Kyron Horman Q&A ***No Discussion***

What were the nick name's that family and friends called Kyron. Where there any names that he liked to be called? Other names he didn't care to much for?
Did Desiree's older son live with her and Kaine during their marriage? Or has he never lived with Desiree?

Just wondering, if he had lived with her for all of his life, how a 2-month trip to Canada would result in her losing custody permanently. So I am thinking maybe she never had custody?
Did Desiree's older son live with her and Kaine during their marriage? Or has he never lived with Desiree?

Just wondering, if he had lived with her for all of his life, how a 2-month trip to Canada would result in her losing custody permanently. So I am thinking maybe she never had custody?

I don't remember where I saw it, but I thought I remembered reading she had *asked* both fathers to return custody to her and they both declined. My sense is she would not fight unless she had reason too. She's about as unselfish a human as I have seen. I don't think she'd know how to put herself before someone else.

I think it's why she feels so guilty. She felt as long as the boys were happy and healthy, there was no reason to move them. She couldn't envision that she might have protective instincts as their Mother that other people might not be able to match.

I wish.... I hope, I pray, her therapist can help her heal on that front. Whether Kyron comes home or not, she needs to stop beating herself up, because I think she and TY are two incredible people. I generally don't trust the shallow impressions you get from TV, but we've gotten a pretty deep look at her. That DY and TY love each other the way they do, the respect and integrity between them is palpable.

It speaks to the kind of people they are.
I don't remember where I saw it, but I thought I remembered reading she had *asked* both fathers to return custody to her and they both declined. My sense is she would not fight unless she had reason too. She's about as unselfish a human as I have seen. I don't think she'd know how to put herself before someone else.

she tried to regain custody of Kyron and an older son from her first marriage. She was denied by Kaine and the other father, and never fought their decision in court.
But does that mean that the older boy lived with her and Kaine before they divorced, before Kyron was born?

And if she was only gone for two months, it seems as though it should not have been that difficult to get her boys back. Even if she needed more time to get back on her feet, adding on more months. I'm just curious as to why both fathers refused to return custody and went unchallenged.
1. What all did Terri bring in with her to the school? Did she have the baby in a stroller?

If I had an 18mo old, I'd probably bring her in a stroller to make it easier with a diaper bag underneath. Returning to the car I would unpack the baby, buckle her in the car seat, remove the diaper bag, and put the stroller back in the trunk (or wherever it fit in the truck.) If so, it would not exactly be a quick getaway.
Did Skyline School publish a 2009- 2010 calendar stating what events would be held for the school year for all family to have ?
If the searches are based on info from DDS when was this info recieved ??? Weeks ago, Friday ???
I have been trying to find out :

Did Kyron and his sister have any babysitters ? If so, was there one who babysat most often ?

did you hear them say two witnesses had said they saw a 2nd person in TH's truck while she was in the school? i knew there was a witness but i don't remember hearing there were two...

ETA: i'm asking this because i saw an article on saying this and i assumed they were talking about yesterday's presser...but if it wasn't mentioned there maybe they were referring to another story?
I would like to know when Terri and Kaine hit the gym was DD at the gym too?
I wouls like to know when TH knew Kyron's bio mom would not be attending the science fair.
did you hear them say two witnesses had said they saw a 2nd person in TH's truck while she was in the school? i knew there was a witness but i don't remember hearing there were two...

ETA: i'm asking this because i saw an article on saying this and i assumed they were talking about yesterday's presser...but if it wasn't mentioned there maybe they were referring to another story?

No, they didn't say two witnesses. Here's what the DA said:

Press conference video approx 13:28:

DA: There's a legitimate question about why, why do we have these pictures in these two locations. A witness or witnesses have come forward and provided us with information about a person or persons associated with that pickup truck at approximately those locations. We're looking for additional witnesses.

There's been a lot of mis-reporting on this particular press conference for some reason, but you can see the whole thing right here:

Full raw press conference video Wednesday, August 11, 2010:
Does Skyline have older (7th-8th graders) paired with the younger kids, like "reading buddies" or other mentor programs where Kyron may have become friendly with one or more older students? My kids' school does and I have been weirded out when 13 year olds that I don't know address my kindergartener and 2nd grader by name and know intimate details about them.

Good question. I would not like that at all.
I have a similar question. I saw on television, in one picture showing the classroom door, it appeared to have a sign on it that said "blend class 2-3".

If Kyron was still 7 at the end of the school year, it seems like he would have been one of the younger kids in his own grade. (My son is the same way, having a June birthday, and was Kyron's birthday all the way in Sept, so really one of the very youngest for 2nd grade?)

Was he in a class that included both 2nd and 3rd graders? In other words, in class with kids up to 2 years older, (or more, if anyone was a hold back).

Were older students ever allowed to supervise younger ones, were there ever times when the teacher was not directly supervising?
Were children allowed to walk the halls of the school without teacher supervision, to bathroom or library etc, or did classes always go together or have bathrooms in each classroom. Thanks, sorry if these have already been asked.
Have LE compiled a list of all the visitors who were at the school that day according to witness accounts and logs?

Did LE set up a means for children and families to give all details about when and where they saw Kyron that day, anonymously? I.e. a tip line.
In a television interview, Desiree stated that in the last weeks (or months?) before his disappearance, Kyron did not want to return home after his visits with her and her husband, and that he would really cry/sob. Has there been any further information on this, was he unhappy at school or for any other reason?
Did Kyron have afterschool activities on some days? Or weekend activities? What were they?
Just startied reading this thread and apologize if someone answered this later on, but the photo of Kyron both with and without his glasses was of him in the CSI shirt I thought. I wondered about that when I saw it on Nancy G one night. Perhaps they removed the glasses from the picture she took with a computer program, being that it was the most recent one, or maybe she had him take them off for the picture...but no...that doesn't make any sense. Could just be me. A stolen car crashed into my house last night about four AM and I am still rattled.

that's awful! Glad you are okay!
I would like to know if any adult who has been in contact with Kyron has a history of sexual abuse and/or pedophile behavior.

Also, why were we originally told that Kyron had a fear of LEO's,and later told that he wanted to be one ?

are LEO's law enforcement officers?

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