NE NE - Corrie Wood, 28, Grant, 20 September 2008 #1

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I have never taken any exercise except sleeping an
Dec 18, 2007
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Corrie Wood decided to celebrate her birthday last Friday night instead of on her actual b-day of 9/22/08. Her boyfriend found her beaten to death in her own apt Saturday morning. Corrie had a 4 year old daughter.

There does not seem to be a lot of information out there about her. I did not find one newspaper article.

Steve Huff has an article about her on his website:

I did find this reference to her murder

Myspace Page
Maybe I read too many of these cases here but the boyfriend is always the first to be suspected.
There are some things about this murder that I don't understand.

1. The boyfriend celebrated Corrie's b-day with her yet he wasn't home when
the murder took place. He found her the paper said. Where was the boy-
friend all night that he found her in the morning. I believe it was a friend
that said just Corrie and the killer were in the apt.

2. The boyfriend sports two tear drops under one eye. As far as I know only
people who have been in prison wear the tear drops under one eye. It is
understanding...from ex-cons that I have worked tear drop
means that you took the life of one person...two tear drops mean you
took the life of two people. I don't know why anyone would want to wear
tear drops under their eye if they haven't been in prison because it clearly
has a significant meaning to people.

This murder is such a tragedy. A young woman with her whole life ahead of her. She has a beautiful little girl who will miss so much because of this horrible selfish violent act. It is truly heartbreaking. I hope an arrest happens soon.
These are good questions you have Bobbi'sangel, I was curious about the tattoos as well. At the very least, you have to presume that at one time the boyfriend wanted to project a "bada$$" image, if he didn't actually commit the crimes associated with tear drop tattoos. This might indicate he might have run with a rough crowd at some point.

At one of the links above, somebody questioned the boyfriend's tattoos and was met with at least one very defensive response, indicating that he was a very caring person and that the tattoos meant nothing.

I certainly hope this is the case, as judging from her "My Space" page, she really cared for the boyfriend, but I didn't even snap about where was he staying that night, did it say that they lived together? I hope that this case is solved quickly and the children have all the love and support that they are going to need.
Her boyfriend appears to have tattoos all over his arms as well; i wish we could get a better look at what those are to see before we jump on the teardrop ones below his eyes. (i'm aware of what they rep in gangs and all) if they are for real; his other tattoos will help us decipher.
I'm confused - the article states that Wood and her boyfriend lived together......then where was he all night if he discovered her in the morning?
Hmmm, I would have to wonder what type of relationship she had with the ex-husband...
Hmmm, I would have to wonder what type of relationship she had with the ex-husband...

I'd like to know that too. They were just divorced in May. Not that long ago.
Her and the boyfriend were raising their children together. He has a little boy.
I want to know why the boyfriend wasn't at home. Corrie was beaten to death in her bed so that tells me she was in bed alone or an intrudor would have woke the boyfriend up. At least the boyfriend says she was in her bed when he found her. I wish there was a little more info out there.
I also wish there was more info. I just tried to search again and still nothing :(
I don't want to read into the tattos but I did find this interesting post...

Not 100% sure it is the same Scott Petro, could be a coincidence...

What are the chances that this guys name is Scott Petro too and he is from Nebraska....the guy in prison has the same name and is in prison in 2002. I would bet it is the same guy. LE is probably giving him the 3rd and 4th degree. I hope there was evidence left at the scene. It doesn't make sense that if these two live together and they celebrated Corrie's b-day together...that he wasn't at home all night. Where was he if not there????

I was just reading some comments written by Corrie's friends and it was said that Scott was asked not to attend her service. The writer believed that the parents had made that request. Scott wrote a short paragraph and said that in time all of people's questions would be answered. He said that "My Corrie is an angel riding on my shoulder."

I remember when my daughter's killer was caught 8 years after the fact he said "Shelley was my guardian angel"...... while he was on the run!!!!!!!!! Made me want to throwup.

I just find it odd that Scott was asked not to attend the service. I would gather that Corrie's parents know things that we don't.
I live in the town Corrie lived in and was killed in. I want to clear some things up.

Her boyfriend found her beaten to death in her own apt Saturday morning.

They didn't live in an apartment. They lived in a house.

1. The boyfriend celebrated Corrie's b-day with her yet he wasn't home when the murder took place. He found her the paper said. Where was the boy-friend all night that he found her in the morning. I believe it was a friend that said just Corrie and the killer were in the apt.

A friend of Corrie's took her home that night. Corrie and Scott had an argument and Corrie wanted to go home, so a friend of hers took her home and put her to bed.

but I didn't even snap about where was he staying that night, did it say that they lived together?

I have no idea where Scott stayed that night. But they did live together.

I want to know why the boyfriend wasn't at home.
They had an argument. He told the friend that took her home that Corrie needed to get her stuff out of the house before he got home. Later the friend called Scott back and told him that Corrie was home and at that point, Scott told the friend to forget it, he'd get his stuff later and leave.

I just find it odd that Scott was asked not to attend the service. I would gather that Corrie's parents know things that we don't.

They fought. A lot. And Scott has a history of being abusive (not necessarily towards Corrie) but he has a temper. It only makes sense that the family wouldn't want him to attend.

I personally didn't know Corrie. I do know Scott though. Well, not "know" him, but I've met him a few times and my husband knows him pretty well. The friend that took Corrie home that night is a good friend of the family and at this point, she has said that the police have been blowing up her phone with questions, trying to piece the whole night together.
Hi mmleikam and welcome to WS! Thank you for the info. Given what you have isn't looking to good for the boyfriend. They had a fight that night, he was known to have a violent temper, he has been in prison before......her family asking him not to attend definitely lends itself to the belief that her parents believe he had something to do with this.
This is so sad and tragic, My thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
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