Mystery Woman "C"

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Perhaps the family has already appointed a "family spokesperson" that will speak on their behalf when and if necessary....Perhaps DD? Perhaps a family member.

Some people facing the media regarding private matters would prefer to initially have a "spokesperson" handle matters before they talk to the media themselves.

Just a thought.

In this post by Dr. Doogie, he did say a spokesperson has been appointed who knows the "news game":
If I were Annasmom, I would be far too overwhelmed to speak to anyone.
What if the 2 Georges had absolutely nothing to do with Anna disappearance, and it was just a spur of the moment abduction by someone who wanted a child. I think about all the hours work many have done trying to figure out who GB & MK where. It would be a drag if that was all done in vain!

You've uncovered enough to know that GB likely isn't who he said he was, so irregardless that is still one more unsolved mystery.

Well it looks like my guess was wrong!
what it is going to be like when and if "C" is Anna? What will we all do with ourselves then? Where will we go? What will we do? LOL

There are so many missing children, unaccounted for, and families looking for and wishing for 'a resolution' , there certainly will be PLENTY to do, if you so choose to get involved !!:D Please do not forget that others need your wonderful skills too!
We received the DNA results this afternoon and they are negative - C is not Anna.

Everyone both here in HMB and back with C is taking this in stride. Everyone is so grateful for all of the help and prayers that you all have provided to get us to this point. We will be taking a couple of days to decompress and re-evaluate what the next step in the search will be, but the search will definitely continue and Websleuths will continue to be at the heart of that search.

I haven't had access to a computer for a few days, but I understand that it was suggested that media be notified of a possible news story breaking. I know that Annasunc asked that we all sit tight and not contact the media at this point - let me explain why. We have been working with a film crew from a news magazine on a major network this week about Anna's story. Since the negative results meant that we did not have the story that they hoped to have, it is debatable now whether the footage will be used - they may use it now, may hold on to it until we do have "the rest of the story" or they may shelve it. Part of our agreement with them was a trade-off - they get exclusive footage and they would then provide certain footage for "pool coverage" that other outlets could use. We were attempting to avoid the media "feeding frenzy" that often accompanies the breaking news of events such as what we had hoped would occur. Part of this agreement was that they would not break the story until either we or LE had made a public announcement, or that the story broke by other media. Because of this, we wanted to control the involvement by other media sources that would disrupt our timetable. Up to this point, we have desired any media involvement, but at this juncture, any additional media involvement would have muddied up the works. Great idea, but you were all not aware of what was happening behind the scenes.

The search for Anna will continue. Websleuths will be the forum that we continue to use to access the wonder help that you all offer. On behalf of the family and friends of Anna, thank you for everything that you have done up to this point and for the help that you will continue provide.
Thank you for updating us Doogie. Thank you C for being such a good sport in all this. And Bless Anna's family. WE WILL NOT GIVE UP THE SEARCH FOR ANNA!
DD Now that we know C is not Anna.What are the chances are evryone there decompress . We try getting answers about Jonestown? I was hoping but the good lord has his reason for all of this.
Please give Anna's family and C my love. And yes grace C went the extra mile here.
The film crew interviewed both Annasmom and myself. They also filmed some background footage of Annasmom rehearsing for a concert. The producer and the crew a both fine journalists and fine people. After the negative results, they all came in - no camera and no tapes - just to offer their condolances and thanks for Annasmom letting them into her home and life for the last few days. And making good on a promise, Annasmom then gave the producer a short piano lesson in thanks for their kindness. These guys were a class act.
God Bless all of you. I will continue to keep Anna and all of you in my prayers. He won't bring you to it if He can't bring you through it-those words have always kept me going.
Thanks for the news Doogie! Even though it's not what we were praying for, our search will go on! Me and my trusting PSP are waiting to do more composites for you... we WILL find Anna for her family.

Thank you "C" for letting us into your life and hopefully you'll always consider yourself a part of our family here. If there's anything we can do to help you with your search... all you have to do is ask!

(((HUGS))) to all!
Thank you 'C' for letting all of this into your life, we so appreciate the wonderful person you are...Anna's family, we are all still here, ready willing and able to assist you, for as long as it takes, Blessings
I am praying for "C", and praying that the search continues. Oh, I am so sorry that this did not work out the way we had hoped.
I hope that everyone involved eventually gets resolution and answers. I have either not read closely, or it has been kept very quiet, what "C"'s background situation is that made her a strong possibility in the first place, but I especially hope that she gets the answers she seeks.
...what "C"'s background situation is that made her a strong possibility in the first place...

Many of the details about C's past have been purposely left off the forum(or obscured) to protect her privacy. In general, there were major questions as to whether she was in fact related to her "family" or not. Those questions still remain, it is just whether she was Anna or not that have been answered today.
The Lord's spirit and guiding angels will keep all of us going.

Still sending special thoughts and prayers for everyone involved.

Though I feel heartbroken, I truly believe we will find dear Anna.

I have never posted before on any of Anna's threads. Mainly because any thought that I could come up with seemed to have already been mentioned by other posters.

However, I have been right here with everyone checking several times a day to see if in fact anna had been found. While I am disappointed for "c", Annasmom, and the rest of the family. I have faith that sooner or later everyones hard work will pay off.

Dr. Doogie to you I must say you are a remarkable person. Anna's family has a true gem of a friend in you. I have no doubt that your determination will get to the bottom of this very sad mystery.

Oh my gosh.... I'm sorry it turned out this way. Big hugs for Annasmom and family, and for C. And for Doogie. But you're family, right? :)

I will be keeping everyone in my prayers still. I'm not too great of a sleuth, but I'm hoping and praying the combined efforts of everyone will lead to Anna being found.

I'm also hoping C will find the answers to her questions. No doubt this all put her on a more or less unstoppable course with those, too.

My very, very best wishes to all involved.
Wow. I am so impressed by everyone who has been involved in the search for Anna and the identity of "C."

Annasmom (as well as everyone so closely connected to this, including C and JoeFord) is the epitome of class and grace, handling this rollercoaster of emotions with such great dignity.

At the risk of sounding veerrrry cheesy, I have to say that the search for Anna has reaffirmed my belief in innate human good and kindness. We have all been brought together by a very special girl - now let's find her.
DD, please give everyone there a big WS's hug from all of us. This really is not the news that I thought that we would hear.
When you are ready just let us know and we'll pick up where we left off in the search for Anna.
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