POLL ADDED Connect The Dots-Working theories thread #2

What is your theory in Kyron's disappearance?

  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was unplanned, an accident.

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Terri alone is responsible for Kyron's disappearance and it was planned.

    Votes: 43 15.8%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was unplanned and DeDe was called for help

    Votes: 38 13.9%
  • Terri is responsible for Kyron's disappearance, it was planned and DeDe helped plan it.

    Votes: 108 39.6%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron. (Stranger being ANYONE except Terri, DeDe or accomplice.)

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around the school grounds

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • A stranger abducted Kyron or Kyron is still at the school or somewhere around school grounds.

    Votes: 12 4.4%
  • No idea

    Votes: 47 17.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I find the thought of Terri sending out e-mails and posting on blogs right after Kyron was abducted highly disturbing. Wouldn't you be concerned about your MISSING SON?! Wouldn't all you think about be getting him back? Her concern only for herself and her alibi is disgusting to me. Poor Kyron. He gets abducted and the person who cared for him since he was a toddler is worried about her timeline the day after he gets abducted. So sad and cold.

Not once did we see any show of concern or worry of Kyron in any of her e-mails, blog postings, or facebook. Not once.
Transcription, again, from the KOIN video interview with Andrea. She doesn't say the baby was sick, she says "not feeling well". She doesn't say Terri said or Terri told her the baby was sick (or not feeling well).

talking about her daughter not feeling well, because she was not feeling well the day before, and I knew that
Transcription, again, from the KOIN video interview with Andrea. She doesn't say the baby was sick, she says "not feeling well". She doesn't say Terri said or Terri told her the baby was sick (or not feeling well).

talking about her daughter not feeling well, because she was not feeling well the day before, and I knew that


"I think the thing that seems odd about it perhaps is that we were just passing each other by and in a few seconds, with her daughter being sick in her arms, made a point to show me the picture."
Here's what does not ring true to me...because I have a granddaughter just Baby K's age.

Either Baby K is really sick...in which case she needs to be home and comfortable in her bed...not taken to science fairs, taken into stores, driven around for hours, and then deposited in a gym daycare...or she is "teething sick." Not contagious, no... but as one who has seen this misery close hand, she's in pain, and often running a low fever with all the aching feeling that entails.

Now Baby K is miserable enough with her "sickness" that strangers notice...notice, in fact two days in a row. So that says something to indicate that Baby K was in considerable distress.

So perhaps Terri would feel that she needed to take her to the science fair and keep her word to Kyron. And perhaps she would use that opportunity to get medicine. And perhaps she might drive around a bit to get the Baby to sleep.

Then what?

This child is distressed enough that strangers notice, that you spent most of your morning comforting her...what mother would then pull her out of a car seat and essentially dump her in a day care so SHE can work out. Terri could have run to the gym after Kaine got home. This is a stay-at-home Mom with all day at her disposal.

The "driving for hours to soothe her" and the dump-job at the gym do not compute IMO. The drive is too long and the workout-dump doesn't fit with the description of a Baby that is sick enough with teething that strangers notice. If you just got your sick Baby to sleep...you bring her home to the quiet of her bed...not a daycare/nursery situation, noisy and impersonal.

IMO, it's not any one thing that make Terri the "de facto" suspect...it's ALL of them knit together. The long drive/sick baby/ daycare dump of Baby K...the cell phone pings not matching her story,her friend missing at work when Terri is on this "long drive", the multiple failed lie detector tests, the landscaper saying she wanted Kaine dead, the teacher thinking she told her Kyron had a doctor's appt, the sexual advances to Cook that were "similar" to what the Landscaper described in his statement.

And, yes, yes, yes, we can spend days here picking at the edges of each of these things and trying to mitigate each of them by themselves. But even if one or two are not entirely as the media or the grieving parents have portrayed them...the totality is compelling. To me anyway.

I see them as only the tip of the iceberg. LE has told us that this case is going to trial , that they have plenty of evidence, but for the integrity of this case, they are not sharing with us. Fair enough. So we are picking around the edges.

I have no reason to dismiss this as spin.

I think we have been given some insight by understanding who Kaine and Desiree think hurt their child and who Terri's attorney thinks the focus of the criminal case is targeting. It is Terri Horman every time.

We do not know all that LE knows, or the parents know, or Terri attorney knows...but we know all fingers point at Terri.

We do not get to impose our time table of the D.A. or LE. They will indict, if they do, when they wish...when they think they have her nailed. We do not get to know till then, what other evidence they have...what others have told them in the Grand Jury. But we do know some things that when knit together give us clues to why she is "in the crosshairs" as her attorney says...why she cannot fight for her Baby without "incriminating" herself.

For now, until Terri is cleared...I look at Kyron's trusting little face, and I prefer not to put my energies into trying to defend on the Internet the Stepmother he loved...who may have hurt him or killed him. I will gladly come here and do a mea culpa..if ,and when we know more, and Terri is shown to be innocent.

She's a grown woman...she seems tough enough. Her life to date shows a woman who was strong enough to take her child and leave her first husband, strong enough to get a second husband to foot the bill for a child he never sees, strong enough to be party to (with Kaine) breaking up the marriage of a pregnant woman, strong enough to find a guy four days after that husband leaves to send graphic sexual pictures of herself to...that are "similar" to something she was doing months ago with the hired help.

So she'll get through this, if innocent.

But, if guilty, not one word do I want to put on record for a monster who would destroy the life (literally or figuratively) of a little boy who loved and trusted her.

That just my POV. To each his own...

This is, hands down, the best post I've read to date!! You said it absolutely perfectly. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! :bow:
Are we O/T? Anyway, regarding the baby being sick or appearing not well to AL two days in a row and TH actually getting some kind of medicine for her, could some one weigh in on why KH says nothing of this. If, as many of you have pointed out, the child looked unwell to an outside party, why hasn't KH said that? I can't remember what he said exactly, but it was something like he thought she might be teething?
Are we O/T? Anyway, regarding the baby being sick or appearing not well to AL two days in a row and TH actually getting some kind of medicine for her, could some one weigh in on why KH says nothing of this. If, as many of you have pointed out, the child looked unwell to an outside party, why hasn't KH said that? I can't remember what he said exactly, but it was something like he thought she might be teething?

This is just a guess, but maybe the baby wasn't sick at all. Maybe Terri told Andrea on the 3rd and on the 4th that the baby was sick so Andrea believed her. Maybe Andrea is speaking from simply hearing Terri tell her that the baby was sick instead of noticing something physical about the baby that would indicate a sickness. Maybe Andrea thought she was sick not by observing but by hearing an untruth and assuming it was the truth. IMO

Again, just a guess. I wonder if Kaine knew about the doctor telling Terri Kyron might be having mini seizures or about him spacing out. Since Terri seems to be the person stating these things, I take it with a grain of salt. IMO
Totally off topic in here again. This isn't a daycare thread. If you want to discuss the daycare facts take it to a new thread.

This is my new working theory. This is based on my own impressions and memories of facts so I will not be posting links. If I am incorrect about a fact please let me know. Thanks!

This theory is also based on Terri's actual words, based on the supposition that even though she is lying, she is still choosing certain words for a reason. Terri, twice divorced. I think I remember reading something about settlements each time. Terri claims she spent all her own money (30K). Kaine is tight with his money (complaining that Terri spends freely). Kaine bought the house (Terri's name not on it?) I think perhaps she was afraid that if she divorced there would be no big settlement this time. She comes up with the MFH plan, but no one would help her. She gets rid of J, and tries to get rid of Kyron, doesn't work. (This part is fuzzy, as I am not exactly sure when she actually tried the MFH scheme, before or after she sent J away? Makes more sense after but who knows.)

So, she feels trapped. She can't get rid of Kaine and she can't get rid of Kyron, her arch nemesis. (Come on, a little boy. Seriously Terri? Seriously?)

She comes up with a plan. Get rid of Kyron, sue the school, plenty of money to split in a divorce settlement. Or maybe she thinks later she can do a sucessful MFH. Again, who knows. Since the plan changed from Kaine to Kyron she can't undo all her emails about him, but she doesn't think of that.

She is at the school. She tells Kyron they have to go to the doctor's but they will be back. (Backpack and coat left at school). She takes him outside, but he is either (a incapacitated and hidden in her truck or b) taken by someone else.

She scurries to the FM to establish her alibi. She parks at the furthest spot in the parking lot. She goes inside and makes sure she has a receipt, and multiple witnesses.

She goes back outside. This was supposed to be a rendevous spot for her helper. They are supposed to take Kitty while she deals with Kyron. Oops, wrong FM (excuse about Kitty's meds). Travel to next FM. Still park in furthest spot. Exchange is made.

At this point I think Kitty was drugged. Maybe not actual drugs, but I would give my babies Tylenol before we flew, so they would be asleep the entire time. This is why the "drove around til Kitty fell asleep/soothe earache" comments.

Terri now has Kyron, incapcitated. Drives to dump spot. Takes care of whatever. Spot is carefully chosen to set someone up. (Comments about "man chaperone") Drives to fitness center, meets accomplice, picks up Kitty, puts her in the gym daycare, takes a shower, gets rid of clothes with evidence, goes home in gym clothes.

If she did it alone, I think the drive to FM and around was to establish an alibi and to give Kitty time to fall asleep so she could deal with Kyron. If Kitty saw something, and she needed to drug her to get her to stop crying, that makes sense too.
Just a theory based on Desiree's account of emails proving to her that Kyron could have been hurt and the previous statements of wanting him punished for not being attentive, plus the "actively working with" to make him listen. The listening part may have even been one of those created problems that Kaine speaks of. That morning, looking a wreck and being a wreck after being up and down til late into the night plus a fussy baby, and maybe not really wanting to fool with having to take Kyron to school could lead to extreme irritability or resentment of the boy who is being blamed for marital problems. The husband probably PO'd her the night before or that morning. Maybe the promise of ice cream and videos games after school (despite having to leave for his home with his Mother) was a reward for the project after her sucessfully grounding him until he got a good report from school or could have been promised before SHE got his final behavior report of the week to spite her. Kyron walks down the hall after being told to go directly to class. Thinking his watcher is gone he might have decided to dart back down the hall to see something else and is nabbed. Taken out in quick active punishment and taken home. Something happens, he's left out back or nearby while she flees for that 1- 1.5 hours, but decides to come back. The idling truck with a woman driver seen about 30 minutes before the bus got home could have been her trying to decide where to put something, but went on down the road to another area. I say look ALL around the whole area again with more people and dogs.
This is my new working theory. This is based on my own impressions and memories of facts so I will not be posting links. If I am incorrect about a fact please let me know. Thanks!

This theory is also based on Terri's actual words, based on the supposition that even though she is lying, she is still choosing certain words for a reason. Terri, twice divorced. I think I remember reading something about settlements each time. Terri claims she spent all her own money (30K). Kaine is tight with his money (complaining that Terri spends freely). Kaine bought the house (Terri's name not on it?) I think perhaps she was afraid that if she divorced there would be no big settlement this time. She comes up with the MFH plan, but no one would help her. She gets rid of J, and tries to get rid of Kyron, doesn't work. (This part is fuzzy, as I am not exactly sure when she actually tried the MFH scheme, before or after she sent J away? Makes more sense after but who knows.)

So, she feels trapped. She can't get rid of Kaine and she can't get rid of Kyron, her arch nemesis. (Come on, a little boy. Seriously Terri? Seriously?)

She comes up with a plan. Get rid of Kyron, sue the school, plenty of money to split in a divorce settlement. Or maybe she thinks later she can do a sucessful MFH. Again, who knows. Since the plan changed from Kaine to Kyron she can't undo all her emails about him, but she doesn't think of that.

She is at the school. She tells Kyron they have to go to the doctor's but they will be back. (Backpack and coat left at school). She takes him outside, but he is either (a incapacitated and hidden in her truck or b) taken by someone else.

She scurries to the FM to establish her alibi. She parks at the furthest spot in the parking lot. She goes inside and makes sure she has a receipt, and multiple witnesses.

She goes back outside. This was supposed to be a rendevous spot for her helper. They are supposed to take Kitty while she deals with Kyron. Oops, wrong FM (excuse about Kitty's meds). Travel to next FM. Still park in furthest spot. Exchange is made.

At this point I think Kitty was drugged. Maybe not actual drugs, but I would give my babies Tylenol before we flew, so they would be asleep the entire time. This is why the "drove around til Kitty fell asleep/soothe earache" comments.

Terri now has Kyron, incapcitated. Drives to dump spot. Takes care of whatever. Spot is carefully chosen to set someone up. (Comments about "man chaperone") Drives to fitness center, meets accomplice, picks up Kitty, puts her in the gym daycare, takes a shower, gets rid of clothes with evidence, goes home in gym clothes.

If she did it alone, I think the drive to FM and around was to establish an alibi and to give Kitty time to fall asleep so she could deal with Kyron. If Kitty saw something, and she needed to drug her to get her to stop crying, that makes sense too.

I like your new theory.
Ahhh. And this is the very point that leads me to believe "the appointment" was not manufactured as confusion. If trying to cause deliberate confusion, I think the paperwork was not only unnecessary, it’s illogical and problematic. Here’s why I think this:

What happened to that paperwork? There are only 2 scenarios:
1) Porter gave it back to TH on June 4 prior to Kyron going missing.
2) Porter did not give it back to TH and Porter still had/has the paperwork.

If TH wanted to cause deliberate confusion, she'd want that paperwork back. I mean if the whole idea is to plant a thought in Porter's mind that Kyron's appointment is June 4 and manipulate Porter into not worrying if Kyron's not in class, then leaving the paperwork in Porter's possession is completely counter to that.

If Porter has the paperwork AND sees that Kyron is missing, wouldn't TH assume that Porter would think, "Hey, if his appointment was today, why didn't TH get the paperwork from me? This doesn't add up. Something’s wrong here. I better look for Kyron."

The only way I can see this supposed ruse working is for TH to get the paperwork back on June 4th because Porter having the paperwork + Kyron missing = unlikelihood that Porter would assume Kyron’s appointment was June 4th.

To create true confusion, imo, TH needs to get the paperwork back AND somehow get Porter to believe the appointment was June 4th. This is where it really falls apart for me.

TH gave the paperwork to Porter on June 3rd, and that's not enough time for a teacher in the midst of preparing a science fair to actually complete the paperwork. If TH was planning this whole thing for days, weeks?, months?then why wait until June 3rd to give the paperwork to Porter, knowing she'd need to get it back on June 4th to create the whole June 4th appointment ruse?

And isn't getting the paperwork back on June 4th a very risky thing to do? It would mean engaging in a conversation with Porter in which Porter might very well say, "To be clear, Terri, is Kyron's appointment today or next Friday?"

In a nutshell, if confusion was the goal, not getting the paperwork from Porter on June 4th makes no sense to me because it encourages Porter to believe the appointment is not on June 4th. And, retrieving the paperwork from Porter on June 4th makes no sense to me because there's too much opportunity during the paperwork exchange for Porter to pin TH down on the date/time of the appointment and eliminate the confusion TH was allegedly trying to cause. I just can't make it work.

Why is the paperwork even necessary for causing confusion? To me, it isn’t. It seems to me that the paperwork is actually problematic and counter to getting Porter to believe that Kyron's appointment was June 4th. IMO, anyone trying to create confusion about the appointment would not have brought paperwork into the mix.

I think Porter used the appointment to rationalize Kyron’s absence after the fact. If a different child had gone missing, especially a child whose parent had been present at the expo, I think Porter would have just assumed the child left with the parent. That's my opinion. I think this is more about Porter’s thought process than any deliberate plan to create confusion.

I think there was a legitimate doctor appointment on June 11th for a legitimate reason and Terri had every intention of taking Kyron to that appointment. jmho. Kyron didn't make it to that appointment, and that is not insignificant to me when considering various theories.

You're missing a vital point about the teacher. She had a hearing impairment. I think this is what actually gave Terri the idea for how to get away with it. I say this because I have a hearing impairment and I can't tell you the number of times my sister who is a compulsive liar will try to use this as an excuse. No one else really in my personal life does it. Just the compulsive liar.

The Drs. Appointment was not there to set up a ruse. It was set up to make the school liable. Therefor if the teacher didn't pay attention to the date then the school was liable. It doesn't matter what Terri said because teacher had a hearing problem. The paper HAD to stay at the school because it was evidence that the school was liable and KNEW in documented form the correct date. If TH had gotten the paper back there was no real way to hold the school liable other than a misunderstanding. The paper created a paper trail that could be used for a law suit.

The reason Terri drove around for so long was because she was waiting to see if the confusion worked. She was waiting to see if she got a call from the school to say Kyron was missing. When it never came she was free to finish the job.

In my opinion
I could not sleep last night and was thinking about Kyron. If Th took him, hoping people would believe he wandered off due to his "seizures", he would have to be found near the school for this to be possible. It would not make sense to leave him someplace many miles away, or out on SI, if this was the case.

I've always thought it possible that he is near the school; when the searchers first looked out there, the brush, etc. was so incredibly thick, he could have been overlooked. I can't quite figure out how/when TH would have placed him someplace nearby without fear of being seen.

My question is: what if Kyron is eventually found near the school, within a mile or two and his cause of death cannot be determined? How would LE ever be able to show he did not wander off?
I am so with you Clu. We need to hop on here and chat when we have those restless nights thinking about Ky. :hug:

All totally just my thoughts IMHO MOO and such-- My theory is a mix with SubtleGrace's and something else. I think TH wanted money and planned to sue the school for their "negligence." I think she wanted rid of Kyron for a couple of reasons: She was afraid he would turn out to be like his uncle and was worried for Kitty and she just didn't like him. Her reasoning for "disappearing" Ky was justified in her mind as perhaps saving others.

Sweet lil Kyron, you won't ever be forgotten.
The link isn't any good now, but I remember hearing about people giving up searching that first weekend, due to the weather and the conditions, which may mean they left their areas unsearched and that maybe LE doesn't even know which parts were searched well, and which were not.

I wish, if he is not found when they finish up their latest search, they would go back and search a 2-mile raduis of Skyline all over again. The only way Terri could be seen in the stores an hour later is if he was someplace on the way, and I think he would be near the school, to point the finger.
The link isn't any good now, but I remember hearing about people giving up searching that first weekend, due to the weather and the conditions, which may mean they left their areas unsearched and that maybe LE doesn't even know which parts were searched well, and which were not.

I wish, if he is not found when they finish up their latest search, they would go back and search a 2-mile radius of Skyline all over again. The only way Terri could be seen in the stores an hour later is if he was someplace on the way, and I think he would be near the school, to point the finger.

Wow, this thread was hard to find,

I believe you are right cluciano63,

IF TH Did Harm to Kyron...

I think he would be closer to the south of Skyline

Take NW Rock Creek Rd to Alderwood Lake Reservoir,


did what she did there

Then Rock Creek Rd to NW Old Cornelius Pass Rd then down to other roads till she was at Fred Myers.
Wow, this thread was hard to find,

I believe you are right cluciano63,

IF TH Did Harm to Kyron...

I think he would be closer to the south of Skyline

Take NW Rock Creek Rd to Alderwood Lake Reservoir,


did what she did there

Then Rock Creek Rd to NW Old Cornelius Pass Rd then down to other roads till she was at Fred Myers.

Hi CN2Souls, Just thinking about your posts on the Search thread while watching a Criminal Minds show, I realized the FBI has never shared their profile of Kyron's abductor/killer with the public. I didn't remember this thread, but came to post to you and lo and behold this was the only thread with a new post and it was what I needed to pose a thought or 2.

The organized unsub is very smart and usually only leaves any evidence behind he wants LE to find. In this case I think there is a lack of physical evidence and wonder if we are dealing with an organized unsub.

If the person LE is looking for in this case is familial as opposed to a stranger, could they still be classified as organized or disorganized for profiling purposes?

The reason I ask is knowing that could possibly tell us how this person would go about disposing of the body, even as to what kind of an area they would choose as a dump site. And would they rather not want to know exactly where the body was put nor care what was done to the body beforehand which would necessitate involving another person as an accomplice? And the giving of the child, maybe for their pleasure, could be to them partial or full payment for the deed of disposal? What they didn't know about they could not lie about to be trapped up, right, working both ways for the abductor/killer and the accomplice? And if they were so organized, would they find the accomplice not thru a friend but say a third party who was found thru an ad in the paper like the hit man was?

WE learned in a link that something about pings was learned in Nov, the basis for their searching NW of the school. Do you think this is the area the FBI profile would dictate is a good possibility as to where Kyron was put? If so it would give more credence as to the 'why' of their recent searches IMO. I hope there are more than pings involved. Ta
I don't know what to think....

IMO It is obvious Terri moved away from Kaine emotionally

And was looking to hurt him by her deeds.

To me, her sexting was scripted/done before...
As well as MISSING/MURDERED Richarte _______.

He worked nearby on Yukon Rd.
Thanks for bringing this thread forward. Here's my take. Long ... Sorry in advance.

Assuming TH did the deed, I think she had him out of the school BEFORE the first bell at 8:35 am and BEFORE the buses arrived … about 8:30++ give or take. She orchestrated a “CSI” game to get him to the truck (with Ky exiting from the side door, just below his classroom … out of sight from all exits/entries through the front door and “bus-arrival” door), then gave him medication to down him out. I don’t think she killed him until after 10 am, when she knew final roll-call would happen. If she didn’t get a call from the school, she knew she was in the clear. “No call” would mean Ms. Porter never noted him “present” at 8:45 am (and I DO think roll, maybe informally, was taken at this time)

… No call, therefore he could not be “absent” at 10 am. The Dr’s appointment ruse had worked. As far as the school was concerned, Ky was at a Dr.’s appt: He never checked in; therefore he wasn’t absent. As far as TH was concerned, he vanished on the school’s watch. Terri knew she had a Dr.’s appt. scheduled for Jun 11th (my presumption), after misleading Ms. Porter and – apparently – Ky (since his lunch mate ALSO thought Ky had a Dr.’s appt. on June 4th). … So far, so good.

I think TH had plenty of time to drug Ky with an over-the-counter med; establish her 9:12 to 9:45 (or so) alibi (assuming we believe Andrea Leakey … which I don’t). Then, she dropped the baby off in Dede’s vehicle (while Dede worked NEAR her vehicle, but did not leave the property); drove up toward Dixie Mountain; finished the deed; dumped the body in the forest at a pre-planned location; picked up the baby; and arrived at the gym at approx. 11:40 am. That’s two hours. There are some “online” rumors TH was at the gym for a total of 15 minutes. If true? Plenty time for a shower, then a quick car wash, a trip out to Sauvie Island to dispose of incriminating evidence and arrive home at about 1:00 – 1:15 pm.

Why, given my scenario, did she not dump Ky’s body in the river off Sauvie Island? It’s likely a body placed in water would gas-up and bubble to the surface. And, although shot-put was her high-school sport, flinging a bag filled with Ky’s body (50 lbs.), a couple,/three concrete blocks (30 lbs. ?) into mid-channel of the Willamette is highly doubtful. If she was unable to place the “package” mid-current, the chance of a gas-filled bag reappearing downriver – given rips along the riverside – is likely.

No. I don’t think Ky’s body was dumped on Sauvie’s. But evidence? Yes.

She dumped Ky’s body in the forest. She disposed of her “body dump” rain suit, Ky’s cothing, and all other incriminating evidence in the Willamette, after (likely) soaking all of the evidence in a container of chlorine to destroy DNA. (Another reason, by the way, she needed the truck on the day of Ky’s disappearance.) I'm TOTALLY supposing here ... Filling in the blanks.

So … back to motive.

I was – and am – focused on the timing of Ky’s alleged “mini seizures” and the timing between visits with Desiree and Tony Young, which – as I recall – were every other weekend.

From Terri:
(THIS is the day after Ky went missing) "The past 2 weeks he's been acting really weird. Staring off into space. Can't remember anything. Walks into the room and then back out, stopping to stare and then move on. The doc thinks that he is having mini seizures and I made an appt on Thursday for next Friday to have him checked out."

My gut tells me Ky saw SOMETHING. He was going to tell, and TH had to prevent his “telling” before his next visit with Desiree and Tony. What did he see?

My take: TH was involved, on some level with drugs; and, given drugs, had connections with gang activity in the Hillsboro area ... likely, given OSP reports, the Surenos.

I’ve always wondered why in the world Terri would approach her “lawn guy” for a contract killer (if she did this, of course). It’s possible the LS was peripherally involved with one of the Mexican gangs in the Portland area and Terri knew this. The gangs are a very real problem in PDX, in particular the Hillsboro/Canby area … and Medford.


It’s not unusual for gangs to use “cash-basis” businesses (such as yard work companies) as money-laundering fronts to hide the money they make from distributing pot; meth; amphetamines; heroine; and steroids. The gangs have also recruited non-Hispanic cohorts/distributors to “hide” drug network connections to the Latino gangs from enforcement officers.

Why do I think TH might be involved in this network.?

*** Steroids. Gyms. Bodybuilding.

- A nationally recognized body-builder who advocates natural BB supplements was amazed and appalled by the use of anabolic steroids in the PDX “Amateur” BB community.

- Cops use anabolic steroids. Numerous police in TH’s general vicinity (Canby … other county police) have been arrested. More to come. Having cops as illegal drug customers is great “insurance” for gangs working the area. http://www.oregonlive.com/clackamascounty/index.ssf/2010/05/canby_steroid_suppliers_cooper.html

- Gyms: distribution points for steroids (See above. I have other reports supporting this statement.)

I think TH was involved in illegal drug movement (primarily steroids, possibly amphetamines or coke), through her gym/b-building connections). It’s possible, since she worked as a manager/hostess at bars, her connection to drugs, such as pot and cocaine, goes back quite a few years.

I think this involvement somehow, someway led to Ky’s disappearance.

I can provide links to any assertions of fact made above. The connections and opinions, I own. MOO.
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