MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #1

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I'm going to really pray that this case comes to a conclusion. I remember when he disappeared and it was so long ago.

I wonder if this is a family friend?
Patty Wetterling is going to be on channel 9 news in an hour. The snippet's said she would talk about mistakes made early on in the case. I will try to watch it and give a report.

When watching the news with the reference to the suspect as a "neighbor", I was left with two impressions. One, they used the term neighbor to either refer to anyone who lived in the same town, or two, that his home was in the general area of the Wetterling home. Both make sense, as I know here when people refer to their neighbor it can mean someone a couple miles away, someone that lives close by that they don't really know, or someone who lives close or far that they do know well. Just a general term. Growing up in California, we didn't refer to just anyone as a neighbor, but the term seems to be used in a broader sense here in Minnesota. What I am getting at, is the Wetterlings could have known the suspect on friendly terms as a neighbor, as someone who they recognized the name or home of because of a small town, or someone who they didn't know, but lived close and still classified as "neighbor". What a neighborly conversation huh?

Edited to add: I missed most of the interview. I caught the end where Patty met the woman that worked at the Tom Thumb and they hugged. The anchor said after that due in part to channel 9's reports that she has a meeting scheduled with the investigators regarding the new information. Perhaps her interview will be on the Fox 9 news channel web site.
Lil, I got the impression he lived fairly close by; since the boys wouldn't have been allowed to ride their bikes 'too far', hopefully not, anyway.
I could not believe he knew a boy was missing; knew they were searching in his yard...but went back to bed. He didn't want to "waste his time."
I don't know my neighbors, but if there were a child missing, I'd sure be doing what I could to help. This makes no sense to me at all.
Now, he tells the reporter, "I hope they don't wreck my life." What kind of person can this be?? I hope they really check this person out, (plus his house, and property) though sadly, it may be too late to solve the case.
The neighbor saying he didn't want to waste his time - what's up with that?? If your yard is full of police cars, wouldn't you want to know what was going on? And didn't this happen BEFORE 10:00 p.m.? The boys went to the store to get a video to watch - something is weird here. It would be so sad if the neighbor IS involved and all this time no one knew. I can't image what the family has suffered, but if it turns out to be the neighbor - oh gawd, that's just awful.
Yes I too got the impression that the neighbor lived close by, especially since the boys would of been heading home it could not have been to far. I was jsut trying to say he may have been a neighbor, but they were not all neighborly and may or may not have known him. Sometime the closest neighbor is a mile away with farm land or living on the edge of town. I got the impression he was a neighbor as in living in the same area, not as in friends with the Wetterlings. Either way, it all sounds suspicious to me. The night before on the news they said the investigators were looking in his computer and had talked to his family.
I know there are lots of odd people out there, but how probable is it that JW would dissapear close to this mans property, and all his odd behavior. I am very suspicious, but that could just be because I want there to be answers. I wonder what this man did in the following days.
They are still mothers and fathers.

Patty Wetterling still has Christmas presents saved for her son Jacob after he was abducted 14 years ago. Allan Sjodin still talks to his daughter, Dru, missing for four months, as he drives through the Red River Valley, looking for her in the wheat stubble
Prayers for Jacob and all who miss and love him.

With hope, Lanie
What happened to the new investigation of local people? There were headline stories in the MN Star Tribune, then nothing.
Trino said:
The most interesting thing is that the abductor uttered one sentence, asking which boy was the oldest. Would a pedophile do this?

From the Court TV page

"All Jacob Wetterling wanted to do was rent a video. At age 11 he was savvy enough to know that if mom said no, dad just might say yes.

Jacob’s parents, Jerry and Patty, had left their house in St. Joseph, Minn. to attend a dinner party nearby. Jacob stayed behind to watch over his two younger siblings, Trevor, 10, and Carmen, 8. Jacob’s friend, Aaron Larsen, age 11, joined the group. "

Jacob and Aaron were the same age. Why did he choose Jacob over Aaron?
turbosleuthing said:
From the Court TV page

"All Jacob Wetterling wanted to do was rent a video. At age 11 he was savvy enough to know that if mom said no, dad just might say yes.

Jacob’s parents, Jerry and Patty, had left their house in St. Joseph, Minn. to attend a dinner party nearby. Jacob stayed behind to watch over his two younger siblings, Trevor, 10, and Carmen, 8. Jacob’s friend, Aaron Larsen, age 11, joined the group. "

Jacob and Aaron were the same age. Why did he choose Jacob over Aaron?
Perhaps Jacob better fit the 'look' he was going after, or Jacob was smaller and seemed more frightened, more compliant. :doh: I'd be interested to know how far from their eleventh birthday's both Jacob and Aaron were. I'm interested in reading again the exact recollection of the horrific exchange Aaron gave.
did they all give their ages when it happend or did he just ask who was the oldest and since jacob was older than arron he spoke up or did they all give there ages if they all didnt then how was the person to know the ages of the other ones also could the person have been watching jacob all day like the father said he felt that erie feeling in the afternoon but then it went away when jacob came back. i cant remeber how they told him the age thingy to many cases i read lots of info i forget, but i have a feeling that what if they all said there ages and somehow he knew that jacob was the one he wanted he wasnt sure that this was jacob bringing me to the hockey arena and how he was missing for a short period of time
also what was the person wearing that took him i know it was dark and he had a mask on but was he all in black if u have colors on even in the dark the brightest ones u can see
smile22 said:
also what was the person wearing that took him i know it was dark and he had a mask on but was he all in black if u have colors on even in the dark the brightest ones u can see

I don't know if we ever heard wha the kidnapper was wearing. If the boys were surprised and frightened, they may not have remembered.
I had the impression that only Jacob was asked his age, does anyone remember that??

I am still curious about the neighbor who said he saw and heard the police in his yard, and didn't come out because he 'wanted to sleep'. That is strange; and now we aren't hearing any more about him.
unless he ws sort of the type of person who didnt care who was searching the yard but still i would have gone off to see the police i mean u just dont go searching the yard for nothing, kinda strikes me odd i wounder if giving a lie test he would pass
smile, that's what struck me as so odd. If I were alone, and the police were out in the yard, I probably wouldn't go out...maybe because women are more cautious that way. But I surely would be calling LE to find out what was going on.
I read that he seemed irritated that they would question him all these years later. That is wierd, too. He could have had Jacob in his house; and no one knew, they all thought he was taken in a vehicle. I certainly hope they look closer at this guy.
i know they cant just bardge in the house without a warrent did they nock to see if he was home maybe talk to him if i was a cop id be like can i come in i need to talk to u he could have refused no u cant come in that would have been suspicus so im thinking he didnt want them looking at the house so he just used the excuse he was tired and really didnt give crap cuz they were just searching his yard not his house but if they went on to search his house theyd have to have a warrentm and it strikes me odd that hes all upset now becuse they are questoning him, i think hes hiding something
OMG! Just ANOTHER case that's haunted me and until finding this forum,I haven't met anyone else who had even heard of this case!!!
I think what makes this one "hook" is the kidnapper asking who was the oldest........its strange and doesn't fit most abductors m/o (that Im familar with)or any other known abductions(most abductors either "staked out" their victims or "grabbed"-no pun intended-at an oppertunity)Its also strange that a group of kids was approached.
I just can't shake this and Jacob ranks up there with the cases that just get to me of:

Suzanne Davis (aka Tanya Hughes and Sharon Marshall)

Tara Leigh Calico

and Britney Beers

EVERY missing case is important but some just "get you" don't they?
smile, I lived in MN when Jacob was taken; it was so frightening and such a shock. It was such a small town, and one would think, a safe area.
I hope they do question the man who 'wanted to sleep'. I don't believe they knocked on his door, but can't be positive about that.

Messiecake, welcome!! This case grabbed a lot of us, and we hope for some closure for the Wetterlings. Hopefully, this new investigation will find the truth.
like they said he wanted to know who was the oldest he could have wanted the oldest for a reason being is he was going to use him for something its so sad that he still hasnt been found

just like the rest of them in the cold case thread
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