OR OR - Ethan Swiger, 22, disabled, still missing, Klamath Falls Gospel Mission, 16 Dec 2019

We have put flyers everywhere. I posted in all groups in oregon. Nothing. I even tried posting in ND where his mom lived at the time. I have his children so I know he would of contact me if he was anywhere around a phone. His dad was getting his money so I'm sure he also would of contacted him.
Bootsey. I am in ND, as in North Dakota. I work at a hotel here and it seems a lot of sorta “lost souls” end up there. I’ll keep my eyes peeled now that I saw there may be a connection here. I’m sorry your without your mate. Your awesome to have come on Websleuths and communicated with the folks on here. Thank you for posting photos as well. I lived in Portland for 21 years, just recently moved to ND. It’s scary to say but, in Oregon, anything can happen. There’s so many “dark factors” about and even just the terrain and weather can get ya if your not prepared. Your strong af and stay that way. I hope you get some kinda answers soon, or at least at some point. Sending positive vibes to you and you kiddo. Xoxo
Last time I talked to detective was 6 month ago. They had nothing on the case, even sent a dog to see if they can find a body and nothing. No I had no clue where he could of gone him and I had broken up about a year before but because of our son him and I talked. I talked to him feb 15th. He said he was going to CP and that was the last I heard from him. I randomly saw the sight when I was searching his name. Then I checked in with administrative and they okay me to talk about it with everyone. Your welcome for picture. Thank for say I'm strong some days are harder then other. Everything they find a body I always think it's him. I really hope they don't find him that way but it's better then no answers you know.
Last time I talked to detective was 6 month ago. They had nothing on the case, even sent a dog to see if they can find a body and nothing. No I had no clue where he could of gone him and I had broken up about a year before but because of our son him and I talked. I talked to him feb 15th. He said he was going to CP and that was the last I heard from him. I randomly saw the sight when I was searching his name. Then I checked in with administrative and they okay me to talk about it with everyone. Your welcome for picture. Thank for say I'm strong some days are harder then other. Everything they find a body I always think it's him. I really hope they don't find him that way but it's better then no answers you know.
Gosh, that is just insane there is no information on Ethan. Not a surveillance image, a shred of clothing or even a bone or tooth? (Sadly) WTH could’ve happened to this kid? Thanks for replying to me. I try to put myself in your shoes, having someone close to me just vanish off the planet seemingly. I have 1 friend Jenny Brown from Portland Oregon who has been missing since 2015 and nothing has been found of her. And a close friend murdered. Tiffany Jenks, also from Portland met some scumbags at a bar while she was drunk and they f’ing shot her in the head as a “thrill” type kill. This type of stuff reminds me just how scary the world be. I feel like if you let your guard down even slightly, predator type people will jump on the “opportunity”. I really hope nothing bad happened to Ethan. Not that there’s anything “good” that could’ve happened really. But ya know, there’s worse and not as bad. I’m here if you ever wanna talk or anything. I’m not a weirdo, I promise! Lol... Guess I would have to be lil’ weird considering I’m on Websleuths. Hahaha. You guys are having amazing weather! Enjoy and You and Ethan and your little guy are in my thoughts. Much love ❤️
I agree. This came as a total surprise to all of us. We thought he would of been here in Christmas 2019 instead of missing. We where not aware he was missing till January (Didn't contact dad about his money? so what ever happened it had a little head start as there was a pretty big gap of time till someone went looking. I was use to him message me and then not talk to me for 3 weeks to a month so i didn't know he had disappeared until i saw missing post then i called the detective right away with the info that i had which want much as i had not had much contact in over a year besides on the phone.They have not found one thing, i do find it strange that they can not find Any camera that caught where he went. they found one the morning that he went missing but we already knew where he was that morning. Thank you so much there a little back ground info that i dont feel comfortable share that could of lead to his disappearance but im hoping that it had nothing to do with it.
Article shows some unidentified remains were found yesterday (Sunday 6/27/21) - do you think this site looks too far from where Ethan went missing?

Many prayers that they can identify and name whoever this is so their family can have some closure.

"Multiple law enforcement agencies are investigating the discovery of human skeletal remains near Clover Creek Road in Klamath County.

The remains were reported to law enforcement at around 1 p.m. on Sunday, said Operations Lieutenant Randy Swan of the Klamath County Sheriff’s Office. Swan couldn’t describe the remains but said investigators had seen enough to determine that they were human.

Human remains found near Clover Creek Road

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Article shows some unidentified remains were found yesterday (Sunday 6/27/21) - do you think this site looks too far from where Ethan went missing?

Many prayers that they can identify and name whoever this is so their family can have some closure.

"Multiple law enforcement agencies are investigating the discovery of human skeletal remains near Clover Creek Road in Klamath County.

The remains were reported to law enforcement at around 1 p.m. on Sunday, said Operations Lieutenant Randy Swan of the Klamath County Sheriff’s Office. Swan couldn’t describe the remains but said investigators had seen enough to determine that they were human.

Human remains found near Clover Creek Road

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If foul play was involved, it's not too far. If not, that would be quite a walk for someone with a severe limp.

I wish the location was more precise. I had to just pick a random spot to map it...so depending on where exactly "near Clover Creek Road" is...

Holiday Market to Clover Creek Rd, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 - Google Maps
11.4 miles / 16 minutes by car

There alot that people don't know about him and I'm not the one who is going to air his dirty laundry.
We still have not got word who's bones where found.
His dad has not been contacted so we are still waiting

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Family or friends of a victim must be Verified in order to post their knowledge of the victim and the case.

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I sent in for verification again. I was already verification once.

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