different now than in earlier decades. A parent simply is not free to strike, whip, or spank their children much above the age of swatting a preschooler on the diapered bottom for running into the street.

You see, if a school aged child goes to school and confides to a teacher that their parent hit them as discipline (or for any abusive reason, really), the teacher, by law, must report that to police. Police pass it off to social services, and the parent is then investigated for child abuse. Physical discipline of children is no longer tolerated anywhere in our society, and all forms of physical discipline are viewed as child abuse. Whether one agrees or disagrees with that, parents and teachers HAVE to abide by the new social norm. That is not liberal or conservative-- it just "is" what is now socially acceptable, and also what is the law. Parents (and teachers) must be VERY creative, and persistent to discipline children using incentives, and disincentives, that do not include physical discipline. A time out in and of itself is not a bad technique. There are many ways to correct behavior, but an adult has to be willing to continuously parent, correct, and guide. It's not an easy job-- never was, but maybe is a bit harder than in decades past.

Thanks for being the "Websleuth Reporter" and the eyes and ears on "the inside".
Minor4th, do you have any insight as to why Jodi was sworn in and seated in the witness box BEFORE the jury was returned to the room? I'm scratching my head on that.

Edited to add: ROFLMAO on the "sworn in" thingie! Surprised the whole witness box didn't burst into flames, or lightning bolts crash down upon the courthouse!
"The whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" Jodi Arias?? How did the person administering the oath not just bust up laughing, I'll never know!

So they don't see her walking up (oddly) wearing her stun belt and leg restraints

Good morning all -
I had a VERY busy evening last night, so once court was over, I didnt see anything.

Katie - can you link the Dr Drew you were on? I would LOVE to see it.

I heard a few things when JA was on the stand that REALLY stood out to me on her character:

-She hacked into "Bobby's" email to prove he was cheating
-She confronted him in the BATHROOM (you cant make this crap up)

I know there was more, but this right here shows what kind of person she is and what she does. How her mind works. Even at 15 she was hacking into email accounts... who does this?

And Im not sure I believe the library story. "I took Bobby to a friends and went back to the library. I hit the back button and VIOLA i got into his email, saw he was emailing another girl and I could tell (by what she read) he really had feelings for her" (JEALOUSY) - then she goes to the friends house where the bf is and confronts him in the bathroom "cause I didnt want to make a scene" :puke:

I mean REALLY????? :what:
I've been up all night transcribing and came across this gem in her testimony from yesterday. Doesn't she realize that everyone in a typical public education environment goes from elementary to jr high/middle school and then to high school???? That is not considered going from school to school to school!!!! And so what if she went to a different school every 2 or 3 years??? Our service member's families do it all the time. The vast majority of those people do not murder their boyfriends. :banghead:

Also, I know it's hard to follow but I typed it out using the exact words she says. I can't punctuate that kind of crazy talking.

Straight from her:
um at that point um I was really focused on trying to make new friends. That was kind of difficult. Um in 6th grade I went to an elementary school and then in 7th grade I went to another new school for it was called jr it was jr high school then and it&#8217;s now middle school I guess but um so it was just it seemed like I was constantly going to new schools there was this new school then another new school and then you know then we moved again and so it was just hard to make friendships. I did make a few close friends though.
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