jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #47 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Question. When Juan put up the pic of Jodi and her sis, why didn't he mention the color of her hair?
That would go directly to premeditation.

ETA: Just realized the date of the pic- sorry
Why does Nurmi get to tell the judge and court when it's a good time to take lunch and breaks?

I think he will use these times to regroup and develop the next leg of strategy for Jodi during her cross examination.

I wish she would stop that. It lends him a air of authority when the judge accepts his suggestion and automatically agrees with him EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. in front of the jury.
NPH is being soooooo understanding about this trial watch :D, I was actually in the kitchen rolling out pierogi dough for his favorite dinner tonight while little Miss I don't remember was reading her testimomy from yesterday...

Course now I have flour all over my phone and earbuds!

omg u know neil patrick harris?????? i LOVE HIM:great:

i hear ya.....god bless the person that invented wireless headphones......
my family thanks you :)
I'm so lost I don't know which thread I am reading, or posting in, or anything! I wanted to bring this from the last thread (I think). It may have already been said by someone.

Welcome. And I somewhat agree with you. My emotional side wants JM to break that chain and chew JA's leg off.

But I admit I was having trouble following. That could be because my feeds kept freezing up. I like his toughness, and from some of the videos we have seen of Mr. Martinez in action, this is his style. I think JA stayed up all night preparing for this. She is one piece of work. I don't think it can last, however.

Also, there were a couple of times if JM had just stopped talking...she was about to hang herself I believe. He did not let her finish. I understand that he wants to keep JA to yes and no answers. But sometimes he needs to let her blab her lies.
Stupid question. Could she be acquitted? She can't walk out of there right?

Yes, she could be acquitted and walk out just like FCA did.

Mark My Words... it won't happen.
Why does Nurmi get to tell the judge and court when it's a good time to take lunch and breaks?

I think he will use these times to regroup and develop the next leg of strategy for Jodi during her cross examination.

i think he's going to try to get her to give him the rest of today and the weekend to read this journal that you know dang well he's already read. in 4 years?? of course he's read it.
omg u know neil patrick harris?????? i LOVE HIM:great:

i hear ya.....god bless the person that invented wireless headphones......
my family thanks you :)

OOP's forgot I wasn't at the basement party....

NPH=Near Perfect Hubby :great:
Question. When Juan put up the pic of Jodi and her sis, why didn't he mention the color of her hair?
That would go directly to premeditation.

ETA: Just realized the date of the pic- sorry

Hes just laying the foundation .............he will tie it up in a neat bow before cross is over with.

Stupid question. Could she be acquitted? She can't walk out of there right?

No-the best they can hope for is a hung jury. She admitted she did it, and by no definition or testimony was she a battered woman.
Afternoon folks! :great:

:greetings: all newbies!!

Do we have 'eyes' in the courtroom today?
Curious to know how the Juror's are reacting and If they are looking at JA's different demeanor during Juan's Amazing cross!?!

Please do chime in :seeya:
I wish she would stop that. It lends him a air of authority when the judge accepts his suggestion and automatically agrees with him EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. in front of the jury.

she should stop alot....she might as well not even be there IMO....most of her rulings, rephrase & approach....a monkey can say that. Should be overruled or sustained period.
NPH is being soooooo understanding about this trial watch :D, I was actually in the kitchen rolling out pierogi dough for his favorite dinner tonight while little Miss I don't remember was reading her testimomy from yesterday...

Course now I have flour all over my phone and earbuds!

I tried making those....FLOP...couldn't get the dough good----
Why does Nurmi get to tell the judge and court when it's a good time to take lunch and breaks?

I think he will use these times to regroup and develop the next leg of strategy for Jodi during her cross examination.

He has lunch plans that cannot be disturbed or delayed.
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