Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #8

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I am just thinking because there is so many people invested in helping to solve this - by doing their own searches and keeping a light continually on this case - that police didn't want any outside interference in this particular area? JMO

It's interesting they had several motorbike/dirtbike riders. Is that to see if items were dumped in a more unaccessible area - difficult for a car?? IMO

Maybe someone from the public had come across something unusual in this area that needed to be ruled out?? Related to the case or totally unrelated?? JMO

Locals mentioned lots of dumping of used household items - but maybe this was slightly odd?? IMO

A collection of random items that a person was keeping secret? IMO
And police would not want public to come across SM body and crime scene. You need training to cope with this.

The program’s technology detection dogs are the elite of the pack with their skill of being able to sniff out tiny electronic devices such as USBs and SIM cards, which are easily concealed due to their small size.

There is also those technology detection dogs. JMO

The program’s technology detection dogs are the elite of the pack with their skill of being able to sniff out tiny electronic devices such as USBs and SIM cards, which are easily concealed due to their small size.

There is also those technology detection dogs. JMO
Seems that they are going to use the Tech doggies today

Police to use technology detection dogs in fresh Samantha Murphy search at Ballarat​

Police will conduct another search around Ballarat on Thursday as they continue their investigation into the alleged murder of missing woman Samantha Murphy.

The dogs are trained to find phone SIM cards and other devices and are handled by Australian Federal Police.

Chief Commissioner Patton said today's search would be in a different area to yesterday's search and would be on a smaller scale.
Seems that they are going to use the Tech doggies today

Police to use technology detection dogs in fresh Samantha Murphy search at Ballarat​

Police will conduct another search around Ballarat on Thursday as they continue their investigation into the alleged murder of missing woman Samantha Murphy.

The dogs are trained to find phone SIM cards and other devices and are handled by Australian Federal Police.

Chief Commissioner Patton said today's search would be in a different area to yesterday's search and would be on a smaller scale.
It's progress. Let's keep hoping for closure for the family and a final resting place for SM

“We are up around there again today,” Mr Patton told ABC Melbourne radio on Thursday morning.

“We’ll be going to a different location but we will also use assistance from the Australian Federal Police today in technical detection dogs.

“We don’t have the capacity — we are trying to get that capability — to run a dog that can detect a SIM from a mobile phone and that type of thing.

“We still haven’t recovered her phone and her watch. We’ll use all those specialist skills.”
So given that the accused is in custody, who do you speculate the Police may be hoping to capture…? :oops:

Something fishy is definitely going on…. IMO…

Why are police no longer communicating with Mick and family?

What happened to the regular daily briefings with Mick?

My hunch is there has been some kind of “plot twist…”


Check out this extract from the Daily Mail:

Mr Murphy was asked by the Daily Mail if he knew anything about the search for his wife. He shook his head in response.

The media outlet said he looked “distraught” as he drove through the scrub.

John Robson, Mr Murphy’s father, has claimed that Victoria Police have not kept the family informed of developments in the search for Ms Murphy.

“We haven’t a clue what is going on. Mick is in the same boat as us,” he told theMail.

Daily Mail
The husband of missing mother-of-three Samantha Murphy faced a desperately lonely drive through bushland as he tried to find the site police were searching for her body.

Mick Murphy was seen driving his distinctive blue ute through bushland near the Buninyong Bushland Reserve on Wednesday afternoon unaware that police had already called off its search.

Mr Murphy shook his head when asked by Daily Mail Australia if he knew anything about the search for his now presumed dead wife, amid claims he and his family have been cut off by police.

Daily Mail
I really feel for Mick and the rest of the family.

I feel frustrated that yesterday didn’t lead to any significant results from what we know - so goodness knows how frustrated the family are feeling.

I really did think that yesterday was the day Samantha would be found just by the way the police and media were acting.
The husband of missing mother-of-three Samantha Murphy faced a desperately lonely drive through bushland as he tried to find the site police were searching for her body.

Mick Murphy was seen driving his distinctive blue ute through bushland near the Buninyong Bushland Reserve on Wednesday afternoon unaware that police had already called off its search.

Mr Murphy shook his head when asked by Daily Mail Australia if he knew anything about the search for his now presumed dead wife, amid claims he and his family have been cut off by police.

Daily Mail
And how would the Daily Mail know any of this? , I doubt he'd be talking to the Daily Mail ( considering the horrible stuff they have said & published about him ) IMO

I imagine he politely buffed them off IMO

Just leave him alone F F S

True there was some effort , eight hours it was reported .. until around 3.00 pm the search was declared concluded with no resumption this week.

I'm wondering if they chose the time of day they did, because they were re-enacting something? Something they suspect happened that time of the day Sam went missing? Could also explain the use of dirt bikes?

Also, the reason they are not keeping the family in the loop, could be because they have to keep the information close to their chests, so as not to tip anyone off.

What I mean by that, is that word seems to gets around town fast, so police can't risk telling anyone outside of a small group of detectives. I read something similar to that effect when they talked about having the accused under surveillance for 2 weeks.
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The reason they are not keeping the family in the loop, could be because they have to keep the information close to their chests, so as not to tip anyone off.

What I mean by that, is that word seems to gets around town fast, so police can't risk telling anyone outside if a small group of detectives. I read something similar to that effect when they talked about having the accused under surveillance for 2 weeks.
I completely understand the need for police to keep things close to their chests for operational reasons. However what I am saying is that I am personally, subjectively, picking up on a qualitative change in the “vibe” of communication with Mick. I am basing this primarily around what the Daily F*%#up reported regarding Mick turning up to the search site yesterday only to discover police had left. :oops: To me it was literally heartbreaking hearing this reported. How could Mick not feel frantic, distraught, and left out of the loop in these circumstances? The police or the family liason offficer could so easily have given Mick a courtesy call before they departed the search area just to explain they’d done a search based on new intelligence but nothing had been found…. No more or less info than what was reported via MSM. So why didn’t they do this???? I’m just saying that, to me, the omission of this is meaningful. I don’t know what it means exactly but I do believe it’s significant. It’s the “vibe” of the thing… JMO…. ;)
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Police will conduct another search around Ballarat on Thursday as they continue their investigation into the alleged murder of missing woman Samantha Murphy.

The Ballarat community was left "devastated" after a search of bushland south of Ballarat yesterday failed to find Ms Murphy's body.

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton confirmed police would conduct another "targeted" search today, using technology detection dogs.

The dogs are trained to find phone SIM cards and other devices and are handled by Australian Federal Police.

Ms Murphy's watch and phone are yet to be found.

The Ballarat community was left "devastated" after a search of bushland south of Ballarat yesterday failed to find Ms Murphy's body.

Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton confirmed police would conduct another "targeted" search today, using technology detection dogs.

The dogs are trained to find phone SIM cards and other devices and are handled by Australian Federal Police.

Ms Murphy's watch and phone are yet to be found.

Chief Commissioner Patton said today's search would be in a different area to yesterday's search and would be on a smaller scale.

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I'm wondering if they chose the time of day they did, because they were re-enacting something? Something they suspect happened that time of the day Sam went missing? Could also explain the use of dirt bikes?

Also, the reason they are not keeping the family in the loop, could be because they have to keep the information close to their chests, so as not to tip anyone off.

What I mean by that, is that word seems to gets around town fast, so police can't risk telling anyone outside of a small group of detectives. I read something similar to that effect when they talked about having the accused under surveillance for 2 weeks.
Yes - maybe they are timing how long it would take to go to a certain point and back - rule it out or rule it in. IMO

Looking back at Polair flight paths from earlier it all seems to be in a long line up and down that same stretch Buninyong to East Ballarat. MOO
Searchers, including specialists from the mounted police, cadaver dogs, and the search and rescue squad, among others, were all involved in the search through Buninyong Bushland Reserve.

Technology detection dogs will be at the centre of a fresh search for the body of allegedly murdered Victorian mother Samantha Murphy in Ballarat today.
The dogs will assist detectives in the search, but police have not specified the location of today's "operational activity".


I completely understand the need for police to keep things close to their chests for operational reasons. However what I am saying is that I am personally, subjectively picking up on a qualitative change in the “vibe” of communication with Mick, based on what the Daily F*%#^% reported regarding Mick turning up to the search site yesterday only to discover police had left. :oops: To me it is heartbreaking hearing this reported. How could Mick not feel frantic, distraught, and left out of the loop? The police could easily have given Mick a courtesy call before they departed the area just to explain they’d done a search based on new intelligence but nothing had been found…. No more or less info than what was reported via MSM. So why didn’t they do this? What was the family liason officer doing? I’m just saying that to me, the omission of this is meaningful. I don’t know what it means exactly but I do believe it’s significant. It’s the “vibe” of the thing… JMO…
I think you maybe putting too much weight on what the Daily Mail has reported MOO

Do you think that Mick has given an interview to the DM? I highly doubt that IMO

Also I'd say Mick stayed away , respecting the police investigation & than went for a drive himself when they had finished, again IMO

I imagine that Vic Police are treating the Murphy family with care & kindness , despite what click bait headlines the DM publish .
I hear what you are saying but personally I don’t believe Mick would have turned up at the search area after police had left looking frantic if he’d been kept informed…. Why would he want to subject himself to being hounded by the Daily Mail?

I am also not making any judgements about the care and kindness the police are extending to the Murphy family. I wouldn’t have any idea about this whatsoever, but my impression was they were providing daily updates and that’s why I was taken aback by the images and reporting from the Daily Mail.

Perhaps I am making too much of what’s reported in MSM <modsnip: off topic>
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But former police detective and private investigator, Duncan McNab, told Today the search will continue and information from the public could be key in finally finding Samantha.

"They hit it yesterday pretty hard because of the technological data, phone pinging, that sort of stuff that would have already been canvassed.

"But also they've seized his car and there might be something in that, soil traces bits of vegetable matter, that sort of stuff - there are a whole range of things that have taken it to that, but importantly, it's always the public coming forward that helps."

Video in link.
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