Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #34 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'm making chili today too! :seeya: Anyone invited.... Besides Casey A of course! LOL!

Also edited because I forgot to add the "invite for lunch" as my brain is fried from listening to Jodi.

When I saw this post I immediately looked to see if you were from Texas. I had chili today also and I am in E.Texas. And it is freezing and very gloomy. :great:
i found it funny during the sex tape ja says she likes the song clumsy by fergie and she expressed the middle part of the song,,good one jodi,,here is what it says;

You know this ain't the first time This has happened to me, this love sick thing I like serious relationships And a girl like me don't stay single for long
'Cause every time a boyfriend and I break up My world is crushed and I'm all alone The love bug crawls right back up And bites me and I'm back


Thanks for posting.. there was another song she was quoting the lyrics to also but I cant bring myself to go back and listen to that tape again. Her giggly, bubbly FAKE voice just irks me to no end. Do you know what the other song she was quoting the lyrics to? Was it a Natalie Merchant song?
Why does Nurmi linger on every sentence Jodi says, instead of letting her answer stand.

It comes off like this--

Nurmi: Do you like apple pie?
Jodi: Yeah, but not everyday. Travis liked it everyday.
Nurmi: What kind of apples do you like?
Jodi: Granny Smith...
Nurmi: How do you feel about Florida oranges?

Seriously. It is mind numbing. All these extraneous details are boring. He has GOT to know this.

What I don't understand, is why does the judge allow all these 'non-responsive' answers?

Is this normal when a defendant testifies? It seems like they didn't let anyone else just blather on endlessly. Gus was a good case in point.
I think she is going to try the "Betty Broderick" approach.

"You see, I brought a gun because I was so suicidal that I was going to kill myself in front of him. He attacked me and I grabbed the knife that was used to cut off the nice soft ropes and protected myself. He kept coming at me and so I shot him."

It's the only story she could possible come up with for having a gun on her person.

Good Grief. I can see it coming a mile away.
I know you're right, but if they don't get into details of the killing, KN will object as beyond the scope if JM tries to ask her anything about it.

I didn't cross examination was limited to the scope of direct, I thought beyond the scope only applied to re-direct. I could be wrong though...

EDIT - I just googled it and it seems that the judge has the discretion as to whether or not to allow particular testimony on cross even if it is outside the scope of the direct. She may disallow something that doesn't really have any weight in the case but allow something else that does, even if it wasn't covered in direct.

I think.


Resident Attorneys?
I was really surprised when I heard Travis' voice for the first time. His speech was slurred like he had been drinking on the sex tape. He talks like he has a mouthful of marbles. It surprised me as I kind of expected him to have a great speaking voice since he was such a "great motivational speaker". Not with that voice he wasn't, IMO.

It may have been partially due to sound distortion. And it's very clear he was exhausted. That too is an explanation.
Thanks for posting.. there was another song she was quoting the lyrics to also but I cant bring myself to go back and listen to that tape again. Her giggly, bubbly FAKE voice just irks me to no end. Do you know what the other song she was quoting the lyrics to? Was it a Natalie Merchant song?

Alanis Morrisette, You Outta Know
Okay, need to vent a little...bare w/ me. :)

Nurmi going back and forth w/ JA is so frustrating! Going back to testimony he has already gone over w/ JA is just wasting time and it's driving me nuts!

I keep thinking about these poor jurors...they are obviously well vested in this case according to Beth Karas' inside-the-courtroom description...but my God these jurors have lives! I assume most of them have careers, spouses, children, maybe grandchildren. The DT needs to get to the point of the matter and quit asking JA "well how did that make you feel?" over & over & over...this is not a therapy session this is a court of law!

I completely understand due to the fact that this is a death penalty case that the defense is allowed to go over her life story...but the ridiculous details and descriptions of random things & events that have no meaning to this brutal murder is just outrageous to me!

I agree w/ many of you that this judge is allowing way too much in regards to JA's rambling and nonsense. But again, I understand she (the judge) has to be careful b/c of the possible death penalty conviction.

Again this is all my own opinion... but I just have to wonder how all this wasted time in testimony is affecting these jurors real life outside of this case. If I were one of these juror's I'd be thinking "GET TO THE POINT! I have 2 young children, a husband, and responsibilities that require my attention!"

Okay, sorry for the rant but this is just getting way out of hand! I feel a little better now! :) And of course I will still be following every detail of this case as I have from the start!

Thanks for letting me vent! :)
I am thinking she HAS to testify to it, because not one thing she has BS'ed about so far adds up to justification for murder and overkill, to boot.
That would be completely ineffective counsel, if they were to not have her testify to it.

Wouldn't they have to ask her about it, since it was brought up in the DT Opening Statement?
If Jodi is saying she killed him in self does she justify the overkill? There's no way she can. I think they should have went with an insanity plea.

Jodi is trying to set up that she is a victim of domestic abuse and it came down to her saving her life by killing Travis. That will be the reason for the overkill.

I mean she did have another man to meet.
When I saw this post I immediately looked to see if you were from Texas. I had chili today also and I am in E.Texas. And it is freezing and very gloomy. :great:

Taco soup over here. Near Sugar Land.
I really would not be surprised if Nutjob Jodi didn't fly off the handle and make a lunge at Juan Martinez during cross. I mean, we all know she has a bad temper. Maybe we will get to see the results of that stun belt she's wearing? Will there be smoke coming from her pants? LOL @ the smoke, just kidding! :great:

The only nutjob who's going to lunge @ Mr. Martinez is moi! I'm going to rush him, plant a couple kisses on him, give him a big hug, and then spend the next few days cooling my heels in an AZ jail cell, writing 1,000 times "I won't lunge at and kiss the prosecutor."

Worth it?

Stay tuned; we'll find out....... :floorlaugh: :heartbeat:
No doubt she'd say, "I like it!"

Nah, she would say she did not like it but went along with it cos TA liked it and she didn't want to make fun of his sexual fantasies. Like she had already said at least once.

I was in a very bad DV marriage for 9 years. Believe me if your abuser was dead you would tell you were beaten, etc immediately. You don't do things to spare your abusers "feelings". You don't worry about your abusers reputation unless that will get you beat up. She may be using buzzwords but to me the absence of EMOTIONAL side is very glaringly obvious. She doesn't use the words or describe the feelings that true victims of DV do.

And she makes people who really did live through DV very angry.
When I saw this post I immediately looked to see if you were from Texas. I had chili today also and I am in E.Texas. And it is freezing and very gloomy. :great:

Same here, hot one day then cold and cloudy the next. Good setup for colds/sinus infections which I have bigtime right now. But it wouldn't be Texas if the weather wasn't so weird! :seeya:
I didn't cross examination was limited to the scope of direct, I thought beyond the scope only applied to re-direct. I could be wrong though...

No, that's why I'm worried. Questions asked on cross must be within the scope of direct. I guess it will be up to the Judge to decide the scope at that point.
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