Michelle Young~Pregnant Mother NC Part 4

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scandi said:
Annie, do you know which poster mentioned all the luggage Jason took with him? Don't you wonder how he knew this? Did he see Jason that night? Was he the gay friend? {name escapes me}

It brings to bear Charlies prediction that the insiders might be saying things that would be regretted later on. For cyber world to learn that Jason left the home the same evening that preceded her death with a lot of luggage, certainly speaks to something they might not want the public to know. It tells a certain tale possibly which is easily unraveled and could give a hint as to motive for murder.


Hi yes ... listening post, scandi.... very recent ... not too far behind where their LONG thread is now on the new Michelle Young forum. Maybe even mid down the previous page they're currently on, sweets
scandi said:
Charlie, I wish you could read the CTV post that PSA referred to last night here in a post. That a poster there has been working to find out whaz up new in the case by talking to people in the know in Raleigh about the case.

There were three answers this CTV poster listed, and the last on held promise. It said in general that yes, some new information had been learned but this person in the know was not able to give out this info.

It is like the press {I feel that is who the poster had contacted} has been given the word to not to say anthing at this point about the workings of the case. And this would have to come from a higher power to the news producers, which I feel would be LE. Their investigation must be so sensitive because of all the locals who know things, that they don't want the good info they need to be tainted by things they learn in the news. That's all I can think of!


I did see that now that I think about it. My thinking is perhaps more than anything, Raleigh is trying hard to avoid the Durham Debacle. I don't blame the press or LE for doing so. I think back to Sheriff Harrison's intial statement about how mad he was that Casidy was left alone with her mother. I suspect he is not the only one angry about that and perhaps this has been a factor toward increased cooperation between LE and the press. There is no doubt in my mind they want the culprit and are willing to work longer and harder to make sure everything is as accurate as possible before moving. JMO
I'm just guessing Charlie, throwing thoughts out there till something sticks, you know. :rolleyes:

But you are right, as an attny would have to get an injunction or something to remove it, right? If Cassidy's words heard by anyone on the net could influence a potential jury pool, it would give reason for them to want it ditched. And would we know if there was a paper filed to do this? Just like would we know if there was a domestic call to the home prior to the 3rd, or if there was could it be removed from the public record without us knowing.

Maybe LE has the power to remove things like this if there are more specialized agencies working on the case?

I am definately out of the loop when it comes to legalease! :waitasec:

scandi - your and charlies comments had been put to the Jasonites by other posters - they said "If you're so close to JY, are you doing the right thing by revealing all of this???" They replied (not as many words) that it's their way of supporting JY and ensuring that the TRUE FACTS are reported, as LE have distorted everything and the MEDIA FRENZY is focusing on the wrong man.

..... yeah. Right.

Media Frenzy? That's a joke. As fran has just stated - last report, which was basically a rehash of the first one outside funeral details, was Nov 17.... Nothing in almost 2 weeks.
scandi said:
I'm just guessing Charlie, throwing thoughts out there till something sticks, you know. :rolleyes:



Suffering from the Geragos Syndrome huh ? :p
If the local news agencies are holding back at the request of LE, kudos to them.

But.............I still wanna know if Jason has talked to the cops!? :croc:

The Jasonites go on and on about him not giving a press conference. I don't car about no #%@@*n press conference!

I want him to give the police a statement!

How are they going to catch the 'real killer' if the husband, the one closest to the victim, stays MUTE!? :doh:

fran said:
It's possible the FBI may have to get involved because of the interstate connection and phone records and credit card receipts. I really don't know.

But, from what I understand, NC doesn't consider this a 'special circumstance' because of the baby. Unlike California, I understand NC doesn't consider a baby not born as a second victim.

Too bad they're so far behind the times. :(


There must be several agencies working together. RPD {I wish that poster posted here}, the LE dept in the town in Va where his meeting was and then the BPD.

Gee I wish I knew the answer to this. He has not been charged but travels out of the state jurisdiction to do business there within hours of his wife and unborn child being killed, possibly dumping evidence, and is then named as a person of considered suspicion to get a warrant to search and test his body. Would this be enough to call in a 4th agency thru some technicallity? Anyone know?

Oh, Dark_Shadows would know as she's a correctiions officer. Wonder where she is and how she is doing?

oh dear. I've just read a thread "unbelievable" and I'm not handling it very well. I ... just ... words escape me and ... I'm crying, sobbing ... can you believe. Tough old me.. never thought ... I feel sick. Later, guys.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
oh dear. I've just read a thread "unbelievable" and I'm not handling it very well. I ... just ... words escape me and ... I'm crying, sobbing ... can you believe. Tough old me.. never thought ... I feel sick. Later, guys.

Oh, Annie :( {{{hugs}}}
Don't cry. Was it about this case?

Wipe your eyes. We're here for you. {{hug}} again

scandi said:
There must be several agencies working together. RPD {I wish that poster posted here}, the LE dept in the town in Va where his meeting was and then the BPD.

Gee I wish I knew the answer to this. He has not been charged but travels out of the state jurisdiction to do business there within hours of his wife and unborn child being killed, possibly dumping evidence, and is then named as a person of considered suspicion to get a warrant to search and test his body. Would this be enough to call in a 4th agency thru some technicallity? Anyone know?

Oh, Dark_Shadows would know as she's a correctiions officer. Wonder where she is and how she is doing?



What if they suspect he dumped evidence while enroute to VA!? Over state lines!

raisincharlie said:

I do not recall any press reports as to how much luggage was confiscated or how much belonged to whom. I believe this is a brainstorming activity at this point. With the amount of information we have, brainstorming is about all we can do.:)

I am absolutely amazed how quiet this case is, no leaks, no investigative reporters digging and reporting, it is simply amazing. I know in the Dyleski case, there were some things the press knew and held back, but nothing like this. I suppose however if it leads to the arrest and conviction of the individual responsible, it is well worth it.

Thank you again RC - always coming to my rescue! :) Part of my problem is that I'm such a sloooow reader and sometimes it's just better to ask then have to go back through all of this.

It is amazing how unbelievably quiet this case is. I hope it's for a very good reason.
scandi said:
Good Morning everyone! WOW, that was a really interesting read of 4 pages since I hit the hay last night. LOL

Jilly, I believe it was a friend of Jason's posting at CTV who mentioned all the 'luggage' Jason took with him upon leaving the home the last time he was seen there as they watched Grey's Anatomy. I had speculated that it could have been the initial moving out of the home for Jason, and his plans were to attend a meeting and then go to his folks home where he would spend Saturday night. It seems that would be the natural place to unload the luggage right, as he gathered himself and started makiung plans for his new life without Michelle. That is if there split is true as rumored from which poster - was that Joe who picked up on thast or Concerned Citizen? I think we heard that from CC at CTV.


Ahhhh. Thank you for this. I don't go to CTV - Lord knows I have enough trouble keeping up with the reading here! lol

If he did take out a bunch of luggage then it sounds like you could be right although I am skeptical that he would do this move while Michelle had her friends over. I dunno. Can't see them all saying goodbye, good riddance and settlling in to watch GA.

On the otherhand Meredith said things looked "different" there so maybe his closet was empty. Just a thought.

If something was happening in their marriage, I do hope that Michelle talked about it with friends. After the Laci case, it was my hope that any woman going through a rough time with their spouse would talk about it with others.
Annie, I did PM the Mod to see if a warning could be put on that thread. I turned white as I read it and quidkly clicked it off.

I feel so bad for the baby and so I just visualized her in beautiful light in heaven. But had I known that this story was ultra upsetting, I never would have opened it up.

PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hi jilly :) Your post has been answered by raisin and scands, et al - but I just wanted to simply say: "hello". :p

Helloooo to you too Annie! :) I'm assuming that we've developed enough of a relationship to be on a first name basis? :)
I don't know if "listening post" is the poster who brought up the notion that Jason left with a lot of luggage on Thursday, but I do know that "listening post" is not an insider and has no personal knowledge of any aspect of the case. Some of what he posts is not factual at all. He seems to sometimes just post things to elicit a response from those in the know.
jilly said:
If something was happening in their marriage, I do hope that Michelle talked about it with friends. After the Laci case, it was my hope that any woman going through a rough time with their spouse would talk about it with others.

IF something was happening in their marriage, depending on what type of marriage they had, may determine on IF she would tell anyone.

Remember Lori Hacking? She was a lot like Michelle, yet up to the very end, she never let one soul know what was going on between her and Mark. Even that very last day at work when she ran out of the office crying because she found out there was no medical school enrollment, yet she'd already quit her job and they'd found a new place miles from home and were moving that next week. I believe she even went to a going away party and still didn't say anything.

IMHO, there was a MAJOR control issue in Laci's case, which was why Laci didn't confide in what was going on behind closed doors. Even as outgoing as she was, it was a front put up to hide what was REALLY going on.

Just because JY's friends are saying he was happy about the baby doesn't make it so. Everyone said SP was happy about the baby too. Remember, he would rush home when she was ovulating? Imagine, having to RUSH home to have sex with your wife. Then, WHILE she's pregnant he tells a relative he'd 'hoped for infertility.'

Just because JY smiles and APPEARS to be mild mannered, DOES NOT mean he was that way behind closed doors.

I have a thread I recently started in I believe the PL about a friend who was in an abusive relationship, which didn't start until AFTER the marriage. It was her situation and the things he said to her that made me recognize SP was a 'control freak' and a manipulator.

FWIW, my thread in the PL was started recently because the young woman I know who was in an abusive relationship is now setting herself free from the SOB. She finally realized he would end up killing her. I think the first clue was when he tried to strangle her and when that didn't work , he bit her over the face and tried to literally rip her throat out. Of course, it STILL took prodding by concerned friends for her to turn him in AGAIN (the other times she wouldn't follow through with it.)

This happy marriage MAY not have been so blissfull as JY's friends want us to believe. Michelle may have been hiding a very dark secret.:(

Thanks Sami,

I think it is interesting the Sheriff said "If and when we make THE arrest in the case". He could have said a instead of the. Does that sound like it is imminent to you, and they are pretty close having zoned in on the perp. And they have done investigations in 3 states. Wonder the what and why of the 3rd state?

scandi said:
Thanks Sami,

I think it is interesting the Sheriff said "If and when we make THE arrest in the case". He could have said a instead of the. Does that sound like it is imminent to you, and they are pretty close having zoned in on the perp. And they have done investigations in 3 states. Wonder the what and why of the 3rd state?


Wasn't there a RUMOR JY had a gf in Florida?
I say RUMOR because I haven't seen this myself.

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