neighbor says he passed a LDT (husband of SB)

Steve Young is the KCPD Media Relations Commander.

Do you have a link for me regarding his statement that JI did not need to take a poly. Did he say Jeremy offered and LE said, "Thanks, but it is not necessary?"
Steve Young had nothing to do with any decision. He is only a police spokesperson. He is not one of the detectives.

Steve Young is the Police Captain and Commander of Media Relations. He is most certainly in charge of the detectives and likely the entire precinct. There are commanders for different divisions. He's not just a police spokesperson.
I have been searching for hours for his statement about Jeremy...
I have been searching for hours for his statement about Jeremy...

Young never made a statement about Jeremy and the LDT. The only statement is the one by Jeremy:

"The main problem I think that we're facing is that everybody (else) has an alibi," Irwin told the AP. "I was at work. I've been cleared. All these other people we were worried about ... the FBI said they've been cleared. The only one you can't clear is the mother that's at home when it happens 'cause there's nobody else there."

"Irwin has not taken a lie-detector test but said he would undergo one if necessary."
Do you have a link for me regarding his statement that JI did not need to take a poly. Did he say Jeremy offered and LE said, "Thanks, but it is not necessary?"

Went back and looked again but have only ever found the statement made by Jeremy that he offered to take a poly and he was told it was not necessary. Steve Young has always declined to comment citing the ongoing investigation.

I've never found anything different when I've looked, and nothing new appeared tonight.
I don't think LE has ever discussed LDT. Whatever we know was told to us by the players in this case.
Okay so some of us have been mislead for a second time. Once with the sighting of Lisa by a toddler, and once with LE making the statement JI did not need to take a poly.

This is exactly what I mean by believing what you read as fact. Bill S/DB put out that story on the toddler seeing Lisa and her mother backed it up with somebody, probably DB/ Bill S.

Now we are being led to believe that LE didn't find it necessary to poly JI. This was all self serving to convince the puble that he was completely covered during the time line.

It seems that many cases that have attorneys on board have these kind of stories going on. I bet we find more.

I stand by my statement that the only good way to assess what is going on is when we see and hear it on video. It got to the point that I was actually thinking I saw and heard Capt. Young telling us that.
Thanks to everyone for your input. I am off to bed..

LE hasn't stated anything about LDT's for anyone involved (DB,JI,SB,JB,etc). I was also under the assumption SY had made a comment about that (I could of swore he had mentioned that at one point). The only comment that LE has made about the LDT's was after the Dr. P. show where they said they never spoke to JT about what the results were of DB's LDT or even if she took an LDT (which was strange to not even acknowledge that she took one).

It makes no sense that JI would lie about not taking an LDT where DB says she not only took a LDT but failed it. The only facts about the LDT's in this case has come from non-verifiable sources (subjects themselves and lawyers). So I guess it's safe to assume we don't know anything about LDT's (who took them, what the results were, etc).
I remember SY saying something about JI and the LDT- He said something to the effect- it was not necessary-I think it said some time around when SY had the PC and said the parents stop cooperating...I am not feeling well today-but will try and fine soon...
just wanted to say to-a lot that was said in the very beginning is now gone..but I will try and find the link!!
The rule for FB is - paraphrase and provide a linke. NO copy/paste.

AND NO copying comments from other members' FB. If the member wants their FB comments discussed here, they can bring the subject here themselves.



ETA: I want to clarify -- it is okay to discuss the info on this particular FB. Please just remember that it belongs to a member here and don't treat the member as if they will not see your post. They WILL. That's okay, just discuss it with them also. And remember - no cut/paste, paraphrase and provide the link.


The Lisa Irwin forum appears to be made up of cliques. You know, the type you have in high school before you begin to understand that there are a lot of interesting people and places in the world and your fear of such limits the personal boundaries you set for yourself. The disrespect between the two cliques is tiresome.

That being said, we need another review of the rules (which is really just a curtesy as everyone should know them or how to find and read them by now): This is NOT hard. Post YOUR thoughts, theories and interpretations (easy enough right?). Read the thoughts of others (not hard). Respond to those that may be of a like mind (okay, that should work). If you disagree with another poster and cannot post nicely, MOVE PAST THEIR POST (how hard is that?) If another poster gets under your skin, PUT THEM ON IGNORE (only takes about a minute). If you must refute their post - then use a link and state the fact as YOU see it (you all know this case, it can't be that hard). THEN DROP IT! That's it. See, not hard. If a post offends you, ALERT it, DO NOT RESPOND TO IT, and MOVE ON. It is okay to disagree, but it is NOT OKAY to attack or make fun of others. AND THE SNARK...well, that needs to just STOP.

It is our hope this gets the message across. There are many good posters here and no matter what opinion we may hold on who we feel is responsible we all are here for Lisa Irwin and want her to come home safely and soon.

Thanks so much,

The Lisa Irwin forum moderators
I have searched and searched this morning to find the interview last night where Mark Klaas was being interviewed about Lisa and her being missing for 6 months. Gil Abeyta was one of the people who did a call-in interview and whoever the moderator was, just let him go on and on. I don't remember what show it was on, I was thinking perhaps JVM, but I'm sure someone here saw it and knows what I'm talking about. I have to admit that I was absolutely shocked that Abeyta is still running on the assumption that James Brando is the abductor. He outlined how Brando had military training to teach him how to do these type of missions, etc. I was just flabbergasted to hear this theory again!

I know that Gil has had his own experience, but this experience sure seems to have jaded him in this case. And, I was even more surprised that whoever the moderator was, they just let him keep going about this bizarre theory. I felt bad for him, actually.

If anyone knows how to find this video, I would love to see it again and be very appreciative because I think I was in so much shock that I didn't catch it all!
it wasn't JVM (or NG or Dr Drew)... just checked the CNN transcripts that i could online... sorry not more helpful...

I have searched and searched this morning to find the interview last night where Mark Klaas was being interviewed about Lisa and her being missing for 6 months. Gil Abeyta was one of the people who did a call-in interview and whoever the moderator was, just let him go on and on. I don't remember what show it was on, I was thinking perhaps JVM, but I'm sure someone here saw it and knows what I'm talking about. I have to admit that I was absolutely shocked that Abeyta is still running on the assumption that James Brando is the abductor. He outlined how Brando had military training to teach him how to do these type of missions, etc. I was just flabbergasted to hear this theory again!

I know that Gil has had his own experience, but this experience sure seems to have jaded him in this case. And, I was even more surprised that whoever the moderator was, they just let him keep going about this bizarre theory. I felt bad for him, actually.

If anyone knows how to find this video, I would love to see it again and be very appreciative because I think I was in so much shock that I didn't catch it all!
This was on last night?
No clue which show?

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