Identified! OK - OSBI Needs Help to ID Woman In Photo *Resolved*

One of the posters immediately jumped on the fact that it looked like the girl's eyebrows had been threaded. Can you tell me what is it about her eyebrows that made you think that? I just thought they had been really tweezed.

Jacobean was the first to notice, what a good catch that was! The minute she said that, I thought "OH, YEAH."

Threaded eyebrows are so beautifully sculpted, the arch is almost always perfect. It does not damage the skin the way plucking and waxing do....when you save this picture to your computer and zoom in on her eyebrows, the skin around them looks as smooth as a baby's.

I don't know what jacobean first noticed, but once she said it, for me it was the beautiful shape of her eyebrow.
Our friend who is home for awhile from working in Iraq visited today and I was asleep and missed him. It was probably a longshot, but I was going to ask him if he's seen any news of this crime over there or even seen pics like this or robes like that for sale in shops.

The similar picture I found was identified as a "silk velvet thobe" "Thobe" seems to be more commonly used to identify the robe that Islamic/Arabic men wear as an outergarment, but it is sometimes used in reference to women's clothing. VERY similar garments are called abyahs.....there are several names, really.

It is interesting to note that we here in USA are assuming her garment was meant for indoor use, hanging around the house use, but that is not necessarily the case. These garments are advertised for outdoor use, party wear, hostess dresses, etc. So our girl may not have been in her jammies ready for bed.

My husband has mentioned to me that this may be a case of Suni/*advertiser censored* violence. Something totally unrelated to "sex crime" or family violence. He just might be right, although I STILL feel like there is something about her pose........
T-Rex, we may have chased this dog as far as we can chase it, but we lost the trail at a spot where a million other trails head off into the distance. I think there is still a huge question about how and why the picture ended up in Purcell, Oklahoma.
I think you are right. The far reaching aspects of this case doesn't preclude the fact it traveled halfway around the world and ended up on some gas station driveway in Oklahoma. (Which makes me question if LE has all the facts on this one yet.)
Hey if you get one. Please forward

I'd like a PM too.

I took one look at the picture when this thread began and I haven't been able to come back. The woman's face has haunted me, and I feel so sad for her. I see her when I close my eyes sometimes. :(

If the mystery has been solved, I'd like to know what happened.

I'm so proud of the people here that get involved in cases like this. Your hearts are bigger than the universe. :blowkiss:
I've just been amazed at what everyone could come up with with that one picture. Maybe some of you guys have missed your calling. LE could probably use you.

I think there might have been more to the pose than what we saw also. Not necessarily a sex crime but a crime where they wanted to humiliate or degrade the person. I think whoever did this is pure evil. If it is one of our military I certainly hope they're able to trace this back to them and get them out of Iraq and out of society. If you take a picture of something like this it would suggest to me that you enjoyed it and more than likely just looking at the picture isn't going to be enough and you'll have to kill again. Maybe I've been watching too many crime shows.

Once again though I'd like to compliment everyone on their ability to spot the most minute things and come up with something that most of us would never notice.

I'm sticking around and maybe I can learn something here.
Will someone please PM me? I cannot stand the suspense!

Thank you and regards,

OK, I have PM'd Montana, PSUFan, ConcernedPerson, and Hoppyfrog. I am off to the Princess Blue discussion over at the Missing/Located forum. Have a great night everyone.
OK, I have PM'd Montana, PSUFan, ConcernedPerson, and Hoppyfrog. I am off to the Princess Blue discussion over at the Missing/Located forum. Have a great night everyone.

OK, i've been working and when I wasn't I was too involved in the cheerleader thread - what happened? PM ME!!!
:Waves hand: Please pm me as well. (And bravo/brava to the sleuths on this thread!):clap:
Please can I be PM'd - TIA

well done to all of you.
The similar picture I found was identified as a "silk velvet thobe" "Thobe" seems to be more commonly used to identify the robe that Islamic/Arabic men wear as an outergarment, but it is sometimes used in reference to women's clothing. VERY similar garments are called abyahs.....there are several names, really.

It is interesting to note that we here in USA are assuming her garment was meant for indoor use, hanging around the house use, but that is not necessarily the case. These garments are advertised for outdoor use, party wear, hostess dresses, etc. So our girl may not have been in her jammies ready for bed.

My husband has mentioned to me that this may be a case of Suni/*advertiser censored* violence. Something totally unrelated to "sex crime" or family violence. He just might be right, although I STILL feel like there is something about her pose........
I'm with your husband on this !! Knowing the circumstances in which this photo made its way to smalltown USA I think she may have been a victim of her environment. It's so tragic, but that part of the world is so prone to violence and to think LE in Iraq would investigate every instance would be impossible (heck, LE there has a hard time just keeping themselves alive!!!)
Will someone please PM me?

I've been lurking, but was out of town for the last couple of days.

Thanks so much!

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