LeRoy Parents Want Answers about Tourette-Like Symptoms of 12 Female Students

Post #74 link-a boy was now also diagnosed this past weekend. No, this is a public high school, not all girls.

I missed Dr. Drew but I saw the show last week. I'm not convinced of the train derailment chemicals, so long ago and they all show up with these symptoms now? This is beyond strange.

I'm local to the Dent Clinic and have been treated there myself. I will say it is considered a top of the line neurology clinic. The doctors there have said that the parents and media attention may be hindering the treatment as diversion disorder they were diagnosed with is caused by stress. I really don't know what to think anymore. It's a shame these kids are suffering like this for so long though.

I must have missed the article that mentioned the boy suffering the same symptoms, so thanks for pointing me to that.

I don't know what to think about the chemicals from the train derailment. Wouldn't people of all ages be experiencing problems? And I'm with you - why all the sudden would it pop up now after all these years?

I have to say - when I saw Dr. Drew's show last week on the topic, and the poor girl was having convulsions on the floor - I had a very uneasy feeling. I literally felt helpless and wanted to reach through my t.v. to help her. But at the same time, I was kind of shocked how nobody seemed too overly concerned (they were concerned, but not overly) that the poor girl was on the floor having a seizure during the segment. I was wanting paramedics to show up PRONTO and help her, but she didn't receive medical attention. Dr. Drew kept asking - "is she okay" and the mom would reply, rather calmly, "yeah, she's okay". I've never been around anyone who has had a seizure so maybe that's why I was so startled. I mean....seriously...I was about to call 911 myself! And then I wondered why none of them did, and just chalked it up to - well - Dr. Drew is a medical doctor and if he felt like she needed to seek medical attention, he would have insisted that a doctor be called right then and there. I don't know. I felt odd watching that.

I hope these kids get some answers, and that they all recover from whatever this mystery illness is.
I must have missed the article that mentioned the boy suffering the same symptoms, so thanks for pointing me to that.

I don't know what to think about the chemicals from the train derailment. Wouldn't people of all ages be experiencing problems? And I'm with you - why all the sudden would it pop up now after all these years?

I have to say - when I saw Dr. Drew's show last week on the topic, and the poor girl was having convulsions on the floor - I had a very uneasy feeling. I literally felt helpless and wanted to reach through my t.v. to help her. But at the same time, I was kind of shocked how nobody seemed too overly concerned (they were concerned, but not overly) that the poor girl was on the floor having a seizure during the segment. I was wanting paramedics to show up PRONTO and help her, but she didn't receive medical attention. Dr. Drew kept asking - "is she okay" and the mom would reply, rather calmly, "yeah, she's okay". I've never been around anyone who has had a seizure so maybe that's why I was so startled. I mean....seriously...I was about to call 911 myself! And then I wondered why none of them did, and just chalked it up to - well - Dr. Drew is a medical doctor and if he felt like she needed to seek medical attention, he would have insisted that a doctor be called right then and there. I don't know. I felt odd watching that.

I hope these kids get some answers, and that they all recover from whatever this mystery illness is.

The girl who had the seizure has had seizure disorder her entire life. This new problem is apparently a different kind of seizures than she usually has.

So the mom has had decades of dealing with her girls seizures. You cannot call the EMTS every time. You just need to watch her closely.

The other girl on the show last week had tics earlier in her life as the onset from an illness she once had. So I think that they might have had these problems anyway, I don't know/
I'm still skeptical that this is caused by contamination from a train derailment years ago (why would it affect teenagers only and why now). I have no doubt that environmental damage can cause health problems, like people exposed to Chernobyl getting thyroid cancer later, but these symptoms came on so suddenly and in a very specific population. I would think that if there were any vitamin deficiencies, doctors would have found them because that could be easily tested for.

I'm still wondering about the relationship among these kids. The original 12 might not all know each other, but teen B could be acquainted with teen A and teen C, even though teens A and C don't know each other, etc. :waitasec:

I would be more inclined to think it could be some kind of reaction to a communicable disease, but does that usually happen in clusters? I mean, not everybody who catches, say, strep throat will develop PANDAS from it, I don't believe, so why would multiple kids suddenly develop it? Ver-ry strange.
I'm still wondering about the relationship among these kids. The original 12 might not all know each other, but teen B could be acquainted with teen A and teen C, even though teens A and C don't know each other, etc. :waitasec:.

I don't even think a personal contact would be necessary at this point any more to develop symptoms if it's conversion disorder. The whole neighborhood is understandably freaked out now and many people might be terrified of getting the same symptoms and some suggestible individuals with maybe a pre-existing tendency for tics might find the stress exacerbating their previously well controlled symptoms.

This could happen even if some of the original girls are suffering from an infectious reaction or a toxic reaction or a mysterious brain disease, IMO.
I hope the new doctor(s) testing can find something. I really think it is chemical in some manner. Having an epidemiologist as a friend has taught me that many things fall under either not known to general doctors without specialties, or covered up so there is no mass hysteria. Put it this way, the Chicken Flu was known about and already happening long before any of us heard about it in the news. It was known that it was happening and why. Mass hysteria is the reason it was not talked about on the local or national news stations.

I also suspect some of the millions of diagnosed autistic children may be b/c of chemicals. Along with all of the new and rapidly growing number of people with severe allergies, showing up at any age in life. Just my thoughts. I have no idea what chemicals, in what source, or why.
Not sure if this has been posted yet....


The number of students across New York State -- from Genesee County to Saratoga County -- who have now come down with Tourette syndrome symptoms continues to grow. The figure now stands at 17.

It is not clear at this time if there's a connection to the two teenage girls from Corinth in Saratoga County who have displayed similar tics and involuntary movements.

One of those girls is 17-year old Lori Brownell, who had been a top scholar athlete, excelling in both softball and field hockey, before her symptoms began showing last year.

Lori has been posting regular YouTube videos intent on giving the disease the attention she believes it deserves so that she can help others learn to cope with it.

It just so happens Lori traveled through Le Roy last year with her softball team. Perhaps by coincidence, one of her teammates, Alycia Nicholson, is now also experiencing Tourette symptoms that include twitching, convulsions and joint pain.
"There is something actually happening to their bodies, something I believe is coming from the outside, the environment somehow" adds Nicholson.

Brownell continuously has verbal outbursts and tics then passes out.

"She has four different narcotics that they have to help her control this and it still doesn't really help" says Brownell’s mother Tosha.

Brownell hasn't been to school since October. She's been to countless doctors from Boston to New York City. They diagnosed her with Tourette syndrome but her mother would like more testing done.

"I just find that doctors are scared to be sued. I'm not out to sue. I don't intend to sue. I just want an answer" adds Brownell.

Read more: http://www.cbs6albany.com/articles/symptoms-1290009-corinth-girls.html#ixzz1kaMaXPkP
Wow. I had no idea how incapacitated these girls are from this strange neurological illness. This is horrific. Mad props to Lori Brownell for bravely sharing part of her journey with the masses. My heart goes out to her and to the others who are suffering. Lori is my new hero. (see rodeocowgirl131 on YouTube)
Wow. I had no idea how incapacitated these girls are from this strange neurological illness. This is horrific. Mad props to Lori Brownell for bravely sharing part of her journey with the masses. My heart goes out to her and to the others who are suffering. Lori is my new hero. (see rodeocowgirl131 on YouTube)

She's a really good kid from what I've heard. :) I went to school with her mother, although I've never met Lori. I hope they all get the answers they deserve very quickly and hope that its something that can be cured once they do find out what it is!

So this girl had been at school for a couple of hours before her symptoms started.


This is a more thorough article that includes the fact that most of the girls have not had the Gardasil vaccine. It also includes a background on the environment around Leroy. They will be checking the chemicals involved with the train derailment and also 5 gas wells installed by the school in 2003.

Here's another girl who apparently got the symptoms after waking up from a nap. (or is it one of the girls who were on the Today show? I thought their names were L**** and T****?)

Do all teen girls take so many naps? Is there something making them more tired than usual? I don't remember ever taking any naps when I was a teenager.

"We're not satisfied," said Beth Miller, who said her 16-year-old daughter K***** awoke from a nap in September with tics so severe she was taken by ambulance to an emergency room. "Other families I've talked to feel that way, too."
It remained a mostly local curiosity until 10 days ago - when Miller and K**** joined another mother and afflicted daughter on NBC's Today show.
She's a really good kid from what I've heard. :) I went to school with her mother, although I've never met Lori. I hope they all get the answers they deserve very quickly and hope that its something that can be cured once they do find out what it is!

Am I understanding that Lori is from Corinth, one of the two girls from the Albany area?
I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if this info is already posted,...but, is there a list anywhere of the girl's (and boy now) ages, when the symptoms began, and if they are all in sports or some other club at school? TIA

Erin Brockovich uncovers possible break in medical mystery on 'Dr. Drew'
She immediately researched the derailment, and discovered it had caused one ton of cyanide to spill and 45,000 gallons of Trichloroethylene (TCE).

“I have read and been involved in cases that we have that,” she said. “TCE can be associated with neurological disorders.”

Brockovich responded, “Family has reported that there's an orange-yellow substance. It almost oozes from the ground - that’s on the children’s clothing – shoes - the equipment.”

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