Maricopa Jane Doe 1999 Thread #4

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I do believe Lindsey was terribly afraid of Alonzo. However, HE was the one who requested LE release his car to her - which I also thought was odd. Wonder what happened to that car when she went back to WA????

In any case, seems like Lipsey has spent the better part of his time behind bars since this happened. All someone has to do is tell LE her name and where she came from. There's no crime in that. He's already been prosecuted for transporting underaged girls across state lines - amongst other things. I don't understand what's the harm!!!
They had everything to do with MJD's death. Have you seen how small the windows are on a 4 door Cadillac of that type and year? It's not like they are huge windows like a Fleetwood has. Jumping out of the window would have been hard to do especially if Alonso was driving like it was reported. They are not going to admit to anything for fear of being charged with her death. Kelly Lipsey sure isn't going to say anything He's already in too much trouble. I also notice a lot of his charges have been dropped over the years so that tells me he is smart He knows to keep his mouth shut and as for LDJ she never was charged with anything so double jeopardy wouldn't apply to her. If LE found out they were responsible for MJD's death they could still charge her UNLESS they work out a deal with her.
They had everything to do with MJD's death. Have you seen how small the windows are on a 4 door Cadillac of that type and year? It's not like they are huge windows like a Fleetwood has. Jumping out of the window would have been hard to do especially if Alonso was driving like it was reported. They are not going to admit to anything for fear of being charged with her death. Kelly Lipsey sure isn't going to say anything He's already in too much trouble. I also notice a lot of his charges have been dropped over the years so that tells me he is smart He knows to keep his mouth shut and as for LDJ she never was charged with anything so double jeopardy wouldn't apply to her. If LE found out they were responsible for MJD's death they could still charge her UNLESS they work out a deal with her.

As I said, I believe MJD jumped out of the window on her own - due to something Alonzo said or did. And no, Kelly Lipsey had NOTHING to do with what happened in that car. He likely had everything to do with why she was in Phoenix. Yes, he is smart. That has absolutely NOTHING to do with who MJD was or where she came from. The statute of limitations has run out on whatever possible charges he may face in relation to MJD. As I said, he and his working girls have nothing - whatsoever - to lose by telling LE who she was and where she came from.
Ok - I have read the police report twice now and have some thoughts. I believe the last statements LDJ made just before getting on the plane to Washington were closest to the truth. I do find it odd that it was simple as calling her parents for a plane ticket home. Why didn't she do that long before instead of selling herself on the streets to benefit ADF? Guess that's another story and not really pertinent here.

I do not believe that Miami was ever mentioned to MJD. ADF & LDJ were relocating to Tucson. IMO - MJD got into that car looking to get high and hang out. She probably was afraid that she would be beaten by her own pimp if she didn't get her booty back to Phoenix and I think Alonzo had no intention of taking her back. Whatever ADF said to her in that car - in her mind - was worse than taking the chance of getting out of the car at all costs. Probably a combination of fear and intoxication. We can't be sure pot and alcohol were the only things they did that day. He had what - 14 miles - to get rid of her stuff and whatever other truly incriminating evidence may have been in that car. And 14 miles to tell Lindsey what to say if need be.

I do not believe MJD was pushed or thrown out of the car. I do believe Alonzo caused her to fear for her life. I don't believe Alonzo will EVER reveal whatever truly happened. I do believe Lindsey and MJD's pimp hold the key to what we are trying to accomplish. The person who said her name was Cory or Carla was one of the people interviewed by LE after the fact. She is the same person who said she would testify that Lipsey was MJD's pimp. HE KNOWS WHO SHE IS and I am beginning to believe - more and more - that she is from Wisconsin or somewhere nearby. I also believe that at least one of his other "girls" know who our little MJD is. None of those players had anything at all to do with her death, so WHY wouldn't someone step up and say "she's so-and-so from such-and-such and the reason she was hooking in Phoenix, AZ is because __________."

Well said. I have a few other ideas about why MJD was in the car and how Lipsey could be involved. I still think the plan may have been to punish MJD for whatever Lipsey and she were fighting about at 1p.m. that same day in front of the car dealership. That could lead back to Lipsey if he order the punishment. But I agree that we won't get much (if anything) out of these players. I think our avenue should be to find the people on the side lines in the area of Van Buren or try to find guess where MJD grew up and search through school photos. Wisconsin sounds like a good start, wonder if we can narrow the search even more? Any ideas?
NOTE: We really need to be careful about finding people on the net and posting their info/myspaces, etc saying they could be related to someone involved with no proof. Some things should be properly investigated before posting.
I wonder if there would be anything to be gained if we sent MJD's information to the Milwaukee County children's services division, telling them that we have reason to believe that she was a ward of the state of Wisconsin from the Milwaukee area and to please check their records from 1998-1999 to see if they have any girls matching MJD's description who went missing from the foster system--and tell them to contact the LE in AZ if they do (because they surely won't release info to us, although maybe we can ask them to let us know if there were any hits).
I wonder if there would be anything to be gained if we sent MJD's information to the Milwaukee County children's services division, telling them that we have reason to believe that she was a ward of the state of Wisconsin from the Milwaukee area and to please check their records from 1998-1999 to see if they have any girls matching MJD's description who went missing from the foster system--and tell them to contact the LE in AZ.

Sounds feasable to me. I wonder though if they would be so eager to admit to "losing" a child who later turned up dead in another state. There could be financial repercusions lawsuits etc.
yeah, I know. But I feel that if she WAS Wisconsin's responsibility, they just need to take it on the chin. (they will obviously feel differently!) If MJD has family, they haven't reported her missing, so...what basis would there be for a lawsuit? We just need to get this girl ID'd.
Yeah thats just it GET HER I'D......She had to have friends that knew her...The thing that gets me is, I wouldn't think of someone in foster care wearing real diamonds etc....That tends to make me think of her being more of a runaway
I'm still not convinced someone didn't give her the diamonds as a lure. "Come work for me, you can have more of this!". kwim?
Yeah thats just it GET HER I'D......She had to have friends that knew her...The thing that gets me is, I wont think of a someone in foster care wearing real diamonds etc....That tends to make me think of her being more of a runaway

I am a licensed Foster Parent in Florida and I can tell you from experience, some of the children that have come into my home are better dressed and cared for (with material items only) than many of my friends children. I don't have any bio children, so I can't say that they have better than mine would. For example: I had a 2 year old child that wore nothing but name brand clothes (many with the tags still on them) and had very nice jewelry - for a 2 year old. All of that came in a very nice bag. On the other hand, I had an 18 month old that came in rags that reeked of smoke and shoes too small in Wal-Mart bags. So in foster care, you get a little bit of both. I do think it's possible she came from Foster Care. Foster care may report her missing, but if she can't be located, what are they to do? (ETA: I'm adding a link to Wisconsin's site about out-of-home care and when a child is missing - see page 3 - it is a DRAFT from Dec 2007.) The situation may be different if it was found that the foster parent allowed her to leave with someone else, then there is someone to place the blame on for her being missing. I could go on and on with foster stories. JMHO
I wonder if there would be anything to be gained if we sent MJD's information to the Milwaukee County children's services division, telling them that we have reason to believe that she was a ward of the state of Wisconsin from the Milwaukee area and to please check their records from 1998-1999 to see if they have any girls matching MJD's description who went missing from the foster system--and tell them to contact the LE in AZ if they do (because they surely won't release info to us, although maybe we can ask them to let us know if there were any hits).

I'll start looking for numbers.. any idea where in WI? Milwaukee? I guess she could be from anywhere, though..
Thanks Bree for enlightening me on foster care. How sad.....and I applaude you for being a foster parent. I dont think I could do it, seeing these poor abused, it takes someone special :)
I contacted the Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare and left a number for them to call me, to see if they might be able to help us out, or at least direct us to someone who can.. the subject heading was the year/case number..

To whom it may concern:

I apologize if I have contacted the wrong agency, but my name is XXXXXX XXXXXXX and I am a member of an online community called Websleuth's:

We are currently working on a case regarding a possibly 15 year old white female who passed away in Arizona in January of 1999 whom we suspect may have been living in foster care in Milwaukee, WI. She may have been lured into prostitution and brought to Phoenix, AZ to work in the central area. Since her death, no one has stepped forward to give her an identity, and we would like to know if there is any record of anyone who meets the description of this Jane Doe that was living in foster care in the state of Wisconsin from around the year of 1998. I thank you in advance for taking the time to look over our request.

Her information on the Maricopa Medical Examiner's Unidentified Persons Bureau website (Case #99-0305):


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How about Raechelle Jeanean Wilson for a PM

I know she is older but some people look alot younger, Also the heart tattoo on the chest and the exotic dancer connection

she was last seen in 94 or 95 in Kansas what side of the chest was MJD's heart tattoo?

Eye color is off, MJD Blue, Raechelle Green....also, big difference in heights, Raechelle was 5' 8", that is tall, MJD was only 5' 4".
How about Raechelle Jeanean Wilson for a PM

I know she is older but some people look alot younger, Also the heart tattoo on the chest and the exotic dancer connection

she was last seen in 94 or 95 in Kansas what side of the chest was MJD's heart tattoo?

I would send it in, even if the eye color is a bit off. My eyes are bluish-grey technically, but sometimes they shift to green in the center, around the iris. I don't know why, but they do that every so often, especially in brighter light, so I'm told. LOL

Either way, I'd send it in. The tattoo and the "wild" lifestyle could be enough to get investigators to check her out. Better to be safe than sorry, right?
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