Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #4

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Here's another theory: MJD wasn't a prostitute---yet. Maybe she was hanging out with the wrong people, even transported out of her safety zone to another area and being prepped to "work" for her boyfriend. She may have still been in the "grooming" stage and not really working. She starts trying to act the part and realizes she is in over her head and completely freaks out. It seems plausible that a young girl who isn't street wise may be terrified out of her mind if put in the situation described by both Alonzo and Lindsey.

That's a great theory! Would make sense of her argument with KL earlier that day as well.
omg check this story out pimps branding their hookers, this is around Phoenix, some girls as young as 12

Branding Their Babes 7/25/2007
By Janice Shaw Crouse

Pimps Are Now Branding Their "Girls"

First it was tattoos; a pimp put his name on the shoulder of his “girls” as indication that they “belonged” to him. Now, unbelievably, those guys are branding their “babes.” It’s happening not in a foreign underdeveloped country but right here in America. Earlier this month, a 40-year-old man, Shawn Bailey, and a 22-year-old woman were arrested in Phoenix for actively pimping girls aged 14-17.

The charges against the man included aggravated assault because one of the girls had been branded! Appalling! Those of us who work to combat sex trafficking are aware that the horrendous act of branding is going on, but actually knowing of a perpetrator and victim makes the crime even more abhorrent.

I talked about this problem with Kristy Childs, founder and executive director of Veronica’s Voice, a safe haven and a voice for the sexually exploited in Kansas City. Kristy was coerced into prostitution at age 12 and didn’t come out completely until she was 36, after overcoming the emotional and psychological bondage that is so addictive. She knows the life –– the fear and the cruel exploitation –– from personal experience as well as from the rescued victims who are clients at Veronica’s Voice.

Kristy says that looking at the Phoenix particular case is instructive –– a 40-year-old man is working with a 22-year-old woman. The age difference between the two indicates that, earlier on, the woman was probably one of his below-age prostitutes. She could have been working with the pimp since she was 12 or she could have been traded to him by some other exploiter or several exploiters during her teens.

Obviously, the three teenage girls are being sexually exploited. Chances are the girls are run-aways or troubled youths who were easy prey for a smooth-talking pimp. Kristy explained to me that the girls have probably been shuffled from city to city to isolate them from family and friends. In such cases, a pimp uses violence and brainwashing to control his victims. Kristy said that pimps even charge their “girls” for lodging, food and condoms to keep them in debt and under the pimp’s control.

The traffickers threaten the women with physical harm to them or their families if they try to leave.

Kristy said, “I've seen a lot of women, including myself (through commercial sexual exploitation) be charged booth rental fees, late charges, fines for various reasons, tips for door men, DJs, and bartenders. In fact, the pimp would get money from us any way they could –– money we women made –– so that we had no personal resources and were totally dependent. Keep in mind, we didn’t have a salary or hourly wage, let alone have any employee benefits!”

Like other safe havens, there are tragic examples of young victims at Veronica’s Voice. Kristy said, “A young woman like the 22-year-old and the teenagers in this case could be there because of fear. Fear of Shawn and fear of leaving. If they left, they would have to survive the only way they know how to, knowing the possibility of Shawn finding th
Here's another theory: MJD wasn't a prostitute---yet. Maybe she was hanging out with the wrong people, even transported out of her safety zone to another area and being prepped to "work" for her boyfriend. She may have still been in the "grooming" stage and not really working. She starts trying to act the part and realizes she is in over her head and completely freaks out. It seems plausible that a young girl who isn't street wise may be terrified out of her mind if put in the situation described by both Alonzo and Lindsey.

This is a very valid possibility and would explain the jewelry. I wish we knew more about her tatoo. I would be willing to bet that all of Lipsey's "ladies" have the same tatoo and I believe LE should know that. She may not have been working for him - yet - but he had her branded - IMO.

It's possible that Alonzo saw MJD fighting with Lipsey that day and figured he would move in and try to recruit her. I do believe that's why he picked her up and why she was sitting in between him and Lindsey. They were trying to persuade her to leave Lipsey to work for Alonzo. Sure does seem like at least one of them would have inquired about her name during that discussion......

I may be wrong, but I don't believe it's been established that their stop at that house involved a drug buy. It's likely - but we don't know for sure. In any case, I didn't seen anywhere in the police report where they interviewed the people at that house. Maybe a missed opportunity...:rolleyes:
I may be wrong, but I don't believe it's been established that their stop at that house involved a drug buy. It's likely - but we don't know for sure....:rolleyes:

Lindsey said that's what he stopped for, in her last interview in the report.
Lindsey said that's what he stopped for, in her last interview in the report.

Yes that's the way I understood it too. There was no mention of a drug buy that I know of unless I missed something. Which leads me to think that IF MJD wanted out of the car so bad she would have had her chance to get away when they stopped at the house.
Just talked to my LE contact in AZ, and mentioned to him about the other two girls of Lipsey's that "hadn't been found yet" (This was back in '99 when he was arrested). So, I think Mr. Lipsey's about to get some more questioning. Alonzo still hasn't been found yet, but they're working on it. Also, they've talked to Lindsey recently, and she's being a little more cooperative. Supposedly there was this house they stopped at on their way out of town, that MJD went into.:eek:

Stay tuned for the next thrilling episode! Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel!

This is what Lindsey said
was someone getting the autopsy report? :waitasec:
If not, I will be in Phoenix on Thursday and can try to get it.
was someone getting the autopsy report? :waitasec:
If not, I will be in Phoenix on Thursday and can try to get it.

Try to get whatever you can! See if you can talk to the lead Detective on the case. Is it Det. T. Tarango? Maybe the photos could be accessed easier in person?
The Doe Network has update MJD's information. Notably different is that it says that fingerprints are NOT available. (Odd since they were taken in the hospital.) They also changed the "people in the vehicle did not come forward" to "...the people in the vehicle with her told police that she was a hitchhiker they picked up in central Phoenix but she never said her name." They are still using the composites that I don't think look much like her. :twocents:
was someone getting the autopsy report? :waitasec:
If not, I will be in Phoenix on Thursday and can try to get it.
I thought I remembered that someone sent for it. But if not, that would be great AGiGi. It would sure be interesting.
The Doe Network has update MJD's information. Notably different is that it says that fingerprints are NOT available. (Odd since they were taken in the hospital.) They also changed the "people in the vehicle did not come forward" to "...the people in the vehicle with her told police that she was a hitchhiker they picked up in central Phoenix but she never said her name." They are still using the composites that I don't think look much like her. :twocents:
I hate those old composites. I wonder what happened to that new one? That one looked much better IMO.
Can anyone get a picture of the Monica girl that LE thought was MJD at first? I think id LE thought it could be her, then maybe we could get a very close idea of what MJD looked like.
Try to get whatever you can! See if you can talk to the lead Detective on the case. Is it Det. T. Tarango? Maybe the photos could be accessed easier in person?

FMW63 is working w/them for us. I'd say it's not so smart for a buncha people to be making calls. He has a relationship w/them for us, IMO. Things can't get really sticky when you have so many different people calling. They don't like that.
The Doe Network has update MJD's information. Notably different is that it says that fingerprints are NOT available. (Odd since they were taken in the hospital.) They also changed the "people in the vehicle did not come forward" to "...the people in the vehicle with her told police that she was a hitchhiker they picked up in central Phoenix but she never said her name." They are still using the composites that I don't think look much like her. :twocents:

Zanko...Thanks for this update. All interesting. I wish they would use one like one of our posters did that is her but really cleaned up.

fmw..what's the status w/receiving the picture cds??
FMW63 is working w/them for us. I'd say it's not so smart for a buncha people to be making calls. He has a relationship w/them for us, IMO. Things can't get really sticky when you have so many different people calling. They don't like that.

I'm sorry. My bad. I wasn't aware that anyone had a relationship with Detective Tarango. Was this posted before?
This is a very valid possibility and would explain the jewelry. I wish we knew more about her tatoo. I would be willing to bet that all of Lipsey's "ladies" have the same tatoo and I believe LE should know that. She may not have been working for him - yet - but he had her branded - IMO.

It's possible that Alonzo saw MJD fighting with Lipsey that day and figured he would move in and try to recruit her. I do believe that's why he picked her up and why she was sitting in between him and Lindsey. They were trying to persuade her to leave Lipsey to work for Alonzo. Sure does seem like at least one of them would have inquired about her name during that discussion......

I may be wrong, but I don't believe it's been established that their stop at that house involved a drug buy. It's likely - but we don't know for sure. In any case, I didn't seen anywhere in the police report where they interviewed the people at that house. Maybe a missed opportunity...:rolleyes:

Regarding the blue print above. The manager of the auto sales place stated MJD was arguing with a man with short hair and looked either Hispanic or Black and I think he said they got into a dark blue Cadillac Deville. I would check for his comment exactly but I am at my mom's house right now taking care of my sister so if any of you have the report, the description might be better there, but I thought it was interesting about the description of the car they drove away in.
Kelly Lipsey will be going to court

The Court finds Defendant has violated the conditions of probation previously imposed.
IT IS ORDERED setting Disposition Hearing on June 26, 2008 at 8:30 a.m.
I haven't seen where he and several women are going to court Where did you find that info at? I searched all of the cases and can't locate it. I see that April Kirby will be going to court also.

At the top of the page when the list comes up for Lipsey, and after you hit the detail button, a red highlighted sentence appears on top of the page. This will give you the minutes of all of the cases or at least criminal cases. When you type in the other people's names, you will see they are ALL going to trial on July 15th. If I was on my computer at home, I would show you but I can't from my mom's puter. Sorry.
I'm sorry. My bad. I wasn't aware that anyone had a relationship with Detective Tarango. Was this posted before?

NP! Just trying to keep things going smoothly...I know your intentions are nothing but good/positive!

fmw is the one talking w/them and getting us info/reports/pics, etc.
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