Sidebar Discussion #2

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So who is telling the truth....KC to her probation officer or NE????

KC /= truth.

Do so love the images that article creates - finally someone gets a front row seat to FCAs theatre of the mind.

Baby talk. Wants to be the widdle victim.

A link has been posted to an article detailing the psychological meltdown and many personalities being exhibited by JB's client.

JUST IN TIME for the weekend depo! Who would have guessed? :-0

Thank you for posting this. You do know that the National Inquirer is a joke paper, yes? I do like the story even if it is BS. I derived great pleasure in the thought of her losing her marbles. :floorlaugh: That would be justice served up Karma style. :rollercoaster::rollercoaster::rollercoaster: :pullhair::phone::anguish::laughcry: I'll just keep :read::thumb: It's bound to happen! :scale:
KC /= truth.

Do so love the images that article creates - finally someone gets a front row seat to FCAs theatre of the mind.

Baby talk. Wants to be the widdle victim.


I think it's more like she is driving JB crazy.
What kills me is that she's not even trying. All those articles about all she's doing, and then she tells her probation officer she's not doing squat. Either her lawyers don't care anymore and have quit trying to rehab her image, or she is just shooting herself in the foot all on her own. And now a nervous breakdown with multiple personalities? Uh huh. Then next month it'll be "I didn't do squat again for another month but drink beer." Casey is sinking her own ship and very fast at that!

Maybe it's to specifically get sympathy from her mom, which would mean more funds sent her way? She sure isn't getting sympathy from anyone else!
Ok now more than ever I believe she is at home with mommy and daddy on the couch having convos with all of us here at WS while sipping on coronas. The anthonys are most definitely supporting her, and i wouldnt be surprised if shes holed up at hopespring right now. Unfortunately, the most work this girl has ever done or will ever do was the triple bagging, duct taping, and discarding of her baby girl.

The A's better hope KC didn't bury that bottle of chloroform in the back past the yard area on the other side of the fence. Maybe that is why she wanted the shovel. lol jmo
A link has been posted to an article detailing the psychological meltdown and many personalities being exhibited by JB's client.

JUST IN TIME for the weekend depo! Who would have guessed? :-0

Ugggh .... more and more excuses ... more suppositions as to KC's mental state ... IMO this is pure Cindy ... even Baez and Mason don't have the desire to feed this BS (easily disproved BS) to these rag mags

Nope, I'd be willing to bet the "inside source" is Cynthia herself !! She seems to be on a campaign to explain away KC's actions and even the murder of Caylee on some mental defect or breakdown or maybe even a tumor FPS
The woman will stop at nothing to soften KC's image and make her more sell-able in the process ...

I could be way off base, but I think most of what we read lately in People, National Enquirer, Inquirer etc is being fed to them by Cindy ... She's the "inside source" who's actually not on the inside at all ... JMO
What kills me is that she's not even trying. All those articles about all she's doing, and then she tells her probation officer she's not doing squat. Either her lawyers don't care anymore and have quit trying to rehab her image, or she is just shooting herself in the foot all on her own. And now a nervous breakdown with multiple personalities? Uh huh. Then next month it'll be "I didn't do squat again for another month but drink beer." Casey is sinking her own ship and very fast at that!

Maybe it's to specifically get sympathy from her mom, which would mean more funds sent her way? She sure isn't getting sympathy from anyone else!

Casey has an endless supply of sympathy for HERSELF, her sympathy factory is literally powered by a nuclear core. The lack of sympathy from the public is the fuel LOL.

Casey COULD try, but that's assuming she gives a flying fart. What are they going to to, put her back in jail for not getting a JOB?

She doesn't value the same things the rest of us take for granted. She has no "natural" shame. Rehabbing her image is not something Casey ever bought into, that's Baez speaking. She will continue to do what she's always done, whatever she wants to do.

Say she does go back to jail in a couple of months for refusing to get a job or sign up for college courses, or for popping positive on a drug screen. She goes back to jail to serve out some portion of her parole, and then she's out and parole is over.

She's a completely self-sufficient system. Fortunately for her, there will always be someone out there with some sort of savior issue or martyr issue who she'll be able to bleed.

I think of my ex-husband, here. He's been in prison most of the four years since I got rid of him. Most recently, for screwing up his parole. I found a MySpace and a Facebook for him, and he posted along as if his life were FABULOUS. And knowing him as I do, he believed it. His grandiosity and arrogance are unconnected to any real accomplishment, and his self pity is infinite. This is how I came to compare sociopathic people to cockroaches (no offense to cockroaches).

Cockroaches are happy and fat in a ghetto slum, and they are happy and fat in Martha Stewart's kitchen. This is philosophically very deep and profound, so take a moment to contemplate this in silence and respect LOL :crazy: .
Casey has an endless supply of sympathy for HERSELF, her sympathy factory is literally powered by a nuclear core. The lack of sympathy from the public is the fuel LOL.

Casey COULD try, but that's assuming she gives a flying fart. What are they going to to, put her back in jail for not getting a JOB?

She doesn't value the same things the rest of us take for granted. She has no "natural" shame. Rehabbing her image is not something Casey ever bought into, that's Baez speaking. She will continue to do what she's always done, whatever she wants to do.

Say she does go back to jail in a couple of months for refusing to get a job or sign up for college courses, or for popping positive on a drug screen. She goes back to jail to serve out some portion of her parole, and then she's out and parole is over.

She's a completely self-sufficient system. Fortunately for her, there will always be someone out there with some sort of savior issue or martyr issue who she'll be able to bleed.

I think of my ex-husband, here. He's been in prison most of the four years since I got rid of him. Most recently, for screwing up his parole. I found a MySpace and a Facebook for him, and he posted along as if his life were FABULOUS. And knowing him as I do, he believed it. His grandiosity and arrogance are unconnected to any real accomplishment, and his self pity is infinite. This is how I came to compare sociopathic people to cockroaches (no offense to cockroaches).

Cockroaches are happy and fat in a ghetto slum, and they are happy and fat in Martha Stewart's kitchen. This is philosophically very deep and profound, so take a moment to contemplate this in silence and respect LOL :crazy: .

LMO ... I'll have to remember that one ! It's true though, KC will adapt and will scheme and plan ... that we can count on

I really think her biggest problem right now is not being able to do what she wants to do, when she wants to do it and where she wants to do it ... she's not very patient at all ... IMO instead of being extremely thankful that she's free, she's most likely throwing hissy fits about superficial things ... she's quickly forgotten where she just came from, IMO she planned on big money when she was acquitted and it's not happening fast enough ... but, hey, she's being supported, probably somewhat catered to by Baez who's also waiting to cash in ... She's being housed, clothed, fed and even entertained but no doubt is taking that for granted by now ...

It should be interesting to see how well this caged animal is doing in another 4 months or so ...
I did wonder about this, though, after seeing some posts where the poster acted like Baez was a top authority, and some with explanations for everything that are so crazy it sounded like Cindy or Casey, or something Baez would have told Casey.

But then I realized how many posts there were, and that just seem liked too much for lazy Casey. No way would she be posting that much. Maybe Cindy, though, because of sheer arrogance and ordering everyone else around like minions, but I think Cindy wouldn't quite be so coherent at this point, and there was no mention of seizures, LOL.

Maybe it's one of those student interns again. LOL.

I suppose there are a lot of possibilities for these articles and posts defending KC, but think KC would be the LAST person to admit to any mental defect whatsoever ... it's just not in her makeup to admit fault of any kind, IMO ...
KC's more into the "poor me" thing, everybody hates me, me, me, me ...
I believe she's just about as shallow as a person can get ...
A link has been posted to an article detailing the psychological meltdown and many personalities being exhibited by JB's client.

JUST IN TIME for the weekend depo! Who would have guessed? :-0

Did you notice how the "source" included the recent judgment to pay for the investigation as one of the possible triggers for her soon-to-be breakdown?

Poor Casey. She's gonna "end up in a straitjacket."

And yes, just in time for the depo, she is conveniently ill...which of course many of us expected.
Good Reasons a narcissist might want to have a breakdown:

She is referred to as the most hated woman in the US.

Her Mom & Dad got the big Interview and Publicity.

Her Mom says there something very wrong with her daughter.

Her number one attorney is on TV and flying off to Aruba to be on another spotlighted case.

She has to do probation in Northern Florida and take pictures in the woods to keep herself busy... Woods might not be the best place for someone who spent the last three years in lockup because she dumped her child in a wooded trashy swamp.

She has been ordered to pay back nearly $300, 000 to the State of Florida.

She lost another case where yet another disturbing video was court ordered to be made available to the public.

Amanda Knox was acquitted and flown home from Italy to a throng of supporters after her family made a brief statement for the press.

Then AK, gave a well spoken "Thank You" speech at a podium for all of the major networks...probably for no money.

And now this narcissist has to go sit in a room on a Saturday and answer a bunch of question but she can only say..."I take the 5th."

What a bummer (insert sarcasm) poor her no one likes her anymore and where is her check, d@mn it?
Thank you for posting this. You do know that the National Inquirer is a joke paper, yes? I do like the story even if it is BS. I derived great pleasure in the thought of her losing her marbles. :floorlaugh: That would be justice served up Karma style. :rollercoaster::rollercoaster::rollercoaster: :pullhair::phone::anguish::laughcry: I'll just keep :read::thumb: It's bound to happen! :scale:

Ohhhhh, I've got it! She has been watching Sybil for the last three months.
The A's better hope KC didn't bury that bottle of chloroform in the back past the yard area on the other side of the fence. Maybe that is why she wanted the shovel. lol jmo

:eek: Great Point LambChop.
..i wasn't aware of this-----her trial was happening at the very same time, in the very same place, just down on the 1st floor of the OCC. she's kicking herself that she didn't get the "pinellas12"..

Billy Bob Thornton’s Daughter Found Guilty in Same Courthouse as Casey Anthony Trial

Amanda was tried in the same courthouse as the more high profile case of Casey Anthony, the Florida mother accused of killing her two-year-old daughter.

“In contrast to the more high-profile Casey Anthony trial, expected to drag on for months in a courtroom 13 floors above it, the Brumfield trial took less than a week,” the OS reports.
I've never read NE, but I did read that link.... probably all drivel. The first sentence cracked me up though: "Casey's friends....." She has friends? They must be referring to JB and his gang.
bbm: I think that is exactly what happened, in preparation for the big "thank you" by CMA. Hoping that "thank you" might be seen and revered by the masses. :floorlaugh:

The timing of her "thank you" was simply pathetic. She has been out of jail for close to 3 months, and upon Ms. Knox's home-coming and the awaiting of Knox's arrival by the many who supported her and the media, CMA comes up with a "thank you" on that exact same date. FCMA is so transparent, so predictable........

I suppose there could have been a "team" of people who could have been clicking on that link for days to generate hits so it could move up in the search engines. If JB and his minions are still hoping for a big pay-day for FCMA, it might still be worth his while to orchestrate something like that, he may have not give up hope yet for that $$ he so hoped for. I do not put it past any of them.

or others who are just working on an FCMA-rehab-tour so maybe a book by her would be tolerated by the public and not out-right protested, or some other obscure "event" where JB and FCMA can make some $$ might not cause a negative uproar. Fat chance of that happening any time soon, IMO.

IMO, MOO, etc.

Can't speak to other search engines, but Google penalizes sites with repeat clicks, in a poor attempt to raise their ranking. Google looks at UNIQUE visitors, not repeat visitors - especially redundant repeat visitors! I've never heard of any KC Thank you site, and prefer not to even sneak a peak.
This may be old news but I still get those text messages from the Sentinel News on FCA. I am just hoping one day to get the one that she has finally been locked up for good for the murder of her baby.

Today's text at 12:36pm says Casey is expected to take the 5th in Saturday's depo.

I had forgotten about the depo, but that is what I figured she would do. When I come here to WS to see what others may be saying I was shocked to see there is still a side bar thread. :woohoo:
I do miss the side bar thread. It keep me going through the crazy trial.

Each time I get a text from the Sentinel, I too hope it will be that she got locked up!
I've never read NE, but I did read that link.... probably all drivel. The first sentence cracked me up though: "Casey's friends....." She has friends? They must be referring to JB and his gang.

There's her whole list of imaginary friends, don't you know. I bet she talks to them all the time...:floorlaugh:
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