jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #47 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Beth says JM is skipping around to keep JA off guard. This cross exam just started!
Anyone know what time court is back Pacific time. I can never remember for the life of me!

12:25pm. You're an hour earlier than AZ (until March 10 when you spring forward - then we'll be the same) :)
There was also a point today when they were at a sidebar and JA flipped her hair or something and her finger sure looked fine. Somebody got a screenshot?
Sorry if I missed a post of yours on the other thread.
What's your personal opinion of how Juan is doing out of the shoot?
Effective? TIA
Maybe it's just not the strong opening I was expecting.

I'm not watching, just reading comments here. From the comments, it sounds like he's doing great.

Certainly, with her, you would want to handle some not-too-critical points first, just to evaluate her method of response and to get her under control.

And I would never proceed chronologically with a known liar--too easy for them to remember the lies that way.

One thing I might do differently is to not bother refreshing her recollection about what she said yesterday. Just say, "yesterday you told us XYZ." Say it while reading from the transcript in your hand. Don't ask her if she remembers--or if you do, don't worry about her answer. So what if she doesn't remember? The jury does, and they see that you have a transcript. So "yesterday you told us XYZ...let's see what you wrote in your journal about that."
Anita richman is here and on dr drew tonite - in case my other post didn't go through - headed back in in a sec
maybe Nurmi is diabetic and has to eat at certain times?

I don't like to remark on what people where but he should never ever wear sheer shirts --- especially white....just saying---
Just to clarify for a couple of people who asked on the last "impeach" the testimony of a witness just means to show the jury she is a liar. No one will announce that impeachment has taken place. No one will tell the jury to disregard impeached testimony. The jury is free to disregard any or all of her testimony if they conclude she is a liar, whether or not JM "catches her in a lie." They can conclude she is a liar, for example, if her stories sound ridiculous, or if she says them with mannerisms that they associate with lying.

THANK YOU FOR EXPLAINING! I always wondered about that.
No, it wasn't one of them. Even Jodi said she did not recognize this girl.

This is the mysterious one-night-stand "girl from Phoenix" whom no one knew, and she meant nothing to Travis, apparently.

I doubt her existence, personally.

I'm a little surprised that she didn't make up a 12 year-old girl, frankly.
Anyone else get the feeling that the pace of these threads gives you a glimpse of how TA must have felt receiving texts from JA?, she won't shut up long enough for me to even reply.
Bringing over from last thread

Not a lawyer, but ITA. What has Juan achieved in less than 2 hrs?

* Shown her passive/aggressive side to the jury - disproved her DT coached submissive little victim
* Challenged her self-serving amazing memory
* Pretty well proved her stalking nature
* Disproved one alleged violent incident
* Caught her in several lies already

There are more but he's too fast for me! Now we await a sexy incident that probably didn't take place because she was at a baptism?

He has all the evidence he needs, and will wrap all that up at the right time. He is using his cross time to fracture any sympathy that might be in a juror's mind. IMO

You summed it up perfectly. I think his jumping around from one topic to another is working well and will work against her-- she will have trouble moving from event to event if it's not chronological. He's going to catch her off guard moving as fast as he does, integrating questions that might not seem related but will catch her in lies.

I really think she won't know where he's going with questions and she won't know how to answer, won't know which lie to use and then he'll nail her on it. Not so easy when she's not being coddled by her director / producer and going by a rehearsed script.
Somebody answer me this:

If I were a juror, I would have an EXTREMELY difficult time buying self-defense when the accused has NO MEMORY of the defense. I cannot believe the defense went along with this.

I can recall a case where the defense needed to hire a hypnotist to pull all of the details out of their client, but NONE where a defendant claims they have lost complete memory. Can anyone think of one?
Let's bring on the after lunch session!

Why does Nurmi get to tell the judge and court when it's a good time to take lunch and breaks?

I think he will use these times to regroup and develop the next leg of strategy for Jodi during her cross examination.

Isn't it because he is running the show?:waitasec:
Afternoon folks! :great:

:greetings: all newbies!!

Do we have 'eyes' in the courtroom today?
Curious to know how the Juror's are reacting and If they are looking at JA's different demeanor during Juan's Amazing cross!?!

Please do chime in :seeya:
hello! our katiecoolady is there all day as well as anita richman....

can't wait for their updates later :)
Yes, she could be acquitted and walk out just like FCA did.

Mark My Words... it won't happen.

Dumb question but what does FCA Stan for? I know the CA is Casey Anthony but don't know that the F is for. TIA!

Oh and ITA. No way she walks out! There may be similarities between her and CA's personalities and lying abilities, but their is SO much more evidence in this case. Not to mention JA took the stand and CA kept her mouth shut at that point.
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