Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #19

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I'm glad to know I wasn't the only inbred that was offended. Now, I'm gonna go take my inbred azz and go make dinner. I'll check back later.
Hi people- another 'clannish/inbred' Okie here to voice my opinion on the posts from the day. Let me start by saying that I don't give a rat's behind if the POI is purple with pink stripes - if identifying him could help with solving the horrific murders of these precious babies, then no one in their right mind should care what the nationality or race of the POI could be in any other regards except FINDING AND QUESTIONING him. Also, I would also like to welcome anyone new to voice his/her opinions on the case - however, please refrain from correcting the spelling, punctuation or grammar of any fellow sleuther. It is a very unnecessary practice and one we do not take kindly to on here. A lot of us have put a tremendous amount of time and love in keeping the memory of these girls alive. We have traveled countless miles to pay our respects and NONE of us will rest easily until this case is solved. The last thing we do care about is who can spell or punctuate correctly. I doubt Skyla and Taylor care either right now. Bringing their killers to justice is our only priority. There is a forum that devotes a tremendous amount of time to name calling and editing of other posts - it is called Topix. Let's keep this forum as it has been all along -

:clap: Love your post AF!!!! Bravo!
Hmmm wonder why? Maybe she needs to research this a little bit:furious: I can think of better ways to introduce myself.
I'm glad to know I wasn't the only inbred that was offended. Now, I'm gonna go take my inbred azz and go make dinner. I'll check back later.

Laugh - I'm not even from there - and have TOTALLY eastern European roots - and I found it an odd statement.

EVERYWHERE you go places are "clannish" ... I go to South San Antonio .. if you aren't hispanic ... I "stick out" ... I go to parts of the rural south ... I'd "stick out" because I'm a "yankee" ... I go up to Chicago - I "stick out" because I'm "from the south" ...

I think it's silly to make assessments regarding the socialogy of a region. Bottom line is two little girls were murdered - and I pray they find who did this.
Well said, pamlet. When we all went to Oklahoma, I tried to talk with a southern accent so I didn't stick out as being a northerner so much. I don't think it worked very well. :D
Well said, pamlet. When we all went to Oklahoma, I tried to talk with a southern accent so I didn't stick out as being a northerner so much. I don't think it worked very well. :D

How funny ... I think when someone TRIES they stick out even more...

I think y'all going out there was good - it brought attention back to the case and I bet it showed the families that there are people out here that really do care what happened to their little girls!

We drive near that area a couple times a year .. I've always been fond of eastern OK ... have always felt safe and comfortable .. so this case really gave me the willies...
Well said, pamlet. When we all went to Oklahoma, I tried to talk with a southern accent so I didn't stick out as being a northerner so much. I don't think it worked very well. :D
Between your southern accent and my eh's all the time.............we did stick out especially at the Roundup, lmao.
Between your southern accent and my eh's all the time.............we did stick out especially at the Roundup, lmao.
We sure did, Lauren! I tried not to say too much while we were there because I would give myself away in a minute. They could have spotted my fake accent a mile away. :D That was SUCH a good time though!!
Hi people- another 'clannish/inbred' Okie here to voice my opinion on the posts from the day. Let me start by saying that I don't give a rat's behind if the POI is purple with pink stripes - if identifying him could help with solving the horrific murders of these precious babies, then no one in their right mind should care what the nationality or race of the POI could be in any other regards except FINDING AND QUESTIONING him. Also, I would also like to welcome anyone new to voice his/her opinions on the case - however, please refrain from correcting the spelling, punctuation or grammar of any fellow sleuther. It is a very unnecessary practice and one we do not take kindly to on here. A lot of us have put a tremendous amount of time and love in keeping the memory of these girls alive. We have traveled countless miles to pay our respects and NONE of us will rest easily until this case is solved. The last thing we do care about is who can spell or punctuate correctly. I doubt Skyla and Taylor care either right now. Bringing their killers to justice is our only priority. There is a forum that devotes a tremendous amount of time to name calling and editing of other posts - it is called Topix. Let's keep this forum as it has been all along -

BRAVO AF :clap:
Excuse my dropping in without further introductions (and especially without familiarizing myself with each of the many posts on this grim yet fascinating topic, so pardon me if I'm repeating what you all already know), let me just opine that, having spent most of my lifetime in southeastern Kansas and northeastern Oklahoma and, as well, knowing from having taught many students from the general area of this heinous crime the secluded and figuratively inbred nature of rural areas [by "figuratively inbred" I mean "clannish; unwilling to speak to others about what they know, due to lack of trust of authorities." See post below for apology for initial poor word-choice.] such as this one--that not just a few but many people figure to know exactly who was responsible for the Weleetka murders. These deaths remind me vividly of the Locust Grove Girl Scout camp murders from 1977, right down to the first "suspect" being a Native American, as in the artist's rendition here. In that case over 31 years ago, many feel that Gene LeRoy Hart was not the perpetrator and that, rather, the crimes were committed by non-Native locals and more than a few feel that they were not charged because of the advantages whites have, or had, in escaping justice--which may or may not be the case here, but one notes that months have indeed gone by without an arrest, and one wonders.
Speaking for myself of course,I am not offended by MD's post.Many people in the Weleetka area are clannish....that doesn't mean everyone,but there are quite a few folks who are.I agree that several people do know who is responsible for the murder's of Skyla and Taylor.Why aren't they talking?Because they are clannish...they stick together...right or wrong.
Now I would like to change the subject somewhat.How often to you think the murderer's and the people that know who the murderer's are read this message board?I'm gonna guess at least every evening,if not more.They follow it as closely as some of us do.
Last night,during a long tedious case at work,we were running out of topics to discuss,so I asked everyone in the room their opinion on the murder's of Skyla and Taylor.Answers varied.Alot were the same speculations we have shared here.
Then something popped in my head...why would anyone take the chance/risk of killing two people (let alone two children) in broad daylight,out in the open,using a fire arm(s)when gunshots would most likely be heard?
Because they had no choice(in their mind they had no choice)One or both girl's could identify them.The girls knew/saw something incriminating.The multiple gunshot wounds suggest that the murderer's didn't want either girl to survive and were in a hurry to kill the girls ASAP and get the hell out of Dodge.This was not a long drawn out incident,thus torture was not a factor.The aggressive murderer's were desperate to get the job done fast.Taylor was the main focus.This is MOPO.
And now a few words for the murderer's and the people that know who they are: you aren't as sly as you think you are.Do you understand what bad karma is?You took the lives of two precious little girls.And those of you who are protecting these murderer's,you are just as guilty.May you never have comfort in your life,or peace in your mind until you come forward and do the
right thing.And until you do,from this day on,everywhere you go,you will see children,and each child you see will remind you of Skyla and Taylor.Lastly,when you see the twinkle of a Christmas light this holiday,think of the girls.
Speaking for myself of course,I am not offended by MD's post.Many people in the Weleetka area are clannish....that doesn't mean everyone,but there are quite a few folks who are.I agree that several people do know who is responsible for the murder's of Skyla and Taylor.Why aren't they talking?Because they are clannish...they stick together...right or wrong.
Now I would like to change the subject somewhat.How often to you think the murderer's and the people that know who the murderer's are read this message board?I'm gonna guess at least every evening,if not more.They follow it as closely as some of us do.
Last night,during a long tedious case at work,we were running out of topics to discuss,so I asked everyone in the room their opinion on the murder's of Skyla and Taylor.Answers varied.Alot were the same speculations we have shared here.
Then something popped in my head...why would anyone take the chance/risk of killing two people (let alone two children) in broad daylight,out in the open,using a fire arm(s)when gunshots would most likely be heard?
Because they had no choice(in their mind they had no choice)One or both girl's could identify them.The girls knew/saw something incriminating.The multiple gunshot wounds suggest that the murderer's didn't want either girl to survive and were in a hurry to kill the girls ASAP and get the hell out of Dodge.This was not a long drawn out incident,thus torture was not a factor.The aggressive murderer's were desperate to get the job done fast.Taylor was the main focus.This is MOPO.
And now a few words for the murderer's and the people that know who they are: you aren't as sly as you think you are.Do you understand what bad karma is?You took the lives of two precious little girls.And those of you who are protecting these murderer's,you are just as guilty.May you never have comfort in your life,or peace in your mind until you come forward and do the
right thing.And until you do,from this day on,everywhere you go,you will see children,and each child you see will remind you of Skyla and Taylor.Lastly,when you see the twinkle of a Christmas light this holiday,think of the girls.

Excellent post. BTW~ it is good to see you again. I have had the same thoughts about the murderers wanting to silence the girls and having no choice but to commit the crime in the bright, daylight hours. However, I have also considered the fact that the perp(s) may have been on drugs and simply not thought through all the ramifications of their actions. Any thoughts on that account?

And now a few words for the murderer's and the people that know who they are: you aren't as sly as you think you are.Do you understand what bad karma is?You took the lives of two precious little girls.And those of you who are protecting these murderer's,you are just as guilty.May you never have comfort in your life,or peace in your mind until you come forward and do the
right thing.And until you do,from this day on,everywhere you go,you will see children,and each child you see will remind you of Skyla and Taylor.Lastly,when you see the twinkle of a Christmas light this holiday,think of the girls.
That is very well said, k4k... Coming from someone who merely heard about this case on the news back in June, I find myself thinking about them and their families every time I see signs of what the holidays are SUPPOSED to be about. I went to a Christmas program for my 3yo niece last night, and it was hard not to think of the girls when all the kids were singing Christmas songs and ringing little bells... :(

We've had a good streak of cases solved recently, and I pray day in and day out that this one is next on the list. Good to see you again :)

From the very beginning I have thought drugs were somehow involved.The perp's made their split second decision to kill the girls because at that moment they felt that it was the only solution to avoid getting busted.With their limited ability to think rationally,the perp's thought killing the girl's was the only way to silence them/keep the truth from coming out.There isn't a more selfish and cowardly act,then killing two innocent little girl's to save your own a$$.MOPO.
From the very beginning I have thought drugs were somehow involved.The perp's made their split second decision to kill the girls because at that moment they felt that it was the only solution to avoid getting busted.With their limited ability to think rationally,the perp's thought killing the girl's was the only way to silence them/keep the truth from coming out.There isn't a more selfish and cowardly act,then killing two innocent little girl's to save your own a$$.MOPO.

I totally agree!!! Well said!

*Bolded by me*
Hi. I just wanted to introduce myself and make my first post. I have been a lurker for some time now, reading all the threads related to this case. I live in a small, rural town in Indiana and have taught for 22 years. I teach 5th grade. I find nothing odd about the girls taking along a purse on their walk. I also have two girls (now 21 & 22) and a 14 year old son. It would not be uncommon for the girls to take trinkets, lip gloss, and other treasures when going for a walk.
I was touched by your walk and the tribute each made to the girls. I am disappointed that this case has not been highlighted more often in the public’s eye. Did I read that someone took time to stack up the 13 shell casings? Also, could you tell me how they were stacked? This has always stuck with me as odd. I apologize if this has already been discussed, but I couldn’t find it. My thoughts and prayers are with the girls and their families.
I have the hardest time trying to understand why the people of the Weleetka area aren't demanding justice, banging on the door of the sheriff asking, "What have you done to find these killers?" This would at least bring some attention via the newspapers and television stations around if they started making a big ruckus. I honestly think this case will be swept under the rug and forgotten. They obviously don't want help from the public because they never release any information. Any little tidbits they might release could trigger a memory of something that someone though totally unimportant.
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