PA PA - District Attorney Ray Gricar Mysteriously Disappeared - Bellefonte 15 April 2005 #18

That was suicide, though RFG may not have believed it.
If RFG did not believe it, that opens the possibility that RFG was doing his own investigating regarding the death.
Do you have the details on the brother’s suicide.
I ask only because not much was revealed. Maybe you have some knowledge that can help me understand. WPAFB info?
The location alone brings suspicion to the theory.
If RFG did not believe it, that opens the possibility that RFG was doing his own investigating regarding the death.
Do you have the details on the brother’s suicide.
I ask only because not much was revealed. Maybe you have some knowledge that can help me understand. WPAFB info?
The location alone brings suspicion to the theory.
Tony Gricar looked at the record and had no question, due to his father's medical records. His widow also indicated a problem. At one point he told an acquaintance an air crash where he had advised the USAF of a problem. No such air crash ever happened. It has been mentioned in prior threads.

Further, Roy Gricar committed suicide in Ohio, several hundred away from Lewisburg and State Collage. Roy, to the best of knowledge, had no ties to Lewisburg. Chis, one of his sons, did go to Penn State (graduating before the first Sandusky investigation).
So far as I know, RFG said nothing about Altoona. He was at a meeting on the morning of 4/14/05 and went into the office in the afternoon. For clarity, the call from RFG's daughter, LAG. She had called the house phone prior to that.

RFG was spotted near a boat landing on Raystown Lake by a doctor that morning.
Raytown Lake and "area of" Altoona, PA were both mentioned in one of the police reports. I just got through looking at all of them at Rebecca's site. He mentioned to Patty that he had been to both places that afternoon of 4/14/05.

I'm almost convinced Ray had a burner cell phone he was using at that time. It seems possible he was talking to and meeting with a person or persons in those days before his disappearance. I'm keeping an open mind about what those meetings were about but, with the laptop added in, I've ruled out suicide completely. It's either foul play or planned disappearance. If foul play, it seems like a situation that caught him by surprise.

Mods gave us permission to post a link and discuss what RK posted there, but I don't know if I can share the actual copies of the investigation documents.

ETA: He had also attended the prison board meeting in the morning of 4/14/05. One of the guys he knew from the meeting said he didn't usually attend those meetings.

ETA #2: Also, a couple days before that, he met with someone at Penn State. May or may not have been relevant. JJ, do you know what that meeting was about?
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Raytown Lake and "area of" Altoona, PA were both mentioned in one of the police reports. I just got through looking at all of them at Rebecca's site. He mentioned to Patty that he had been to both places that afternoon of 4/14/05.

I'm almost convinced Ray had a burner cell phone he was using at that time. It seems possible he was talking to and meeting with a person or persons in those days before his disappearance. I'm keeping an open mind about what those meetings were about but, with the laptop added in, I've ruled out suicide completely. It's either foul play or planned disappearance. If foul play, it seems like a situation that caught him by surprise.

Mods gave us permission to post a link and discuss what RK posted there, but I don't know if I can share the actual copies of the investigation documents.

ETA: He had also attended the prison board meeting in the morning of 4/14/05. One of the guys he knew from the meeting said he didn't usually attend those meetings.

ETA #2: Also, a couple days before that, he met with someone at Penn State. May or may not have been relevant. JJ, do you know what that meeting was about?
As far as I know, Altoona was not a destination on 4/14. It is possible, but Altoona is west while Raystown Lake is south.
One of the PB participants said that RFG "graced us with his presence," and some people though that meant he didn't normally attend. He had attended at least the last two (monthly). What the comment referred to was RFG's unusual behavior at the meeting. He was described as "mumbling answers," "staring out the window," and of being there physically, but not mentally.

I do not know what the PSU meeting involved, but I will point out that his first ex-wife was a department head there.
As far as I know, Altoona was not a destination on 4/14. It is possible, but Altoona is west while Raystown Lake is south.
One of the PB participants said that RFG "graced us with his presence," and some people though that meant he didn't normally attend. He had attended at least the last two (monthly). What the comment referred to was RFG's unusual behavior at the meeting. He was described as "mumbling answers," "staring out the window," and of being there physically, but not mentally.

I do not know what the PSU meeting involved, but I will point out that his first ex-wife was a department head there.

One report said the guy he knew at the prison board meeting noted someone had asked Ray's opinion on a legal matter and he deferred it to someone else. It was a legal opinion that he felt was something Ray could advise them on, but he didn't want to. Did he attend the meeting(s) to hear some information about something that was important to him or someone he knew? I don't think he was there to kill time, especially since he didn't usually attend those meetings. He was there for some reason.

What kinds of topics are discussed at prison board meetings? Is it mostly budget, administrative stuff or does it include discussions about moving prisoners, etc.?
RFG was a voting member of the PB. Since this is a matter of public record, I am attaching a transcript of the minutes. The big issue, and the one RFG was asked about, was a labor grievance. He basically said that he didn't do employment law.
One report said the guy he knew at the prison board meeting noted someone had asked Ray's opinion on a legal matter and he deferred it to someone else. It was a legal opinion that he felt was something Ray could advise them on, but he didn't want to. Did he attend the meeting(s) to hear some information about something that was important to him or someone he knew? I don't think he was there to kill time, especially since he didn't usually attend those meetings. He was there for some reason.

What kinds of topics are discussed at prison board meetings? Is it mostly budget, administrative stuff or does it include discussions about moving prisoners, etc.?


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RFG was a voting member of the PB. Since this is a matter of public record, I am attaching a transcript of the minutes. The big issue, and the one RFG was asked about, was a labor grievance. He basically said that he didn't do employment law.
That sounds fairly routine.
ETA: Its possible he was interested in something other than the labor grievance? Some other reason he attended the meeting?
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Another thing I found interesting in the investigation files was that LE made copies of Ray's monthly desk calendar, with notations for all appointments, etc. Oddly, they left out some months.

Here's the beginnings of a detailed timeline I'm developing, with links. Some information comes from copies of the investigation documents, so I haven't figured out a way to link them, yet. You can find them if you have a subscription to Rebecca Knight's web site

This is an early rough draft of a timeline, more will be added. I'll include reports from witnesses as the reported event occurred. So far, this is only a portion of the witness reports.

April 14

8 am - Ray attends prison board meeting
C:\Users\Liz\OneDrive\Documents\Hobbies\Ray Gricar\Gricar_PrisonBoardMeeting_2005.jpg
10:52 am - Ray makes a call to his daughter in Seattle from his cell phone, the only call made or received on his cell phone that day
Didn't return to work and told PF that he went to Raystown Lake and Altoona, PA.
Returned home in early evening. Went to office while PF went to grocery store
Took a walk with PF, then spent evening at home together

April 15

Abt 8 am - PF leaves for work. He gets up, tells her he's skipping work, has juice, then goes back to bed.

11:30 am - Ray calls Patty F and tells her he's on his way for a side trip, he's driving east on PA 192 in Penns Valley area. No destination given. It's the last phone call on Ray's Verizon records and was located near Brush Mtn. Rd and Rt 192 near Center Hall, PA
Ray Gricar - Wikipedia

2 pm - Jennifer Snyder at Packwood House says her boss returned from lunch, noticed red mini-cooper parked parallel on Water St. in front of House. Later noticed it was parked one space back. Driver pacing around the park across street. At 4 pm, man and vehicle were gone

After 5 pm - Friend of Ray sees him driving south outside of Lewisburg

11:30 pm - Patty Fornicola reports him missing (worried he may have had a car accident)

April 16

10:00 am Police chief of Bellefonte drives to meet with Centre County LE to discuss the report that Ray was missing
Sometime later that afternoon, they get a state police helo to fly over the road (Rt 192) to search for Ray's car.
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No, because he normally attended the meetings.
I read a quote that said otherwise. It was someone who he knew. I'll double check. It was along the lines of he didn't attend regularly.

There were also so many reports from people, friends who said he had been in such a good mood recently as he was getting ready, making plans for retirement. He had stuff written on his desk calendar for trips, vacation in New England, etc.


  • RayGricarCalendar4.png
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These were posted a while back:

Thursday, 4/14/05

8:00 AM: Ray F. Gricar (RFG) attends a Prison Board Meeting in the Willow Bank Building. Minutes show a routine meeting, that dealt with an employee grievance (union thing). Meeting ended at 8:45 AM, though there may have a closed session to deal with the grievance.

Participants noted that RFG seemed to mumble answers to questions and was looking out the window. Uncharacteristic, but consistent with other reports since at least 3/8/05.

c. 10:30-11:00 AM RFG spotted near a boat launch at Lake Raystown, by a "doctor" who knew him.

10:52 AM Daughter Lara Gricar (LG) called RFG briefly. She would call him several times a week to check in with him. She has indicated she just called to tell him she loved him.

Before 5:00 PM RFG exchanged some e-mail with then defense attorney Stacy Parks Miller (SPM), regarding a case. He was joking around with her.

2:00-4:00 PM Then ADA J. Karen Arnold (JKA) heard what she described as "forcefully closing" the door to RFG's office. She noted that that when he was stressed, he had a habit of closing his door in such a manner, if "busy or preoccupied."

c. 5:30-6:00 PM RFG and live in girlfriend (and coworker) Patty Fornicola (PEF) seen walking in Tallyrand Park, by former County Commissioner Vicky Wedler (who often opposed Gricar when she served). She described Gricar as looking "depressed." She commented to both of them that they looked like "a perfect couple." RFG and PEF continued walking and after another turn around the park left.

6:21 PM RFG on security video entering the rear entrance of the Courthouse. He was driving the red Mini Cooper, and was not carrying the laptop. He was wearing the fleece.

9:03 PM RFG seen exiting the Courthouse and driving off in his car. He was not carrying the laptop. One source makes it 8:03 PM.

NB: The most direct route to Lake Raystown is about 53 miles. RFG could have left Bellefonte at 9:00 AM and arrived the by 10:30 AM. He was also known to exceed the speed limit and as being an "adventurous driver."

Friday, 4/15/05

6:00-8:15 AM: RFG gets up, but tells PEF he is going to "play hooky." PEF gets ready for work, leaves RFG a note stating to call her if he cannot let the dog, Honey, out. RFG asleep when she goes to work.

10:31 PM: Contractor, calls house and speaks to RFG about some repairs to the house.

11:00-11:30: Lawyer sees RFG driving on Route 144 driving toward Centre Hall.

11:12 AM: RFG calls Courthouse (through the switchboard) and is connected to his office. PEF, covering the phone for another clerical worker, answers. RFG sounds a bit startled, according to PEF. RFG says he is one Route 192, heading toward Lewisburg, and cannot let Honey out.

11:30-11:35: County worker sees RFG turning from Route 144 on to Route 192. He was driving very fast.

2:00 PM, Employees at the Packwood House Museum (Ms. Kelley, Ms. Snyder), and at least one other people saw RFG park the Mini across the street (Water Street). He got out and sat on a park bench. He appeared to carrying something. Mini not there as of 4:00 PM

2:50 PM, Grant Fisher, while driving along Water Street, sees the Mini in the Street of Shops parking lot, one car width from the bushes.

[c. 3:00 PM Carolyn Fenton (then clerking for Judge David Grine) reported seeing RFG in a "metallic colored car" behind the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte. Judge Grine also remembers seeing RFG there, but cannot remember if it was on 4/14 or 4/15.

As previously noted, the area is covered by security cameras. Gricar did not show up on the tape (though Fenton did). It is possible that RFG was not at the spot where Fenton remembers him, but was along the street, out of camera range.]

3:45-4:00 PM Carry Walker, while walking her dog along Water Street, may hay seen RFG drive past.

4:00-5:00 PM Donald Houser heading south on Route 15 sees RFG pull in beside him at a traffic light near the Country Cupboard. (This is "McKnight's Witness.") Houser, who was active in Republican politics in the area, recognized RFG at the time.

4:10 PM Christina Lehman saw a red Mini Cooper with a male driver heading west on Route 192 and the corner of Route 192 and Route 15

5:30-6:30 PM At least two people see RFG moving the Mini in the parking lot across from the Street of Shops (SoS) in Lewisburg.

6:00-8:00 PM Store owner in the SoS, Brad Alvey, reported seeing RFG. At least two witnesses report seeing RFG in the SoS with the "Mystery Woman." That may or may not include Alvey.

11:36 PM PEF calls the Bellefonte Police Department (BPD), after repeated efforts to call RFG's cell phone go unanswered. BPD also call and leave messages of his voicemail.

After consulting with then BPD Chief Duane Dixon, BPD issued a BOLA on the Mini and RFG (this might have occurred after midnight).
Saturday, 4/16/05

Before Noon BPD starts calling RFG's associates. JKA called by then BPD Detective Darrel Zaccagni (DZ) between 11:00-11:30 AM. When she said that RFG was "distraught" earlier in the week, he said, "Everyone is telling me the same thing."

Then ADA Steven Sloane (SPS), and a close friend, also contacted. He suggested that RFG could have driven to Cleveland to see the Indians, as he had once before. BPD confirmed this with RFG's second ex-wife, Emma Gricar (EG). BPD did contact Jacobs Field to see if the Mini could be spotted.

PEF called LG to tell her about the situation. Sometime before 2:00 PM RFG's nephews Tony (TG) and Chris (CG) contacted and drive from Ohio toward Bellefonte.

11:00-Noon Two workers at the Remember When restaurant, inside the SoS,
remember seeing RFG there.

11:30 AM Craig Bennett, owner of the SoS, saw him in the SoS. He characterized him as "He looked anxious. He was not a relaxed person. He was waiting for someone."

1:30 PM Witness spotted RFG in Lewisburg. Police ruled it a false sighting.

Afternoon, before 5:00 PM Police begin aerial searches of 192 between Centre Hall and Lewisburg. They got RFG's cell phone data from the call to PEF and got access to his office computer.

5:00 PM BPD holds a news conference. By at least the 11:00 PM news, the story was out, within the Central Pennsylvania Media Market. (Lewisburg is not in the Central Pennsylvania Media Market.)

A Centre Daily Times (CDT) reporter called RFG's cell phone and gets his voice mail.

6:30 PM Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) trooper spots the Mini in the parking lot across from the SoS; the trooper was just about to end his shift and heading back to his barracks in Milton.

In route, TG contacted and diverts to Lewisburg.

Police converge on the parking lot. The Mini was locked, but when it opened there was a smell of cigarette smoke. RFG's cell is inside and turned off.

Media also arrives, by the time TG arrives there is at least one news van there.

Prior to 10:30 PM, the first witness reports to LE that he saw RFG there with the "Mystery Woman" one either that day Craig Bennett also tell so seeing RFG that morning.

10:45 PM The first news story on the disappearance is posted on the Internet.

(I have heard of addition witnesses seeing RFG in Lewisburg on this date, possibly more that on 4/15.)
Sunday, 4/17/05

I know of no sightings of RFG on this day. LG had arrived late Saturday night or early Sunday morning. Sometime between 7:30 PM on 4/16 and the early morning hours of 4/17, the Mini was towed to the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Barracks in Milton. Forensics went over it.

New stories had appeared on the Internet and on CNN, but were not yet in local media.

c. 12:30 PM JKA arrived in Lewisburg. LE was awaiting the blood hound.

JKA stated that the theory of LE was with a woman. It was later revealed that they thought it was Barbara Petito, an old girlfriend, smoker and who had longish dark hair. She also matched the age of the MW. Petito now lived in Harrisburg and was working for the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), as a spokesperson. She had seen RFG at a press conference within the last 3 weeks.

Sometime during that day, or Monday, Petito was contacted. She was on Long Island that weekend.

JKA left after being their briefly.

1:00 PM-7:00 PM The bloodhound detected RFG's scent, but not beyond the parking lot. An air search was done of the river to Harrisburg. Mini was released to PEF, who actually owned the Mini.

c. 7:30 PM LE came to PEF's house to get RFG's computer. PEF volunteered that RFG had a laptop, though it wasn't always used. When she checked the case, it was gone.
Unusual Demeanor

Numerous people noticed that RFG had a change in his demeanor. This is the time line on it.

I have heard that some people noticed it as much as a fortnight earlier, but I have no documentation of it.

March 8, 2005 RFG was being interviewed by then CDT political reporter Mike Joseph (The Thin Man), about the upcoming election for DA. Gricar indicated that he was supporting Michael T. Madeira (MTM), a Republican, who was elected in the fall. Joseph asked about JKA, who had just filed petitions to be on the ballot for the Democratic nomination.

Joseph wrote: "I was surprised that the question seemed to stun Gricar, or at least to leave him at a loss. He had been so fluid with his answers about the spring primary. But when asked to look beyond that, he stumbled in getting his toughts into words and never really came up with a coherent answer. The difference was remarkable."

March 9, 2005 RFG was at a meeting with then President Judge Charles Brown and then Criminal Court Administrator Carolyn Spotts. They were attempting to schedule a murder trial. Spotts said, "It just seemed that Ray wasn't with it. He was just looking around, which kind of shocked me because this was a death-penalty case."

Brown ask about an October scheduling. Spotts said, "Ray just turned and looked at the bookcases. "He didn't even look at the judge when he said it. He just said, 'I won't be here,' "

[October 9 was RFG's birthday and he usually took a vacation to New England around that time.]

c. March 28. PEF noted that RFG was napping more. After several weeks, she suggested that he see a doctor.

c. April 11, 2005 JKA describes RFGH as being "distraught," starting at this point.

April 14, 2005 People at the Prison Board meeting describe RG as mumbling answers and staring out the window.

April 16, 2005 DZ calls JKA to ask if she has seen RFG. She tells DZ (upon request) that RFG was "distraught" over the last week. DZ says, "...everyone is telling me the same thing."
Time line on the hard drive

c. 2003 : County issues RFG the laptop.

January 2004: RFG announces he will not be running for reelection in 2005. Indicates that he will not be seeking another office nor joining a law firm.

Later in 2004: RFG gets erasure hardware. Also talks to a defense attorney (Lux) about how to erase data. May also have asked coworkers.

c. Christmas 2004: RFG gets home desktop computer.

March or April 2005: RFG does computer searches on the desktop for "water damage to a notebook computer,""how to fry a hard drive" and similar searches.

4/15 and/or 4/16/05: At least one witness in Lewisburg sees RFG in the Mini, "fiddling" with a laptop.

Sunday, 4/17/05: Police go to the house to get desktop. PEF asks them if they want the laptop as well. She goes to retrieve it, finds that the case is there, but is empty. Everything else is there, i.e. power cord.

April 18-22: Police check the office for the laptop. It is publicly revealed to be missing on 4/21 or 4/22.

7/30/05: Fishermen find laptop on the north side of the bridge in Lewisburg. Serial numbers match county records for the one RFG issued. Hard drive is missing.

8/05: Media reports of hard drive found. Hard drive does not match the one for the computer.

9/05: Hard drive discovered in river bed by a woman skipping stones with child. It is the type that fits the laptop, but has no separate recorded serial number.

(Site photos, taken 7/30/09, are here: )

10/05: LE reveals discovery of drive, sent it to the FBI.

12/05: LE announces FBI cannot recover data.

10-11/06: Possibly as part of the PSP-CSI review of the case, RFG's home computer "hard drive" searches discovered. Not publicly release.

07/1-7/4/08 "Dueling press conferences." McKnight/Buhner vs. MTM/Pa District Attorney Association. MTM takes Buehner suggestion and send hard drive to Kroll.

10/08 MTM reports that Kroll cannot recover the data. Also reveals that RFG had purchased erasure software and had asked others how to get rid of the data on the laptop.

4/15/09 LE announces that RFG had done the searches on his home desktop.
20/20 Vision

In the late 1980's, novelist Pamela West (Kraske) was working at PSU. She was interested in writing a nonfiction book on the November 1969 Betsy Aardsma murder in Pattee Library (the "Murder in the Stacks"). She contacted RFG, who had jurisdiction. RFG could not give her too much information, but encouraged her to write it.

The Aardsma murder remains officially unsolved. Some researchers have made the case it was Richard Haefner, then a grad student.

West was worried about the possibility of being sued if she attempted to identify a killer. So, she wrote a science fiction/detective story titled 20/20 Vision. It is based on the geography of the Penn State Campus, and the surrounding area; the place names in particular are fictionalized. The action in the book takes place on the same day over three different years, 1995, 2020, and 2040. It is a time travel story.

That singular day is 4/15 of the those years. That is, of course, the same date RFG disappeared. The lead character is a detective approaching retirement, and the antagonist fakes his own death.

Other than the date, I will note one additional parallel. The book includes a car trip to the east from the university town. The description of landscape closely matches the area just outside of Centre Hall from where the call was made. West actually based her description on the same mountain, but about 3-5 miles south (not that anyone could tell exactly from text).

Late 1980's West contacts RFG about writing about the Aardsma murder. She later decides to write a fictional story based on it.

August, 1990 20/20 Vision published.

August-December, 1990 RFG borrows a copy of 20/20 Vision from a PSP trooper. When RFG does not return it, trooper buys another copy.

c. 2007 West reads accounts of RFG's appearance on the Internet, and notices the date.

January-March, 2008 Story published about 20/20 Vision. West is unsure if RFG ever had a copy. Now retired PSP trooper relates that RFG had borrowed his copy. 20/20 Vision is not found in RFG's property.
Mel Wiley

Mel Wiley was the police chief of Hinckley Township, Ohio. Hinkley is in a different county from Cleveland, and while RFG was there, Wiley was with the Medina County Sheriff's Office, and ran their identification division. It is doubtful that the two ever met or worked together.

In 1982, Wiley became the police chief and around 7/28/85, he vanished without a trace. Police investigating determined that he simply was dissatisfied with his life and left. The story briefly received national attention and included a story in Time.

Here is the timeline:

July, 1979 RFG moves to Centre County, then wife Barbara gets a position at PSU.

December, 1980 RFG begins working at the Centre County District Attorney's Office (becomes a member of the PA Bar in mid 1981, maintains Ohio Bar membership.)

May, 1985 RFG wins the Republican nomination for DA. (Elected over Amos Goodall in November, sworn in in January, 1986.)

7/30/85 Wiley's car found near Lake Erie. In mid August, police determine he left voluntarily. News stories appear in mid August.

4/28/88 JKA starts working at the DA's Office.

May, 1991 SPS starts working at the DA's Office. Laid off (budgetary) in October 1991, returns in early 1993.

4/15/05 RFG disappears.

September, October, 2006 J. J. in Phila asked about people in responsible positions who voluntarily leave. He cites two, Wiley and Jay Carsey, a college president who left voluntarily in 1982, and subject of the 1989 book, Exit the Rainmaker.

July 2007 JKA notes, in her "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury," that she thought she heard people in the office referencing Mel Wiley.

1/9/08 CDT reporter asks SPS if RFG ever was interested Wiley; he says yes, but not recently.

Note that neither JKA nor SPS were in the office while the Wiley disappearance was in the news. It is definite that RFG talked about after May 1991, and probably after March 1993.

Wiley had absolutely no ties to Centre County.

In other words, RFG had an interest in the Wiley disappearance well after it was in the news. While Carsey was better known, the subject of a best selling book, RFG was interested in Wiley.

Mel Wiley thread
Post Disappearance Timeline

This is the timeline for events that happened after the first week of the disappearance.

4/21/05 $5000 reward offered in RFG case. Around this time, family website started; later increased to $15,000

5/17/05 Primary Election for DA, Madeira (R) vs. Arnold (D) in the Municipal Election

5/27/05 "Southfield sighting"

Early July, 05 PEF polygraphed

7/29/05 Laptop found in Susquehanna

9/2/05 LG granted trusteeship.

September 05 LG polygraphed, drive discovered in the Susquehanna (announced 10/31/05)

11/8/05 MTM defeats JKA

December 05 FBI reports that cannot recover the data

January 2006 Madeira sworn in, Weaver becomes chief of BPD, Bosak begins covering the story for the CDT, JKA removed by MTM.

5/13/06 Bosak publishes "Missed Leads" in the CDT, Dateline story on RFG, emphasising the "Mystery Woman."

5/17/06 MTM announces the will be reviewed by the The Pennsylvania State Police – Criminal Investigation Analysis Unit (PSP-CIA)

September 06 Reward expires.

October-November, 06 PSP-CIA review completed (it is believed
that they discovered the computer searches)

July 2007 JKA publishes Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury on-line.

2/26/08 Bosak shows links with Wiley and 20/20 Vision.

7/1/08 Buehner/McKnight press conference, MTM responds on 7/3/08; drive sent to Kroll.

August 2008 Bosak leaves the CDT but starts the Just Gricar blog on the CDT website in September.

October 2008 Kroll could not recover the data. It was announced that RFG had been asking about how to remove the data from the laptop, and may have bought software to erase the data.

2/9/09 JJ starts Sporadic Comments, later called Sporadic Comments on Ray Gricar on the CDT website

Mid-February 2009 Just Gricar ends.

4/15/09 MTM announces the computer searches

11/8/09 MTM defeated for reelection by SPM

January 2011 SPS fired as ADA by SPM; PEF had transfered several weeks before

3/31/10 SPM announces review panel.

2/28/11 Disappeared does episode "A Family's Curse;" some additional information comes out

3/31/11 Gamin, then of the P-N does story that Sandusky was being investigated. No link to RFG in that story.

4/1/11 Sloane’s PM on RFG’s involvement in the 1998 case.

6/30/11 LG files petition to declare RFG dead.

7/25/11 LG petition granted.

11/5/11 Sandusky presentment released, RFG mentioned in regard to Victim 6

12/16/11 Second Dateline story on RFG

December 2011 JKA says that RFG removed the case from her; Scheffler states that he recommended charges

4/1412 RFG's redacted FBI file released.

4/15/12 Gamin publishes a story in P-N on RFG noting the number of lady friends he had.

6/22/12 Sandusky convicted on 45 count including 3 of the 4 regarding Victim 6.

7/12/12 Freeh Report released.

October 2012 SPS arrested for drugs

11/1/12 Spanier indicted; RFG's actions regarding Victim 6 plays a prominent part in the presentment

July 2013 SPS takes a plea bargain

11/5/2013 SPM reelected DA, unopposed

November 2013 Decision to move the case to the PSP, not announced until 2/14

Spring 2014 $5000 reward offered

September 2014 Sporadic Comments ends

March 2017 Spanier convicted

May 2017 SPM loses Democratic primary

June 2021 Spanier jailed for several months after losing state and federal appeals.

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