Possible lead in Susan Powell case, 8-18-11

Personally, I think that Warren Jeffs is more evil than either one of them, but he and JP would probably see eye-to-eye on a lot of things!

OMG yes i forgot about him!
he is evil.
glad hes put away for good!
I wonder if there was a tap on his phone, after he learned that they were going to ELY he called or his father called him and they spoke on the phone. Perhaps that means it was a success. They got him to talk, take a risk and talk on the phone.
So ridiculous as to make one want to barf, to tout that Susan went off with Steven somewhere, perhaps even to Brazil!

Does anyone know if these poor children are also given time with their Maternal Grandparents? :(

I saw the maternal grandparents on HLN today. They have no contact with their 2 grandsons at all. None.

How in the world do Josh's 'supporters' accept his camping story? Do any of them really believe that he would wake up his wife on a Sunday night, at midnight, in the middle of a huge blizzard, to tell her he was taking his 2 yr old and 4 yr old' out CAMPING to make s'mores? Does anyone believe that she would have allowed that?
I saw the maternal grandparents on HLN today. They have no contact with their 2 grandsons at all. None.

How in the world do Josh's 'supporters' accept his camping story? Do any of them really believe that he would wake up his wife on a Sunday night, at midnight, in the middle of a huge blizzard, to tell her he was taking his 2 yr old and 4 yr old' out CAMPING to make s'mores? Does anyone believe that she would have allowed that?

....and even IF that part was true, she'd have reported her husband and children missing if they weren't back within a few hours.
Not with media along with the search like this... that's the part that is odd to me.

It's public land just a couple hundred feet off US-50. Freedom of the press trumps the ability to LE to get a court order.

I say it's better to let them come, than for them to find out that the WVC PD snuck across the border and is doing something in Ely.
I'm watching an old episode of "Medium" -- S1E15 "Penny for Your Thoughts" while reading online. In the show, the accused killer just mentioned Ely, Nevada. Weird!

I saw the maternal grandparents on HLN today. They have no contact with their 2 grandsons at all. None.

How in the world do Josh's 'supporters' accept his camping story? Do any of them really believe that he would wake up his wife on a Sunday night, at midnight, in the middle of a huge blizzard, to tell her he was taking his 2 yr old and 4 yr old' out CAMPING to make s'mores? Does anyone believe that she would have allowed that?

I really hate to put it this way but the truth is, when my kids were those ages, it would have been over my dead body.

Part of my hatred for JP stems from the absolutely ridiculous story he came up with in a pathetic attempt to cover his crime. They should lock him up just for being such a <mod snip>.
You know this all could be considered a success in that since JP talked to the media today more so then LE he broke the gag order and or maybe this is enough for the DA to go in and petition the court to squash the secrecy order?
I'm watching an old episode of "Medium" -- S1E15 "Penny for Your Thoughts" while reading online. In the show, the accused killer just mentioned Ely, Nevada. Weird!


That's crazy!!
You know this all could be considered a success in that since JP talked to the media today more so then LE he broke the gag order and or maybe this is enough for the DA to go in and petition the court to squash the secrecy order?

Great thinking!!
BenWinslow Ben Winslow
Info they were chasing was delayed because of lack of cooperation by Josh Powell, WVCPD says.


Do we know WHEN they are referring to?

Was he delaying them by not being cooperative today, as I have seen some suggest?

I took it to mean that even though they issued this search warrant in the early stages of the investigation... the information that sent them there was just learned recently due to Josh's lack of cooperation. That he delayed them learning this even after they completed the search warrant.

Which to me, screamed again... computer.
That they had to hack his computer, find accounts on his computer, things like that... which he could have made quicker for them but didn't.

Maybe I missed something though, where it explains that he was asked to cooperate today and refused?

They have a specific item or Susan they are looking for. They checked out what 12 mine shafts today since 10:30 Nevada time? They were fast & furious. Too bad the reporters didn't have their hiking gear and atv handy.
Ok so I am sure this has been posted, but I had not seen it yet. It is the interview with Josh, I wanted to see his body language. After I watch it I'll post more, but the article is so odd. JP's dad is a very odd fellow to say the least. The language he use's and the manner he put's things together is just plain odd... poor Susan, I pray they find her soon :(

I really hate to put it this way but the truth is, when my kids were those ages, it would have been over my dead body.

Part of my hatred for JP stems from the absolutely ridiculous story he came up with in a pathetic attempt to cover his crime. They should lock him up just for being such a < mod snip >.

That alibi was a spur of the moment utterance, that erupted when Chris Jones put a microphone in his chapped face. I think Jones was so surprised that Josh started spewing, that he forgot to ask hard questions.
I just watched the video from the news conference this am. Who was that officer speaking??
Sgt. Mike Powell of Utah's West Valley Police Department No relation to Susan or family per MSM (he was the LE in the video Tiredblondy).
That alibi was a spur of the moment utterance, that erupted when Chris Jones put a microphone in his chapped face. I think Jones was so surprised that Josh started spewing, that he forgot to ask hard questions.

Yeah, but why? He had hours and hours to come up with something more credible and he failed miserably, IMO.

I definitely believe LE dropped the ball in those early days, but I hope they're making up for it now!
Sgt. Mike Powell of Utah's West Valley Police Department No relation to Susan or family per MSM (he was the LE in the video Tiredblondy).

Thanks, I know people can get different impressions watching the same thing but I really think he did a good job. I liked him. After watching it twice I'm not sure there was a subtle message sent in his comments about changing clothes and having the same face but what I found interesting was him saying he'd be in tan pants and a blue shirt.

Wasn't that what Josh was wearing when he arrived home that day?

After watching the video of Josh then his dad I'm speechless.

Why would they have thought from the information released that anyone was going to an apartment or hotel room? I know it would have fit with their ridiculous story but there was nothing that led me to think they were going to an apt or hotel room.

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