State v Bradley Cooper 5-3-11

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BZ says it is a fact that the router that was connected to his home computer used to spoof the call to NCs phone is now missing, but we know there is no evidence that a spoofed call was made, DD even said that it was not provable. We also know there is no evidence that that morning he had a router connected to his home computer that could make that call. Why would Boz lie about that?
What digital evidence are you referring to? Just curious, all this technological stuff is going over my head.

I was making an inference. All that was destroyed, we don't know exactly what it is.
At a minimum,
- the rest of the 7/11 map search (the cookie files)
- some call records on his phone
- anything on the missing router
- any other research he did on how to commit a "perfect murder".
and Perhaps,
- he had a hand a helping the CPD wipe NC's phone
All the computer activity BC did on 7/11/08, including the secure https searches into his bank, hilton honors program, etc had invalid timestamps. And not even the defense is claiming that https web activity is invalid. Further, activity (Cisco work activity) Cooper did on 7/10 and 7/11 had invalid timestamps. So did LE plant secure Cisco work activity on BC's computer?

All of those other usages are valid. And they help prove the Google search validity because they exist along with the Google search. And, the log report of BC logging into his laptop and reentering his password on his laptop as it times out in 10 min of no activity, further corroborates this. Boz detailed this for 7/11 and 7/12. Go listen to his closing.

You cannot logically make the argument that evidence was planted on BC's computer. There was no tampering.
No, it wasn't the exact same router. Even Kurtz admitted that at the end of the testimony. Plus no one verified that the Chicago invoice was legit. The witness did not know what it was. Anyone could have printed it. It was a worthless piece of paper Kurtz threw out there to mislead and confuse.

And, many others heard Kurtz and remain confused. It is the defense's job to confuse, if possible, and hold forth many plausible and semi, maybe-if possibilities. Kurtz does/did this part of his job very well. :maddening:
Brad Cooper selectively erased specific calls and specific text messages on his own cell phone. The call history on his cell phone does not match the full call log from AT&T.

He erased the test calls that he used to setup the spoof. He erased the text messages he was sent in the 24 min he was driving around and not answering CPD phone calls to his cell phone. He left other calls--specifically the ones he wanted police to focus on as part of his alibi.

Then he claimed to both police and David F. during the search that he didn't know how to bring up his own call history on his cell phone.

I mean C'MON!
Boz also lies and says that BC made a google search 12 hours before murdering her. Well, lets assume for a minute that this supposedly "incontrovertible fact" as Boz calls it was true, then how could her blood alcohol level be so low? He was to have made the goodle search at 1:15 PM, 12 hours later would be 1:15 AM, how was alcohol able to metabolize so quickly through NCs body when we know that her BAC, based on decomp, three days later was only .06? I would say that is not such an "incontrovertible fact." I was under the impression that the State was not allowed to lie to the Jury?
I was making an inference. All that was destroyed, we don't know exactly what it is.
At a minimum,
- the rest of the 7/11 map search (the cookie files)
- some call records on his phone
- anything on the missing router
- any other research he did on how to commit a "perfect murder".
and Perhaps,
- he had a hand a helping the CPD wipe NC's phone

Do you have proof that BC destroyed any or all of these items. If not, perhaps it would be wise to insert that this is in your opinion. Finally, what possible motive or means would BC have to help CPD wipe his own's phone?
Does anyone have a theory as to WHY the prosecution elected NOT to present the testimony that would have put that router in BCs house on 7/11?? That would have been pretty damning.

They did. The still unfound router was the one they say was used to make that call to pick up juice. (a call from Nancy) Blue Juice that the baby didn't drink. She drank green juice. If it was used in wee hours of morning on 12th it goes to show it was there on the 11th.
The theory of the planted map search during the first 27 hours has a flaw that I have not seen discussed here before. If someone else killed her, and this evidence was planted at that early time, they are very lucky that no biological forensics were found later.

What if a neighbor's bloody thumbprint showed up in the back of an abandoned van with a spool of electrical wire and a pack of cigarettes?

Someone would have some explaining to do.
All the computer activity BC did on 7/11/08, including the secure https searches into his bank, hilton honors program, etc had invalid timestamps. And not even the defense is claiming that https web activity is invalid. Further, activity (Cisco work activity) Cooper did on 7/10 and 7/11 had invalid timestamps. So did LE plant secure Cisco work activity on BC's computer?

All of those other usages are valid. And they help prove the Google search validity because they exist along with the Google search. And, the log report of BC logging into his laptop and reentering his password on his laptop as it times out in 10 min of no activity, further corroborates this. Boz detailed this for 7/11 and 7/12. Go listen to his closing.

You cannot logically make the argument that evidence was planted on BC's computer. There was no tampering.

I think that a lot of what you are stating as "fact" is only your opinion. You should be clear as to what was in testimony and what was not.
BZ wants us to believe that BC came home from work that Friday night, pulled his car into the garage and no one noticed?
The theory of the planted map search during the first 27 hours has a flaw that I have not seen discussed here before. If someone else killed her, and this evidence was planted at that early time, they are very lucky that no biological forensics were found later.

What if a neighbor's bloody thumbprint showed up in the back of an abandoned van with a spool of electrical wire and a pack of cigarettes?

Someone would have some explaining to do.

I mentioned this a few times in the preceding weeks. That this nefarious planter would have had to have been psychic on top of everything else because none of the physical evidence had been analyzed at that point. DNA, fibers, hair, foliage, the substance under NC's nails, the rape kit...none of it had been tested by 7/16 when this 'planting' supposedly occurred.
BZ wants us to believe that BC came home from work that Friday night, pulled his car into the garage and no one noticed?

Right. In that neighborhood, as much as the neighbors were into each other's personal lives, I find that very hard to believe. Plus this was a Friday night, after a neighborhood party, where people were up very late.

I had to laugh when another W/S poster said something like with everything BC had to do that night "Boz would have us believe BC was batman". LOL!
To answer a couple of Q's, or maybe not to answer but to respond, I am not going to name names - that was not my purpose. There as a birthdqay party for Nancy at Java Jive in 2008 for anyone to attend - guest book, decorations, photos, balloons, coloring pages for the children. Donnie Harrison stopped by, press covered it, several of the friends were there, people from wS. One person said she was going to send the materials from the party to the Rentz family. She was questioned several times in the weeks following the get-together, always saying she was going to send the materials, but she never did. I am not going to post a link as it has nothing to do with the trial, but the reason I brought it up was to let others who were involved know the outcome.

As far as the questions about my impressions of court yesterday - it just turned very personal and emotional for me. I thought the arguments by the defense were very well done, although I could barely hear Trenkle at times. Had I not seen some of the blackout testimony and some of the suppressed evidence and testimony I may have been convinced when the defense concluded.

Chief Bazemore in one of her early press conferences after Nancy's body was found said that this was a case of the worst kind of domestic violence. Indeed it was. However, there is no "good" kind of domestic violence. All the haranguing about the CPD and disparagements about the friends' involvement, and the other distractions about the case does not change the fact that Nancy knew she was in some kind of danger, although she certainly did not and could not, see the depth of that danger. There are all kinds of abuse - most of it is not physically evident and most of it takes place behind closed doors, out of the purview of the public eye. Nancy, by nature a very social person, was screaming out for help by telling her family, friends and even new acquaintances about her situation. She did feel trapped. She was trapped not only financially, but emotionally, by social convention, and other ways. She was a butterfly whose wings were pinned.

Don't talk to me about BMw's, and pedicures, and other lifestyle trappings. They mean nothing. Stuff. That's all. And stuff is nothing compared with a life. I have to make this all personal to me. I was a mother with two little girls, moved from the north to the RTP area. I got an "allowance" much less than Nancy's. But we had expensive cars, lived in a house larger and nicer than the Coopers, expensive furniture, oriental rugs, children in preschool and then private school. I cried every day. when the abuse escalated into physical violence I finally got the courage to leave. I was sick to my soul from the abuse. I went to Interact. I divorced him. Alimony. Child support. Until he decided to stop paying.

My ex said I was not abused because he hadn't shot me, he hadn't broken any of my bones, and my face wasn't mashed black and blue.

So don't talk to me about "stuff". Life has not been easy. Not all the scars healed. Not all my children's scars healed.

The prosecutions' closing was very powerful. It hit me viscerally. I cried. Old feelings welled up inside and merged with the sadness I felt for the family's and friends' loss, and with the anger that this horrible tragic violence had occured and ended the life of this lovely young mother who had such love for her children, and such potential.

There was a lot of sadness in the courtroom, a lot of crying and tears. A lot of hearts broken forever.

I'm afraid for a more factual description you will have to rely on someone else.

BDI. A guilty verdict would be just.

Thanks for sharing, Star12. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and am glad you got out of that situation and have moved forward with your children and your life.

One good thing which has come from this trial and this forum is the references to Interact. I hear it's an outstanding organization.
If the 6:05 call to the cell was a test as Boz wasnts us to believe, another "incontrovertible fact," why is there no record of the "missing router" doing that? Boz is also lying about the 23 seconds, PG said 22 seconds. Looks like Boz is trying to squeeze the "incontrovertible facts" to fit his theory.
Thank you Star12 for giving us your perspective. That was very poignant. I hope the jury was paying close attention too. I could hear the sobbing in the courtroom during H.C's last 3 min. That just gutted me. No matter what you believe, you have to know that Nancy died a horrible death.
Boz lies again, there are more VOIP certified engineers, even in 2008 then 152, why is Boz lying?

Why does Boz think that a VOIP engineer would be an expert on Cellular technology? Those are two completely separate technologies, worlds apart. Why is he trying to confuse the jury with supposed "incontrovertible facts" that are not even close to facts?
Thanks. That doesn't mean much of anything. He wouldn't have taken her seriously even if he had talked with her. I think it's another example of Nancy going in 10 directions at once, with none of them being well thought out.

I think if it is going to be brought up as an "incontrovertible fact" that it means a lot.
They did. The still unfound router was the one they say was used to make that call to pick up juice. (a call from Nancy) Blue Juice that the baby didn't drink. She drank green juice. If it was used in wee hours of morning on 12th it goes to show it was there on the 11th.

The prosecution would like us to believe that the "missing" 3825 was used to place the call although more logically the 2851 ordered by BC would have been a more logical choice.

The 2nd half of your statement, the part about the juice, is just completely inaccurate.
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