Missing Georgia hiker--Meredith Emerson, 24 #3

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This is totally off topic, but you don't LOSE a computer to hacking.

Just an FYI: If you are hacked, it is usually completely reversible as long as your hard drive is still spinning. The worst case scenario is that you would have to format your system, which essentially is erasing everything on your hard drive and starting all over with a fresh installation of Windows. A proficient tech should be able to reverse the effects of hacking without a format (and save your data).

O/T It was going to cost as much or nearly as much as a new computer. This was at Best Buys and the geek squad.

Most hikers these days pick up trailnames. Trail names basically started to describe "Thru-Hikers" , which on the Appalachain Trail mean doing Ga-Maine or Maine to Ga all at once.

Gradually over the years even day hikers got into the act and picked up trail names.

As far as GMH is concerned, I cant remember if I had seen a thread asking about a possible trail name for him.

I am a Whiteblaze regular and wish to say that there in fact are several threads in there that might be of use. When something like this happens, especially to a hiker on or around the Appalachain Trial it kind of sets off a frenzy. Whiteblaze members, (of course there are the lurkers) come from the hiker ranks, the trail administrations, law enforcement, etc.

It seems to become a well connected site on trail and outdoor recreation related to hiking issues.

The recent attack it got was news to me this morning whenI tried to log in. That was apparently after they were tring to fix it as I didnt get any black screen with ahand and such.

This doesnt happen too often there. it is a great site.
Welcome to WS HIKER7s, Whiteblaze has been a valueable resource to us here.

Most hikers these days pick up trailnames. Trail names basically started to describe "Thru-Hikers" , which on the Appalachain Trail mean doing Ga-Maine or Maine to Ga all at once.

Gradually over the years even day hikers got into the act and picked up trail names.

As far as GMH is concerned, I cant remember if I had seen a thread asking about a possible trail name for him.

I am a Whiteblaze regular and wish to say that there in fact are several threads in there that might be of use. When something like this happens, especially to a hiker on or around the Appalachain Trial it kind of sets off a frenzy. Whiteblaze members, (of course there are the lurkers) come from the hiker ranks, the trail administrations, law enforcement, etc.

It seems to become a well connected site on trail and outdoor recreation related to hiking issues.

The recent attack it got was news to me this morning whenI tried to log in. That was apparently after they were tring to fix it as I didnt get any black screen with ahand and such.

This doesnt happen too often there. it is a great site.

I went to that site (which I have done in the past)very early this morning and got very bazare screen. Black, saying nasty stuff...

Just went to the site and it states, server is down because of a intrusion.
O/T It was going to cost as much or nearly as much as a new computer. This was at Best Buys and the geek squad.

O/T: I'd NEVER recommend the "Geek Squad" to ANYONE... I'm a certified IT professional. I'd never charge as much as the Geek Squad and I'd have to say I'm much more highly qualified than their "associates". Try independent IT consulting firms in your area, next time you need computer assistance. Usually they have very reasonable hourly rates ($40-75 an hour) for in-home service and may even offer a free 1/2 hour to an hour for "discovery" of your problem. The "Geek Squad" will render you penniless and their ultimate goal is to up sell you to a new computer anyways...

Okay, enough of the O/T convo! LOL I could go on and on all day long about their incompetencies! LOL :doh:
He said "Do you know which way East is. No you don't..." and he was cussing me and then he was running at me. The man chased us OUT of there. We got in the car and locked the doors we were so scared, and the guy that worked there had ran out too and was trying to calm the guy down.

We got to the star party on our own finally, and found out he had went off the deep end with another lady that went in and said she was lost.

Anyway, someone said he was a skydiver. The ROme airport is where most people do that - I know folks come from Atlanta to do that.

I can't say 100% for sure that it is him, but it looked like him - we both thought so - and watching that tape of the guy move - yeah, I'd say there is a very good chance it was him. The guy at the airport knew him so it would be easy to check - when the guy running the star party called down there to complain, he said "it is just ol Mack, he's just an old curmergeon, you gotta ignore him" but I tell ya, that guy scared me and I ran a forensic psych unit and a long term psych unit for many years and I have never seen someone get that mad that fast to someone that just walked in like that. I think asking directions set that guy off.

Sorry about the long post - just wanted to put all that out there in case it might help with a timeline or something. I dunno. I really do think it was him.
Hilton also went by the name "Mack"...I recall reading this on the True Crime Weblog yesterday. Also, he referred to himself as a paratrooper on the Cherokee Co. Sherriff's dashcam video. I think you may very well be onto something. Law enforcement needs to know this location so they can interview the owner.
Hilton also went by the name "Mack"...I recall reading this on the True Crime Weblog yesterday. Also, he referred to himself as a paratrooper on the Cherokee Co. Sherriff's dashcam video. I think you may very well be onto something. Law enforcement needs to know this location so they can interview the owner.

God, that is SO creepy. I can't even begin to fathom how many people have crossed this demon's path! :(
This is totally off topic, but you don't LOSE a computer to hacking. ....

This is exactly why Geek Squad and others can charge you so much money - people don't know. My advice is always to call someone you know is good with computers before you call a repair guy. Chances are, some teenager they know can come fix it for free or a batch of cookies.
maybe I'm a bit diff, but if any creep was charging me, and yelling at me...I'd drop his *advertiser censored** right then and there.
Doesn't the ATM machine keep your card after you've entered the number wrong after after a certain number of times? I believe that this is a security precaution in case your card is stolen.
maybe I'm a bit diff, but if any creep was charging me, and yelling at me...I'd drop his *advertiser censored** right then and there.

My guess would be he would only intimidate those he felt vulnerable or weakened in some way – like being lost or having a flat tire. He was “Mr. I’m a good ole boy, love ya” with the deputy.

Here is a post I made on Steve Huff's site. If you wish, please consider adding it to the potential victims thread:

More than ever, I believe GMH should also be explored as a suspect in the Alicia Showalter Reynolds and Winans/Williams cases from 1996 in VA.

Darrell David Rice is most likely the Route 29 stalker, and although Reynold's disappearance on March 2, 1996, coincides very tightly with the timing of those events, her case seems different. Rice's motive seemed to be sexual and involved a hatred of women. Reynold's murder, however, involved themes that might sound more "familiar" due to the recent Bryant, Dunlap, and Emerson cases. Here are some snippets from the Reynold's case found at
http://www.readthehook.com/ stori...talker.rtf.aspx

"Evidence pointing to foul play quickly emerged. At 1:15 that first afternoon, a woman on Clay Street in Culpeper, which is about five miles from where Alicia had been abducted, found her Citibank MasterCard and called the number on the back to report it..." and "...[a]lso recovered the afternoon of March 2-- but not turned in to the State Police until March 8-- was a black parka, later identified as the one Alicia had been wearing. It was found in Madison County on Route 626, less than a mile east of Route 29, at about 2:30pm. On March 9, the last items-- several more credit cards-- were found in Culpeper." A stolen parka and stolen credit cards? That does not sound like Darrell David Rice's MO, but it does sound like GMH's MO.

As one final tie in, the Route 29 stalker (again, Rice does seem to be the guilty party in these stalkings), often flashed his vehicle's headlights, and if the woman stopped, he would state he saw "sparks" coming from under the woman's car. There would be no need to "look under the hood." However, in the Reynold's case, "the man and woman [Reynolds] were studying the engine; some observers saw her getting into his truck. She was never seen alive again." As with Dunlap's flat tire, did Reynolds actually have car trouble?

Reynold's body was found "May 7...in a rural part of Culpeper County...under several fallen logs in a gully that was invisible from the road." No details regarding the MOD or COD have been released, but I would be interested to know if those would now sound "familiar" too.

Note--spring 1996 was after GMH's 1995 conviction for theft by taking and after he "beat" his roommate, showing an escalation in personal violence. [He also did not settle into his Insulated Wall Systems job until 1997/1998].

All in my opinion.
I posed this question to commentators at my blog: Has anyone else wondered if this guy's name is even Gary Michael Hilton?

In the 60s and 70s it was pretty easy to steal a new identity, if you knew what you were doing. GMH's past is so nebulous in so many ways, it occurred to me a few days ago to wonder if that was even the name he was born with. That I found a Gary Michael Hilton in a database who died in Georgia in the 80s, a GMH who would have been within 10 years of this guy's age, only made the question more persistent.

At the moment I'm 80% certain that he is who he says he is, but I figured I'd toss this question out there, see if it had occurred to anyone else.

Steve/Mr. A
I posed this question to commentators at my blog: Has anyone else wondered if this guy's name is even Gary Michael Hilton?

In the 60s and 70s it was pretty easy to steal a new identity, if you knew what you were doing. GMH's past is so nebulous in so many ways, it occurred to me a few days ago to wonder if that was even the name he was born with. That I found a Gary Michael Hilton in a database who died in Georgia in the 80s, a GMH who would have been within 10 years of this guy's age, only made the question more persistent.

At the moment I'm 80% certain that he is who he says he is, but I figured I'd toss this question out there, see if it had occurred to anyone else.

Steve/Mr. A

Another sleuther and I were discussing that very thing. I surmised that there would have been info on that person as well at some point. Has anyone been able to trace anything further back than 1972?
I agree that this may not even be his real name. I think in order to really find out we need to see if he has a military record.
I searched the MIA/POW and casualty databases to see if anyone with that name had died or was MIA and there was not. However the name "Hilton" has always been associated with vets to refer to The "Hanoi Hilton" which was
was the major prison used by North Vietnam for POW's. You almost wonder if he took 2 of the names of his buddies he was in 'nam with and threw Hilton on the end because they were imprisoned there.

Good thinking Scorpio, and welcome to WS!

I've been wondering if he was a draft dodger. Maybe he was hiding in Canada for a few years. Or maybe he is from Canada.
I know his SSN has shown up on searches. But are any of the data bases set up to detect a fake SSN? How can we find out through SSA that his number is indeed valid? Or have we answered that question already?
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