Oregon Fugitive: D.A.D.

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pinktoes, sorry to confuse you. I deleted it myself. I wasn't sure if it would be allowed or not.
Brookings, Oregon.....

Close to Medford, Oregon (Desiree's town)
and Siskyiou (where Kaine went camping)

It would make sense to me that the perpretrator would leave Kyron in an area associated with another....an innocent party.
Lots of info on the America's Most Wanted site, here is something:

Cops discovered this convenience store image of David Durham, taken the day before he allegedly shot Lincoln City Officer Steven Dodds. He entered this store in Seaside at approximately noon.




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This is the most recent photo of Durham, which cops say was taken in 2010. His appearance rarely changes



David Durham was spotted on a store surveillance camera within 30 minutes of allegedly shooting Lincoln City Police Officer Steven Dodds. Notice Durham's camouflage outfit and dark beret.

I'm curious if he had previous speeding tickets. Also, did he always wear camouflage? Or, was he speeding on purpose because he wanted to be stopped...so he could shoot a cop and he was wearing his camouflage to escape easily into the woods?
LMAX: unfortunately, your question about his fashion choices can't be discussed here because it has not been published in MSM articles; only in their reader comments
LMAX: unfortunately, your question about his fashion choices can't be discussed here because it has not been published in MSM articles; only in their reader comments

He was wearing them in the pics published by MSM, does that count?
From AMW article:

Up until Jan. 23, 2010, David Durham was a pest, at best, to law enforcement.
But that night, in Lincoln City, Ore., Durham became "Public Enemy No. 1."

I wonder what he was doing in the past to be described as a pest to LE....
LMAX: unfortunately, your question about his fashion choices can't be discussed here because it has not been published in MSM articles; only in their reader comments
hmmm, I haven't thought to read the comments.
I hope the media can find out some more information about him. He needs to be kept in the spotlight since he appears to be such a danger. Such as, when did he stop volunteering as a firefighter? An exact date, not an estimate. Did he help search for Kyron? Did that affect him? Or was it just the pain meds? Please media, find out some more info so he can be caught.
His family/friends said he started acting weird after a shoulder injury, after he started taking painkillers. The timing of that should be able to be narrowed down. Assuming he went to the doctor and got the painkillers. But even if he didn't, the injury itself should be able to be narrowed down. Landscaper, volunteer firefighter, how was his schedule affected and when?

How did he hurt his shoulder?

When did he hurt his shoulder?

WHAT pain meds was he on that were making him "delusional?"

Is he still taking them?

Was he taking any other medication, especially anti depressants?

There is a SMALL chance that he really could have had a horrendous reaction to pain medication.

If he was also on an anti depressant such as Wellbutrin, which works really well for many people because it increases dopamine levels. However, pain killers would also increase the dopamine levels.

Too MUCH dopamine can have the opposite effect and stop working for the pain. Not to mention how different people's brains might react to that. My Aunt does great on Dopamine for her Parkinson's, my Uncle hallucinates constantly and simply cannot take it.

If he took too many pain pills, mixed it with the wrong things... it is actually possible that he could be "delusional" from that. He could be hallucinating.

I don't know what his shoulder injury is. But shoulder injuries can be incredibly painful. I would much rather give birth with no drugs, that was much easier. There is an end in sight, I know it won't last forever. I cannot take ANY pain pills and things like this make me grateful for that. Because if I could I fear I would overdo it and keep taking them until the pain was gone... and it doesn't work that way.

I never saw this guy in any picture associated with Kyron's case. I noticed any redheads at the Wall of Hope, events, etc. I never saw him there... for what it's worth. Doesn't mean he wasn't, just means I didn't notice him in a picture at the time.
I'm also curious if he brought any of those pain meds with him. If his pain meds have worn off, he may be thinking more clearly. Also, if he still needs them for pain, he may try to find some soon.
hmmm, I haven't thought to read the comments.

I can't help you with the MSM link. What's important to me is that it is known that he designed his own camo clothes and work them frequently. Also, if you magnify the image from the convenience store surveillance tape, you can see he has sewn on a uniform badge. Leisure camo wearers, hunters, and outdoorsmen generally don't do that. It's military and/or SWAT uniform requirement; it identifies their specific group.

The arm badge plus dark beret are just over the top. Full battle dress. He told Dodds he was headed for a military base in Calif. So, was he trying to appear to be military? Does that relate to the un-named weapons LE found in his vehicle? Or is he just a fashionista?!
IMO, this man had nothing to do with Ky's disappearance.

That said, I witnessed a neighbor who experienced a psychotic break. He was fine and dandy ... and then, one day, he was at my door, wanting access to my deck, to see if the "towers" were in view (TV transmission towers on Cougar Mountain, east of Seattle). I wasn't certain how to deal with him at the time. Tried to talk with him. It became apparent "something" was terribly wrong. I learned, later, he had -- that same day -- ripped his mailbox off the community mail stand. I also learned (by way of his "girlfriend" (caregiver) he had been given, around the same time, painkillers for muscle aches and medication for sight loss.

This was in the spring. All summer, his condition worsened. Neighbors (not me) called the police, reporting his "martial arts" movements and screaming threats directed toward cars and passing pedestrians. The police told him to stay in his backyard. He did.

But I could hear him. He argued and yelled at people who weren't there. He kicked my screen door (it was scary, but I also knew he considered me "part of the plan"). He ran away from his "girlfriend"/caregiver. I had her phone number. I called her when he climbed on his roof and yelled/argued with personalities seen only by his deranged brain. She talked him down.

What to do? As with many states, WA has a 72 hour limit on psych holds for involuntary commitments. This man spent 9 months yelling at non-existent (or least unseen) people, spiraling deeper into paranoid schizophrenia: He trashed his satellite dish, ripped all telephone lines out of his house, cut open the walls to get at the remaining "transmission lines."

He finally shook his "girlfriend"/caregiver so hard, he was arrested. She didn't want to see him in jail; neither did I; but he had finally proven a danger to someone else and could be -- psychiatrically -- treated without his permission. I wrote a letter to the court, explaining he needed treatment, not jail time. Treatment is, at long last, what he received.

To reiterate: IMO, pulling DAD into Ky's case is not only wrong, it's possibly harmful to DAD. The man has, IMO, paranoid schizophrenia. It’s not beyond possibility he “rode the wire” with this condition and was able to maintain until he was given a drug cocktail for his injured shoulder.

Someone in this thread asked if there is such a thing as a psychotic break. Yes. There is. It can happen quickly. And most states would like to ignore the danger posed by such breaks until someone is either injured or killed.
In Waldport, everyone has a theory about what happened to the suspect. Maybe he slipped under the bridge and hiked up the Alsea River. Perhaps he walked up the beach and escaped behind officers searching for him. He could've tried to swim across the frigid water of Alsea Bay. Or maybe he's lying low in a well-stocked vacation home that was abandoned for the brutal Oregon coastal winter.
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