jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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What would you like to be Mr. Martinez' opening question this morning?

How about:

'Ready Ma'am? Water? Revised script memorized?' :floorlaugh:

Or ...

"Ma'm ... in the 9 days you were on the stand for direct examination, did you tell the truth the entire time ?"

Female Of The Species Lyrics
By Space

A thousand thundering thrills await me
Facing insurmountable odds greatly
The female of the species is more deadlier than the male

Shock, shock horror, horror, shock, shock horror
I'll shout myself hoarse for your supernatural force
The female of the species is more deadlier than the male

Oh, she deals in witchcraft
And one kiss and I'm zapped, oh

How can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?
Oh, how can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?

Frankenstein and Dracula have nothing on you
Jekyll and Hyde join the back of the queue
The female of the species is more deadlier than the male

For she wants to conquer the world completely
But first she'll conquer me discreetly
The female of the species is more deadlier than the male

Oh, she deals in witchcraft
And one kiss and I'm zapped, oh

How can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?
Oh, how can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?

Oh, how can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?
Oh, how can heaven hold a place for me
When a girl like you has cast her spell on me?
Did you read the argument from state 2-25-2013?

It all has to do with Travis' journals which he did write and we know he wrote a lot. Somehow Skye Hughes got hold of the Journals at one point, she even sent off disparaging emails regarding Travis....apparently it is ten letters and the state wants to know what will be entered from those.

Do you have a link where I can read this? TIA
my take on JA and MM....regardless of what went on between them....JA stated on the stand last week with Nurmi (when she CONFESSED) that she decided in 2010 to tell the TRUTH......Juan pointed out that this was written in this magazine in the magazine it says that he "f'd" up as to her testimony for the past year....MEANING that she is STILL LYING.....this is my take on all of her confession on the stand last week and for the last three weeks is nothing but a bunch of bull$hit
I want to catch some of the trial live today. Can anyone recommend the best live feed and what time it starts??

She cannot bear to be the one unwanted. And either they mutually break up, or she is the one who breaks up. Unless I am overlooking something, she has not said that Travis EVER broke up with her, which I cannot believe.

If he really emphasizes that Travis rejected her I think her composure may crack.

Respectfully snipped.

LadyEdith, I strongly agree with those statements. This is absolutely Jodi's weakness and Achilles heel. And I think Juan Martinez has this figured out, too. It is the entire motive for the murder. I think he will HAVE to bring this out, to show that "self defense" is really a fantasy story.

Her composure may indeed crack if he goes there and focuses on how Travis rejected her-- and we will see the "angry, rejected Jodi" emerge. Remember Alex in Fatal Attraction? "I will NOT BE IGNORED, Dan."

It wasn't that if she couldn't have HIM, no other woman would-- just the opposite. If he wouldn't have HER, then he would have nothing-- no women, no life, no nothing. He dared to reject her. She made sure she was the end game.

Last one he had sex with.
Last one he spoke to.
Last person he ever saw.
Last person who ever saw him alive.
Last person who touched him while he was alive.
And she took from him all of his life goals, and even his after-life goals.

She did her da*&dest to make sure SHE was the last thought in his mind as he lay there dying from being murdered. She is not an eraser killer. She is an annihilator. Look at the mess she left behind-- only a cursory attempt to clean up. She was PROUD of what she had done, and wanted others to see it.

In Jodi's mind, she "won" by annihilating Travis, and winning (one-upping) is very important to a psychopath. The rest of all this, the trial and the aftermath, is simply collateral damage she has to endure. In her mind, she "won" with Travis-- and no one can ever take that away from her. Even if they ultimately take her freedom and her life.
Idk whether he sees it that way or not. His reactions today definitely seem derisive to me. Which suggests to me that they are, in fact, derisive and not motivated by perceived devastation of his case. Maybe he's in denial, too.

I'm not looking forward to the rest, though. I think the whole trial is hard to watch and I can't even pay any attention to the real-time commentary.

I'm a little confused, you don't care about the outcome, you can't stand the prosecutor, and you don't want to what's the attraction for you?

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Did you read the argument from state 2-25-2013?

It all has to do with Travis' journals which he did write and we know he wrote a lot. Somehow Skye Hughes got hold of the Journals at one point, she even sent off disparaging emails regarding Travis....apparently it is ten letters and the state wants to know what will be entered from those.

BBM Please share the source of this info. Is it in the argument (Minutes?)
I am bewildered by something: this woman planned the trip to murder TA with such specificity so as to cover her tracks: gas cans, rented car, no receipts from AZ, visiting Ryan thus setting up her alibi...and yet after having 4+ years to prepare for the trial, her stories are so ridiculous that they are beyond belief.

What explains her stupidity?

I believe in her wildest daydreams about the what ifs of covering her tracks she would never have believed she would of left a camera behind that proves she was there... never mind pictures showing the exact moment that he lay dying at her feet.
I also think that she imagined a quick kill. She had a gun after all, and seen many shows were people get shot and drop. She didn't realize he would fight for his life and cause a such a gruesome crime scene.
I think she would of kept up with the "I wasn't there" story if they hadn't had such strong evidence against her.
So shes had to make up a story to make her seem like a vicitim. Yes, shes had 4 years to make this story up... but because its not the truth its a stupid story and makes no sense. I bet if she was just to tell us the actual story of what really happened, and what went down... as horrible as it would be, we would all say... "that makes more sense".
Her story is beyond belief because its a fantasy story. Its not real.
I would think the someone would HAVE to pass out xanax to the jury everyday JA is on the stand. At least WE can walk away from that annoying voice for a while, they cannot. LOL
I have to take my dad to the Dr. today at 1 pm. Of course the trial starts here in Ky. at 12:30. I can tape it, but it's just not the same!!!
Thursday I have to go to the dentist at 1:30 (broken tooth) I don't want to leave the house this week !!!
Rewatching testimony.

JA: Can you be more specific.

JM: NO! Can YOU be more specific.
Did you read the argument from state 2-25-2013?

It all has to do with Travis' journals which he did write and we know he wrote a lot. Somehow Skye Hughes got hold of the Journals at one point, she even sent off disparaging emails regarding Travis....apparently it is ten letters and the state wants to know what will be entered from those.

Chris Hughes already testifed at the Evid. Hearing that Nurmi lied to them and told them Travis had written that letter and Sky reacted to it and I'm guessing wrote some letters with her concerns. Once they spoke with the prosecution's office they realized they were forgeries. Defense will say they never lied but I can only think Sky's testimony will only hurt Nurmi personally. jmo
I was talking about this case to a friend of mine and I am VERY anti-Jodi so I know the story coming out of my mouth wasn't Jodi-friendly. So I laid out the case, told her all about all of the sexual encounters and how TA made it clear that JA was not the marrying kind. 1/2 way through my friend turned to me and said "Sounds like he got just what he deserved". I think my jaw must have been on the table for an extended period of time because she said "What?, he was an arse!". I replied "and he deserved to have his throat slit, a knife penetrate his body 27 times, and be shot in the head" because he used a girl who was very willing to be used?

She said "You're right, no, he didn't. But I don't think she should get the death penalty."

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people felt this way. I, do not.
I notice that there is a whole lot of focus on the home family meetings or what are they called...the Family Home? whatever....he keeps asking jodi about it...what goes on at those meetings etc???

was Travis there with the other girl? can some one wrap this up for me?
Respectfully snipped.

LadyEdith, I strongly agree with those statements. This is absolutely Jodi's weakness and Achilles heel. And I think Juan Martinez has this figured out, too. It is the entire motive for the murder. I think he will HAVE to bring this out, to show that "self defense" is really a fantasy story.

Her composure may indeed crack if he goes there and focuses on how Travis rejected her-- and we will see the "angry, rejected Jodi" emerge. Remember Alex in Fatal Attraction? "I will NOT BE IGNORED, Dan."

It wasn't that if she couldn't have HIM, no other woman would-- just the opposite. If he wouldn't have HER, then he would have nothing-- no women, no life, no nothing. He dared to reject her. She made sure she was the end game.

Last one he had sex with.
Last one he spoke to.
Last person he ever saw.
Last person who ever saw him alive.
Last person who touched him while he was alive.
And she took from him all of his life goals, and even his after-life goals.

She did her da*&dest to make sure SHE was the last thought in his mind as he lay there dying from being murdered. She is not an eraser killer. She is an annihilator. Look at the mess she left behind-- only a cursory attempt to clean up. She was PROUD of what she had done, and wanted others to see it.

In Jodi's mind, she "won" by annihilating Travis, and winning (one-upping) is very important to a psychopath. The rest of all this, the trial and the aftermath, is simply collateral damage she has to endure. In her mind, she "won" with Travis-- and no one can ever take that away from her. Even if they ultimately take her freedom and her life.

Oof. I think this is exactly it. So awful.

:( :mad: :tears:
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