Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #32 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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3 incidents of TA hurting JA . . . one in Oklahoma, one when he hurt her finger, one when he threw her to ground? and one when he choked her . ..

another incident - March 2008 . . . carpool to Attack Seminar for PPL . . . on freeway began to argue about her moving back to Calif . . . . told him going to move right after convention . . . he reached his right hand over to hit me . . . in car while driving. . . . .

I don't know if he meant to smack me but it was like a backhand.

Prior to June 4th . . . was that last time he was physically violent? . . .
The choking came after that. .. .

All the violence you suffered before June 4th . . . . .
Some I didn't think it was violent . . . he grabbed my wrist . . .after a few seconds of him demanding to knowwhat we were talking about I looked down @ my wrist and he let go.

Any other incidents when he was physical . . . . . in his bedroom he pushed me and Ifell and landed on my knees - I didn't think that was abusive

Any other incidents we haven't talked about?
no not that I can remember

Moved back to Grandparents house in Yreka . . . after he backhands you in the car what happens next?

I was crying pretty hysterically - I called my Mom on the phone and sked her to lend me some money so I could move back . . .at the time I was still rentin the room in East Mesa. . . I was broke most of the time.

Why were you broke?
I don't know . . . I didn't have a big rent to pay , wasn't payin my car anymore, Iwould lend TA money - he would typically pay me back . . . .

How much money lend TA?
Objection foundation
ASking total amount

Total $1299.00 over the course of our relationship

Lend him $ in 2008?
Jan 2008?

May I approach
you may
Exhibit #436 . . . JA look @ it . . . .recognize those?
yes - cancelled checks I wrote to TA . . . 1/11/08, 1/15/08, 1/30/08

first check $100
Objection - she is testifying to docs not in evidence
move it into evidence

why check $100?
Don't remember exactly - it had to go in his bank account

2nd check $699 his checking accounting overdrawn

third $220 - put toward his mortgage

Check #3008 had nothing to do with his BMW
Check #3009 - TA $699 nothng for BMW
Check #3012 - TA $220 nothing for BMW -he wasn't selling the car yet

over $900 in Jan 2008 given to TA . . .did you have that kind of money to give/lend? At the time I had the money in my account .. . it was dedicated to my own bills. . . he promised to pay me back before I needed to pay my own bills . . . . she had a lot of checks bounce that month a lot of fees . . . . TA did not pay those fees - he screamed @ her for incurring them. . . eventually he did pay her back . . . . one payment was late to the point she got a bunch of overdraft fees. . . . .

She doesn't remember if Wash. Mutual covered the bills and charged her fees or bounced the checks back to the creditors she was paying.

Don't recall if it was same time she called and asked to borrow money . . .. .

After calling her Mom to ask for money to move back to Yreka . . . . she was crying - he turned car around drove her back to her house didn't want people @ seminar to see them fighting . . . .

he asked if she could come over to his house to make it better . . . make up sex . . . leaned in to kiss him on the cheek - he kissed her on thelips . . .walked her to her door - told her that he loved her . . . .changed clothes . . . . .cleaned face up

swung by starbucks and got hm a cookies and cream frap and she had a frap

He didn't hit me in the face . . . . slap in neck/jaw area . .. dodging a slap to the face . . . . he tells you he loves you and wants makeup sex . . . . . go to his house w/2 fraps . . . .

you decided you would move back home . . . . why did you want to move back to Yreka . . . I was there for Christmas . . . they paid for my way . . . . flew into Sacramento

What was the motivation sudden urgency to pick up phone in March and say Mom I want to move back home . . . I was miserable in the car . . . my Mom and I do't have a great realationship . . . but I knew she would help me if I needed it.

Wha was miserable?
The roller coaster relationship we were always on . . .. . the ups were great but the downs were horrible . . .that is why I picked up the phone and call her.

That day realized wanted tobe away from TA? move away from Mesa
yes both

I already decided to move back . . . . plans were in the works - JA asked her Mom to come help her move . . . . .

Circumstances in the car . . . why do you return to tA's house with the 2 frappicinos?
It's complicated - I still loved him .. . he had calmed down he was tender and gentle an the way we parted . . . . I could see it would be a pleasant time
I loved him
Even though he hit you?

Did you have sex?
we did have sex that day
We didn't talk about JA moving away
spent almost rest afternoon and early evening together taht day.

She has discussed in late Feb that she was going to move back . .. in the car it was more definate. . . . .

Continued discussion about if she should stay in Mesa
In the car - he joked about it in a nice way.
Did he want you to stay?

The day he hit you in the car until the day you moved to Yreka?
Approx. a month and a week - 5 weeks
still seeing TA . . . . business as usual? still ocming to his house late @ night for sexual rendevous? yes . . . .why were you still his booty call? I was making a string of bad choices in my life @ that point in time (like killing him? IMO)
JA = Booty call

But Nurmi wants us to believe it was really, in TA's mind, a lil' Buddy call.
what does it say in the memo section of the middle check?
Jodi...You would include stabbing shootng and killing a "bad choice" would you not?

She liked bootie calls!

Wasn't her lawyer paying attention

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So Travis' signature is not on the checks. I would bet he didn't even know about these. More likely scenario is that Jodi took money out of his account at some point and was replacing it before he found out.

Also need to check the last 4 digits of Travis' account to see if that's one of the accounts Jodi made deposits to on her murder trip on June 2 or 3.

I do not have to sign the back of my checks when I make a deposit FYI
hmmmm....she told flores she lived with TA for months and months!! Lie #521
she remembers buying him a cookies and cream frappie, after hitting her in the neck/jaw area? and wants make up sex?

This woman is unbelievable!

correction - 2 frappies! Can't forget that tiny minute little detail.

I know it's laughable (sort of) but this is the type of thing that has a ring of truth to it. MOO:moo:
OMG, Cookies & Cream Cap...and a Strawberry...THIS is what we remember. Got it.

When she can't remember anything about killing him in self defense.... someone should take her order for Starbucks.... see if it helps her memory
Ready for the understatement of the century:
JA: "I was making a string of bad choice at that time."
Can anyone read the memo note on the $699 check?

No, but I'm sure Juan will let us know what it says next week, month, year .. when its his time to cross.
She was making a lot of bad decisions at that time? OBVIOUSLY! :banghead:

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