jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #46 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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JA is probably having lunch with Nurmi, JW and the mitigator trying to fabricate more lies regarding the pop rocks and tootsie roll story.
Anita richman is in the house and gonna be on dr drew tonite!!!! Lunchtime now more later
I have often wondered if Jean has some deep seeded issues with men in general. She seems to believe abuse if someone just says they were abused without have one damn fact to prove it.


IMO it's the role she's paid to play.

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Ahhh, yes, but it is the first time they've heard where Juan is taking JA with those entries. Not defending the indefensible, just saying. :)

Is there an extended lunch or something, Judge told the jury 1:25 like she usually does then I ripped off my earphones and ran outside to have my 'satisfied' cigarette. LOL

nurmi said he needed more time. won't be surprised if the judge gives it to him (she's given him everything else he's asked for).
I am glad he's getting the lies about Travis out of the way first, but I really want to get onto the obsession .. that's what I want them to talk about and drive home to the jury, the level of stalking, the unwanted advances and interruptions to Travis' life and wellbeing, the walking into his home uninvited, her complete 'ownership' of Travis whether he wanted it or not .. more of that please.
Half an hour before court today a dear friend called and kept talking. A minute before I pretended that my phone was dying and got off the phone. (Yes I lied. No half-truths or I don't knows ;0) I put the phone down and suddenly Juan was on fire with the dumb sister question. 0 to 180 in 2 seconds! Go Juan!
To get JA to admit she holds Travis to a different standard. It's okay for JA to call Angela names- but when Travis made fun of her granfathers name she was in tears. He called out her double standard immediately.

Exactly.........just like he said she had double standards when it comes to herself and Travis Alexander.

I am glad he's getting the lies about Travis out of the way first, but I really want to get onto the obsession .. that's what I want them to talk about and drive home to the jury, the level of stalking, the unwanted advances and interruptions to Travis' life and wellbeing, the walking into his home uninvited, her complete 'ownership' of Travis whether he wanted it or not .. more of that please.

I thought he kinda sorta has been
The TH's don't think JM is doing a good job presenting the case. They said JA is well prepped to answer these questions. I thought he was on fire, yet the DT keeps interrupting his pace and she is purposely reading the journal at a ridiculous slow pace.


They willing to compare their records to his?
Guys, the jury could sentence her to death and the talking heads would probably say how great that was for the defense, because appeals will prove Jodi innocent.

IMO, they will say anything to grab ratings.
This DELAY TACTIC is so obvious what Jodi and Nurmi were doing. She is playing dumb and Nurmi was stalling. The Judge needs to do her job and not allow Nurmi more sidebars on each journal entry. The whole journal is evidence already, so no more sidebars on it from Nurmi.

I think the jury realized Jodi was stalling and defense too. This will backfire on them if they keep it up.

Juan needs to stay focused and not get upset about it. His only real problem is he has a tough time sometimes explaining what he already knows is his point. He has to make us see his point and he struggles sometimes.

The problem with this is that it is in direct contrast of how she handled the questioning by her own attorney. Her memory was crystal clear up until the murder, but suddenly she's having to re-read everything. It's obvious that suddenly she has to be "reminded" of things she could easily remember before. And I don't think this will be lost on the jury.
PS How do u refresh tapatalk? I keep having to go back a page then forward. Pulling down doesn't work. Am I missing something?

I don't know anything about it, except that another poster on here marks her/his spot near the beginning of a new thread so she/he knows where she/he left off and doesn't get directed back to the previous thread (or something like that!) - I don't know if that makes any sense, but I read it yesterday and I was always wondering why some posters would post "marking my spot" . . . HTH
OMG Weebles you are just the BEST! I missed this whole morning and I really appreciate you taking the time to write this down!

The state starts with getting her to admit (saying?) her sister's dumb? Was her sister there in the court room? What was the point of that??

Not sure if Sis is in court. She immediately corrected him that her sis is not dumb and he pulls out emails where she wrote to Travis that her sis was dumb. Set the tone for how things were going to go.
I'm an only child, I have a key to my parents home. We are back and forth all the time to each others homes. I would never ever just walk in unannounced! I was raised better!

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I stop watching when she comes on.

IMO after the CA trial they were as shocked as everyone else but after them reporting things would go against her the whole time and never showing the other side they have now changed and they have a reporter for the "defense" and for the "prosecution".....I think they gave reporters "roles". I noticed that last night the attys had "defense" or "prosecution" under their pictures.
I'm watching this sitting in the corner of my stairs in my house and my husband sat down beside me to watch. After 8 days of me glued to the laptop he has now joined me lol
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