LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #24

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Dang! You are good! :rocker:
not to sound snarky but what does it matter if she was a stripper or a dancer? I have been on the same thread and I don't see anything that would imply so far that she is a "tart" of sorts.
I just see this "map wise" as a possible connection. Having to do with the water, probably nothing but still a possibility.

Ups her risk of running into foul play just like prostitution does. That said, anyone can become a victim. Late night anything - travelling, bar hopping, increases risk too.
While I agree with your statement lololol, Ray Charles is blind and couldn't see you and I think that's what Firefox meant by the reference to RC, not that he was black, he could have been green. You are too funny.

Luv the legend Ray Charles..'Rainy night in Georgia'...

[ame=""]Ray Charles - Rainy Night in Georgia - YouTube[/ame]
Three young women from the Gulf South area are currently missing: Mickey Shunick from Lafayette, Jaren Lockhart from New Orleans and Brittany Nicole Wood from Alabama.

I'm happy this isn't Mickey, and I don't think that it's either of those two other women. Jaren if I remember correctly had tats all over her body, and I'm not certain about Brittany, unless her grandfather did it. Can't see it, but then why did he commit suicide, can't imagine.

Don't know how true this is, but a "friend" of Jaren's on the WS thread said she does indeed have pierced nipples and naval. The person said she doesn't have any tattoos on her torso.
What type of evidence does a fire remove?
Is it common knowledge that pressure washers are very expensive?
Someone in an earlier post mentioned they envisioned ACI possibly looking like Magnum PI. I have to disagree. Not many people are sporting a mustache of that magnitude these days. Higgins needed to tell him that fur coat on his top lip was out of control. I mean, I know the parachute pants and mullet cut I was sporting in those days were funny enough. (old timers don't laugh, it was you too). But I can see where that monster mustache could interfere with magnums sense of smell and possibly miss some clues in an investigation. And women on here don't laugh either with bangs to the sky and tight rolled Jeans.
I would have taken that fur coat any day.
I thought it said items Mickey had with her...or something along those lines.


(I'm pretending to take notes in a meeting)

I know. Who cares what it says? I'm creating my own truth (not really). :what:
Good to rule out. However, not so good to rule in, such as private properties, distant locations...

At least they can rule out.
Was that wonderful tracking dog, who followed the scent of traveling vehicles, and onto private property mentioned back thread, the one involved in the Amber Dubois case?
Was the white truck ever found that the police wanted to talk to the driver? The one that was in the area where Mickey was on her bike the night she disappeared. I wonder if the person or persons that the tipsters described to the private investigator has a white truck similar to the one the police were looking for. I sure hope they are getting some kind of a break in the case. Mickey needs to be found as soon as possible to either return her home (alive) or bring closure to this case. I feel so bad for her family and the ordeal they are having to go through with her missing.
Blind peoples' other senses are heightened so they may be able to detect when they are being followed. Just :twocents:.

Does anybody know how to access katctv facebook articles or just regular articles from early in the case? I'm interested in the day the first images were released of the white truck - the first one (I'm not interested in the truck just the article about it). If you know how, tyia.
The weather has been really hot down there, wonder if gators would do that? But all the limbs, and head?

I would seriously doubt that. Not an expert, but I wouldn't think there would be gators in Bay St. Louis. The water would have too much salt content, right? I'm asking, not telling. There would be sharks, but even that wouldn't likely account for head, legs, and arms being missing. Seems to me the killer removed them. For what reason? I don't know...
Can't link, but on KATC's FB page, they just posted a bit about the owner of McGee's landing in Henderson

Haven't heard anything about this. Anyone else?

McGee’s Landing owner David Allemond was dismayed to discover recently that a photo of his business – albeit a pre-Hurricane Gustav one – was being floated on Facebook as possibly linked to the missing Lafayette woman.
Regarding the private property reference, I understand that someone's home, yard, vehicle, etc. can't be searched without their consent or a warrant, but Louisiana is full of acres and acres of uninhabited "private property". Can fields not be searched if privately owned, without tracking down the owner to get permission? Surely they are searching every acre, just hoping no one fusses about it. It doesn't even seem feasible that they could account for who owns every acre of land to request permission.


Good to rule out. However, not so good to rule in, such as private properties, distant locations...

At least they can rule out.
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