Seeking Key Info 6/10-6/14 for New Leads

(1) first laying the groundwork the week of 6/10, for murdering Cindy and framing George, and,
(2) a change in story to cover Caylee's demise 6/16 with the invention of Caylee being @ the nanny's to explain her being MIA, and reneging on having Amy move into G&C's.

Note: Casey telling Amy the G&C divorcing and Casey taking-over G&C’s house story was also laying the same groundwork for off’ing Cindy & framing George. It seems incredibly rare for Casey to tell the SAME story to both groups of friends. Casey reneged on this story to Amy 6/16 telling her the deal was off (also evidenced by Amy texting Casey she was going Tue 6/17 to fill out a change of address card to stop her things from going to G&C’s.) since Caylee died. With Caylee gone, Casey HAD to eliminate Amy from any move-in scenario. Amy was going to babysit Caylee in the new arrangement…changing that story was a top priority!

What caught my attention is the fact that "Amy" went to fill out a change of address card on June 17th. That is the same day that Z.F.G. went to Saw Grass... What if Amy and Casey were planing on getting rid of George and/or Cindy? As Casey had stated on June 16 telling "Amy" the deal was off. Again, brings me back to June 15th the night of the fight and that is when something happen to Caylee and Cindy and Casey know what happen and where Caylee is. Cindy as a nurse was not able to bring Caylee back so they plotted the new story. George was not home so they made up the script for all to follow which would make George lie about June 16 being the last time he saw Caylee and he is just protecting Casey and Cindy, as he still is and knows that Caylee is dead, even told the FBI the truth needs to come out, there is much more to this story..Again, June 17 could it be that "Amy" got that name for Casey? Maybe Casey had her on tape about getting rid of the parents and black mailed Amy? Just a thought, I find it odd that Amy went to fill out the change of address card on June 17 when she already knew June 16th that the deal was off..When did the deal close and did she already change her address prior? If not, why need to go and change it?

OMG! Please! Please! Go back and re-examine what we know about Amy. She is TRUELY a KC VICTIM! NOT an ACCOMPLICE!
OMG! Please! Please! Go back and re-examine what we know about Amy. She is TRUELY a KC VICTIM! NOT an ACCOMPLICE!

I'm with you, I don't think she had anything to do with this, she was just another KC victim. I wonder how CA reconciles the fact that KC told AH they were moving in the house and GA and her were moving out? How do you just not think of these things????
I realized this is out of your timeline, but in going over that timeline, I just have to ask a question.

On June 23rd, KC sent a message to Lee:

It's been said all along that KC talked code with Lee. Going with that thinking, is it possible that in this particular message, that KC is trying to tell Lee that a person by thy name of "Wendy" is who he should be talking to?

I've searched all thru the threads, and may have missed something, but is there anybody in KC's circle that we know of, named Wendy? We know KC knows all caps = yelling, so is she yelling the name Wendy out to Lee, instead of really referencing "the windy city"?

Chicago is the windy city so....
Mr. B. said he went to Chicago to visit family on his vacation. I was looking into the ‘windy’ comment by Casey to Lee and the fact that Chicago was the destination of the vacation to see what popped up. I found these names Casey seemed to have a knack for weaving people’s names that she knew into her stories so it made me wonder. If you looked up the address of the people under these two names I have to wonder if there could have been access to these people homes when they were not home to stash Caylee at night or maybe to dispose of her body. If you go the way the crow flys some of them are pretty close to the A’s address. .
May have nothing to do with anything. May be just another bunch of names that have a loose connection. Maybe be someone else can find something that makes this more.

Brian B. is listed here under #1. This is the correct person who is the neighbor next to the A’s. Our Mr. Shovel man

Look at the name of one of his possible roommates under #1 on this page.

If you use these links to enter the names found with you can see the city address and other names connected Orlando address of these people and any phone numbers attached.
(1) first laying the groundwork the week of 6/10, for murdering Cindy and framing George, and,
(2) a change in story to cover Caylee's demise 6/16 with the invention of Caylee being @ the nanny's to explain her being MIA, and reneging on having Amy move into G&C's.

Note: Casey telling Amy the G&C divorcing and Casey taking-over G&C’s house story was also laying the same groundwork for off’ing Cindy & framing George. It seems incredibly rare for Casey to tell the SAME story to both groups of friends. Casey reneged on this story to Amy 6/16 telling her the deal was off (also evidenced by Amy texting Casey she was going Tue 6/17 to fill out a change of address card to stop her things from going to G&C’s.) since Caylee died. With Caylee gone, Casey HAD to eliminate Amy from any move-in scenario. Amy was going to babysit Caylee in the new arrangement…changing that story was a top priority!

What caught my attention is the fact that "Amy" went to fill out a change of address card on June 17th. That is the same day that Z.F.G. went to Saw Grass... What if Amy and Casey were planing on getting rid of George and/or Cindy? As Casey had stated on June 16 telling "Amy" the deal was off. Again, brings me back to June 15th the night of the fight and that is when something happen to Caylee and Cindy and Casey know what happen and where Caylee is. Cindy as a nurse was not able to bring Caylee back so they plotted the new story. George was not home so they made up the script for all to follow which would make George lie about June 16 being the last time he saw Caylee and he is just protecting Casey and Cindy, as he still is and knows that Caylee is dead, even told the FBI the truth needs to come out, there is much more to this story..Again, June 17 could it be that "Amy" got that name for Casey? Maybe Casey had her on tape about getting rid of the parents and black mailed Amy? Just a thought, I find it odd that Amy went to fill out the change of address card on June 17 when she already knew June 16th that the deal was off..When did the deal close and did she already change her address prior? If not, why need to go and change it?

One thing that changed in the home at that time was CA. She was in counseling and she was starting to stand up for herself. That big fight may have saved her and GA's life; because if it was loud enough for the neighbors to hear that would give motive to KC and LE may not buy the murder, suicide theory.
From what I've read about the chloroform it is very addictive, they were getting high on that.

Seriously? I wondered about that "chloroform habit" search. Do people really use chloroform to get high? And not pass out from it? I've never heard of anyone doing that.
Just wanted to thank Bern and Bond and Ripley and all for the work you're doing on this thread. This scenario makes more sense to me than most. Wish I had time to try to help dig up data and fill in blanks.
i would like to see june 6th, thats the night she showed up at ric's after being at fusion (boss sent her to check on his daughter) she showed up at rics at 1130 had caylee with her...they spent the night. I think she may have been in the trunk when she was at fusion the pings should tell the story. tia

Kellio...very insightful!!

Can you point me to the statement detail on this night? I'd like to take a closer look based on what I'm seeing initially. Is it covered in only one persons statement (e.g. Ricardo's) or more than that?
Kellio...very insightful!!

Can you point me to the statement detail on this night? I'd like to take a closer look based on what I'm seeing initially. Is it covered in only one persons statement (e.g. Ricardo's) or more than that?

amy said she couldnt remember for sure, but if ric said so than it must have been this night.(not real helpful with the amy statement sorry) there was also someone that clued ric in on pix that were taken at fusion and posted on kc's myspace page. This is the best shot imo of proving the drugging and leaving in the car thing, especially with the pings. ric seemed pretty deadset on the date and could also be backed up with the pix being posted. I've read and reread so many interviews I'm not sure which one it was out of, but I'll go look for it I actually wrote it down on my notes so I wouldnt get the date wrong later. I'll get back to you when I find it. tia
amy said she couldnt remember for sure, but if ric said so than it must have been this night.(not real helpful with the amy statement sorry) there was also someone that clued ric in on pix that were taken at fusion and posted on kc's myspace page. This is the best shot imo of proving the drugging and leaving in the car thing, especially with the pings. ric seemed pretty deadset on the date and could also be backed up with the pix being posted. I've read and reread so many interviews I'm not sure which one it was out of, but I'll go look for it I actually wrote it down on my notes so I wouldnt get the date wrong later. I'll get back to you when I find it. tia

Can you please provide a link for this?

What I see for Friday June 6th in RM's interview is that KC did not show up AT ALL. He kept waiting and waiting for her and she kept saying she was delayed at work. But she went to Fusion and he did find photos on her facebook.

In his interview, he says he did not see Casey until Saturday the 7th at 11:00 pm when she came over to his house.
Just wanted to thank Bern and Bond and Ripley and all for the work you're doing on this thread. This scenario makes more sense to me than most. Wish I had time to try to help dig up data and fill in blanks.

Thanks, but I can't take credit, Bond, Georia PI, Ripley and a host of others make this thread pull together and they have done so much work with the pings and well.... everything that we get.
Can you please provide a link for this?

What I see for Friday June 6th in RM's interview is that KC did not show up AT ALL. He kept waiting and waiting for her and she kept saying she was delayed at work. But she went to Fusion and he did find photos on her facebook.

In his interview, he says he did not see Casey until Saturday the 7th at 11:00 pm when she came over to his house.

I just read in one of the threads that TL was mad at a party because KC had spent the night at RM'S just the night before, she stayed with Caylee and I am pretty sure it was June 9th, maybe on that ping thread.
Can you please provide a link for this?

What I see for Friday June 6th in RM's interview is that KC did not show up AT ALL. He kept waiting and waiting for her and she kept saying she was delayed at work. But she went to Fusion and he did find photos on her facebook.

In his interview, he says he did not see Casey until Saturday the 7th at 11:00 pm when she came over to his house.

your right sorry interveiw was a little hard to decipher. ric says they (kc and caylee) spent the nights of the 7th and 9th/I would love to see the pings from the 6th (fusion night) and the other 2 because she didnt show up until late, but had caylee both times. I think caylee was in the trunk all three nights while she was partying, not sure where she went after fusion on the 6th. anyone know ?
The Sunbird had 2 seperate backseats that folded down to expose the trunk area. On one side was the carseat, but the other side was easy to fold down. Casey could access the trunk area without ever exiting the car. She could have drugged Caylee and folded down that seat and let her sleep like that.

Something else that I thought was interesting was I recently saw a video interview of Cindy talking about Casey had bought an aerobed (blowup bed) for Caylee to use at the "babysitter's". WHERE exactly IS that bed....REALLY??? I wonder if Cindy actually saw that bed, or did Casey make that up. If it does exist, who has it???

In CA's 12+ minute attempt to explain the hairbrush fiasco, she was trying to explain how helpful she has been in turning things over to LE. She used an inflatable air mattress and hair straightener (that KC had told her Zanny had given her) as examples of some of the items she had found/remembered and contacted LE about and that they had picked up.

From this statement, I believe LE must have the mattress.
In the new doc dump on page 46/2316, JG says LA told him that his mother had confided in him that "the fight" with KC was about KC not being home and not bring Caylee by -- Which helps support your theory that she probably hadn't been there since the 9th.

Also, I noted in new docs on page 55/2325, Jean C, a neighbor, states he heard 2 arguments, not sure of dates but roughly one month before LE started coming to house on 15 and 16 July. But he knows the arguments were on weekends during the day while he was doing yard work. IIRC, he said KC was doing all the yelling on her way out to her car. So, this doesn't sound like a "big CA choking KC fight" during the night of 15 June -- and gives more credence to JG's info from LA, above.

On page 18/2378, TonE talks about the night of 5/31/08 when KC couldn't stay the night with him. Says she got a call, "--well, she said it was her mother and that she had to come home." I think there is further discussion in this area about other nights. Should we go back and see if there are any others that are specifically dated?

Hope these notations are helpful and don't add any confusion. You all are doing a wonderful job here!!!!
...thanks everyone! Appreciate the teamwork! Its all helpful.

Taking a hard look @ pre-6/15 pings now to try and understand what was happening. I've only been able to go through it once so far and it is revealing, IMHO.

Of note...

Casey's activities Fri 6/6PM into Sat 6/7AM are very interesting. Looks like an all-nighter and she starts the evening @ Tony's, then to Fusian, then back to Tony's, then she gets 2 calls from G&C's @ ~3:45AM and heads that way on a circuitous route ~4:30AM having a 13 minute phone call w/ Ricardo, then, texting w/ Amy @ 5AM passing by the airport. IIRC, Cindy was on vacation and keeping Caylee this week. The 3:45AM calls sure align w/ a "get your a$$ home" situation.

Similar situation occurs the next Saturday 6/14 @ 2:49AM w/ Cindy calling three times (2 from cell, then one from G&C's). Casey heads that way @ ~3:15AM and texts w/ Tony from there 'till ~3:20AM.

If Jean C. states two fights, then, that may align w/ above w/ last being 6/15 argument over being a responsible parent vs. staying out all night.

Have posted this before, but, worth repeating, IMHO. I speculate after the run-in @ Troy's bday party, Tony was prolly none-to-happy w/ Casey 'bout the situation w/ Ricardo, likely jealous, and likely giving Casey grief about where she was when she wasn't w/ him...esp. @ night. Lose-lose situation in Casey's eyes; Cindy, insisting Casey stay home to care for Caylee just fueled Tony's jealousy.

The week of 6/10-6/14...Casey prolly tried to find a soln to all these conflicts...

1) convincing Tony she was REALLY not w/ Ricardo while
2) keeping Caylee outta Tony's apt. and
3) unloading Caylee from Cindy-care and the biotchin' that came w/ it​

...the rub is Cindy stating Casey & Caylee weren't @ G&C's...yet Casey pings from the G&C area those nights into early AM each day...was she staying @ Lee's if Lee was outta town, sedating Caylee for quick-early-AM rendesvous to Tony's & back, in an attempt to appease the situation on both ends????

Casey staying @ Lee's w/ Caylee during this period is the only thing I can come up w/ to explain how she pinged in G&C's area yet Cindy stated they weren't @ the Anthony home.

Casey's activities Fri 6/6PM into Sat 6/7AM are very interesting. Looks like an all-nighter and she starts the evening @ Tony's, then to Fusian, then back to Tony's, then she gets 2 calls from G&C's @ ~3:45AM and heads that way on a circuitous route ~4:30AM having a 13 minute phone call w/ Ricardo, then, texting w/ Amy @ 5AM passing by the airport. IIRC, Cindy was on vacation and keeping Caylee this week. The 3:45AM calls sure align w/ a "get your a$$ home" situation.
Respectfully snipped. This portion agrees with RM's statement that I just finished taking notes on. Fri, 6/6 was the night he made dinner and waited for KC and she never showed. He says she called (the 13 min call?) and said she had to work -- and later that she was spying for her boss at FUL when RM discovered the pictures taken there that night.

On Sat he got home at 11PM and KC and Caylee were already there and both spent the night.
In CA's 12+ minute attempt to explain the hairbrush fiasco, she was trying to explain how helpful she has been in turning things over to LE. She used an inflatable air mattress and hair straightener (that KC had told her Zanny had given her) as examples of some of the items she had found/remembered and contacted LE about and that they had picked up.

From this statement, I believe LE must have the mattress. the context of what we're discussing now...some carpet fibers from Lee's house found on that air matress would be very telling, IMHO.
It sounds good if Lee was out of town. I don't have a clue how to research that. I can't even figure out where he works!
I don't know if you are thinking that KC did or did not take Caylee home when CA called. If you're thinking she might have left when her mom called just to stop RM from hearing those calls I have an idea what she might have done. -- There has been much attention drawn to Suburban Rd, where she ran out of gas and the shallow grave/rope was discovered. It would be in the same ping area. I could see her going to that secluded spot and both of them staying in the car together. She would have had the AC running (at least off and on) and that would be a further explanation of her insatiable need for gas. Just a brain storming idea.
It sounds good if Lee was out of town. I don't have a clue how to research that. I can't even figure out where he works!
I don't know if you are thinking that KC did or did not take Caylee home when CA called. If you're thinking she might have left when her mom called just to stop RM from hearing those calls I have an idea what she might have done. -- There has been much attention drawn to Suburban Rd, where she ran out of gas and the shallow grave/rope was discovered. It would be in the same ping area. I could see her going to that secluded spot and both of them staying in the car together. She would have had the AC running (at least off and on) and that would be a further explanation of her insatiable need for gas. Just a brain storming idea.

...ts'all good, EU. If you go back a page or two you'll see some work being done by Coley to est. Lee's in vs. outta town status pre-7/15. There's at least a good case to be made that he was in Chicago 6/23, the date Casey ran outta gas, when Casey sent a myspace msg to Lee re: "Windy City". The company Lee works for issued a PR later in July 'bout a new deal w/ a parking service Lee's company provides. Yet another WS provided some insightful #Bay activity dates for Lee that help frame in possible in-town dates. Note Lee didn't appear to spend time w/ George on Father's Day, 6/15, although George did work that day. And Lee stated the last time he saw Caylee was on Cindy's birthday, 6/5, IIRC...methinks Lee be a travelin' 'round the 6/10-6/14 dates too.

ETA: JWG...looks like the damsel-in-distress calls 6/23 are almost exclusively on Tower 22...supporting your thoughts, IIRC.
The thing is ...were believing CA that she didnt see her that week and she is a LIAR.I think that CA was watching Caylee off and on like she always has and she was calling her to tell her to get home, and it looks to me that KC was home off and on that whole week. Maybe she was at LA's but I think we would have heard a neighbor or two come forward about seeing her and Caylee at his place during the week someone would have seen or heard something, I imagine. She's sneaky but someone would have seen her. Looking at everything leading up to Caylee's -----,, KC had a very turbulent week,constant HARD partying,lack of sleep, Fighting and LYING to just about everyone...

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