NE NE - Corrie Wood, 28, Grant, 20 September 2008 #1

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Hi mmleikam and welcome to WS! Thank you for the info. Given what you have isn't looking to good for the boyfriend. They had a fight that night, he was known to have a violent temper, he has been in prison before......her family asking him not to attend definitely lends itself to the belief that her parents believe he had something to do with this.

I agree, it doesn't look good for Scott. He apparently disappeared all day Sunday, too. He told my husband's boss that Corrie died from something completely different, too. (I can't remember what, I'll have to ask him when he gets home).

They are also looking at the friend that took her home. It doesn't look good for either of them, in my opinion. Scott and Corrie fought, the friend took her home, there were phone calls between Scott and the friend that night. Just doesn't look good for either person. :/

The friends car has been impounded for further investigation.

Scott was in prison for Terroristic Threats and Theft by Deception. When they searched his house at that time, they also found several thousand dollars in cash and drugs. I believe it was while he was in prison that he beat someone to near death. It may not have been in prison, again I'm not sure, I'd have to ask my husband.
My husband stands by Scott however and says he knows Scott and doesn't believe that he did it
I agree that it isn't looking good for the boyfriend or the person that gave her a ride home. I gather the person that took her home was a male? The friend took her home and put her to bed???? I wonder if he tried something and it ended up with her dead. Or Scott could have went to the house later and him and Corrie carried on with their fight and something happened. I'm sure that LE will get to the bottom of it in time. It must have been one or the other of the two guys though. With Scott's temper and their history of fights he would be #1 on my list. Strange that he would make himself scarce all day on Saturday. Seems like he would have wanted to be with Corrie's family but then maybe they had made their feelings known before the murder. We parents don't care much for boyfriends of our daughters who are abusive even if it isn't physical abuse. I also would frown on my daughter being involved with someone who has been in prison and almost beat someone to death either in or out of prison. Corrie's parents probably felt the same way. Bad tempers do tend to lead to trouble sooner or later.

I wonder who has Corrie's little girl? Corrie's parents or the father of the little girl? My heart goes out to this little one. It sounds like she was really close to her mom. It's hard for little kids to understand that mom isn't coming back and especially to understand where she is. They have no understanding of death at that age.

I just re-read the post giving us the information and it seems that the person that took Corrie home was a female. So in my mind that rules her out. What motive would she have for killing Corrie. I think that Scott went to the house to get his things and all hell broke loose. I do wonder about the phone calls between Scott and the female that night though.
Bobbisangel, I agree. And I woudn't want my child to be with anyone that had been in prison before either. But I will say that if he beat a person nearly to death while in prison, he may have had too. In there if you don't fight, you become someones property. My Brother has been in prison and he says you can't let anything go.
I gather the person that took her home was a male?

I have to say, this is why I came to the messageboard to clear stuff up. Speculation like this (even though you realized you were wrong) just causes more problems and heartache for people that love Corrie.

This is how rumors are started.
I have to say, this is why I came to the messageboard to clear stuff up. Speculation like this (even though you realized you were wrong) just causes more problems and heartache for people that love Corrie.

This is how rumors are started.

Speculating on, analyzing, expanding on, and discussing the facts are what websleuthing is all about. Sometimes it is difficult for people close to a victim read here, especially if they are also close to anyone who might come under the magnifying glass here.
In Corrie's case, it seems to me like the boyfriend and whoever it was who took Corrie home are the logical people to be looking at right now.
Speculating on, analyzing, expanding on, and discussing the facts are what websleuthing is all about. Sometimes it is difficult for people close to a victim read here, especially if they are also close to anyone who might come under the magnifying glass here.
In Corrie's case, it seems to me like the boyfriend and whoever it was who took Corrie home are the logical people to be looking at right now.
I echo this steadfast! I just came back from reading all the comments on Steve Huff's blog..... you all must go read them all for some insight (opening post has the link....thanks gaia)
Read what I quoted and then read what I said. That is how rumors get started. The poster had misread what I said and assumed that the person that took Corrie home was a male. Then that poster goes on to say that maybe something happened between the two of them or Scott caught them in the middle of something.

Then the poster realizes that I said that the friend was female.

So all of that speculation, while at the time is understandable but has now been realized as wrong, should be removed because anyone skimming this messageboard may see what that poster said and use it as part of some personal form of "detective work."

I'm not making much sense. Had I been the poster and realized I'd misread or misunderstood something, I would have deleted the other speculation I had made because it is not at all relevant to the case.

Maybe that's just me. Of course, I live in a small town, so I know the harm that rumors and misleading "facts" can cause.

I'm not trying to talk crap...just so you know. I know I'm a newbie to this messageboard. I wouldn't be here except Corrie's death happens to be mentioned on it.
I read what you said, and at no point did you ever say the person who took her home was female. You always refer to them as "the friend."

I think it is great you have come here to clear things up, but please understand, we're only here to help. You clearing things up, helps too.
Yes, I did.

The friend that took Corrie home that night is a good friend of the family and at this point, she has said that the police have been blowing up her phone with questions, trying to piece the whole night together.

See? :)
I also wanted to add that I found out today that the reason Scott didn't take Corrie home was because he wasn't ready to go home. Corrie wanted to go, so her friend took her home.
Read what I quoted and then read what I said. That is how rumors get started. The poster had misread what I said and assumed that the person that took Corrie home was a male. Then that poster goes on to say that maybe something happened between the two of them or Scott caught them in the middle of something.

Then the poster realizes that I said that the friend was female.

So all of that speculation, while at the time is understandable but has now been realized as wrong, should be removed because anyone skimming this messageboard may see what that poster said and use it as part of some personal form of "detective work."

I'm not making much sense. Had I been the poster and realized I'd misread or misunderstood something, I would have deleted the other speculation I had made because it is not at all relevant to the case.

Maybe that's just me. Of course, I live in a small town, so I know the harm that rumors and misleading "facts" can cause.

I'm not trying to talk crap...just so you know. I know I'm a newbie to this messageboard. I wouldn't be here except Corrie's death happens to be mentioned on it.

We understand that you are grieving. And probably a little scared since there is a killer somewhere close to you. None of us would be on websleuths except for that one special case or personal tragedy. The truth of the matter is the spouse/or significant other is always looked at first. The last known person known to be with the deceased is also looked at whether male or female. I'm certain there is evidence that will either incriminate or exonerate them. We aren't trying to start rumors. We only want what you want, justice for Corrie.
Bobbisangel, I agree. And I woudn't want my child to be with anyone that had been in prison before either. But I will say that if he beat a person nearly to death while in prison, he may have had too. In there if you don't fight, you become someones property. My Brother has been in prison and he says you can't let anything go.

I agree with you that if the fight occured while Scott was in prison he may have had to fight to protect himself. If it didn't occur there then that is a different story. I believe that those tear drops under his eye have something to do with prison. Maybe he put them there to look tough and didn't really kill anyone in prison or maybe two of his prison buddies got killed in prison. It's hard to tell but I do believe that they are connected with his time in prison.
I'm surprised that he had to serve such little time. Of course his sentence could have been a lot longer and he only served a third of it. That is par for the course.

There are some of Corrie's friends on Steve Huff's site that are holding up for Scott and others that talk about his horrible temper and they believe that he murdered Corrie. One person said that "whoever" tried to clean up the murder scene...blood. That they got rid of the sheets on the bed because they were bloody and also a foam pad that was on top of the mattress.

If that is true the person or people would have had to try and clean up the scene before they called 911 and they would have been questioned about why they cleaned it up, etc. And they would have did it while Corrie was still on the bed! Surely the police wouldn't have taken Corrie and left the murder scene unattended. If there was blood all over then LE had to have known they were looking at a murder scene. Scott didn't call 911 until in the morning did he? Him and the female that took Corrie home that night were calling each other during the night. I wonder if they tried to clean up the bedroom? It isn't fact that someone tried to clean up the bedroom though...just friends saying it so far. Has LE released the cause of death?

It sounds like this little town is in an emotional turmoil because of Corrie's murder. I hope LE figures out who the killer is soon. There is a killer walking the streets in that town and that would scare me to death. LE should at least say whether they think this was a random killing or if they think Corrie knew her killer. People in that town deserve to know if this could be a stranger or not.
The truth of the matter is the spouse/or significant other is always looked at first. The last known person known to be with the deceased is also looked at whether male or female. I'm certain there is evidence that will either incriminate or exonerate them. We aren't trying to start rumors. We only want what you want, justice for Corrie.

You misunderstood me. :) I realize that almost automatically the friend and Scott are looked at because Scott was the SO and the friend was the last person to see her alive. The reason I was upset is because a poster said that they gathered that the friend was a male and was assuming that perhaps this male friend tried something with Corrie or Scott found them in the middle of something. It upsets me because while I'm trying to keep the friend as anonymous as possible because she is a close friend of mine, I also said somewhere (I quoted it above) that she was indeed female because of my usage of the words "her" and "she." I'm upset because its things like this, assuming the friend was male and something sexual occured between the two of them is what makes things worse in cases like this. Someone could be skimming the boards and see just a chunk of what was written about Corrie and some mystery man that either attempted to rape her, or that they were consensually in the middle of something and Scott found them. Neither of these things is true, nor is it even CLOSE to the truth. But living in a small town, I wouldn't be surprised if I heard this on the street now because people take things like this for truth when it's presented to them.

I agree with you that if the fight occured while Scott was in prison he may have had to fight to protect himself. If it didn't occur there then that is a different story. I believe that those tear drops under his eye have something to do with prison. Maybe he put them there to look tough and didn't really kill anyone in prison or maybe two of his prison buddies got killed in prison. It's hard to tell but I do believe that they are connected with his time in prison.
I'm surprised that he had to serve such little time. Of course his sentence could have been a lot longer and he only served a third of it. That is par for the course.

There are some of Corrie's friends on Steve Huff's site that are holding up for Scott and others that talk about his horrible temper and they believe that he murdered Corrie. One person said that "whoever" tried to clean up the murder scene...blood. That they got rid of the sheets on the bed because they were bloody and also a foam pad that was on top of the mattress.

If that is true the person or people would have had to try and clean up the scene before they called 911 and they would have been questioned about why they cleaned it up, etc. And they would have did it while Corrie was still on the bed! Surely the police wouldn't have taken Corrie and left the murder scene unattended. If there was blood all over then LE had to have known they were looking at a murder scene. Scott didn't call 911 until in the morning did he? Him and the female that took Corrie home that night were calling each other during the night. I wonder if they tried to clean up the bedroom? It isn't fact that someone tried to clean up the bedroom though...just friends saying it so far. Has LE released the cause of death?

It sounds like this little town is in an emotional turmoil because of Corrie's murder. I hope LE figures out who the killer is soon. There is a killer walking the streets in that town and that would scare me to death. LE should at least say whether they think this was a random killing or if they think Corrie knew her killer. People in that town deserve to know if this could be a stranger or not.

As far as blood and evidence being cleaned up...the only people allowed in Corrie and Scott's house has been Corrie's family and friends. Scott might be living there now, I'm not sure...we drove by yesterday on the way home (we live a few blocks away) and there were lights on in the house, but Scott's truck wasn't there. Anyway, at the time, Scott stayed away from the house because that's what Corrie's friends and family wanted. I'd say he's been pretty accommodating towards the wants and needs of Corrie's family. Anyway, if there was any obstruction of evidence, it would have been due to Corrie's friends and family, because they were the only ones allowed in the house and I'm betting they want the killer found so they probably aren't cleaning up evidence.

As for the LE...well, this doesn't happen very often. This is the first murder in 22 years, but even with the small town mentality and lack of homicide experience, I doubt they'd let anyone but there own people clean up and collect evidence.

It's funny, but for some reason I am not scared of living here. I know that Corrie was murdered and believing in my heart that the friend and Scott didn't do it and that a murderer is still loose...I am not living in fear. In fact, my husband and I went to a wedding reception Saturday night and I drank too much. I was ready to go home way before my husband, so I walked the 4 blocks home. Didn't even cross my mind that there was a killer still free. I wonder what that means... :/
It's funny, but for some reason I am not scared of living here. I know that Corrie was murdered and believing in my heart that the friend and Scott didn't do it and that a murderer is still loose...I am not living in fear. In fact, my husband and I went to a wedding reception Saturday night and I drank too much. I was ready to go home way before my husband, so I walked the 4 blocks home. Didn't even cross my mind that there was a killer still free. I wonder what that means... :/

It means you'd better wake up to reality and be more careful!

Or, it means deep down you have a feeling about who did it, and you had some reason not to expect to encounter that person on your walk home -- or in your house when you got home.
Read what I quoted and then read what I said. That is how rumors get started. The poster had misread what I said and assumed that the person that took Corrie home was a male. Then that poster goes on to say that maybe something happened between the two of them or Scott caught them in the middle of something.

Then the poster realizes that I said that the friend was female.

So all of that speculation, while at the time is understandable but has now been realized as wrong, should be removed because anyone skimming this messageboard may see what that poster said and use it as part of some personal form of "detective work."

I'm not making much sense. Had I been the poster and realized I'd misread or misunderstood something, I would have deleted the other speculation I had made because it is not at all relevant to the case.

Maybe that's just me. Of course, I live in a small town, so I know the harm that rumors and misleading "facts" can cause.

I'm not trying to talk crap...just so you know. I know I'm a newbie to this messageboard. I wouldn't be here except Corrie's death happens to be mentioned on it.

I don't believe that I said "or Scott came home and caught them in the middle of something." I believe that I said maybe he tried something....." When people read on here I would think they read the whole post instead of just skimming through them. I didn't even think to delete anything but made sure I corrected my error when I discovered that I had been wrong about the sex of the person.

I grew up in a very small town and am not ignorant about rumors and how they fly when something tragic happens. This is going to happen regardless of how many people are running around trying to set the record straight. People are going to speculate about what happened and who did it. That is just the way human beings react. It will continue until someone is arrested and the truth comes out.
mmleikam - I think we all understand your point about how rumors get started, but in cases like this there is going to speculation, assumptions, theories, etc that is what this forum is here for and more times than not WSleuthers really go to extremes to ensure that information posted here is correct. If something is posted that is incorrect it is usually corrected pretty quickly through research, new information that comes to light, etc. Regardless, in an unsolved murder like this there is going to speculation and assumptions made.

I just think at this point you are being argumentative and ultimately it is taking the focus off of Corrie.
Has anyone heard this or is it just rumor from the friends of Corrie on Steve Huff's site?

no longer home said:
don't know if any of you heard but scott was cleared. They stated that the beatings Corrie received were too small for Scott to have done it. They suspect it was a woman...

Might just be someone trying to get the focus off Scott and onto the female that gave Corrie a ride home that night. I'm going to look in the search engines and see if I can come up with anything.

All I found was this site that said that the autopsy shows that Corrie died of blows to the head and body.
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