long weekend break: discuss the latest here #114

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I cannot stand the guy but I doubt he'd do something like that. Any one can write and claim to be Dr. Samuels.

I believe what happened was that one of Jodi's supporters sent Samuels and email and he responded. The supporter posted his response. So it may be that Samuels himself did not intend to have something on that site. But, really, he shouldn't have responded at all. The guy's not very bright. JMO

ETA: I see TruthDetector put the whole post out there, and it appears he DID know his response would appear. So he's even a bigger fool than I thought.
I don't think MM is an upstanding fellow and I DO think he knows a great deal about TA's murder, probably before AND after, but it's a big old leap to put him at the scene with a weapon in his hand. I've always thought it takes a special kind of person to commit a cold-blooded, sadistic murder like this one. It takes someone like JA.

I know MM would lie for her. I know he probably forged those pedophile letters for her. But physically help her kill someone? That's a stretch for me...

This murder was PERSONAL. I don't believe JA wanted anyone else involved in the commission. Part of her mindset was selfish. She wanted to be the last and only person on TA's mind before he died. :twocents:

Agree 100% with you on everything you've said. She wanted to be one to butcher him. Possessive all the way to death.
I believe what happened was that one of Jodi's supporters sent Samuels and email and he responded. The supporter posted his response. So it may be that Samuels himself did not intend to have something on that site. But, really, he shouldn't have responded at all. The guy's not very bright. JMO

It's very hard to believe that he does not *like* Arias. He is plain dumb or blinded by Arias. Either way it's disturbing!
Obviously, I can only 'speculate', but my personal opinion is she wants the distinction of killing Travis for herself; she doesn't like sharing the spotlight. Stabbing Travis was extremely personal, and having fognesia allows her to keep the details for herself, this is her trophy.

Creating stories and/or using other people for her benefit, has been her way her whole life. She is a sociopath, playing with people's minds is what she does.

The defense wants us to try and 'understand' why she did this, and see her as a victim, most of us can't fathom pure evil, so we want to find the WHY... The state needs to remind the jury her mind is not human.

Accomplice, gun, knife, camera, journals, texts, many of this is nothing but brilliant distractions; she murdered him in cold blood....she didn't even cover up the man she loved, but left him in a cold, wet shower.... SICK
What NG does is a good thing. How she does it is a bad thing. She is so rude to her guests I can't watch her anymore. Any defense attorney that starts to explain a defense gets interrupted and rudely mocked. If she was polite and and intelligently argumentative it would be a very interesting program.

When she's on Anderson Cooper as a guest she's funny and incisive.

RSBM Good point on Nancy here, but I guess my position is that she's just playing Nancy Grace on her own show. It's a caricature of herself, and everyone involved (Peter Odom comes to mind) is in on the 'fix'. You can tell that they sometimes have trouble keeping it together -- even Nancy can't help but break a smile at times as she is playing her brutally abrasive prosecutor to some poor helpless defense-supportive guest.

I mean, I never take her terribly seriously apart from her genuine interest in justice -- that I think is always sincere, but she has designed the show to appeal to her hardcore audience. They want to see her skewer anyone who is on the "wrong" side of the issue. That's what she does. I watch it with tongue firmly in cheek.

Now, I don't mean to imply she provides no useful information. She does. She carefully organizes the show so as to allow competing viewpoints, but under the guise of destroying them at every turn. The point is they still come in. She just wants to be as zealous as possible in pursuing the "right" position, which is what she thinks her core audience expects.

My :twocents:. :cow:
Wow you have a good point there but Jodi does not look the country girl part, at least not now.
Does anyone know?
She was raised in Yreka. She's a country girl.

I wanted to bump this post because instead of working with speculation (like we all are as far as Jodi having help or not) those of you who believe she absolutely, without a doubt, did this by herself then...PLEASE explain to me why she bought two meals, twice???

I will try to locate the 4 receipts but she clearly buys a hamburger and soda at In-N-Out Burgers.....and 5 minutes later, she buys another meal. Why????
She did this TWICE on her way home. There are 4 receipts (cc charges) to prove it.

If you watch the interrogation tapes, one of the last ones shows Jodi eating a sandwich. She picks at it like a bird. True, she was probably an emotional mess (but, not really) but it doesn't appear this 5'6" 125 lb woman has a voracious appetite. Especially after murdering someone. So why is it she purchased double meals if...............she was all alone?

I think Juan doesn't want to go there because it's all speculation but that doesn't mean it disappears. It only adds to the fact that we absolutely don't have all the facts!!

I'm sure her appetite decreased once she was identified as a suspect. She ate fries, hamburgers and guzzled down Starbuck frapps before that. I'm petite and sometimes I do order two servings of fries/sandwiches etc.

I'll admit that it seems strange in this case but then everything that Arias says and does seems strange.
I wanted to bump this post because instead of working with speculation (like we all are as far as Jodi having help or not) those of you who believe she absolutely, without a doubt, did this by herself then...PLEASE explain to me why she bought two meals, twice???

I will try to locate the 4 receipts but she clearly buys a hamburger and soda at In-N-Out Burgers.....and 5 minutes later, she buys another meal. Why????
She did this TWICE on her way home. There are 4 receipts (cc charges) to prove it.

If you watch the interrogation tapes, one of the last ones shows Jodi eating a sandwich. She picks at it like a bird. True, she was probably an emotional mess (but, not really) but it doesn't appear this 5'6" 125 lb woman has a voracious appetite. Especially after murdering someone. So why is it she purchased double meals if...............she was all alone?

I think Juan doesn't want to go there because it's all speculation but that doesn't mean it disappears. It only adds to the fact that we absolutely don't have all the facts!!

If there were two why no order two at the same time. I would think she ate one and decided to get another one to take with her to eat later so she would not have to stop. It is not always easy to find a place to eat where you like the food. She is very strange.

Everyone she would have potentially had with her has been checked out. I do think, however, that MM knows something about what happened and that is how she was able to manipulate him into cooperating with her. One of her boyfriends was into vampires, but I'm not sure which one. jmo
Obviously, I can only 'speculate', but my personal opinion is she wants the distinction of killing Travis for herself; she doesn't like sharing the spotlight. Stabbing Travis was extremely personal, and having fognesia allows her to keep the details for herself, this is her trophy.

Creating stories and/or using other people for her benefit, has been her way her whole life. She is a sociopath, playing with people's minds is what she does.

The defense wants us to try and 'understand' why she did this, and see her as a victim, most of us can't fathom pure evil, so we want to find the WHY... The state needs to remind the jury her mind is not human.

Accomplice, gun, knife, camera, journals, texts, many of this is nothing but brilliant distractions; she murdered him in cold blood....she didn't even cover up the man she loved, but left him in a cold, wet shower.... SICK

It breaks my heart that Travis was dead in that shower for so many days! How cruel! She deserves the death penalty just for that.
Obviously, I can only 'speculate', but my personal opinion is she wants the distinction of killing Travis for herself; she doesn't like sharing the spotlight. Stabbing Travis was extremely personal, and having fognesia allows her to keep the details for herself, this is her trophy.

Creating stories and/or using other people for her benefit, has been her way her whole life. She is a sociopath, playing with people's minds is what she does.

The defense wants us to try and 'understand' why she did this, and see her as a victim, most of us can't fathom pure evil, so we want to find the WHY... The state needs to remind the jury her mind is not human.

Accomplice, gun, knife, camera, journals, texts, many of this is nothing but brilliant distractions; she murdered him in cold blood....she didn't even cover up the man she loved, but left him in a cold, wet shower.... SICK


Travis was an obsession for what she perceived he could provide to/for her.

Jodi has no inkling of love.

What love is, what it's like to sacrifice for another, to put someone else's interests ahead of your own...

Jodi only ever 'loved' one person: Jodi Ann Arias.
RSBM Good point on Nancy here, but I guess my position is that she's just playing Nancy Grace on her own show. It's a caricature of herself, and everyone involved (Peter Odom comes to mind) is in on the 'fix'. You can tell that they sometimes have trouble keeping it together -- even Nancy can't help but break a smile at times as she is playing her brutally abrasive prosecutor to some poor helpless defense-supportive guest.

I mean, I never take her terribly seriously apart from her genuine interest in justice -- that I think is always sincere, but she has designed the show to appeal to her hardcore audience. They want to see her skewer anyone who is on the "wrong" side of the issue. That's what she does. I watch it with tongue firmly in cheek.

Now, I don't mean to imply she provides no useful information. She does. She carefully organizes the show so as to allow competing viewpoints, but under the guise of destroying them at every turn. The point is they still come in. She just wants to be as zealous as possible in pursuing the "right" position, which is what she thinks her core audience expects.

My :twocents:. :cow:

Did NG ever find her handcuff necklace????? :floorlaugh:
He's lifting two fingers up at her, index and middle. In the UK, that's flipping the bird. Kinda like read between the lines (fingers). :blushing:

I did not know this. I learn something new everyday. :)
The lighting in those pics may have given the impression that they'd had sex that day, I just don't believe it.

Travis had been to his bishop and IIRC others here have said he had repented, he was travelling to Cancun with Mimi the very next day too. Plus he wanted JA out of his life anyway. If he was interested in Mimi, it seems illogical that he would risk that relationship for one more roll in the hay with that *advertiser censored* JA (whom he hated anyway LOL).

I also don't think he "let" her stay. She's a liar extraordinaire! She went there, surprised him, and the rest is history IMO.

I THINK ElleElle is referring to the pic of TA not JA. And I thought the same when I saw that one... pic maybe definitely post ejaculation (hope that word is OK).
Think of Arias as a parasitic exploiter. When she has invested enough time in a man to know their sexual preferences and their secret deeds, why just throw that leverage away? Why not keep them on the hook for future exploitation?

You don't understand that because you do not live a parasitic lifestyle. If you were a couchsurfer, for example, and had no home of your own, would you piss off anybody who had previously lent you their sofa?

Arias is dangerous and is not afraid to be confrontative and threatening. You can be sure these were not the first tires she slashed. It takes a long of strength to plunge a knife into a tire, let alone do it four times and, in fact, eight times in one night.

Just imagine the rage you would need to have enough adrenaline to fuel stabbing eight tires. And that's just jealousy rage. We see that turned on Travis as a result of an "I will destroy you" / "No, I will destroy YOU" argument.

My point is that these former boyfriends are vulnerable and I believe they are afraid of her. SHoot- I'm afraid of her and I don't know the half of it.

Nice post. can you imagine being a current girlfriend of one of ja's past boyfriends. Ja popping in at will. Smh

Obviously, I can only 'speculate', but my personal opinion is she wants the distinction of killing Travis for herself; she doesn't like sharing the spotlight. Stabbing Travis was extremely personal, and having fognesia allows her to keep the details for herself, this is her trophy.

Creating stories and/or using other people for her benefit, has been her way her whole life. She is a sociopath, playing with people's minds is what she does.

The defense wants us to try and 'understand' why she did this, and see her as a victim, most of us can't fathom pure evil, so we want to find the WHY... The state needs to remind the jury her mind is not human.

Accomplice, gun, knife, camera, journals, texts, many of this is nothing but brilliant distractions; she murdered him in cold blood....she didn't even cover up the man she loved, but left him in a cold, wet shower.... SICK

That's the worst part of this whole thing for me, I think. The brutality and the sheer inhumane nature, not just during the murder, but afterwards. That someone - anyone - could leave another person in a state like that for 5 DAYS (while his dog ran around downstairs) is just absolutely horrific.

I agree 100%. I cannot fathom that kind of evil. I'm glad I can't. The entire defense is just smoke and mirrors. She did not say the words "I'm sorry" one time during her 18 DAYS on the stand. As long as the jury sticks to the evidence, justice for Travis should be swift. :twocents:
Wow....woke up this mornig to a stand off across the street from my house, police surrounding the house and street blocked off. Domestic Violence the woman and 2 children got away at 4:30 am this morning (thank God). It has now been 7 hours, I know they have dogs and the news says a knife is involved. Freaky!

Travis was an obsession for what she perceived he could provide to/for her.

Jodi has no inkling of love.

What love is, what it's like to sacrifice for another, to put someone else's interests ahead of your own...

Jodi only ever 'loved' one person: Jodi Ann Arias.

I agree, I think that is why sometimes this case is so frustrating, because we get caught up in trying to explain crazy, and it just isn't possible...we just have to pray JM and the jury will provide Justice for Travis
It's very hard to believe that he does not *like* Arias. He is plain dumb or blinded by Arias. Either way it's disturbing!

For him to come to the conclusion he did he has to like her, a lot. RS made numerous mistakes so he certainly was not concentrating on what he was doing and it appears he was enamoured by her. There are many who appeared to be fascinated by Jodi but have the good sense to know she's a killer. jmo
That has never been fully proven....there is still great debate so it hasn't been proven as fact yet...just theories.
There is no circumstancial evidence that show anyone else at the crime scene.
There is no direct evidence of anyone else at the crime scene-except Jodi's word, which is highly impeachable.
Jodi has thrown anyone and everyone under the bus that has ever cared for her. Why would she protect anyone? There is no loyalty to anyone for her. Her actions speak louder than anything she has ever said.

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(deep breath)

Why is it people think she'd 'throw them under the bus' if others were involved???

Don't you see, she CAN'T.

If she were to say "Two other people killed him while I was there" that would imply, it was ALL staged!!!!

She simply can NOT say there was a plan to have him killed.

She could've left it as 'there were two intruders but, they let me go....' story but she knew that sounded outlandish!! And if they DID let her go then, why didn't she call police?

She is stuck every which way she tried to inject the 'intruders' because we all know, if there were intruders, they were there because Jodi beckoned them to be there!!!

That is the open and shut scenario of that.
So please stop saying Jodi would drop names in a heart beat. In this possible scenario (of other people being there) she can NOT. Not then. And not now unless she is willing to take the punishment of a lethal injection in her arm.

<mod snip>
I was really surprised as actually I never knew that the judge was doing other trials.
I think myself (but what do I know) that a DP judge should only do that trial...

I thought the same thing when I heard JM had other cases currently. Does the defense team have any other cases they are currently working on? I don't suppose they need any, considering how well they are being paid.
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