NY NY - Mary Anne Wesolowski, 13, Glens Falls, 18 Aug 1971

That puts a completely different spin on things. I wonder if local LE have followed up in recent years with the stepfather? Did he have an alibi? Did he take a poly exam?
Local PD, is afraid to interview him. I recently asked them to do so, and they told me “he’s crazy”, and “we don’t want to wake a sleeping bear” Really? I don’t know how people get a badge when they don’t have any courage...SMFH
Local PD, is afraid to interview him. I recently asked them to do so, and they told me “he’s crazy”, and “we don’t want to wake a sleeping bear” Really? I don’t know how people get a badge when they don’t have any courage...SMFH
@Paul wesolowski, I live in the area and have followed the case for a long time. Have you thought about asking the Post Star to run a story to bring the case back into the public eye? It might prompt the local authorities to do some digging..... just a thought... I checked and it looks like they haven't had a story on her run since 2016, although they did mention her briefly in an article in 2017.
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Local PD, is afraid to interview him. I recently asked them to do so, and they told me “he’s crazy”, and “we don’t want to wake a sleeping bear” Really? I don’t know how people get a badge when they don’t have any courage...SMFH

This is really upsetting. I'm not 100% up to speed with the case but can someone else who was close to Mary Anne contact them and insist on a thorough investigation? I'm assuming you are her brother. I don't know if you have it in you but maybe getting more demanding with the department might help. Dont ASK them, Tell them to interview this man who may or may not have harmed out innocent people in his lifetime of freedom. You have rights if you are family. I'm sorry for your loss.
This is really upsetting. I'm not 100% up to speed with the case but can someone else who was close to Mary Anne contact them and insist on a thorough investigation? I'm assuming you are her brother. I don't know if you have it in you but maybe getting more demanding with the department might help. Dont ASK them, Tell them to interview this man who may or may not have harmed out innocent people in his lifetime of freedom. You have rights if you are family. I'm sorry for your loss.
I agree. In fact, maybe you could file a lawsuit against them if they aren't investigating.

(I don't necessarily think that interviewing the stepfather would get them anywhere; he would probably just deny everything.)
Local PD, is afraid to interview him. I recently asked them to do so, and they told me “he’s crazy”, and “we don’t want to wake a sleeping bear” Really? I don’t know how people get a badge when they don’t have any courage...SMFH

I'm so sorry to hear this, Paul. It's very unfair and unprofessional. He's probably elderly by now, in his late 70's or early 80's. There's no reason they couldn't try to talk to him. It's hard to imagine he could still be a threat to anyone.

Seems there must be a way to inquire up the chain of command to get something done.
@Paul wesolowski, I live in the area and have followed the case for a long time. Have you thought about asking the Post Star to run a story to bring the case back into the public eye? It might prompt the local authorities to do some digging..... just a thought... I checked and it looks like they haven't had a story on her run since 2016, although they did mention her briefly in an article in 2017.

This sounds like a good idea, if they're willing.
This is really upsetting. I'm not 100% up to speed with the case but can someone else who was close to Mary Anne contact them and insist on a thorough investigation? I'm assuming you are her brother. I don't know if you have it in you but maybe getting more demanding with the department might help. Dont ASK them, Tell them to interview this man who may or may not have harmed out innocent people in his lifetime of freedom. You have rights if you are family. I'm sorry for your loss.
@JillyNJ I believe, from reading earlier articles that the stepfather was questioned/interviewed long ago.... but I do feel it would be worth them "bothering" him again... I mean, what's the harm if he has nothing to hide. And yes, Paul is her brother.
I agree. In fact, maybe you could file a lawsuit against them if they aren't investigating.

(I don't necessarily think that interviewing the stepfather would get them anywhere; he would probably just deny everything.)
@Ozoner True, re: "he would probably just deny everything" - but it would be interesting to see if his story has any differences.. It has been years but, any major discrepancies could be enlightening....
@Ozoner True, re: "he would probably just deny everything" - but it would be interesting to see if his story has any differences.. It has been years but, any major discrepancies could be enlightening....

Agree, a changing story is always a "red flag". Sometimes it also helps to re-check alibis and re-interview witnesses. Sometimes those fall apart many years later. Someone who may have lied to give a perp an alibi decides they no longer want to keep a secret.
I found newspaper articles from upstate New York describe the death of a woman in a house fire in 1978. One source said her name was "Maryann Wesoloswki, 22" and another one said "Mary Ann Wesolowski, 21". I know the age is off regardless (Mary would have been 20 in 1978??) but the journalism was so dodgy with the inconsistent spelling of her name and the inconsistent age that I wondered if maybe it could still have been the missing person for this forum.

Check out the clippings.

Help me rule this person out as our missing person!
I found newspaper articles from upstate New York describe the death of a woman in a house fire in 1978. One source said her name was "Maryann Wesoloswki, 22" and another one said "Mary Ann Wesolowski, 21". I know the age is off regardless (Mary would have been 20 in 1978??) but the journalism was so dodgy with the inconsistent spelling of her name and the inconsistent age that I wondered if maybe it could still have been the missing person for this forum.

Check out the clippings.

Help me rule this person out as our missing person!

@UncoolNegated This is quite intriguing! I absolutely agree that with the misspellings in name as well as date discrepancies, no matter how small throughout the reporting in general: this definitely warrants some consideration as a possibility! I checked and Mary Anne's brother Paul hasn't been logged onto WS lately... I believe my brother-in-law may be(or at least ay one time was) friends with Paul on Facebook... I will check... maybe he would be willing to send a message to Paul to ask him to log in to check this out.
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@Paul wesolowski, I live in the area and have followed the case for a long time. Have you thought about asking the Post Star to run a story to bring the case back into the public eye? It might prompt the local authorities to do some digging..... just a thought... I checked and it looks like they haven't had a story on her run since 2016, although they did mention her briefly in an article in 2017.
I have lost hope in that paper. I would love to have a story ran, but, it just seems like a pain in the *advertiser censored* for them. I personally, believe that there is a tie to the Glens Falls PD, and that is the reason that it never got solved. My mother told me years ago, that a man called the house and claimed he knew where my sister was., and it turned out to be a Police Officer, and nothing else ever came out of it. I’m sorry to say that, because I retired from Corrections with a Sheriffs Office, but, I believe it was a coverup.
FYI... Haviland Cove is a picnic/public beach area along the Hudson River. I don't believe that there is a swimming pool there.

Broad Street is a fairly busy road (at least it is now)
She was going to the beach, that was there in 1971, to tell my mom’s boyfriend, CHUCK PHILLIPS, to come back to the house, and explain why he was at the beach with another woman. I was present for the conversation with my mom. MaryAnne left from 44 Hudson Avenue ( the US Post Office is now there) and she never returned.
@UncoolNegated This is quite intriguing! I absolutely agree that with the misspellings in name as well as date discrepancies, no matter how small throughout the reporting in general: this definitely warrants some consideration as a possibility! I checked and Mary Anne's brother Paul hasn't been logged onto WS lately... I believe my brother-in-law may be(or at least ay one time was) friends with Paul on Facebook... I will check... maybe he would be willing to send a message to Paul to ask him to log in to check this out.
@Paul wesolowski This is the thread I mentioned to Jim about for you to look at.
I found newspaper articles from upstate New York describe the death of a woman in a house fire in 1978. One source said her name was "Maryann Wesoloswki, 22" and another one said "Mary Ann Wesolowski, 21". I know the age is off regardless (Mary would have been 20 in 1978??) but the journalism was so dodgy with the inconsistent spelling of her name and the inconsistent age that I wondered if maybe it could still have been the missing person for this forum.

Check out the clippings.

Help me rule this person out as our missing person!

@Paul wesolowski This is the thread I thought may interest you... The link above has newspaper clippings.
As others have stated, she was swimming in a cove, not a pool. If she had a step-father, that is the first person I would interview. It is amazing how many girls who turn up missing had stepfathers or had mothers with live-in boyfriends.
As for a boy disappearing from a town an hour away the next day, that's intriguing, but it would be awfully unusual for someone to abduct both boys and girls.
My mom’s boyfriend was CHUCK PHILLIPS, and I STILL BELIEVE, he is involved some how.
Paul, if you read here from time to time maybe you can provide some insight? Does anything stand out to you about the day Mary Anne went missing? There aren't a lot of details about the circumstances regarding her disappearance. So she was supposed to meet friends and then go to the cove? And she was to relay a message to your stepfather who was already at the cove? Was she meeting friends at someone's house or at the cove? Do you know what the message was?
She was going to the cove to tell Chuck Phillips, that, my mom wanted to speak with him. Glens Falls police claim that they interviewed him, and ruled him out. I don’t believe it for a minute. Chuck’s son, liked MaryAnne, and made sexual advances towards her in the past. Was he cleared?
@Paul wesolowski This is the thread I mentioned to Jim about for you to look at.

@Paul wesolowski This is the thread I thought may interest you... The link above has newspaper clippings.
Ironically, I delivered the Poughkeepsie Journal then, and I remember that photo of the Police Officer and the baby. I wouldn’t know how to go about following up on it though.

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