OR OR - David 'Dave' Lewis, 46, Ashland, 4 September 2008

C’mon RC, just Google drugs and Jackson County OR, or Josephine County, OR or Douglas County OR, or Rogue Valley, OR.

Just Google drugs and Ashland or Medford or Central Point or Grants Pass, OR.

Southwestern OR (and in particular the Rogue Valley, where DL lived) not only contains a notorious drug corridor, but it is one of the worst areas in the country (perhaps 2nd only to northern CA) for illegal grow ops. From what I’ve read, there are over a thousand illegal grow ops in the mountains throughout the Rogue Valley.

Just Google cartels in Southern OR or Southwestern OR or in the Rogue Valley (or in any of the counties or towns mentioned above). Not only are there Mexican cartels operating in the Valley, but cartels from other parts of the world.

Imo, DL’s murder was local, either drug or drug cartel related (I’m not implying that DL was doing anything illegal, but my guess is he knew just about everything that was going on within say, 40 miles around where he lived, legal and illegal), or HL related. Money, money, money, in both cases. Perhaps millions at stake, to lose, or to gain.

I think it very unlikely that a relative of DL’s was involved. If it was an inheritance dispute, LE would’ve found the trail by now. And just because one relative went around speaking to locals and to TDC’s mom and trying to point fingers, that doesn’t mean they were doing so to somehow distract or misdirect LE investigators. Some people are just irrational. Doesn’t make them murderers.

I don’t think a sex offender married to DL’s ex killed DL, though I suppose a grudge is possible, it just very unlikely imo.

I also don’t think DL and TDC’s murders are related, at all. TDC was likely murdered at least a day before DL (and probably two). So it was pure coincidence that they were found on the same day. The ballistics don’t match. The fire where TDC was found happened 9 days after the fire at DL’s. Even Troy’s mom didn’t think they were related.

LE has now said there is no link between the two cases (I know they originally said there was, but they have since said there is not). I think it is highly likely that another transient murdered Troy. There have been multiple murders along the Bear Creek Greenway (with at least one arrest, I believe).

Lastly, I don’t think DL’s death can be blamed on LE “corruption”. Taking a shotgun approach and blaming everybody and everything only because the case hasn’t been solved yet, doesn’t make any one of those possibilities more probable than when considered alone.

I just think you have to look at the elephants in the room. The biggest elephant in the room, by far, is illegal drug farms throughout the area (operated by cartels, on leased or purchase land, using migrant labor). The illegal drug trade has overtaken the Rogue Valley, and since well before DL’s murder. The second biggest elephant in the room is HL. Imo, relatives and inheritance and SO’s and TDC, while all possible, are much less likely to have been responsible for DL’s murder.

All jmo

Brilliant Post !

"... prohibited import or export, unlawful possession, unlawful possession, unlawful manufacture, and conspiracy for unlawful distribution of an item, as well as criminal possession of and money laundering."

imo moo
" Dollar on the table crime" = money $$ crime.

speaking truth about bad xsheriff = a good thing

eyes to the moon = wolf moon
State Troopers were also involved in Dave Lewis' homicide investigation.
One law enforcement officer said:
" no one likes a cop, until they need one."

We 110% support LE ( 4 family members career's)
So how sad when bad apples, destroy community confidence :

" Just nine months before, state police had disciplined Allison for his frequent use of an anti-Black racist slur while on duty over an eight-year span. A trooper angry at Allison for targeting him in an unrelated internal investigation had finally reported his boss.

Allison’s presence in a photo used to tout the state police commitment to diversity wouldn’t have seemed strange to anyone outside Oregon’s premier police agency, thanks to a cloak of secrecy around his misconduct. The agency, his supervisors and even state Department of Justice attorneys either failed to disclose Allison’s behavior or fought to hide it."

ETA: I’m stumped. This code is too hard for me to break.

"... prohibited import or export, unlawful possession, unlawful possession, unlawful manufacture, and conspiracy for unlawful distribution of an item, as well as criminal possession of and money laundering."

" Dollar on the table crime" = money $$ crime.

speaking truth about bad xsheriff = a good thing

eyes to the moon = wolf moon

The two previous posts are prime examples of the “code talking” you describe @Rush4087.
Sleuth2010, no offense, but it often sounds as if you are speaking in code: single word sentences (often followed by a question mark), abrupt topic changes, scattered thoughts, innuendo, accusations, and nonsensical phrases like “that needle won’t thread”..
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I also don’t think DL and TDC’s murders are related, at all. TDC was likely murdered at least a day before DL (and probably two). So it was pure coincidence that they were found on the same day. The ballistics don’t match. The fire where TDC was found happened 9 days after the fire at DL’s. Even Troy’s mom didn’t think they were related.

LE has now said there is no link between the two cases (I know they originally said there was, but they have since said there is not). I think it is highly likely that another transient murdered Troy. There have been multiple murders along the Bear Creek Greenway (with at least one arrest, I believe).

In 2014 the cold case unit said there was no connection between the murders of Dave and Troy.
Unsolved homicide plagues investigators six years later - KOBI-TV NBC5 / KOTI-TV NBC2

But this article from 2020 states that there is a connection between Dave’s and Troy’s murders. I think it’s the most recent, but I’m still looking. If anyone finds something newer contradicting this, please post it.
I’m glad to see there are strong persons of interest.

MEDFORD, Ore. –“In this case we have some strong persons of interest. But we just don’t have enough to make a strong criminal case,” said Cpt. Tim Snaith, Jackson Co. Sheriff’s Office.

Two shocking crimes miles apart yet connected.

“I spent many agonizing months investigating this case,” said Cpt. Snaith.

Captain Snaith of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office won’t disclose the link, but confirms it’s there.
Brilliant Post !

"... prohibited import or export, unlawful possession, unlawful possession, unlawful manufacture, and conspiracy for unlawful distribution of an item, as well as criminal possession of and money laundering."

imo moo

Oh NOW I get it…I think. Your random sentence is quoting from the article you posted about the big marijuana bust in 2021 and listing what the main suspect was charged with. Why? What’s your point? This is the article that didn’t mention the word “cartel” although it’s obvious this is what it was. Again, what’s your point? Do you even have one?

58 workers were taken into custody and one arrest was made. The suspect was identified as 33-year-old Hernan Sanchez Villalobos. He was charged with prohibited import or export, unlawful possession, unlawful possession, unlawful manufacture, and conspiracy for unlawful distribution of a marijuana item, as well as criminal possession of a fake ID and money laundering.

State Troopers were also involved in Dave Lewis' homicide investigation.
One law enforcement officer said:
" no one likes a cop, until they need one."

We 110% support LE ( 4 family members career's)
So how sad when bad apples, destroy community confidence :

" Just nine months before, state police had disciplined Allison for his frequent use of an anti-Black racist slur while on duty over an eight-year span. A trooper angry at Allison for targeting him in an unrelated internal investigation had finally reported his boss.

Allison’s presence in a photo used to tout the state police commitment to diversity wouldn’t have seemed strange to anyone outside Oregon’s premier police agency, thanks to a cloak of secrecy around his misconduct. The agency, his supervisors and even state Department of Justice attorneys either failed to disclose Allison’s behavior or fought to hide it."

Your point? What does this article (which is behind a paywall btw) have to do with Dave’s murder?

In 2014 the cold case unit said there was no connection between the murders of Dave and Troy.
Unsolved homicide plagues investigators six years later - KOBI-TV NBC5 / KOTI-TV NBC2

But this article from 2020 states that there is a connection between Dave’s and Troy’s murders. I think it’s the most recent, but I’m still looking. If anyone finds something newer contradicting this, please post it.
I’m glad to see there are strong persons of interest.

MEDFORD, Ore. –“In this case we have some strong persons of interest. But we just don’t have enough to make a strong criminal case,” said Cpt. Tim Snaith, Jackson Co. Sheriff’s Office.

Two shocking crimes miles apart yet connected.

“I spent many agonizing months investigating this case,” said Cpt. Snaith.

Captain Snaith of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office won’t disclose the link, but confirms it’s there.
Warning! This post is an attempt to break the record for the longest post ever on WS. I advise the reader to have a cup of coffee (or two) in hand before reading any further.

(Also, much of the content taken from the article linked in the post above has been paraphrased or summarized so as to not violate WS TOS)..

The article linked above drives me crazy. It might seem nit-picky on my part, but nowhere in the article is Captain Smith or JCSO Moran quoted as saying that the two crimes are linked or connected.

Nowhere does either officer state, on the record, that the crimes are connected. So how did the reporter get that impression? Only Smith’s statement: “we have persons of interest” even comes close, and it is a far cry from an affirmation.

In the article it seems that it is the REPORTER [who perhaps suspects (or maybe even hopes?) that there is a link between the two crimes (a much better story, perhaps?)] - who confirms for us readers that there is a link - not officers Smith or Moran.

The reporter doesn’t tell us how he/she knows or learns for a fact that the two crimes are “connected”. The article is written - and reads - as if it is just the reporter’s impression.

I guess we are supposed to presume that Smith or Moran said something: nodded their heads, winked, - or maybe just didn’t deny it when the reporter mentioned it? Idk. The reader left is left to decide for themself..

Did the reporter even ASK that question? “Are the two crimes related?” We can’t tell from the article. We are left with hearsay from the reporter. Really shoddy reporting imo.

I’m not asking for Smith or Moran to give us a specific link is. I’m not demanding details. I don’t want to compromise the investigations. I just want to hear Smith or Moran, - or any directly involved (active) investigator - state (be quoted), ON THE RECORD, that Dave Lewis’s murder and Troy Dean Carney’s murder are without question, undeniably connected by factual evidence.

Why do I feel I have a right to demand such a statement (before blindly agreeing the crimes are connected)? Because we have read articles in the past, written supposedly by similarly qualified reporters quoting supposedly similarly qualified LE saying there’s no link between the two crimes AT ALL. None.

From the article we learn that:

-two crimes were committed miles apart (by my calc’s they were approx 20 miles apart)
-the two crimes were shocking

-Capt Smith spent many agonizing months investigating
-LE “investigated both cases very thoroughly and looked for all the similarities and connections. People connections, things connections.” (and..?)

-TDC was camping on the BCG near Central Pointe and Table Rock Rd
-TDC’s body was found three days after he’d been seen on Pilot Truck Stop cctv
-TDC was asleep in his sleeping bag, “we didn’t find anybody who says they heard a gunshot”

(Any hint so far (from LE) that there is any connection? Anything said by LE so far that you think might’ve given the reporter the impression that the two crimes were somehow connected? No? Let’s read on..)

-Investigators searched for clues at nearby transient camps (and..?)

-at one camp a strange item caught their eye, a yellow and black Wolverine mask
-you can find the mask on the cover of a comic book showing a mutant emerging..
-it was found in a campsite and “it was so distinctive we thought we might be able to locate witnesses camped there..”
-LE tracked down the mask’s owner with the help of DNA
-as for why the mask was at the campsite, police never asked
-“We did not make any connection.”

(Huh?!, then why have we been reading about a Wolverine mask and a comic book with a mutant emerging..? I would define this as a reporter dangling carrot; a reporter red herring, if there is such a thing. 20/20 sometimes does it to stretch a 15 minute story into a 2 hour episode)

(Btw I still don’t think we’ve heard anything from either officer that would lead a reporter to believe there’s a connection)

-Mike Moran with JCSO said: “As with a lot of things and any crimes you go to, things are not as they appear”
(Note to self: I wonder what in this case he thinks is not as it appears?)

-“little did police know, two fires on Dead Indian Memorial Rd would spark a 12 year investigation” (and..?)

-the first fire was at around 4 am at an empty cabin near Hyatt Lake
-the second, 3 hrs later, was a few miles down the road at the home of 46 yo Dave Lewis
-both blazes (on DIMR) were separately set
-both blazes (on DIMR) were intentionally set
-Moran says “why a fire erupted at a vacant cabin is something investigators still don’t understand” (note: they are comparing only the two DIME fires on 9/4)

-the second fire was more sinister

-two men found on same day (my add: true, but kind of misleading if the writer is suggesting a connection. The men were not MURDERED on the same day.. and the fires were not set on same day.)

-DL’s cause of death was a bullet wound
-“two men found on the same day, both shot to death” (note: but not SHOT on the same day)

(Again, I wonder why LE thinks the above statement somehow connects the two crimes? Maybe it was just the reporter who took it that way? The two men were not shot on the same day. The bullets did not match. The fires were 9 days apart. The men did not know each other. I guess you can always find something in common if you look hard enough and ignore any evidence to the contrary).

-as far as police could determine, Carney and Lewis didn’t know each other

(Note: still can’t find a statement made by either LE officer that would explain how the reporter could have gotten the impression that the crimes were related)

-9 days later a third fire where Carney was murdered
-Capt Smith asks: “why would someone 9 days later start a fire to destroy evidence when the could potentially do it sooner?”

(note: we know the fire was intentionally set… but what makes LE think the fire was even set for the purpose of covering up evidence? They’ve never said)

-Moran responds: “only the suspect or eyewitness will have those pieces of information” (so I guess they DON’T know why the fire was set. Or why it was set when it was set..)

-“trying to connect the dots today, Moran says, is a fruitless effort” (hmm. sounds like an admission that there’s no point in continuing the investigation. Does that mean it’s a cold case - or am I missing something?)

-but “we’ll never give up hope that someday, someone will come forward” (my add: and tell us what happened?)

-“it’s very troubling that someone would go to these lengths to commit this crime”

-Today there are no new leads and no new suspects in the murders

So how did the reporter get the impression from Interviewing those two LE officers that “they are connected”? It is beyond me.

(And another note: what happened to “persons of interest”, “people connections, things connections”? Was it those statements that gave the reporter the impression or vibe that the two crimes were connected? Because I can find nothing else that either officer said that would even come close to giving that impression)

LE (not the press) has had over 15 years… — not to specifically tell us why or how -- but just to state, on the record, that the two cases are connected. They have not done so. The only person who has ever stated that the two cases are connected is a reporter - who provided no statement from LE to substantiate his/her claim. I call that just an impression.

All jmo
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Friends of Dave know he had a wolf tatoo and what the moon was doing at the time of his murder.
You asked about : dollar on the table, and about Sheriff Mike Winters.
Connect the dots. Sayings like grandma had :)

I rest my case
great sleuthing R4087... now, what about reverse engineering it, what if there is a link ?
Maybe the reporter who formerly said there was no-link got it wrong ? Just as you make a good case here.
What is the opposite? How does that look ?

TY ---
Warning! This post is an attempt to break the record for the longest post ever on WS. I advise the reader to have a cup of coffee (or two) in hand before reading any further.

(Also, much of the content taken from the article linked in the post above has been paraphrased or summarized so as to not violate WS TOS)..

The article linked above drives me crazy. It might seem nit-picky on my part, but nowhere in the article is Captain Smith or JCSO Moran quoted as saying that the two crimes are linked or connected.

Nowhere does either officer state, on the record, that the crimes are connected. So how did the reporter get that impression? Only Smith’s statement: “we have persons of interest” even comes close, and it is a far cry from an affirmation.

In the article it seems that it is the REPORTER [who perhaps suspects (or maybe even hopes?) that there is a link between the two crimes (a much better story, perhaps?)] - who confirms for us readers that there is a link - not officers Smith or Moran.

The reporter doesn’t tell us how he/she knows or learns for a fact that the two crimes are “connected”. The article is written - and reads - as if it is just the reporter’s impression.

I guess we are supposed to presume that Smith or Moran said something: nodded their heads, winked, - or maybe just didn’t deny it when the reporter mentioned it? Idk. The reader left is left to decide for themself..

Did the reporter even ASK that question? “Are the two crimes related?” We can’t tell from the article. We are left with hearsay from the reporter. Really shoddy reporting imo.

I’m not asking for Smith or Moran to give us a specific link is. I’m not demanding details. I don’t want to compromise the investigations. I just want to hear Smith or Moran, - or any directly involved (active) investigator - state (be quoted), ON THE RECORD, that Dave Lewis’s murder and Troy Dean Carney’s murder are without question, undeniably connected by factual evidence.

Why do I feel I have a right to demand such a statement (before blindly agreeing the crimes are connected)? Because we have read articles in the past, written supposedly by similarly qualified reporters quoting supposedly similarly qualified LE saying there’s no link between the two crimes AT ALL. None.

From the article we learn that:

-two crimes were committed miles apart (by my calc’s they were approx 20 miles apart)
-the two crimes were shocking

-Capt Smith spent many agonizing months investigating
-LE “investigated both cases very thoroughly and looked for all the similarities and connections. People connections, things connections.” (and..?)

-TDC was camping on the BCG near Central Pointe and Table Rock Rd
-TDC’s body was found three days after he’d been seen on Pilot Truck Stop cctv
-TDC was asleep in his sleeping bag, “we didn’t find anybody who says they heard a gunshot”

(Any hint so far (from LE) that there is any connection? Anything said by LE so far that you think might’ve given the reporter the impression that the two crimes were somehow connected? No? Let’s read on..)

-Investigators searched for clues at nearby transient camps (and..?)

-at one camp a strange item caught their eye, a yellow and black Wolverine mask
-you can find the mask on the cover of a comic book showing a mutant emerging..
-it was found in a campsite and “it was so distinctive we thought we might be able to locate witnesses camped there..”
-LE tracked down the mask’s owner with the help of DNA
-as for why the mask was at the campsite, police never asked
-“We did not make any connection.”

(Huh?!, then why have we been reading about a Wolverine mask and a comic book with a mutant emerging..? I would define this as a reporter dangling carrot; a reporter red herring, if there is such a thing. 20/20 sometimes does it to stretch a 15 minute story into a 2 hour episode)

(Btw I still don’t think we’ve heard anything from either officer that would lead a reporter to believe there’s a connection)

-Mike Moran with JCSO said: “As with a lot of things and any crimes you go to, things are not as they appear”
(Note to self: I wonder what in this case he thinks is not as it appears?)

-“little did police know, two fires on Dead Indian Memorial Rd would spark a 12 year investigation” (and..?)

-the first fire was at around 4 am at an empty cabin near Hyatt Lake
-the second, 3 hrs later, was a few miles down the road at the home of 46 yo Dave Lewis
-both blazes (on DIMR) were separately set
-both blazes (on DIMR) were intentionally set
-Moran says “why a fire erupted at a vacant cabin is something investigators still don’t understand” (note: they are comparing only the two DIME fires on 9/4)

-the second fire was more sinister

-two men found on same day (my add: true, but kind of misleading if the writer is suggesting a connection. The men were not MURDERED on the same day.. and the fires were not set on same day.)

-DL’s cause of death was a bullet wound
-“two men found on the same day, both shot to death” (note: but not SHOT on the same day)

(Again, I wonder why LE thinks the above statement somehow connects the two crimes? Maybe it was just the reporter who took it that way? The two men were not shot on the same day. The bullets did not match. The fires were 9 days apart. The men did not know each other. I guess you can always find something in common if you look hard enough and ignore any evidence to the contrary).

-as far as police could determine, Carney and Lewis didn’t know each other

(Note: still can’t find a statement made by either LE officer that would explain how the reporter could have gotten the impression that the crimes were related)

-9 days later a third fire where Carney was murdered
-Capt Smith asks: “why would someone 9 days later start a fire to destroy evidence when the could potentially do it sooner?”

(note: we know the fire was intentionally set… but what makes LE think the fire was even set for the purpose of covering up evidence? They’ve never said)

-Moran responds: “only the suspect or eyewitness will have those pieces of information” (so I guess they DON’T know why the fire was set. Or why it was set when it was set..)

-“trying to connect the dots today, Moran says, is a fruitless effort” (hmm. sounds like an admission that there’s no point in continuing the investigation. Does that mean it’s a cold case - or am I missing something?)

-but “we’ll never give up hope that someday, someone will come forward” (my add: and tell us what happened?)

-“it’s very troubling that someone would go to these lengths to commit this crime”

-Today there are no new leads and no new suspects in the murders

So how did the reporter get the impression from Interviewing those two LE officers that “they are connected”? It is beyond me.

(And another note: what happened to “persons of interest”, “people connections, things connections”? Was it those statements that gave the reporter the impression or vibe that the two crimes were connected? Because I can find nothing else that either officer said that would even come close to giving that impression)

LE (not the press) has had over 15 years… — not to specifically tell us why or how -- but just to state, on the record, that the two cases are connected. They have not done so. The only person who has ever stated that the two cases are connected is a reporter - who provided no statement from LE to substantiate his/her claim. I call that just an impression.

All jmo
Or reverse the above. Best information we trust from Troy's mom who says no link. Phone records from his phone would help.

But, workers at Hyatt Lake said Dave and owner(s) got into an argument, over a man, fitting Troy's description. Dave let him use the facilities... supposedly true story.
That sounds like Dave.

moo imo lmnop
Your point? What does this article (which is behind a paywall btw) have to do with Dave’s murder?

If you read the article, it is about Central Point State Police ( also on Dave's case ) and DA Beth Heckert ( would be the person who brings charges against the murderer's)

Friends of Dave know he had a wolf tatoo and what the moon was doing at the time of his murder.
You asked about : dollar on the table, and about Sheriff Mike Winters.
Connect the dots. Sayings like grandma had :)
Love ya, Sleuth!

Can you explain to me what the moon, or the location of the moon, or what DL’s tattoo of a wolf (and the moon?) has to do with his murder?

Are you suggesting that the Sheriff was:
a.) taking money from a Mexican cartel?
b.) taking money from a non-Mexican cartel?
c.) taking money from a sex offender who DL had at one time punched?
d.) taking money from somebody who murdered Troy Carney?
e.) taking money from HL/BMcN either because:
- HL/BMcN killed DL, or?
- because HL/BMcN was trying to buy a
horse corral?, or
- because HL/BMcN was trying to buy
DL’s property,? or
- because HL/BMcN was trying to buy
Lindsay(sp) Ranch?
f.) taking money from an arsonist?
g.) none of the above
h.) all of the above

Do you think that a firewood delivery had anything to do with Dave’s murder?

Do you think that a Wolverine mask was used in the commission of Dave’s murder?

Why do you think the murder of DL is connected to the murder of TDC? (Pls remember that DL was killed at least one, and possibly two, days after TDC was killed)

Do you think LW was involved in DL’s murder? (If so, please explain)

Do you think the same person who killed Troy on 9/2 killed Dave on 9/3-9/4? If so, why do you think the murders didn’t happen on the same night? <modsnip: snipped at member request to avoid confusion>

Do you think the same person who set the fires on DIMR and BCG early on 9/4 also set the BCG fire on 9/13? If so, why do you think they set the fires 9 days apart?

Can you be more specific about the saying(s) that grandma said / says which moght help LE and those reading this thread figure out who killed Dave?

All jmo, and thanks in advance
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Or reverse the above. Best information we trust from Troy's mom who says no link. Phone records from his phone would help.

But, workers at Hyatt Lake said Dave and owner(s) got into an argument, over a man, fitting Troy's description. Dave let him use the facilities... supposedly true story.
That sounds like Dave.

moo imo lmnop
Interesting. If the account is true, do you think the person who Dave let use the facilities was Troy?

And if the above is true, and if it was Troy, do you think Troy was perhaps killed because he saw something he shouldn’t have seen while at HL? If so (again) what?

And if ALL of the above is true, the next logical step I think would be to suggest that the same person who killed Troy felt they had to kill Dave because Dave knew who had killed Troy?

I know, I’m rambling. And all jmo
Love ya, Sleuth!

Can you explain to me what the moon, or the location of the moon, or what DL’s tattoo of a wolf (and the moon?) has to do with his murder?

Are you suggesting that the Sheriff was:
a.) taking money from a Mexican cartel?
b.) taking money from a non-Mexican cartel?
c.) taking money from a sex offender who DL had at one time punched?
d.) taking money from somebody who murdered Troy Carney?
e.) taking money from HL/BMcN either because:
- HL/BMcN killed DL, or?
- because HL/BMcN was trying to buy a
horse corral?, or
- because HL/BMcN was trying to buy
DL’s property,? or
- because HL/BMcN was trying to buy
Lindsay(sp) Ranch?
f.) taking money from an arsonist?
g.) none of the above
h.) all of the above

Do you think that a firewood delivery had anything to do with Dave’s murder?

Do you think that a Wolverine mask was used in the commission of Dave’s murder?

Why do you think the murder of DL is connected to the murder of TDC? (Pls remember that DL was killed at least one, and possibly two, days after TDC was killed)

Do you think LW was involved in DL’s murder? (If so, please explain)

Do you think the same person who killed Troy on 9/2 killed Dave on 9/3-9/4? If so, why do you think the murders didn’t happen on the same night? <modsnip: snipped at member request to avoid confusion>

Do you think the same person who set the fires on DIMR and BCG early on 9/4 also set the BCG fire on 9/13? If so, why do you think they set the fires 9 days apart?

Can you be more specific about the saying(s) that grandma said / says which moght help LE and those reading this thread figure out who killed Dave?

All jmo, and thanks in advance
We have never ever thought LW is involved in these heinous murders! <modsnip: discussing former members>


We do think Sheriff Michael S. Winters was a bad sheriff. The following Sheriff, Corey Falls report ( previously documented here ) stated an investigator's opinion, as well as, deputies vote of no-confidence and posts of, " he ruled through fear and intimidation," even locking off upper offices. We hope he can find his way to being a better man.

Maybe this will help.

Jackson County Sheriff's Office LE Policies
As a criminal justice officer, my fundamental duty is to serve humankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect all persons against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all people to liberty, equality and justice.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. Without compromise and with relentlessness, I will uphold the laws affecting the duties of my profession courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence, and never accepting gratuities.
I recognize my position as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it, as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of The Criminal Justice System. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession."

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We have never ever thought LW is involved in these heinous murders! <modsnip: discussing former member>


We do think Sheriff Michael S. Winters was a bad sheriff. The following Sheriff, Corey Falls report ( previously documented here ) stated an investigator's opinion, as well as, deputies vote of no-confidence and posts of, " he ruled through fear and intimidation," even locking off upper offices. We hope he can find his way to being a better man.

Maybe this will help.

Jackson County Sheriff's Office LE Policies
As a criminal justice officer, my fundamental duty is to serve humankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect all persons against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all people to liberty, equality and justice.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. Without compromise and with relentlessness, I will uphold the laws affecting the duties of my profession courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence, and never accepting gratuities.
I recognize my position as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it, as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of The Criminal Justice System. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession."

Okay, let’s say the Sheriff is a bad guy.

Now who do you think killed Dave?

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